What will happen to the girls next after they leave the Mall? **Sophie made a mistake, she got the hands mixed up**
What will happen to the girls next after they leave the Mall? **Sophie made a mistake, she got the hands mixed up**
Sophie Bennett
loyal, and humorous. Sophie is known for her ability to make mistakes, such as accidentally getting her best friend's boyfriend's hands tattooed on her ankle. She struggles with feelings for her best friend's boyfriend, Jason, and tries to navigate the complexities of friendship and love. Her relationships with her friends are central to her life, particularly with Rachel and Jason.
Emily Parker
adventurous, and supportive. Emily often provides comic relief in tense situations with her witty remarks and carefree nature. Despite being part of the group dynamic, she remains somewhat detached from the central conflict between Sophie and Rachel over Jason. Her presence adds a lighthearted touch to the story while maintaining a strong friendship with both girls.
Jason Miller
loyal, and conflicted. Jason has been in a longterm relationship with Rachel but harbors feelings for Sophie that he struggles to acknowledge openly. His bond with both girls creates tension as he navigates his emotions between loyalty to Rachel and attraction to Sophie. His actions are guided by a desire not to hurt anyone while grappling with his true feelings.
I was laughing so hard I was crying.
The story about the tattoos totally took me back.
I remember when we got them.
We were in our last year of high school and we snuck out of the house to go to the mall where the tattoos were.
We got them done on our ankles.
We wanted to get each other's hand prints but I made a mistake.
I got Rachel's boyfriend's hand print on my ankle and Rachel got my hand print on her ankle, and Emily got both our hand prints on her ankles.
It was funny because we did not know whose hand we were tracing.
We just traced each other's hand and the tattoo artist tattooed whatever was on the paper onto our ankles.
We found out whose hand print we got when we got home and looked in the mirror.
We trace our hands so we could get the exact thing on our body.
We were so happy when we saw each other's hand print, but then we started crying because we did not have each other's.
We traced our hands again and went back to the mall to have them done the next day.
It was funny how we all traced our hands in the same way.