MidReal Story

Wolf's Deception: A Red Riding Hood Tale


Apr 18
Scenario:Little Red Riding Hood lived in a wood with her mother. One day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her granny. She had a nice cake in her basket. On her way, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. “Hello!” said the wolf. “Where are you going? “I’m going to see my grandmother. She lives in a house behind those trees.” The wolf ran to Granny’s house and ate Granny up. He got into Granny’s bed. A little later, Little Red Riding Hood reached the house. She looked at the wolf. “Granny, what big eyes you have!” “All the better to see you with!” said the wolf. “Granny, what big ears you have!” “All the better to hear you with!” said the wolf. “Granny, what a big nose you have!” “All the better to smell you with!” said the wolf. “Granny, what big teeth you have!” “All the better to eat you with!” shouted the wolf. A woodcutter was in the wood. He heard a loud scream and ran to the house. The woodcutter hit the wolf over the head. The wolf opened his mouth wide and shouted and Granny jumped out. The wolf ran away and Little Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.
Create my version of this story
Little Red Riding Hood lived in a wood with her mother. One day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her granny. She had a nice cake in her basket. On her way, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. “Hello!” said the wolf. “Where are you going? “I’m going to see my grandmother. She lives in a house behind those trees.” The wolf ran to Granny’s house and ate Granny up. He got into Granny’s bed. A little later, Little Red Riding Hood reached the house. She looked at the wolf. “Granny, what big eyes you have!” “All the better to see you with!” said the wolf. “Granny, what big ears you have!” “All the better to hear you with!” said the wolf. “Granny, what a big nose you have!” “All the better to smell you with!” said the wolf. “Granny, what big teeth you have!” “All the better to eat you with!” shouted the wolf. A woodcutter was in the wood. He heard a loud scream and ran to the house. The woodcutter hit the wolf over the head. The wolf opened his mouth wide and shouted and Granny jumped out. The wolf ran away and Little Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.
My mother called me, “Little Red Riding Hood, come here, you are needed to go to your Granny,” and I was thrilled.
My Granny lived on the other side of the wood, and my mother was so busy that she couldn’t go there.
I was her only granddaughter, and we were very close.
So I immediately said, “Mother, don’t worry.
I will go there right now.”
My mother was very glad and said, “That’s my good girl.
You know it can be dangerous to go through the woods alone.
So you should be careful.
Don’t talk to strangers, and don’t stray off the path.”
I nodded my head and said I got it.
I put a cake in my basket that my mother specially prepared for Granny and set off from home with a smile on my face.
The wood wasn’t far away from my house, so I got there quickly.
The trees were so tall that they blocked out the sunshine and made the light a little bit dimmer.
But I wasn’t afraid at all.
I walked along the narrow path in high spirits, thinking about what I would say when I saw Granny.
I even hummed a little song to myself.
But soon I stopped because I felt someone was following me.
I turned around but found nothing there.
I thought it might be my illusion and continued on my way.
But then I heard footsteps again.
When I turned around for the second time, there was still nobody there.
A little confused, I walked faster and faster.
And then I heard the footsteps behind me again.
I was scared this time and walked even faster than before.
Just as I got to an open place, a wolf suddenly jumped out from behind a tree in front of me and stood right in my way!
I screamed and stopped walking abruptly, nearly dropping my basket.
The wolf took a step forward with its mouth wide open as if it wanted to swallow me in one bite!
“Little girl, where are you going?”
It asked in a gentle voice.
“My Granny lives over there,”
I pointed at the direction of my Granny’s house and told him.
“She has been feeling unwell for days now.
My mother asked me to go there and see if she needs any help.”
“Wow… You are such a dutiful granddaughter!”
Said the wolf with admiration.
“And you have a cake in your basket.
Wolf's Deception: A Red Riding Hood Tale
Your Granny must be very happy to see you.
“Yes, she is.
My mother and I made the cake and many other delicious foods.
Granny will be very happy to eat them.”
“Little girl, your Granny lives alone in the wood, right?”
“Well, not really.
There are neighbors nearby.
Granny is a very kind woman, she is good friends with everyone.”
“Good to know that,”
said the wolf with a grin.
“Little girl, why don’t you pick some flowers for your Granny?
There is a beautiful spot ten minutes away from here.
There are all kinds of flowers blooming there.
I’m sure your Granny will love them.”
“That’s a great idea!”
The moment I heard that I could make my Granny happy, I was thrilled and said to the wolf, “Thank you for telling me this, Mr.Wolf.”
“No problem,”
the wolf said with a smile and pointed at the direction of a narrow path.
