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The Vampire's Unexpected Mate

สถานการณ์:Angel/us find his mate Buffy after a long time and she has has his son Conner
Angel/us find his mate Buffy after a long time and she has has his son Conner


living in the 21st century. He is brooding, protective, and conflicted. Angelus struggles with his past actions as Angel and his current identity as a vampire without a soul. He discovers Buffy Summers, his former love, has given birth to his son Connor. Overwhelmed by this revelation, he grapples with the desire to be involved in their lives while fearing his dark nature's influence.


Buffy Summers

a powerful warrior tasked with fighting supernatural forces. She is strongwilled, determined, and protective. Buffy has been raising her son Connor alone after discovering she was pregnant with Angel's child. She struggles to balance her duties as a mother and warrior while dealing with the reappearance of Angelus in her life. Her primary concern remains Connor's safety and wellbeing.



curious, and resilient. Connor grows up unaware of his father's true identity until he meets Angelus at age seven. Despite being exposed to the harsh realities of his parents' world early on, he remains optimistic and brave.

It has been a few years since I left Sunnydale.
When I left, Buffy was not pregnant.
When I woke up from my hellmouth coma, I was Angel again.
A gypsy had given me my soul back.
When I became Angelus once more, Wolfram & Hart had stolen my son's essence from Buffy's womb and implanted it in a woman they chose, a priestess named Justine.
Buffy never knew she was pregnant with my child.
The day I found out, I went to Sunnydale to find her, to tell her.
I have been searching for her ever since.
I have been looking for her every night since I found out about my son.
I gave up hope of ever seeing her again.
Until the day I did.
I was walking down a familiar street in the 21st century.
When suddenly I smelled something so familiar it took my breath away.
I whispered to myself.
I turned around and there she was standing in front of me.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I stood there frozen, my mind racing.
She was staring back at me, her eyes wide with shock.
Her expression changed from disbelief to anger.
Before I could say anything, she slapped me hard across the face.
The sting was sharp and real.
I welcomed it.
It was proof that this was real.
"How dare you show your face here," she hissed at me, her voice trembling with emotion.
I struggled to find my voice, my throat dry and tight.
"Buffy, I didn't know... about Connor."
Her gaze softened slightly at his name, but the tension between us remained thick and heavy.
"We need to talk," she finally said, her voice barely above a whisper.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I followed her into her apartment, my eyes scanning for any sign of Connor.
She led me to the living room, where I saw him sitting on the floor, playing quietly with some toys.
He was a little boy now, with a mop of blond hair and a smile that tugged at my heart.
Buffy watched me closely, her arms crossed over her chest.
She was wary of me, and rightfully so.
"You can't just walk back into our lives, Angelus," she said, her voice firm but uncertain.
I nodded, knowing that I had no right to expect anything from them.
"I know," I said softly.
"I just... I never knew..."
I trailed off, unsure of what to say.
She looked at me then, really looked at me, and I could see the pain and anger in her eyes slowly give way to something else.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
She knelt down beside Connor, her eyes never leaving mine.
"I'm sorry, Buffy," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper.
Connor looked up from his toys, his eyes wide and curious.
He stared at me for a moment, his gaze searching and unsure.
I reached out a trembling hand, not knowing if he would accept it or not.
He hesitated for a moment, then placed his small hand in mine.
It was a tentative connection, but it felt like the whole world had opened up for me.
Buffy watched us, her expression softening just a little.
She still looked wary of me, but there was something else in her eyes now, something that gave me hope.
I squeezed Connor's hand gently, trying to convey all the emotions that were swirling inside of me.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
He looked up at me, his eyes shining with curiosity.
I smiled softly, trying to reassure him that everything was going to be okay.
Buffy stood up then, her movements stiff and uncertain.
She crossed the room and sat down on the couch, her eyes still fixed on us.
I sat down beside Connor on the floor, picking up one of his toy cars in my hand.
He watched me for a moment, then handed me another one.
We rolled them across the carpet, making engine noises as we went.
Connor giggled, his eyes shining with joy.
I glanced over at Buffy, who was still sitting on the couch, her arms crossed over her chest.
Her expression was still guarded, but there was something else in her eyes now, something that looked almost like happiness.
