Câu chuyện MidReal

Forgetful Girl

Bối cảnh:This short-tempered 19-year-old girl has dark brown eyes, an olive complexion, and curly blond hair worn in an updo. She is a little short, a bit pudgy, and wears a lot of black. She tends to be forgetful and likes listening to rap.
Tạo phiên bản của tôi cho câu chuyện này
This short-tempered 19-year-old girl has dark brown eyes, an olive complexion, and curly blond hair worn in an updo. She is a little short, a bit pudgy, and wears a lot of black. She tends to be forgetful and likes listening to rap.

Lily Carter

adventurous, and humorous. Lily often gets into unexpected situations due to her forgetfulness, such as accidentally taking a stranger's car or getting lost in the woods. Despite her mishaps, she remains confident and enjoys life's surprises. Her love for rap music and black clothing reflects her bold personality.


Jason Thompson

helpful, and witty. Jason becomes entangled in Lily's adventures when she mistakenly takes his car keys. He helps Lily navigate through the woods and later assists her in finding her car keys at the library.


Samantha "Sam" Johnson

responsible, and caring. Sam often helps Lily out of tricky situations caused by her forgetfulness. Despite their contrasting personalities, Sam remains loyal to Lily and provides stability in their friendship.

I'm a 19yearold girl with curly blond hair, dark brown eyes, and an olive complexion.
I'm a little short and a bit pudgy, but I like to think I'm cute.
I like to wear black and listen to rap.
I'm confident, funny, adventurous, and forgetful.
Yeah, that's me in a nutshell.
Forgetful isn't really a word I would use to describe myself, but it's the only word I could think of at the time.
Besides, it's true.
I am forgetful.
I once spent two hours searching for my phone, only to realize it was in my hand the whole time.
I've been late to class more than once because I forgot what time it was or even what day it was.
Yep, I'm a forgetful bitch, but I wouldn't change a thing about myself.
I like to think I'm interesting, and that makes me more interesting than if I were some type of genius who never forgot anything.
It means I have more adventures than the average person, and I like to think I'm a fun person to be around.
Who else is going to get lost in the woods on their way to college?
Forgetful Girl
I'm sprawled out on my dorm room bed, scrolling through TikTok when my phone buzzes.
I glance down at the screen and see an unknown number.
I'm about to hit ignore when something makes me pause.
I don't know what it is, but something makes me want to answer it.
I bring the phone to my ear and say, "Hello?"
"Hey, Lily," a familiar voice says.
I don't recognize the voice right away, but there's something about it that seems to tickle a memory in the back of my mind.
"Who is this?"
I ask, my thumb hovering over the end call button.
"It's Cousin Kenny."
Forgetful Girl
My heart skips a beat at his words.
Cousin Kenny?
It can't be him.
It's been years since I've heard from him.
Not since that family reunion where he "borrowed" money from everyone and never paid them back.
Forgetful Girl
He was always doing shit like that, so I'm not surprised he got himself into trouble.
I sit up straighter on the bed and grip the phone tighter in my hand.
My hands are shaking, and I don't know why.
I haven't seen Kenny since that family reunion, but he was always my favorite person to be around when we were kids.
He's the one who taught me how to pick locks and sneak extra desserts.
He's the one who made family gatherings fun.
"I'm in town," he says.
"I'm staying at the Sunset Motel off Route 9. I was hoping you could come by and talk about a business opportunity I have for you."
I pace back and forth across my small dorm room, kicking dirty laundry out of my way as I go.
"Kenny, what the hell are you talking about?"
I ask.
"I've changed, Lily. I'm not that same guy anymore. I've got a good business opportunity for you, and I want to talk to you about it."
Forgetful Girl
I can hear the smile in his voice, and it makes me want to smile too.
I don't know why, but something about him makes me want to believe him.
Maybe it's because he's family, or maybe it's because he sounds so sincere on the phone.
Whatever the reason, I find myself reaching for my keys and wallet on my nightstand. "Lily, you need to be careful," Sam would say if she were here right now.
"You can't just go running off with some guy because he says he has a good business opportunity for you. You need to think things through before you act."
But Sam isn't here right now, and even if she were, I'm not sure I'd listen to her.
Sam is always telling me that I'm impulsive and that I need to think things through before I act.
