MidReal Story

Worlds Collide: Rift of Heroes


May 17
Scenario:Christian bale's batman from the dark knight fighting tobey mcguire spider-man while the rest of the avengers and justice league watch nervously
Create my version of this story
Christian bale's batman from the dark knight fighting tobey mcguire spider-man while the rest of the avengers and justice league watch nervously
The first time I saw him, he was swinging through Gotham City like he owned the place.
I was on my way to meet with the Justice League, and I had no time for this.
I had no idea who he was, but I didn’t like him already.
He was lean and agile, his suit a bright red that stood out against the dark city skyline.
He shot webs from his wrists and swung from building to building, laughing like it was all a game.
I watched him for a moment, and then I threw a batarang at him.
He dodged it easily and turned to me with a grin.
“Who are you?”
I growled at him.
“Spider-Man,” he said, as if that explained everything.
“What are you doing in my city?”
“Just passing through,” he said with a shrug.
“I’m on my way to meet with the Avengers.”
I didn’t like the sound of that at all.
Before I could say anything, he gave me a little wave and swung away.
I watched him go, my jaw clenched in frustration.
He was annoying, and I didn’t like him, not one bit.
But I had more important things to worry about.
Like the Joker, who was planning something big, and I needed to stop him.
I didn’t think about Spider-Man again until a few weeks later when I ran into him on a rooftop in Gotham City.
I was in the middle of my nightly patrol when I saw him swinging through the streets below, and I knew it was only a matter of time before he showed up.
Sure enough, he landed on the rooftop beside me a few moments later, and I could practically see the smile on his face.
“Batman!” he said, holding out his hand.
“It’s great to meet you!
I’m a huge fan of your work.”
I ignored his outstretched hand and crossed my arms over my chest.
“What are you doing in Gotham?”
“Just passing through,” he said with a shrug.
“I’m looking for some information on the Kingpin, and I heard you might be able to help me out.”
“No,” I said flatly.
“I don’t work with outsiders.”
He looked disappointed, but undeterred.
“That’s too bad,” he said with a sigh.
“I was hoping we could team up and take down the bad guys together.
You know, join forces for justice!”
He held out his hand again, but I just glared at him.
“You don’t belong here,” I growled.
“This is Gotham City, and it’s my city.
I decide who stays and who goes.
And you’re not welcome here.”
He looked taken aback by my words, but he quickly recovered and gave me a little wave.
“Well, it was nice meeting you anyway,” he said before swinging away.
I watched him go, my jaw clenched in frustration.
I didn’t like him at all.
He was one of those heroes, the ones who thought that fighting crime was all fun and games, like it was some kind of adventure.
But it wasn’t an adventure.
It was dangerous, and it was serious, and the last thing Gotham City needed was him running around making a mess of things.
He was just like all the other outsiders I’d met over the years, and they all made me sick.
I hated everything they stood for, and I hated them even more.
But there was nothing I could do about it.
They came and went as they pleased, and there was nothing I could do to stop them.
But I would do everything in my power to keep my city safe from the likes of him and all the chaos he represented.
"Worlds Collide: Rift of Heroes"
It wasn't his eyes that were angry; it was the whole suit.
The dark cowl that covered most of his face made him look intimidating, and if he was trying to scare me, it was working.
Most heroes wore bright colors to make themselves stand out so that people would know that they were there to help.
He wore black, and when combined with the shape of the costume, it made him seem larger than life.
Maybe he was eight feet tall and built like an ox, or maybe he was just an ordinary guy underneath.
There was no way for me to know for sure because of the way he was standing.
He had one hand on his hip and the other one held a batarang that he was twirling like it was a bo staff.
It wasn’t very impressive, but he seemed to think it was enough to scare me off.
“You shouldn’t be here,” he said in a low voice that seemed even darker than the rest of him.
“You don’t belong in my city.”
I cocked my head to one side as I looked at him.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” I said with a frown.
“I’m just passing through.”
His mask had white lenses that covered most of his face, but I could see his eyes through them when he narrowed them at me in irritation.
“You know exactly what I mean,” he growled.
“This is Gotham City, and I’m the one who decides who comes and goes around here.
And you are not welcome in my city.”
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
“I’m sorry if I upset you,” I said with a shrug.
“But I have business to take care of, and I need to get going.”
I shot a web at the building behind me and swung away before he could say anything else.
I didn’t have time for this; I had more important things to worry about than some guy in a bat costume.
After a few minutes of swinging through the city in silence, I landed on a rooftop overlooking the building where the Kingpin’s office was located.
I crouched down and watched from the shadows as two men in suits walked out of the back entrance and climbed into a waiting limousine.
I knew that they were up to no good, but I needed more information before I could do anything about it, so I followed the limo through the city until it arrived at its destination a few minutes later.
I watched them go inside and made a mental note of the address before swinging back to the building where I had left my motorcycle parked on the roof.
I hopped on and rode away before anyone could see me, but it wasn’t long before I heard the sound of a powerful engine roaring to life behind me, and I knew that he had finally caught up with me again.
I stopped and waited for him to catch up before turning around to face him.
“What do you want?”
I asked in annoyance.
He smirked at me as he climbed off his bike.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to ride like that through the city?
You could have hurt someone.”
"Worlds Collide: Rift of Heroes"
“This really isn’t any of your business,” I snapped at him.
He raised an eyebrow at me in surprise before chuckling darkly.
“You’re right,” he said after a moment.
“It’s not my business.
But you are in my city now, so I’m making it my business.”
I glared at him in irritation as he walked closer to me with his arms crossed over his chest like he was trying to intimidate me or something even though he looked ridiculous in that stupid costume of his.
“You may be able to boss other people around,” I said coldly.
“But you are not going to boss me around.
I don’t know who you think you are, but I am not afraid of you.”
He stared at me for a moment in silence before smirking at me again and shaking his head in amusement.
“I like you kid,” he said with a chuckle.
“You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that.”
My eyes narrowed at him in anger.
“You don’t get it, do you?”
I growled darkly.
“I don’t care if you like me or not.
You are not welcome in my city, and if I ever see you here again, I will take you down so fast that your head will be spinning before you even realize what’s happening.”
He laughed at me again as he turned back to his bike.
“Please,” he scoffed darkly.
“You think you can take me in a fight?”
I clenched my jaw tightly as I listened to him insult me, but I didn’t say anything as he hopped on his bike and gunned the engine before speeding away into the night, leaving me standing there fuming.
I had only been in Gotham City for a few hours, and already I hated it.
I hated the people, I hated the buildings, I hated the streets, and most of all, I hated the fact that he lived here.
But what irritated me even more was that I couldn’t help but feel a little bit impressed by just how fast he was.
His bike was sleek and powerful, and he could ride it like nobody’s business.
But that didn’t matter; he was still an outsider, and he had no right to be here, no matter how fast or powerful he was, or how much I secretly admired him for it.
I thought about following him, but I knew that it would be a waste of time because there was no way for me to catch up with him now that he was gone.
So instead, I climbed back on my bike and rode away to see if I could find any more information on Wilson Fisk, also known as the Kingpin of Crime.
It was obvious to me that he was up to no good, which meant that I needed to take him down before anyone else got hurt, or worse.
But there was only one thing standing in my way: him.
"Worlds Collide: Rift of Heroes"