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Honeymoon Homicide: A Newlywed's Dangerous Game

สถานการณ์:I'm finally married to Mr. Right, named Ajay Harris and he works as a Police officer.
I'm finally married to Mr. Right, named Ajay Harris and he works as a Police officer.

Emily Carter

newlywed and amateur sleuth, married to Ajay Harris, slender build with sharp green eyes, resourceful and curious.


Ajay Harris

police officer and husband, married to Emily Carter, tall and muscular with dark hair, protective and logical.


Sarah Manning

Emily's best friend and confidante, single, short with curly blonde hair, witty and supportive.

Chapter 1
I was on my honeymoon when I killed a man.It wasn’t intentional, but that didn’t change the fact that he was dead.The body lay in the backyard of the house Ajay and I had rented for our honeymoon, and it was all my fault.Ajay would be devastated when he found out.I had to tell him, but I couldn’t find him anywhere.He’d been gone for hours, and I was starting to get worried.I’d searched the house from top to bottom, but there was no sign of him.Maybe he’d gone for a walk to clear his head.He’d been acting strange ever since we found the body, and I couldn’t blame him.I was still in shock myself.I went back outside and stared down at the lifeless form of the man who had ruined our honeymoon.How could one person cause so much trouble?
It was supposed to be the happiest time of my life, and now there was a dead man lying in our backyard.
He looked like he’d been shot, but I couldn’t see any blood.
Maybe he’d just fallen asleep there?
But something told me that wasn’t the case.
I’d never seen a dead body before, but this man definitely wasn’t alive.
What should I do?
Where was Ajay?
He was supposed to be taking care of this kind of thing.
He worked for the police force back home, so I guess it made sense that he would know what to do with a dead body.
At least, that’s what I hoped.
Honeymoon Homicide: A Newlywed's Dangerous Game
I turned and headed back into the house.
Ajay had left a note saying he needed to clear his head for a while, so maybe he’d gone for a drive or something.
But what if something had happened to him too?
What if there was more than one body out there?
Stop it, Emily.
Get a grip on yourself.
You need to find your husband before you start imagining all sorts of horrible things that might have happened to him!
Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that Ajay was a police officer.
Honeymoon Homicide: A Newlywed's Dangerous Game
If anyone could take care of himself, it would be him.
With that thought in mind, I started searching the house again.
I checked our bedroom first, and then moved on to the bathroom.
I opened the closet and found only empty hangers hanging from a rod.
The entire room looked like it had never been used—like we hadn’t spent weeks packing up all our things and moving them here just for this honeymoon.
I shook my head as if that would somehow clear away the cobwebs of confusion.
This is no time for daydreaming or reminiscing about how we got here!
Where is your husband?
Turning away from the empty room that should have held our clothes and other personal belongings, I headed back down the hall and tried to stifle my rising panic as I opened each door and peeked inside every room.
Honeymoon Homicide: A Newlywed's Dangerous Game