“There is a shortcut over there.
You should go that way if you want to get to the flower spot faster.”
“Okay, thank you,”
I said gratefully, and went toward the narrow path with my basket.
I said goodbye to the wolf and walked into the woods.
Then I heard the voice of the wolf behind me, “Hurry up, little girl.
I’m afraid your Granny has been waiting for you for a long time.”
“Okay, I will pick the flowers as quick as I can.
Goodbye, Mr.Wolf,”
I said in response.
I thought the wolf was very nice because he told me about the flowers.
I quickly arrived at the beautiful spot that the wolf had mentioned, and I picked all kinds of flowers into my apron.
I got an apron full of flowers in no time.
Then I rushed to my Granny’s house excitedly.
Meanwhile, at that very moment, Granny woke up from her sleep.
She had baked bread this morning and felt quite tired after that, so she took a nap.
When she woke up, she felt terrible.
Her head was heavy, her throat was dry and sore, and she had a fever.
She felt too weak to get out of bed.
The cunning wolf happened to be at the door when Granny woke up.
He knocked on the door gently twice and said in a soft voice, “Granny, it’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.
I’m here to visit you.”
Granny wanted to get out of bed to open the door for her beloved granddaughter immediately after hearing that.
But she found it hard to move her body and had to talk to her through the closed door.
“Little Red Riding Hood, open the door by yourself.I’m not feeling well today.”
“I’m sorry Granny,”
said the wolf in an apologetic voice.
“I will open the door for you right now.”
Then he turned around and pushed open the door quietly without making any sound.
As soon as he got inside the house, he saw Granny sleeping in bed and covered with a quilt.
He immediately rushed over to bed and devoured poor old Granny in one bite!
When I arrived at the door of my Granny’s house and saw her lying in bed, I was puzzled.
Granny had big eyes, big ears, a big nose and a big mouth when I saw her last time.
But now I see her with small eyes, small ears, a small nose and a small mouth?
I called her softly.
Granny opened her eyes wide and said in a hoarse voice: “Come in!
I have not been feeling well since morning.”
“Granny, why are your eyes so big?”
I asked curiously.
“So that I can see you more clearly,”
said the wolf.
“Granny, why are your ears so big?”
I continued to ask.
“So that I can hear you more clearly,”
“Granny, why is your nose so big?”
“So that I can smell the delicious food you brought me,”
“Granny, why is your mouth so big?”
“So that I can eat you!”
The wolf roared suddenly and threw off the quilt.
I saw him jump out of the bed and come towards me in the blink of an eye.
He was about to grab me in his arms and eat me in one bite!
I was so scared that I almost wet myself.
I screamed and ran away as quickly as I could.
The wolf ran after me and chased me to the corner.
And he said to me in a low voice: “Little girl, little girl!Where are you going?
It won’t be easy to get away from here if I catch you!”
At this moment, I had no choice but to think of my Granny’s advice when the cunning wolf wanted to eat me.
I didn’t run away anymore but pretended to be very scared and said: “I’m sorry Mr.Wolf!
Please let me go.
I won’t go against my Granny’s order anymore!
Please don’t eat me either!”
The cunning wolf licked his lips and said with a smile: “It’s too late for you to say this now.
If you hadn’t come closer to me just now, I would not have wasted time talking to you!
Come closer now so that I can see you more clearly before I eat you!”
I said as I nodded my head.
Then I took one step towards him.
As soon as I moved one step forward, I suddenly turned around and ran away as fast as possible!
“You are such a cunning little girl!”
The cunning wolf snarled.
He was about to catch up with me and eat me in one bite.
However, at this moment, a loud noise came from the door of the house, and the door was torn open by someone.
And then a burly woodcutter rushed in with his axe.
He saw the cunning wolf leaning against the wall with his mouth wide open and about to eat me.
So he raised his axe high and chopped it down mightily!
The sharp axe hit the cunning wolf on his back, making him scream in pain as he opened his mouth wide.
I took this opportunity to jump into the corner of the house.
I watched as my Granny jumped out of the cunning wolf’s mouth.
The cunning wolf was so painful that he ran around wildly, but he still couldn’t get rid of Granny.
In the end, he angrily spit Granny out of his mouth.
Then he ran away into the woods and disappeared without a trace.
The woodcutter was about to run after the cunning wolf, but I stopped him in time.
Granny wolf lying to bed.
Afterwards, I asked my Granny in surprise: “Granny, how did you end up inside Mr.
The cunning wolf ate me up when I was making bread for you,”
said my Granny.
