สถานการณ์:When the BAU unit Aaron, Derek, Emily and JJ are turned into teenagers, Spencer Reid has to take care of them.
When the BAU unit Aaron, Derek, Emily and JJ are turned into teenagers, Spencer Reid has to take care of them.
Aaron Hotchner
transformed teenager, mentee of Spencer, close with Derek and Emily, athletic build, serious and responsible.
Derek Morgan
transformed teenager, friend of Aaron and Emily, muscular frame, confident and protective.
Emily Prentiss
transformed teenager, friend of Derek and Aaron, elegant appearance even as a teen, sharpwitted and resourceful.
I woke up to the sound of a door slamming and groaned.
I’d been having a great dream, and now it was gone.
I rolled over and opened my eyes, then blinked in confusion.
This wasn’t my room.
This wasn’t my bed.
And I was pretty sure this wasn’t my body.
I sat up, pulling the unfamiliar covers with me, and looked around the room.
It was definitely not mine.
There were posters on the walls for bands I’d never heard of, and a football helmet on a shelf above a desk that was covered in textbooks and papers.
I looked down at myself and saw that I was wearing a pair of boxer shorts and nothing else.
My heart started to race as I tried to remember how I’d gotten here.
The last thing I remembered was going to bed in my apartment after finishing a book on quantum physics, then…
A loud pounding on the door made me jump, and I scrambled off the bed to see who it was.
"Hotch! Open up!"
It was Derek Morgan’s voice, but he sounded… different.
I stumbled to the door, my legs feeling awkward and unsteady beneath me.
"Hotch, come on, man!" Derek's voice was urgent, almost frantic.
I fumbled with the doorknob and yanked the door open.
Standing there was Derek Morgan, but not the Derek I knew.
This Derek looked like he had just stepped out of a high school yearbook.
He was wearing a letterman jacket and his eyes were wide with confusion.
"Spencer?" he asked, his voice cracking slightly.
"Derek?" I replied, my own voice sounding strange to my ears.
"What the hell is going on?" he demanded, pushing past me into the room.
"I have no idea," I said, closing the door behind him. "I woke up like this."
Derek ran a hand through his hair, pacing back and forth. "Me too. And it's not just us. Hotch and Emily are like this too."
My mind raced as I tried to process what he was saying. "Where are they?"
"They're downstairs," Derek said. "We need to figure out what's happening."
I nodded, grabbing a t-shirt from the desk chair and pulling it over my head. "Let's go."
We hurried down the stairs, our footsteps echoing in the unfamiliar house.
In the living room, Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss were waiting for us.
They looked just as young and bewildered as Derek and I felt.
Hotch was sitting on the edge of a couch, his hands clasped together tightly.
Emily was pacing near the window, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Spencer," Hotch said as we entered the room. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"
I shook my head. "No. This doesn't make any sense."
"We need to stay calm," Hotch said, his voice steady despite the situation. "Panicking won't help us."
Emily stopped pacing and turned to face us. "How did this happen? One minute we're adults, the next we're teenagers again."
"I don't know," I admitted. "But we need to figure it out."
Derek sat down heavily in an armchair. "This is insane."
I took a deep breath, trying to think logically despite the chaos around me. "Okay, let's start with what we know. We all went to bed last night as our normal selves, right?"
Everyone nodded.
"And we all woke up like this," I continued. "So something must have happened while we were asleep."
"But what?" Emily asked, frustration evident in her voice.
"I don't know yet," I said. "But we need to gather more information."
Hotch stood up, his expression determined. "Agreed. We should check our surroundings and see if there's anything unusual."
We split up to search the house, each of us looking for clues that might explain our bizarre transformation.
I headed back upstairs to the room I had woken up in, hoping to find something—anything—that could shed light on our predicament.
As I rifled through the desk drawers and examined the posters on the walls, my mind raced with possibilities.
Was this some kind of experiment?
A hallucination?
Or something else entirely?
Suddenly, I heard a crash from downstairs followed by raised voices.
I bolted out of the room and down the stairs two at a time.
When I reached the living room, I found Derek standing over a broken vase while Hotch and Emily were arguing heatedly nearby.
"We don't have time for this!" Hotch snapped. "We need to focus!"
Emily glared at him. "I'm trying! But this isn't exactly a normal situation!"
"Hey!" I shouted, trying to get their attention. "Fighting won't solve anything!"
They both turned to look at me, their expressions softening slightly.
"We need to work together," I said firmly. "We'll figure this out."
Before anyone could respond, there was a sudden loud knock at the front door that made us all jump.
We exchanged worried glances before Hotch moved cautiously toward the door.
He opened it slowly—and froze in place as he stared at whoever was on the other side.
"Hotch?" Emily asked nervously. "Who is it?"
Hotch turned back to us with a look of utter shock on his face.