Bối cảnh:A transcript for it based on Tennis is an episode of series 8.
Grandpa Pig takes Peppa and George for a game of tennis.
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A transcript for it based on Tennis is an episode of series 8.
Grandpa Pig takes Peppa and George for a game of tennis.
Grandpa Pig
patient, and playful. Grandpa Pig takes Peppa and George to play tennis, teaching them the basics of the game. He encourages them to hit the ball back and forth, enjoying their company and laughter. Despite struggling with his serve, he remains cheerful and supportive throughout their time together.
George Pig
observant, and determined. George initially finds it difficult to hit the ball but eventually succeeds after watching Peppa's attempts. His interactions with Peppa are gentle and supportive as they encourage each other during their game.
Peppa Pig
energetic, and playful. Peppa joins her brother George and Grandpa Pig for a game of tennis, eager to learn new skills. She struggles at first but eventually manages to hit the ball back to Grandpa Pig. Her excitement and joy are contagious as she plays with her family.
Grandpa Pig: Come on, Peppa and George.
Let's go and play some tennis.
Peppa Pig: Yes.
I love tennis.
George Pig: Me too.
Grandpa Pig: Good.
Now watch me serve.
*The ball bounces away*
Grandpa Pig: Now hit the ball back to me.
Peppa Pig: Oink!
*The ball bounces away*
Grandpa Pig: That was a good try, Peppa. Now hit it again.
Peppa Pig: Oink!
*The ball bounces away*
Grandpa Pig: Well done, Peppa. You got it back to me.
Now it's your turn, George.
George Pig: Okay.
*The ball bounces away*
Grandpa Pig: Now hit it back to Grandpa Pig.
George Pig: Oink!
*The ball misses George*
Grandpa Pig: Don't worry, George. You'll get it next time.
George Pig: Yes.
Grandpa Pig: Watch how Peppa does it.
Peppa Pig: Oink!
*The ball bounces to George*
George Pig: Okay.
*Swings racket and misses*
Grandpa Pig: Nearly, George. Try again.
George Pig: Oink!
*Hits the ball*
Grandpa Pig: Well done, George. Now hit it again.
George Pig: Oink!
*Hits the ball*
Grandpa Pig: Good. Now let's hit the balls back and forth.
Peppa Pig and George Pig: Oink!
*They hit the balls back and forth*
Grandpa Pig: Well done, Peppa and George. Now let's get even faster.
Peppa Pig and George Pig: Oink!
*They hit the balls even faster*
Grandpa Pig: This is great fun.
Peppa Pig and George Pig: Yes!
Grandpa Pig: Let's keep going until one of us misses.
Peppa Pig and George Pig: Oink!