She's always telling me that I need to make better decisions than the ones I do now.
She's always telling me things like this, but she doesn't understand me like Kenny does.
Kenny gets me in a way that no one else ever has.
I grab my phone off of my nightstand and shoot Sam a quick text that says, "Hey! I'm heading out for a bit. See you later!"
I deliberately leave out where I'm going because Sam would freak if she knew it was Kenny.
She never liked Kenny, even when we were kids.
She always thought he was trouble, and she never wanted me to hang around him.
But Kenny never did anything bad to me, so why should I listen to Sam?
Forgetful Girl
As I head out the door, my phone buzzes again.
"Lily, are you sure about this?" Sam's voice comes through, sounding concerned.
"Yeah, Sam, I am. Kenny says he's changed, and I want to hear him out."
I'm parked across the street from the Sunset Motel, drumming my fingers against the steering wheel of my beat-up Honda.
The neon sign buzzes and flickers, casting a red glow over the parking lot.
I'm watching it when my phone buzzes in my pocket.
I pull it out to see three texts from Sam, all in all caps.
Kenny is bad news, Lily!
Don't go!
He's trouble!
I silence my phone and shove it back into my pocket.
I look up at the Sunset Motel, and I have to say that it looks exactly like what I would expect from Kenny - peeling paint, rusty railings, and definitely no view of the sunset.
A few empty beer cans litter the cracked sidewalk leading up to the rooms.
Forgetful Girl
I grip the door handle tightly in my hand as I second-guess myself.
I take a deep breath and get out of the car, gripping my keys tightly in my fist as I cross the empty parking lot.
My feet crunch on broken glass scattered across the blacktop, and I have to pick my way carefully so that I don't slip.
The afternoon sun is hot overhead, casting long shadows between the two stories of the motel.
It makes the walkways seem darker than they should be at this time of day.
A stray cat hisses at me from a dumpster as I climb up the metal stairs to the second floor.
The steps creak under my feet, and I wonder when they were last painted.
I count off the room numbers - 201, 202, 203 - until I reach 207.
I stop outside the door, listening for any sound from inside.
Through the thin walls, a TV blares what sounds like a game show, but it's muted and distant. I lift my hand over the door handle, hovering over it for a second before knocking loudly.
I'm not sure why I'm here or what Kenny has planned for me.
Forgetful Girl
All I know is that I feel nervous and excited all at once.
My eyes drift to the peephole in the center of the door, but it's covered with duct tape.
I hear footsteps shuffling inside, and then the door swings wide.
Kenny's face is older than I remember it being, with new creases around his eyes and a few gray hairs sprinkled through his dark hair.
But his grin is the same as ever.
He reaches out to hug me, and I'm surprised by how thin he feels in my arms.
"Come on in, Lil," he says, stepping aside to let me in.
The room is dimly lit, with only one lamp burning in the corner.
The air smells stale - like cigarettes and cheap air freshener.
I step inside, looking around at the sparse room.
There's a sagging double bed pushed up against one wall, covered in a faded floral comforter.
A scratched dresser stands opposite the bed, with a TV perched on top of it.
Forgetful Girl
Forgetful Girl
Against the back wall is a folding table covered in all of Kenny's magic props. My stomach tightens as I see the classic cups and balls, marked cards, and silk scarves that I used to watch him practice with when we were kids.
I haven't seen these things in years, but they're instantly familiar.
Kenny reaches out to guide me with his hand pressed against my back, steering me toward a metal chair set up facing his makeshift stage.
The chair scrapes against the worn carpet as he positions me in front of the table.
I sit stiffly in the chair, my hands gripping the thin metal arms.
Kenny takes a seat on the edge of the bed, pulling a deck of cards from his back pocket.
He shuffles them with his hands, but they're shaking so much that several fall to the floor.
He bends to pick them up, and I can see that they've left smudges of dirt on the stained carpet.
"Okay, Lil," he says, grinning at me.
"First trick. Pick a card."
He holds out the deck to me, and I take one from the center.
I glance down at it - three of hearts - before holding it up for him to see.
"Great," he says, taking the deck back from me and shuffling again.
"Now I'm going to guess which card you picked."
Forgetful Girl
