Câu chuyện MidReal

The Guardian's Quest

Bối cảnh:This spiteful guardian is female. She has gray eyes, a dark complexion, and wavy dull blond hair pinned neatly back. She is very tall, a bit pudgy, and her duty attire is a suit of light armor in black and ice blue. Her preferred weapon is a rifle and her mission is to stop a distraught sorceress and save the princess. She volunteers for charity and is a decent pianist.
Tạo phiên bản của tôi cho câu chuyện này
This spiteful guardian is female. She has gray eyes, a dark complexion, and wavy dull blond hair pinned neatly back. She is very tall, a bit pudgy, and her duty attire is a suit of light armor in black and ice blue. Her preferred weapon is a rifle and her mission is to stop a distraught sorceress and save the princess. She volunteers for charity and is a decent pianist.

Lilya Stone

compassionate, and skilled. Lilya volunteers at a local orphanage and is a decent pianist. She is haunted by her past failure to save her sister from the same sorceress. Despite her fears, she bravely faces danger to protect the princess and prevent further harm.


Evelyn Stone

gentle, and innocent. Her death deeply affects Lilya, driving her to seek revenge against the sorceress. Evelyn's memory serves as a motivation for Lilya's actions and a reminder of her past failure.


Princess Isabella

trusting, and vulnerable. Despite being unaware of the danger surrounding her, she remains kind and appreciative towards Lilya's efforts to protect her.

Name: Lilya Stone
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130
Hair: Wavy, dull blond (pinned back)
Eyes: Gray
Skin: Dark complexion
Armor: Black and ice blue, light
Weapon: Rifle
Goal: Protect the princess and stop the sorceress from hurting anyone else.
Motivation: Guarding is what I do and I do it well.
Personality traits: Determined, compassionate, skilled, guilty, haunted, brave.
Flaws: Haunted by her past failure to save her sister, afraid of not being able to save the princess.
Volunteered at the local orphanage and was a decent pianist.
I watched as the distraught sorceress destroyed everything in her path.
My heart went out to her.
She had lost so much and was trying to get the revenge she felt was deserved.
I knew that I had to stop her, but I could also understand why she wanted the revenge.
I volunteered to be a part of this mission even though I was scared out of my mind.
I knew what she was capable of and yet here I was standing in her path once again.
The last time I did not do anything to stop her from killing my sister and others in my town.
This time would be different.
The Guardian's Quest
I stood guard outside of Princess Isabella's chambers.
My black boots made no noise as I paced the long corridor.
The torches flickered and cast long shadows on the walls.
Every movement I made made me flinch.
I was so on edge that I could have jumped out of my skin at any moment.
The air was cold and a draft whistled down the hallway.
I tightened my grip on my rifle as I heard footsteps coming from around the corner.
They were light, but I could hear them coming closer.
The familiar crackle of magical energy made my skin crawl.
She was here.
The Guardian's Quest
The Guardian's Quest
I pressed myself against the wall as the sorceress came around the corner.
Her shadow stretched across the floor, making her appear larger than she actually was.
The closer she got to me, the bigger her silhouette became.
My heart pounded in my chest as I stepped out from my position.
My hands slightly trembled as I leveled the rifle at her chest.
She was taking her time coming down the corridor, each step measured and deliberate.
Her dark robes billowed around her ankles as she walked.
Purple energy crackled around her fingers, casting eerie shadows on the stone walls.
I planted my feet shoulder-width apart, steadying my aim.
The sorceress's lips curved into a cruel smile as she saw me.
Memories of Evelyn's lifeless body flashed through my mind.
The distance between us was now twenty paces.
My index finger tightened on the trigger.
"Not one step closer," I warned her.
The Guardian's Quest
The sorceress halted, her eyes narrowing as they studied me.
I shifted my weight slightly, maintaining my stance.
Her gaze was cold and calculating.
She was trying to read me, to find my weaknesses.
My finger remained on the trigger, ready to fire at a moment's notice.
The purple energy around her hand grew more intense, casting a malevolent glow on the walls.
I darted a glance at Princess Isabella's door, ensuring it remained secure.
The sorceress sneered at me as she raised her hand.
The air crackled with magical energy, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
One step forward and I would fire.
She took another step closer, testing me.
I steadied my breaths, my heart pounding in my chest.
The Guardian's Quest