She watched us play for a while, her gaze shifting between Connor's laughter and my cautious smiles.
I focused on Connor, pushing the car gently towards him. He pushed it back to me, his smile growing wider with each pass.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
We played like that for a while longer, slowly building a connection that felt tentative but real.
Buffy finally spoke, her voice softening as she said, "Maybe we can start over."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I nodded at her, "Yes, let's start over," and continued playing with Connor.
We rolled toy cars across the carpet, Connor's laughter filling the room.
I glanced over at Buffy, who was watching us with a softening gaze.
She uncrossed her arms and sat down beside us, picking up one of Connor's toys.
"Can I join?" she asked softly.
I handed her a toy car, and she smiled, rolling it towards Connor.
He giggled and reached for it, his eyes shining with happiness.
We played together like that for a while longer, the tension slowly fading away.
Buffy's hand brushed mine as we played, and I felt a cautious optimism rising inside of me.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
She sat beside me on the floor, her eyes fixed on Connor.
She picked up a toy car and rolled it towards him, her smile growing wider as he giggled and reached for it.
I watched her, my gaze shifting between her and our son.
Her expression softened as she played with Connor, her eyes shining with a tentative happiness.
We continued playing like that for a while longer, the tension slowly dissipating as we focused on our son.
Connor's laughter filled the room, a sound that brought a cautious smile to Buffy's face.
I smiled too, feeling a sense of connection forming between us.
Buffy's hand brushed mine as she handed me another toy, and I felt a tentative sense of hope rising inside of me.
Buffy glanced at me, her voice barely above a whisper, "Do you think we can really do this?"
I met her gaze, feeling the weight of her question, "I believe we have to try, for him."
Connor looked up at us both, his eyes wide with innocence, "Try what, Mommy?"
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
Buffy and I exchanged a glance, both of us knowing what he was asking.
"We're going to try, Connor," Buffy said softly, her voice filled with a mix of caution and hope.
Connor nodded, his eyes still fixed on us.
I reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of his face, feeling a sense of connection forming between us.
Buffy's hand brushed mine as she did the same, her touch tentative but filled with a growing sense of possibility.
We sat there for a while longer, playing with Connor and slowly rebuilding our connection.
The tension was still there, but it felt less overwhelming now.
It was replaced by a sense of cautious optimism, a feeling that we could really do this.
Connor looked between us, his curiosity piqued.
"Do what, Mommy?" he asked again, his voice innocent and eager.
Buffy smiled at him, her eyes softening, "We're going to try being a family again."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I looked at her, a sudden idea forming in my mind.
"Why don't we go to the park? Just the three of us."
I watched her reaction carefully, her eyes widening slightly as she considered my suggestion.
She hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly, her gaze filled with a mix of caution and hopeful anticipation.
Connor jumped up, his voice filled with excitement, "Yes! The swings!"
We gathered our things, and I helped Connor put on his jacket.
Buffy watched us, her arms still crossed over her chest but her expression softening.
As we walked to the park, Connor held my hand, his small fingers gripping mine tightly.
Buffy walked beside us, occasionally glancing at me with a cautious smile.
When we arrived at the park, Connor ran straight to the swings, his laughter echoing through the air.
I pushed him gently, feeling a sense of connection forming between us.
Buffy sat down beside me on a nearby bench, her gaze shifting between Connor and me.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I spread a blanket on the grass, and Buffy unpacked the picnic basket.
Connor ran around, his laughter filling the air.
I handed Buffy a sandwich, our fingers brushing briefly.
She smiled, her eyes warming slightly.
We ate quietly, watching Connor play.
After a while, I suggested a game of catch, and Buffy agreed.
Connor joined in eagerly, running between us as we tossed the ball back and forth.
Buffy's laughter mingled with Connor's, creating a moment of joy.
I caught her eye, feeling a tentative connection forming between us.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
As we finished our picnic, I suggested a walk around the park.
Connor ran ahead, pointing at ducks gliding on the pond.
Buffy walked beside me, her gaze shifting between Connor and me.
We walked slowly, the crunch of leaves beneath our feet the only sound.
I reached for her hand, hesitant but determined.
She let me take it, her touch soft and tentative.
Connor turned back to us, his smile widening as he saw us holding hands.
We stopped by the edge of the pond, watching the ripples spread across the water.