He lays out seven cards on top of the table, and I watch as he looks through them before picking up the three of hearts.
"Ta-da!" he says, waving it in front of me.
I smile politely and clap a few times.
I know that he cheated - I saw him look at the bottom of the deck when he shuffled them. "Next trick," he says, scooping up the cards and putting them back in his pocket.
He picks up three small red foam balls from his table and places two white cups beside them.
"This is an oldie but a goodie," he says, smiling at me.
"The cups and balls."
He lifts one cup over one of the balls, then drops it down over top of it.
The ball rolls out from under the cup and falls to the floor with a soft thud.
Kenny picks it up and tries again, but this time the ball rolls off the edge of the table before he can even get the cup down over top of it.
The table is uneven, and I can see that this trick isn't going to work very well.
But Kenny keeps trying until all three balls are hidden under cups on the table in front of him. "Now I'm going to move them around," he says, sliding each cup across the table in front of him.
"I want you to try to keep track of which one has your ball under it."
I nod politely as he moves them around in front of him quickly.
Then he stops and points to one cup.
Forgetful Girl
"Is your ball under this one?"
I shake my head no, but then I realize that I have no idea which one has my ball under it.
He moves them around some more, and then he lifts his hand to show me where my ball is.
His fingers are trembling, and he knocks over one of the metal cups as he reaches for it.
I lean forward to catch the cup before it falls off the edge of the table, and our hands collide as we both reach for it.
The touch of his skin against mine is electric, and I jerk my hand back quickly.
His skin is cold and rough against mine.
Forgetful Girl
Kenny freezes, his hand still reaching out toward the cup that's lying on its side in the middle of the table.
Neither of us moves, and the silence stretches out uncomfortably between us.
Then a police siren wails somewhere outside, and I jump in my seat.
Kenny clears his throat and pulls his hand back.
He shuffles the deck of cards again, but his fingers are still shaking so much that he keeps dropping them.
Finally, he pulls one out and holds it up between his thumb and index finger, about a foot from my face.
I lean forward, squinting at the card in the dim light filtering through the dusty curtains.
It's the Ace of Spades.
Forgetful Girl
Kenny waves his other hand in front of the card with an exaggerated flourish, and then the card disappears.
My mouth opens to ask where it went, but Kenny cuts me off before I can speak.
"Check your bra," he says, grinning at me mischievously.
I reach inside my shirt and feel something stiff against my skin.
I pull the Ace of Spades out of my bra and hold it up, forcing a laugh to cover my discomfort.
It's warm from being against my skin, and the corner is slightly bent from being folded in half.
Kenny holds out his hands, and I drop the card into his trembling palm.
He catches it, but then it falls through his fingers and lands on the floor with a soft thud.
He reaches down to pick it up, but ends up knocking it under the table instead.
He reaches underneath the tablecloth, but then he knocks it under the bed.
Finally, he picks it up from underneath the bed and adds it back into his deck.
He shuffles again, but this time several cards fly out of his hands and land all over the folding table.
Kenny stares at me, his eyes wide and unblinking.
The fluorescent light above flickers as I shift in my chair, causing strange shadows to dance across Kenny's gaunt face. He reaches for another prop - a small stuffed rabbit wearing a top hat - but I shift my chair backward before he can pull it out from underneath the table.
Forgetful Girl
I'm sitting in a metal folding chair, and I push it backward with my feet.
The legs screech against the thin carpet, and Kenny's eyes flicker to the door behind me.
He moves to position himself directly in front of me, blocking the path to the door.
He's still trembling, but his shoulders are squared and he's standing taller than he was before.
The change in his demeanor makes my stomach tighten.
Suddenly, he's not the nervous man who knocked over a cup and dropped cards all over the table.
He's standing tall now, his shoulders back and his head held high.
He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small silver pistol.
The fluorescent light above casts harsh shadows across his face as he holds the gun up in front of him.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen," he says in a theatrical voice that sounds wrong coming from him.
Forgetful Girl