“Fortunately, you came in time, or I would have been eaten by Mr.
Wolf!”I said while hugging my Granny tightly.
I will never listen to the words of a bad person like Mr.
Wolf again from now on!”
I learned my lesson this time!
My mother’s warning is indeed not wrong.
It is really not safe to talk to strangers!
The next day, I set off for my Granny’s house early in the morning.
I played with my friends in the woods all morning until noon we were all tired and thirsty.
So we sat down by the stream to rest.
At this time, I suddenly remembered that I should pick some flowers for my mother as she liked them very much when I went through this place last time.
So I said goodbye to my friends and went further into the woods to pick flowers for my mother.
As I walked, I saw many beautiful flowers along the road.
So I picked some flowers for the first time.
Then I continued walking.
I walked past the place where I picked flowers yesterday.
So I went over once again.
Afterwards, I saw some flowers that were more beautiful than the ones I picked yesterday.
So I picked flowers with both hands from one flower bed together.
My basket was soon filled to the brim with the most beautiful blooms I could find.
I was so happy that I couldn’t help but sing along the way.
The sky was blue, the breeze was gentle, and the sun was shining, making the woods look even more beautiful.
I arrived at Granny’s house in such a pleasant mood!
As I walked, I thought: “Mother must be very happy when she sees so many beautiful flowers.”
At this moment, I suddenly saw some lovely flowers not far ahead.
So I ran over quickly.
I thought to myself: “Mother will be very happy if I pick so many flowers for her this time.”
“You are such a lovely little girl!
Where are you going?”
A sly wolf suddenly appeared at this time!
“It’s none of your business,”
I said as I pouted unhappily.
“I have never seen such an impolite little girl,”
The cunning wolf said to me with a smile while shaking his head: “This is not good!
This is not good!
You are going too far!
Don’t blame me if you are not polite!”
The sly wolf continued as he spoke, but he secretly moved towards the basket that I put aside before.
The cunning wolf wanted to take the opportunity when I was picking flowers to grab me in one gulp!
But before he could do anything, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of us!
It turned out that it was my Granny who heard my voice and sent someone to look for me!
“Little Red Riding Hood, where have you been?”
Little Red Riding Hood, why are you picking flowers here?”
The sly wolf was shocked when he saw so many people appearing suddenly, and he immediately ran away in a panic!
How dare he try to eat me!
Granny’s man quickly caught him!
“Little Red Riding Hood, you’ve put the cake here?Let me carry it for you!”
Granny said as she carried the cake and we all walked towards the house together!
We were halfway there when the sly wolf came back again!
He saw that there were so many people around me and he didn’t dare attack me anymore!
So he went up and said, “Excuse me, can you tell me what this little girl’s name is?”
“You are such a rude wolf!
You don’t even know who she is and you have talked to her?
This little girl is Little Red Riding Hood, and she is my granddaughter!”
Granny scolded him unhappily!
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!
I hope you won’t blame me!
I just saw her picking flowers, and she is so lovely and beautiful, so I can’t help but talk to her!”
The sly wolf said with a smile!
Little Red Riding Hood, why are you so impolite?
Did you ignore other people when they talked to you?”
Granny said as she pinched me!
I will not talk to him!
He is a bad guy!”
I said as I pouted!
I was a little scared when I saw the sly wolf!
So I hid behind Granny as I spoke!
Granny smiled and said, “You are such a good child!
Don’t be afraid of anything as long as you are with your granny!”
At this time, the sly wolf said again: “It’s my fault for being impolite just now!
It’s none of your business!
Please forgive me!”
You can leave!”
Granny said impatiently!
The cunning wolf didn’t dare say anything more after he was scolded by Granny!
He left in small steps when we were not paying attention!
“Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going with the cake?
Why didn’t you take the path in front of you?
It’s such a long way!”
When he said that, we all looked at each other and burst into laughter!
I was also very happy when I saw everyone laughing together.
And I said with a smile: “I’m going home and passing through the forest in front of me.
Behind the tall oak trees, there is a path that leads directly to my house.”
“Why are you going back now?
Isn’t today Saturday?
Why don’t you go visit your Granny?”
“I’m here to visit her.
My mother has sent me here since this morning.
She told me that Granny had eaten some bad food during breakfast and her belly was not feeling well.
There was butter in the basket that I carried for her.
Mother asked me to give it to her and asked her not to eat anything else.”
At this time, the sly wolf came back again: “Little Red Riding Hood, how far is it from your house?Does your Granny live alone?”
“My house is just behind the tall oak trees.
If I walk faster, I can get there in less than a quarter of an hour.”