I squeezed her hand gently, feeling a flicker of hope rise within me.
Buffy glanced at me, her voice barely above a whisper, "Do you think we can really make this work?"
I nodded, meeting her gaze with determination, "I believe we can if we both want it enough."
Connor's voice broke the moment, filled with innocent certainty, "We can be happy, right?"
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
We walked on, our hands still clasped, Connor skipping ahead and pointing at the ducks.
The park's tranquility enveloped us, and I focused on the crunch of leaves beneath my feet.
Buffy's voice was soft as she asked, "What do you think our future looks like?"
Her gaze searched mine for reassurance.
I spoke slowly, choosing my words carefully, "I want to be a part of Connor's life. I want to help raise him."
Buffy nodded, her expression thoughtful.
We continued walking, discussing the practicalities of our new reality: school, safety, and our roles in Connor's life.
Connor turned back to us, his smile brightening as he saw us holding hands.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I sat with Buffy at the kitchen table, Connor playing in the living room.
We discussed the practicalities of raising him together: school, safety, and our roles in his life.
Buffy suggested we move in together, her voice cautious yet hopeful.
I nodded, considering the logistics and how it could benefit Connor.
We talked about space and routines, our conversation slow and deliberate.
Buffy sketched a rough layout of her apartment on a piece of paper, pointing out where I could stay.
Connor interrupted, asking if I would live with them.
Buffy smiled at him, her voice gentle, "Would you like that, Connor?"
Connor nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah! We can be like a real family!"
I glanced at Buffy, feeling a surge of warmth, "Then let's make it happen."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I began packing my belongings, each item a step toward our new life together.
Buffy watched from the doorway, her arms crossed but her eyes softening.
Connor played nearby, occasionally glancing at the boxes with curiosity.
I folded my clothes carefully, placing them in a suitcase, while Buffy suggested we could use her spare room for my things.
I nodded, appreciating her practical approach.
As I packed, Connor approached, his voice hesitant, "Are you moving in?"
I smiled, ruffling his hair, "Yeah, buddy. We're going to be a family."
Buffy's cautious smile grew, and she helped me pack.
We were ready to embrace the future together.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I unpacked my belongings in Buffy's spare room, arranging my clothes in the closet.
Connor watched from the floor, playing with a toy car.
Buffy entered with a box of books, and we discussed where to put them.
She suggested a shelf in the living room, and I agreed, wanting to contribute to our shared space.
We set up the room together, Connor giggling as he rolled his car around our feet.
Buffy's cautious smile grew as we organized, and I felt a sense of belonging.
We paused for lunch, sitting together as a family.
Connor looked up from his sandwich, crumbs dotting his cheeks, "Will you stay forever?"
Buffy exchanged a glance with me, her voice steady but tender, "That's the plan, Connor."
I nodded, reaching for Buffy's hand across the table, "We're in this together, all of us."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
After lunch, I arranged my books on the living room shelf.
Buffy organized the rest of the room, while Connor played with his toys nearby.
He paused, looking up at me with a question, "Where should I put these?"
I suggested placing them near his play area, and he nodded, carefully setting them down.
Buffy watched us from across the room, her smile growing as she saw Connor's enthusiasm.
We continued organizing, moving furniture and discussing where everything should go.
Connor's laughter filled the room as he played with his toys, occasionally asking for our input.
Connor suddenly stopped, his eyes wide with curiosity, "Did you and Mommy know each other before I was born?"
Buffy hesitated, glancing at me for a moment before answering, "We did, Connor. We were friends a long time ago."
I nodded, adding softly, "And now we're here, making something special together."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I placed the last book on the shelf, and Connor returned to playing with his toys, rolling a car across the floor.
Buffy and I sat on the couch, discussing how to arrange the room.
She suggested moving the desk near the window for better light, and I agreed, noting it would be a good spot for Connor to do his homework.
We talked about painting the walls a soft blue, a color Connor had picked out.
As we planned, Connor giggled, pushing his car toward us.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I sat beside Buffy on the couch, looking at her with a smile.
She leaned against me, her eyes shining with happiness.
Connor played nearby, his laughter filling the room.
We continued discussing plans for his room, deciding on a soft blue paint, his favorite color.
I suggested moving the desk near the window for better light, perfect for his homework.
