MidReal Story



Apr 12
Create my version of this story
The whole world was eerily silent.
It was supposed to be the time of the day when the city streets were most crowded, but there were no voices, no engines, and not even the chirping of birds.
The only sound that could be heard was our footsteps hitting the concrete floor.
I was walking side by side with my best friend, Sarah Lee.
She had her long black hair tied in a ponytail and her eyes were glued to the tablet she was holding, her fingers moving rapidly over the screen as she typed in some data.
Right behind us was Jack Thompson, an ex-special forces soldier who used to work as a bodyguard for my company.
He had short brown hair and a tall figure, his eyes scanning the surroundings with an expressionless look.
Ever since the zombie outbreak happened a few weeks ago, we had been scavenging for supplies in the city together.
We were all aware of how dangerous it could be, but it had become an inevitable part of our daily routine.
I had no idea how many zombies there were right now, but they definitely outnumbered the living by thousands or even tens of thousands.
We couldn’t afford to let our guards down for even a single second.
“Anything new?”
I asked Sarah when I noticed the frown on her face.
“I can’t get through to the base.”
She shook her head with a sigh.
“The signal has been jammed for days.”
A cold shiver ran down my spine, but I quickly pushed it back to the deepest corner of my mind.
We’d lost contact with everyone else in our team ever since we left the base a few days ago.
It would be best if I didn’t think too much about what might have happened to them.
“How much further do you think we need to go?”
I asked Sarah after a few seconds of silence.
“It should be around five kilometers.” She paused for a moment before adding, “We’re almost there.”
“Got it.” I nodded and quickened my pace as we turned into another street.
The city was a complete mess, with garbage littered all over the streets and buildings that looked like they were about to fall apart any second.
It had only been a few weeks since the outbreak, but the place looked like it had been abandoned for years already, and I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw what used to be a luxury shopping mall now looking like a pile of ruins in the distance.
I’d never thought that something like this would happen in my life, and if someone had told me that a zombie apocalypse would happen, I would have laughed it off and called them a lunatic.
Now, however, the only thing I could think about was whether or not we’d be able to find enough supplies to last us through this winter.
It would be almost impossible for us to survive without enough food and water, but given the situation right now, that was becoming more and more unlikely by the day.
I caught a glimpse of something moving from the corner of my eyes and pulled out the pistol that I had hidden under my jacket.
“Cover me,” I whispered to my companions before taking a step forward.
There were about ten zombies wandering around on the street, but they didn’t seem to have noticed us yet.
I aimed at one of them before pulling the trigger, sending the bullet right into its head.
The loud bang echoed through the empty space, and the zombies immediately turned their heads in our direction with their mouths wide open, letting out a terrifying groan.
I quickly fired another shot, but it didn’t take long for more zombies to show up on the street.
“There are too many of them!”
Jack shouted as he started firing bullets at the approaching zombies.
I could hear more footsteps coming our way, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw that there were at least fifty zombies coming at us.
“We need to get out of here!”
I grabbed Sarah’s arm and started backing away from the zombies that were now surrounding us.
“We’re not going to make it!”
Sarah said with a panicked look on her face.
I glanced at Jack who was standing right behind her, his expression as calm as ever.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”
He winked at me before pulling out a few hand grenades from his backpack.
“Get down!”
He shouted as he pulled off the grenades’ pins.
The next thing I knew, he threw them right into the sea of zombies that were coming at us, and I immediately covered my ears, knowing that the explosions would be loud.
The zombies let out an ear-piercing scream when they were hit by the grenades, and their bodies were scattered around on the street.
Jack quickly took out his gun and started firing bullets at them, making sure that every single one of them was dead.
He really was a good soldier.
“Good job, Jack!”
I said with a smile as we walked down the empty street.
“It’s not like we were going to die or anything,” he said with a playful smile on his face.
“By the way, how much further do we still need to go?”
“I’m not sure, but it should be around five kilometers,”Sarah replied as she continued to type something on her tablet.
“You’re not sure?
What are we supposed to do if we can’t find any supplies even after we arrive at our destination?”
“What are you so worried about?
We’ll just go somewhere else and look for more supplies.”
“Well, in that case, let me know if you find any ice cream along the way.” I said with a grin.
“I’m craving some rocky road right now.”
“Again with that TV show of yours?
You really are obsessed with it, aren’t you?”
Jack scoffed and shook his head.
“How can I not be?The leading man is hot as hell!”
“Are you talking about me?”
Jack asked with an amused look on his face.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” I rolled my eyes at him before saying, “It’s Ryan Gosling.”
“Who needs that Ryan guy when they have me?”
Jack said in a matter-of-fact tone before adding, “Just kidding.
I’m more of a Chris Hemsworth person myself.”
“I think you’re more like Thor than anyone else.” Sarah chuckled under her breath.
