Câu chuyện MidReal

The Baby Blues

Bối cảnh:A episode transcript based on Dummies is an episode of series 8. Rebecca has trouble looking after the baby twins. She buys some dummies from the chemist. But after waking the babies up by Mr. Rabbit's singing, He is unable to stop them from crying.
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A episode transcript based on Dummies is an episode of series 8. Rebecca has trouble looking after the baby twins. She buys some dummies from the chemist. But after waking the babies up by Mr. Rabbit's singing, He is unable to stop them from crying.

Rebecca Parker

desperate, and resourceful. Rebecca buys dummies to soothe her crying babies but faces challenges when Mr. Rabbit's singing wakes them up. She tries to calm them down but ends up frustrated and exhausted.


Mr. Rabbit

oblivious, and entertaining. Mr. Rabbit sings loudly in the park, unknowingly disturbing Rebecca's attempts to calm her babies. His presence adds chaos to Rebecca's already stressful situation.


Sarah Parker

helpful, and patient. Sarah offers to help Rebecca with the babies but is not available when needed most due to work commitments.

I sat on my blanket in the park, surrounded by other parents, nannies, and children.
The babies were crying in their stroller and I had no idea how to stop them.
I was so stressed out and overwhelmed that I didn’t even notice Mr. Rabbit’s silly song and dance show going on just a few feet away from me.
A woman approached me, smiling kindly.
"Are you alright?" she asked.
I sighed.
"I don’t know what to do with them," I admitted.
"They won’t stop crying."
"Oh dear," she said sympathetically.
"Have you tried giving them dummies?"
I asked, closing my eyes in embarrassment.
"I’m a first time mom, I don’t even know what they are."
A pacifier!
Why didn’t I think of that?
After the show, I quickly gathered the babies and my things and headed to the chemist on the high street.
Once inside, I rushed to the baby section and grabbed a two-pack of dummies.
I didn’t even care what kind or what they looked like; I just wanted them to work.
Before leaving the house the next morning, I popped one into each baby’s mouth.
The Baby Blues