MidReal Story

Wizard's Blood: The Alliance of Light and Shadow

Scenario:Please write a novel between Harry Porter and a vampire named Selene
Create my version of this story
Please write a novel between Harry Porter and a vampire named Selene
Chapter 1
I was on a mission to investigate strange magical disturbances in the area.
The Ministry of Magic had been receiving reports of odd occurrences, and it was my job as an Auror to check them out.
I apparated to the location and found myself in a dark alleyway.
I pulled out my wand and cautiously made my way down the narrow path.
That’s when I heard it.
A woman’s scream.
I ran towards the sound, my heart pounding in my chest.
When I turned the corner, I saw her.
She was being attacked by a group of vampires, their fangs bared as they went in for the kill.
It was supposed to be a routine mission.
The Ministry of Magic had been receiving reports of strange magical disturbances in the area, and it was my job as an Auror to check them out.
So here I am, chasing down leads and trying to figure out what’s going on.
Wizard's Blood: The Alliance of Light and Shadow
I pull out my wand and cast a protection charm before apparating to the location I was given.
It’s dark when I arrive, and the street is eerily quiet.
I frown and look around, wondering what could have caused such a disturbance.
As I make my way down the narrow alleyway, I hear something that makes me stop in my tracks: a woman’s scream.
My blood runs cold as I realize what must be happening.
Without wasting another second, I run towards the sound, my heart pounding in my chest.
When I turn the corner, I see her: a young woman with pale skin and sleek black hair, being set upon by a group of vampires.
Wizard's Blood: The Alliance of Light and Shadow
The creatures have their fangs bared, ready to feed on her blood.
They haven’t noticed me yet, and for that I am grateful.
I take a deep breath to steady my nerves before raising my wand and pointing it at the vampires.
"Stupefy!" I shout, casting one of my most powerful spells.
A bolt of light shoots from the end of my wand and hits one of the vampires square in the chest, causing him to crumple to the ground.
The others turn towards me with snarls of anger as I keep firing off spells: "Petrificus Totalus", "Expelliarmus", "Avada Kedavra".
One by one they fall until there is only one left standing.
He takes one look at me before turning tail and running away as fast as he can go.
I breathe a sigh of relief before turning to face the young woman who was almost his victim.
Wizard's Blood: The Alliance of Light and Shadow
I turn towards her, and that’s when I notice something strange: her eyes are a piercing shade of blue, and there is an air of danger about her.
She walks over to me with a confident stride, and it’s then that I realize she is not human.
My eyes widen in shock as I take in her fangs, and I raise my wand again out of instinct.
But before I can cast another spell, she puts up a hand to stop me.
"Don’t worry, wizard. I am not going to harm you."
She looks around at the fallen vampires scattered on the ground and shudders slightly.
"You just saved my life." "You’re welcome," I say breathlessly.
"I’m Harry."
"Selene Corvinus," she says with a nod.
Her voice is cold and unfriendly, and it sends a chill down my spine.
"Thank you for saving me—this time. You should get out while you still can; vampires don’t take kindly to wizards trespassing on their territory."
I’m not sure what it is about this vampire woman, but I feel drawn to her somehow.
I want to know more about her, where she comes from, what kind of magic she uses… all sorts of things really.
So without thinking, I find myself saying: "Actually, I think I’ll stick around for awhile."
Wizard's Blood: The Alliance of Light and Shadow
Selene narrows her eyes at me.
"Are you deaf, wizard? If you stay here much longer, the vampires will kill you!"
She turns and starts walking away, but I follow after her.
She doesn’t say another word to me as we make our way down the street, but I can tell that she knows I’m behind her.
I watch as she approaches an old brick building and disappears through the doors.
A neon sign above the entrance reads "Club Bloodlust", and it seems out of place in this sleepy town.
I frown and try to follow after Selene, but two burly bouncers block my path.
Wizard's Blood: The Alliance of Light and Shadow
"You’re not welcome here," one of them grunts.
"Get lost, wizard."
I try to explain that I’m only trying to find the vampire woman who went in before me, but they’re not interested.
Then something strange happens; a few minutes later, Selene appears again—and she’s dragging one of the bouncers behind her by the collar.
The other one tries to grab her, but she spins around and kicks him in the face so hard that he goes flying across the street.
Wizard's Blood: The Alliance of Light and Shadow
She’s still quite beautiful, even with blood spattered on her clothes and a few stray strands of hair falling out of her ponytail.
I watch as she walks up to a group of three vampires who are standing near the bar.
They look at Selene fearfully as she approaches them; one tries to run away, but she grabs him by the throat and hurls him to the ground.
As he lies there gasping for breath, Selene turns to the other two and grins wickedly.
"Do you want to join your friend? Or do you prefer to die here?"
The vampires cower before her.
"We’re sorry! We didn’t know he was going to attack you!"
Selene just laughs as one of them tries to crawl away from her.
"Are you really that stupid? Do I look like an easy target to you?"
She kicks the vampire in the chest, sending him flying across the room where he lands with a thud.
Wizard's Blood: The Alliance of Light and Shadow
"Next time you want some blood, find a human. I’m not your meal ticket!"
She turns and walks away from the two vampires as they lie there on the ground whimpering.
I can’t help but feel sorry for them; I expected Selene to be more grateful after I saved her life, but it’s clear that she doesn’t need anyone’s help.
Of course, I should probably leave before she decides to get rid of me too—but instead of running away like a scared little boy, I find myself following her into the back room of the club where no one else is around.
Selene stops when she reaches the end of the corridor and looks me up and down with an appraising eye.
"I thought I told you to leave," she says coldly.
"You don’t belong here."
I open my mouth to say something in response, but then Selene turns and walks through the door at the end of the hallway.
Without another word, I follow after her.
Selene rolls her eyes when she sees me coming behind her again—clearly this woman is used to getting what she wants.
She doesn’t say anything, just walks up to another vampire who’s standing by the bar and punches him in the face so hard that his head goes flying across the room.
The other vampires scatter as Selene attacks the poor guy; I can’t help but feel sorry for him, even though he was trying to drink my blood earlier.