Câu chuyện MidReal

Bay Area Blues: A Tale of SelfDiscovery

Bối cảnh:我是一个美国湾区又矮又丑,收入还行但比较扣,非常性压抑的中国工程师。
Tạo phiên bản của tôi cho câu chuyện này

Wei Liu

Chinese engineer, friends with Sarah and rivals with Mark, short and unattractive, introverted and selfconscious


Mark Thompson

competitive coworker of Wei and Sarah, antagonistic towards Wei, muscular build with a sharp jawline, ambitious and arrogant


Sarah Jennings

American colleague and confidante of Wei, supportive of Wei, tall with curly hair, outgoing and empathetic

I was a fucking failure.
My parents said I was stupid.
I said I wanted to be an artist.
They laughed at me and told me I should become an engineer instead.
So I did.
I studied computer science and got a job at a tech firm in the Bay Area.
Now I was twenty-eight years old, five feet tall, and unattractive.
I had no girlfriend and no friends except for Sarah Jennings.
She was my coworker and the only person who talked to me.
Sometimes I felt like she only talked to me because she felt sorry for me.
"Hey Wei, what's up?"
She walked by my cubicle on the way to the break room.
"Not much."
I looked up from my computer screen.
"Going to get some coffee?"
"Want me to bring some back for you?"
"No thanks."
She turned and walked away, leaving me alone with my insecurities.
I wanted to be good at something for once.
I wanted to lift weights and become muscular like Mark Thompson, the dickhead who sat two cubicles down from mine.
He thought he was God, with his sharp jawline and his six-foot height.
Bay Area Blues: A Tale of SelfDiscovery