Buffy nodded, her smile growing as we talked.
She reached for my hand, and I felt our bond strengthening.
We continued planning, focusing on creating a home for Connor.
As we talked, I felt a sense of family growing between us.
Buffy's cautious smile grew as we organized the room together.
Connor's laughter filled the air, and I felt a sense of belonging.
We arranged furniture and discussed where everything should go.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
Connor occasionally asked for our input, his eyes shining with curiosity.
After lunch, I arranged my books on the living room shelf.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I positioned the desk by the window, ensuring it faced the light.
Connor clapped excitedly, rushing over to test his new homework spot.
He sat down, pretending to write, his face beaming with joy.
Buffy watched us, her smile growing as she saw Connor's happiness.
She approached, adjusting the desk slightly for better alignment.
I handed Connor a pencil, and he scribbled eagerly on a piece of paper.
Buffy and I exchanged a glance, feeling the warmth of our growing bond.
In that moment, I knew we had finally become a family.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I hung a poster of Connor's favorite superhero on the wall, stepping back to admire the vibrant colors.
Buffy arranged his toys on a new shelf, her movements careful and precise.
Connor watched us, his eyes wide with excitement as he pointed to where he wanted each item.
We worked together, discussing the placement of a toy box and a small table for his art supplies.
Buffy's smile grew as she saw Connor's joy, and she handed me a stuffed animal to place on his bed.
Connor hugged the stuffed animal tightly, his laughter echoing through the room.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
We sat on the couch, discussing the final touches for his room.
Connor's eyes lit up as he suggested a reading nook.
"Can we have a special spot for books?" he asked, his voice filled with enthusiasm.
Buffy nodded, her smile growing.
"Of course, Connor. We can make it cozy and comfortable."
I sketched a simple design, adding soft cushions and a small bookshelf.
Connor ran to his room, returning with his favorite books to show us.
We measured the space, marking where the nook would fit perfectly in the corner of the room.
Buffy added ideas for colorful pillows and a soft blanket, creating a cozy atmosphere.
As we worked together, I felt our bond growing stronger.
Connor looked up at us, his eyes wide with curiosity.
"Do you think my dad would like it too?" he asked softly.
Buffy paused, her voice gentle as she replied, "I think he'd be really proud of how happy you are here."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
Connor nodded, a smile spreading across his face.
Buffy and I continued arranging the room, adding the final touches.
Our bond grew stronger with every shared moment, filling our hearts with warmth and love.
We worked together in harmony, creating a place where Connor could thrive.
As we finished, Connor clapped excitedly, his eyes shining with pride.
Buffy and I exchanged a glance, feeling grateful for this special moment we had shared.
I sat on the couch in Buffy's living room, watching as she put away the last of Connor's toys.
She looked around the room, her smile growing as she took in the sight of our happy home.
I couldn't help but feel grateful to have her by my side.
She had brought light and love into our lives, and I knew we were lucky to have found each other.
I closed my eyes, remembering how far we had come. It had been years since I had first discovered Connor was my son.
Years of searching for him and trying to make amends for my past mistakes.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
And now, finally, we were a family once again.
I felt Connor's small hand on mine, pulling me back into the present.
He smiled up at me, his eyes shining with love.
"Dad," he said softly, "Can you tell me a story?"
I nodded, settling back against the couch cushions and pulling him onto my lap.
Buffy settled down beside us, listening intently as I began to speak.
"Once upon a time," I said, "there was a brave knight named Connor. He lived in a beautiful kingdom surrounded by tall towers and sparkling lakes."
Connor's eyes grew wide as he listened to my tale of adventure and bravery.
I told him about his own strength and courage, and how he had inspired me to be a better man. As I finished speaking, Connor leaned forward and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you," he said softly, "I love you."
"I love you too," I replied, holding him close to my heart.
Buffy smiled at us both before getting up from the couch and heading into the kitchen to start dinner.
She hummed softly to herself as she worked, feeling happy and content in our little family home.
Connor settled back into his seat beside me on the couch, his eyes still shining with excitement from my story.
He leaned forward as if he wanted to ask something but then stopped himself. "What is it?"
I asked gently.
He looked up at me with big brown eyes full of curiosity.
