สถานการณ์:You can't believe that you're still here
But I assure: fret not, don't fear
You're lost to time
You just keep counting, waiting
For the chance I come back
Another day we'd spend
Although your hope diminishes
You wish to see me again
And as it all just drones
And as you lie there all alone
You listen for my voice
Although I'm not quite there
And as the record stands
Defeated at my own bare hands
Your mind is on the brink
But don't let these visions
Sink you
We can't heal every wound
So let it bleed
You want me back
I want you hope
But is it really what we need?
You just can't let me go
You need to see
Sometimes we can't get what we want
So cut the link between
You and me
You can't believe that you're still here
But I assure: fret not, don't fear
You're lost to time
You just keep counting, waiting
For the chance I come back
Another day we'd spend
Although your hope diminishes
You wish to see me again
And as it all just drones
And as you lie there all alone
You listen for my voice
Although I'm not quite there
And as the record stands
Defeated at my own bare hands
Your mind is on the brink
But don't let these visions
Sink you
We can't heal every wound
So let it bleed
You want me back
I want you hope
But is it really what we need?
You just can't let me go
You need to see
Sometimes we can't get what we want
So cut the link between
You and me
Miles Parker
Emily. He is introspective, emotional, and determined. Miles is haunted by the memory of Emily's death and feels her presence everywhere. He visits her grave daily, hoping to find solace and closure. Despite his grief, he tries to move forward with his life, but her memory lingers deeply within him.
Emily Parker
vibrant, and supportive. Emily was deeply in love with Miles and shared a strong bond with him. Her death leaves Miles shattered and grieving for her loss. Her presence continues to haunt Miles as he struggles to cope with her absence.
I just can't believe that you're still here with me
I assure you, fret not, don't fear
You're lost to time
You just keep counting, waiting
For the chance that I come back
Another day we'd spend
Although your hope is fading fast
You wish to see me again
And as it all just drones
And as you lie there all alone
You listen for my voice
Although I'm not quite there
And as the record stands
Defeated at my own bare hands
Your mind is on the brink
But don't let these visions
Sink you
We can't heal every wound
So let it bleed
You want me back, I want you hope
But is it really what we need?
You just can't let me go
You need to see
Sometimes we can't get what we want
So cut the link between you and me.
I still remember the day I met her, the day I saw her for the first time.
It was like time froze when she smiled at me and walked past me, leaving that angelic beauty on my soul.
It haunted me till I saw her again.
It took me a few more sightings to gather courage and approach her, talk to her.
And when I did, my life changed forever.
The next two years were the best of my life.
I never knew what happiness meant till I met her.