"It is my pleasure to introduce myself. I am Kenny Carter, and I am here to ravish you."
He grabs my wrists,pulling me up on my tiptoes.
But there's no one else in the room, and no one responds to his dramatic announcement.
I try to pull my wrists free, but Kenny holds tight.
His fingers are thin and bony, but they're surprisingly strong.
My wrists burn as he holds me up, and I kick at his shins to try and break free.
He's wearing jeans, so my bared feet don't do much damage.
He grunts in pain, but he doesn't let go.
Instead, he pulls me closer until my face is only a few inches from his.
His eyes are dark brown, almost black, and they're staring into mine with an intensity that makes my skin crawl.
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting strange shadows across Kenny's face.
The air in the motel room is stale and thick with tension.
I can smell the dust in the carpet and the mildew growing on the bathroom ceiling.
Kenny's breath smells like cigarettes and cheap whiskey, and it makes my stomach turn. "Kenny, what are you doing!"
I yell at him, trying to pull my wrists free again.
Forgetful Girl
My voice echoes off the peeling walls of the motel room, but there's no one there to hear me.
Kenny stares at me for a long moment before his eyes flicker with confusion.
He blinks rapidly several times, and then his expression hardens again.
Forgetful Girl
"No!" he growls, his grip on my wrist tightening.
He forces me down onto my knees, and I can feel the rough carpet underneath the skin of my feet.
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting harsh shadows across Kenny's face.
His eyes are wild and unrecognizable.
He's still holding me in place with his thin, bony fingers, but I try to push against his legs to try and break free.
He's stronger than he looks, though, and I can't move him an inch.
Outside, I can hear the distant sound of a car horn, but inside the motel room, there's only tense silence.
"Kenny, please," I whisper, my voice trembling.
His eyes soften for a brief moment, and he hesitates.
He grips my head harder, and his long stiffening penis pops free.
Forgetful Girl
I don't pull away, and I meet his eyes as I open my mouth.
His fingers tighten on my head, but I stay still, staring up at him.
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting eerie shadows across Kenny's face.
I can't read his expression, but I can hear the heavy sound of his breathing and feel the tension in his fingers.
Slowly, I lean forward, my heart pounding in my chest.
Kenny breathes harder.
Forgetful Girl
I'm still kneeling on the rough carpet, my head moving in a steady rhythm as I service Kenny.
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting strange shadows across his face.
His eyes are closed, and his mouth is open in a silent scream of pleasure.
His fingers are still tangled in my hair, guiding my movements as he thrusts into my mouth.
The motel room is silent except for the sound of his heavy breathing and the occasional distant car horn outside.
I try to ignore the nausea that's been growing in my stomach since I got here.
The room smells like dust and mildew, and there's a faint scent of cigarettes and cheap whiskey hanging in the air.
Forgetful Girl
I stay on my knees, the flickering light casting strange shadows across Kenny's tense face.
His grip on my hair tightens as he rises up onto his toes, his <breathing becoming more ragged.
The room is hot and stuffy, and I can feel sweat trickling down my back.
Outside, I can hear the distant sound of a car horn, but inside the motel room, there's only silence except for Kenny's heavy breaths.
He's getting close, and I can feel his shaft swelling in my mouth.
Forgetful Girl
I stay still, my hands on his hips as I continue to move my head up and down.
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting strange shadows across Kenny's face.
His eyes are closed, and his mouth is open in a silent scream of pleasure.
He's breathing hard, and I can feel the sweat trickling down my back .
The motel room smells like dust and mildew, and there's a faint scent of cigarettes and cheap whiskey hanging in the air.
I close my eyes and try to detach myself from the situation.
I drink him down like wine.
He tastes salty and bitter, with a hint of cheap whiskey on his breath.
His hands are rough against my skin, but I try not to think about it too much.
"I'm sorry," Kenny whispers, his voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart.
I pull back slightly, looking up at him with confusion. "Sorry for what?"
"For dragging you into this mess," he says, his eyes opening to meet mine, filled with regret.
Forgetful Girl
I stay on the floor, my heart pounding in my chest.