"Can we have more adventures tomorrow?" he asked, his voice filled with hope.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I smiled at him, feeling grateful for the opportunity to spend more time with my son.
"Of course," I replied, "We can go on a trip to the park."
Connor clapped his hands excitedly and jumped up from the couch.
"Yay!" he shouted, running around the room in circles.
Buffy came out of the kitchen, her hands full of food, and smiled at our happy scene.
She set down the plates and sat down beside us on the couch, watching as Connor continued to run around in excitement.
After a few minutes, he finally settled back down beside me, his face flushed from all his activity.
"What do you want to do at the park?" he asked eagerly.
I thought for a moment before answering.
"We could play on the swings," I suggested.
Connor nodded enthusiastically and then added his own idea.
"And we could go see the pond!"
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I nodded again, jotting down his ideas on a piece of paper. Buffy walked into the living room carrying a tray of snacks and drinks.
She set it down on the coffee table in front of us and then sat down on the floor next to Connor.
"What are you two planning?" she asked, looking at me with curiosity.
"We're going to the park tomorrow," I replied, holding up my notepad filled with Connor's ideas.
Buffy smiled as she read through our plans.
"That sounds like so much fun," she said softly.
Connor nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement.
"I can't wait," he said softly, "I love going on adventures."
Buffy smiled at him before turning back to me.
"Do you think we should bring anything else?" she asked, looking at me for suggestions.
I thought for a moment before answering.
"We could bring some sandwiches for a picnic," I said softly.
Connor clapped his hands excitedly and then added his own idea again. "And we could bring a frisbee!" he shouted happily.
Buffy smiled at him before turning back to me once again.
"That sounds like a great plan," she said softly, "Let's make sure to pack everything we need."
I nodded in agreement before standing up from the couch and heading over to grab my backpack from the closet.
As I packed everything we needed for our trip, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this special day with my family. We were all sitting in the living room when Buffy suddenly stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter where she had left her phone charging.
She glanced at the screen, her expression shifting slightly.
"Is everything okay?" I asked, noticing her change in demeanor.
Buffy hesitated for a moment before replying, "It's just a message from my sister... she wants to visit next weekend."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
She nodded, turning back to face us.
"Yeah, everything's fine. I just got a text from my sister."
Connor looked up at her curiously.
"Who's your sister?" he asked softly.
Buffy smiled at him.
"My sister's name is Dawn," she said softly.
Connor nodded thoughtfully before speaking again.
"We should invite her to the park with us," he said softly.
I nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for his kind gesture.
"That's a great idea," I said softly.
Buffy smiled at us both before pulling out her phone and typing out a quick message.
"I'll let her know," she said softly.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
Connor stood up from the couch and walked over to where Buffy was standing in the kitchen.
"Can we bring some extra sandwiches for her?" he asked softly.
Buffy nodded, smiling down at him.
"That's a great idea," she said softly, "Let's make sure to pack everything we need."
Connor nodded before running off into his room to grab his backpack and start packing for our trip to the park. We were all sitting in the living room when Connor suddenly stood up and walked over to where Buffy was sitting on the couch next to me.
He looked up at her with big brown eyes full of excitement.
"Dad and I were thinking about what we should bring to the park tomorrow," he said softly, "And we thought it would be fun if you came too."
Buffy smiled at him, feeling grateful for his kind gesture.
"That sounds like so much fun," she said softly, "Thank you for inviting me."
Connor nodded before turning back to me and asking, "What else should we bring?"
I thought for a moment before answering.
"We should definitely bring some extra sandwiches," I said softly, "And maybe some water bottles too."
Connor nodded enthusiastically before adding his own suggestion.
"And we should bring a frisbee too!"
Buffy smiled at him, feeling happy that he was so excited about our trip to the park.
"That sounds like a great idea," she said softly, "Let's make sure to pack everything we need."
Connor nodded before running off into his room to grab his backpack and start packing for our trip to the park.
As we sat in the living room making our plans, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this special day with my family. Connor ran into his room and grabbed his backpack from the closet shelf.
He paused at the door, looking back at us with a thoughtful expression.
"Do you think Aunt Dawn will like the park too?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.
Buffy exchanged a quick glance with me before replying, "I'm sure she'll love it, especially when she sees how much fun we're having together."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
Connor's eyes lit up with excitement at her words.