“What can I say?
You can never go wrong with a little bit of Hemsworth in your life.” Jack said with a shrug.
“You don’t even know what you’re talking about,” I mumbled.
“Hey, what did you just say?”
I quickly replied with a smile.
As we continued to walk down the street, I couldn’t help but think about how different everything was back when the zombie apocalypse had just started.
I still remembered the time when we were inside the supermarket, watching all the chaos unfold on the TV.
The broadcast was showing footage of buildings being set on fire and people being eaten alive by the zombies.
It was a horrifying sight.
But just when we thought that everything was going to end in tragedy, something unexpected happened.
A zombie slipped on a banana peel, causing all of us to burst out into laughter.
We didn’t even know what was so funny about it at the time, but it was as if our brains were trying to find humor in the most hopeless of situations.
After all, what were we supposed to do when the world was literally ending in front of our eyes?
“Hey, what are you two still doing back there?”
Jack asked as he turned around to look at me and Sarah.
“Let’s go!”
“Oh, right!
We quickly followed Jack as he led the way to the nearest store.
We went inside and started looking for supplies to take with us.
However, we suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the other side of the street, and the next thing we knew, a huge wave of zombies was coming straight towards our direction.
“We need to hurry up!”
Sarah shouted as she quickly ran towards the back of the store and grabbed a few bottles of wine off the shelf.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m getting drunk tonight!”
Sarah replied with a grin before she quickly caught up with us and ran out of the store.
But just as soon as we had left the store, Jack suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at the supplies that we had left behind.
In less than a few seconds, his gaze fell upon the bottles of wine that Sarah had taken with her.
He let out a sigh before turning around and motioning for us to keep moving forward.
“Sorry about that,” Sarah mumbled as she looked down at the bottles of wine in her hands.
“It’s okay,” Jack said with a sad smile.
“I know how much you love your wine.
I wish we could take all of them with us too.”
“Yeah,” Sarah nodded in agreement.
“But it’s not like we can carry them all anyway.”
“Let’s go,” Jack said before he started walking again.
And just like that, we left the supermarket behind us and continued to walk towards the city center.
“Thank you for always being by my side,” I whispered as I looked up at Jack and Sarah.
“Even though this world is harsh and cruel, I’m glad that we can still find love in it.”
I could see the sincerity in Jack’s eyes when he looked down at me and said, “Don’t mention it.”
After all, love was something that was rare and beautiful in this new world.
And even though we had lost so many things along the way, I was grateful that we could still hold onto it.
The loud sound of glass breaking echoed throughout the city as Jack moved through the window of a store and jumped inside.
I quickly followed behind him and landed on the floor with a soft thud.
As I looked around the store, I saw Jack rummaging through the shelves and stacking boxes of food into his backpack.
I could see beads of sweat rolling down his forehead as they outlined the muscles on his face.
His tall figure made him stand out from the rest of us as he towered over all of us like a giant.
And the way his tight shirt clung tightly to his body only served to accentuate his muscular form even more.
Since when did Jack get this hot?
My heart couldn’t help but start beating faster as I thought about it.
I mean, sure, he had always been my best friend for years now.
But ever since the zombie apocalypse had started, I guess I didn’t really take notice of how attractive he really was until now.
I quickly shook my head to clear my thoughts before I walked over to help Jack carry some of the supplies into my bag.
Once we were done gathering everything we needed, we quickly left the store and headed back outside to meet up with Sarah and the rest of our friends.
We were all sitting in the middle of the road as we discussed our plans for the rest of the day.
“Okay,” Jack said with a serious expression on his face.
“We need to find a place to stay in for tonight before it gets dark.
We can’t afford to let another night go by without proper shelter and food.”
“We need to find a way out of this city first,” I said with a frown on my face.
“There are too many zombies in here for us to make a run for it.”
“We’ll figure something out,” Jack said before he stood up and stretched his arms behind his back.
“But for now, I think it’s best for us to keep moving forward and scavenge for more supplies along the way.”
“We don’t have much time left before the sun sets,” Sarah pointed out as she looked up at the sky and saw how the sun was already starting to set over the horizon.
“We should get going now while we still can!”
As soon as Sarah finished speaking, we all quickly packed our bags and started running down the empty streets of the city to find a place to stay in for the night.
But as I ran side by side with Jack down the road, I couldn’t help but keep sneaking glances at him from the corner of my eye.
It was only then that I realized how different Jack had become ever since the zombie apocalypse had started.
He was no longer the same person that I knew from before.
And the thought of it only seemed to make me want him even more than I already did.
As I followed Jack down the street, I suddenly remembered all those times when he would sneak out to meet me at night while everyone else was asleep.
During those times, he would always do everything he could to make sure that I was well taken care of and that I was well fed.