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting strange shadows across Kenny's face.
He takes a step back, giving me some space, but his eyes are still fixed on mine.
His breathing is heavy, and I can see the lust in his eyes.
I slowly stand up, my hands trembling as I try to process what's happening.
The motel room feels suffocatingly hot, and the flickering light makes it hard to think straight.
I glance at the door, calculating the distance between us.
Forgetful Girl
I'm not sure what to do, but I know I need to get out of here.
I take a shaky step forward, my eyes never leaving Kenny's.
The air is thick with tension, and the smell of cigarettes and mildew hangs heavy in the air.
I can feel the weight of his gaze on my back as I move closer to the door.
Kenny's breathing is ragged, and I can sense his anticipation growing.
My hand brushes against the cold metal door handle, sending a shiver down my spine.
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting strange shadows across Kenny's tense face.
His eyes are fixed on me, his breathing heavy and ragged.
I slowly turn around to face him, my hands still shaking.
The room feels small and suffocating, and I can feel Kenny's gaze like a weight on my skin. The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting eerie shadows across the peeling wallpaper.
The room is hot and stuffy, and I can smell the faint scent of cigarettes and cheap whiskey hanging in the air.
I take a step back, feeling the wall press against my back, and slowly start to undress.
The sound of fabric rustling fills the room as I pull my shirt over my head and drop it to the floor.
Kenny watches intently, his breathe heavy and ragged.
The fluorescent light flickers again, casting strange shadows across his tense face.
His eyes are fixed on mine, filled with a mix of regret and anticipation.
I continue to undress slowly, feeling like I'm trapped in a nightmare that won't end.
The carpet beneath my feet is rough and scratchy, but I don't dare move. The room seems to shrink even smaller as Kenny takes a step closer.
His hands are clenched into fists at his sides, his breathing growing even more ragged.
He's fully clothed while I stand before him half-naked, but it's clear who has control in this situation.
My hands are shaking as I reach for the button on my jeans, trying to steady them as I undo them.
The sound of the denim sliding down my legs echoes through the small room as I push them down until they fall around my ankles.
I hesitate for a moment before bending over to pick them up off the floor.
Forgetful Girl
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting eerie shadows across Kenny's face.
The room is hot and stuffy, and the smell of cigarettes and cheap whiskey hangs heavy in the air.
I stand near the motel room door, my hands gripping the cold metal door handle, my eyes fixed on Kenny's.
His breathe is heavy and ragged, his eyes locked on mine.
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting strange shadows across the room.
The sound of fabric rustling fills the room as I slowly start to undress.
I pull my shirt over my head and drop it to the floor, followed by my bra.
The carpet beneath my feet is rough and scratchy, but I don't dare move. Kenny watches me intently, his breathe growing heavier as I continue to undress.
His eyes are fixed on mine, his lust evident in his gaze.
I feel a sense of powerlessness wash over me as I realize I'm trapped in this situation with no clear way out.
The fluorescent light above flickers again, casting strange shadows across Kenny's face.
He takes a step closer, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
Forgetful Girl
I can see the tension building in his body as he moves closer.
My hands are shaking as I try to steady myself against the wall.
I feel like I'm being pulled into a nightmare that won't end. Kenny reaches out with one hand and grabs my arm, pulling me forward until I'm standing right in front of him.
He's breathing heavily now, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he stares at me.
His eyes are filled with a mixture of desire and anger, and I can feel his lust radiating off of him like heat.
I try to pull away from him, but he holds me firmly in place.
He leans down close to me, his breath hot against my skin as he whispers something in my ear.
I can't make out what he's saying over the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.
Suddenly, he grabs me by the waist and spins me around until I'm facing away from him.
"Kenny, stop," I say, my voice trembling but firm.
He pauses, his grip loosening slightly.
"I can't do this anymore," I continue, feeling a surge of courage.
Forgetful Girl