"Then we should definitely bring a kite," he said softly, "She loves flying kites."
Buffy nodded in agreement, smiling softly at his thoughtful gesture.
Connor turned and ran back into his room, returning a few moments later with a small backpack full of toys.
He rummaged through it, pulling out a colorful kite and holding it up for us to see.
Buffy smiled softly, nodding her approval.
"That's a great idea," she said softly, "Let's pack it in your backpack so we don't forget it."
Connor nodded before running over to his backpack and carefully placing the kite inside.
As we continued to prepare for our trip, Connor's excitement was palpable.
He couldn't wait to spend the day with his dad and aunt, and I could tell that Buffy was just as eager to have some fun with him too.
The three of us walked hand in hand as we made our way to the park.
Connor held the kite tightly in his small fist, his eyes shining with anticipation. Buffy and I exchanged a quick glance, both of us feeling grateful for this special moment with our little boy.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
As we reached the park gates, Connor let out an excited squeal and pulled us towards the swings.
Buffy and I exchanged another glance before following after him, laughing softly at his infectious energy.
We spent the next few hours playing on the swings and flying the kite together.
Connor laughed happily as the wind lifted the kite high into the air, his face filled with pure joy.
As the kite soared, Buffy leaned closer to me and whispered, "You know, Dawn's been going through a tough time lately."
I glanced at her, surprised by the revelation. "Really? I had no idea. Is she okay?"
Buffy nodded, her eyes following the kite. "She's been feeling a bit lost, but I think spending time with us will help."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
Connor's eyes lit up as he looked at us.
"Then we should call her and tell her to come meet us here," he said softly, his voice filled with excitement.
Buffy nodded, pulling out her phone and sending a quick text to her sister.
As we waited for Dawn to arrive, Connor continued to fly the kite, his laughter filling the air.
After a few minutes, Buffy's phone buzzed with an incoming text.
She glanced down at the screen before smiling softly.
"She's on her way," she said softly, tucking the phone back into her pocket.
Connor grinned happily as he continued to fly the kite, his eyes shining with excitement.
As we sat in the park waiting for Dawn to arrive, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this special moment with my family. As we sat in the park waiting for Dawn to arrive, Connor suddenly stood up and ran over to where Buffy was sitting on a nearby bench.
He rummaged through his backpack before pulling out a small toy and holding it out to her.
Buffy smiled softly as she took the toy from him, examining it carefully in her hands.
Connor sat down beside her on the bench, his eyes shining with excitement.
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
"Thank you," he said softly, "I brought it for you."
Buffy smiled softly as she tucked the toy into her pocket and then turned back to face him.
"You're welcome," she said softly, "I love it."
Connor grinned happily before standing up and running over to where I was sitting on a nearby swing.
He climbed up onto my lap and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a big hug.
I smiled softly as I hugged him back, feeling grateful for this special moment with my little boy. After a few minutes of hugging, Connor pulled away and looked up at me curiously.
"Dad?" he asked softly, "Can we go see the ducks now?"
I nodded in agreement before standing up from the swing and walking over to where Buffy was sitting on the bench.
Connor ran ahead of us, his backpack bouncing behind him as he hurried towards the pond.
As we walked behind him, Buffy leaned closer to me and whispered softly, "Thank you for bringing us here today."
I smiled softly as I glanced over at her.
"It's my pleasure," I said softly, "I love spending time with my family."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate
I smiled softly as I glanced over at her, "Anytime," I said softly.
Connor's eyes lit up as he reached the edge of the pond and spotted a group of ducks swimming in the water.
He tugged on my hand, pulling me towards them excitedly.
Buffy followed behind us, her smile shining brightly as she watched Connor's excitement.
As we reached the edge of the pond, Connor carefully pulled out his kite and began to unfurl it.
He held it out to the ducks, explaining softly how it flew through the air.
I helped him launch it into the sky, watching as it soared above the water.
Connor giggled happily as he watched the ducks swim below, their curious eyes following the kite as it flew overhead.
Buffy leaned closer to me, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You know, Dawn used to love feeding the ducks when we were kids," she said, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes.
I nodded, watching Connor's joy. "Maybe that's exactly what she needs—a reminder of simpler times."
The Vampire's Unexpected Mate