MidReal Story

Wisdom's Trials

Scenario:In a remote village, there lived a smart little boy named Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming was brimming with curiosity about the world and always loved to explore his surroundings, discovering new and exciting things.One day, while exploring the forest, Xiao Ming stumbled upon a mysterious meadow with an ancient tree at its center, laden with colorful fruits that filled the air with a tantalizing aroma, capturing his attention. However, he recalled the warnings of the village elders that some things deep in the forest should not be touched carelessly.Deciding to seek advice, Xiao Ming returned home and consulted the village sage, Grandpa Zhi. After listening to Xiao Ming's description, Grandpa Zhi explained that the tree was the legendary "Tree of Wisdom," whose fruits could bestow knowledge and wisdom upon those who passed its tests of intellect.Following Grandpa Zhi's guidance, Xiao Ming found three riddles, each representing a trial from the Tree of Wisdom. With his intelligence and wit, he solved the riddles one by one. Eventually, standing beneath the tree, the fruits suddenly fell before him.Xiao Ming realized that true wisdom was not just about knowledge but also included courage, humility, and respect for the unknown. He carefully picked up the fruit, feeling a surge of strength and light within his heart.From that day on, Xiao Ming became not only a little sage in his village but also frequently used his wisdom and courage to help the villagers solve problems and protect the home he loved. The Tree of Wisdom became a beautiful legend in the village.
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In a remote village, there lived a smart little boy named Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming was brimming with curiosity about the world and always loved to explore his surroundings, discovering new and exciting things.One day, while exploring the forest, Xiao Ming stumbled upon a mysterious meadow with an ancient tree at its center, laden with colorful fruits that filled the air with a tantalizing aroma, capturing his attention. However, he recalled the warnings of the village elders that some things deep in the forest should not be touched carelessly.Deciding to seek advice, Xiao Ming returned home and consulted the village sage, Grandpa Zhi. After listening to Xiao Ming's description, Grandpa Zhi explained that the tree was the legendary "Tree of Wisdom," whose fruits could bestow knowledge and wisdom upon those who passed its tests of intellect.Following Grandpa Zhi's guidance, Xiao Ming found three riddles, each representing a trial from the Tree of Wisdom. With his intelligence and wit, he solved the riddles one by one. Eventually, standing beneath the tree, the fruits suddenly fell before him.Xiao Ming realized that true wisdom was not just about knowledge but also included courage, humility, and respect for the unknown. He carefully picked up the fruit, feeling a surge of strength and light within his heart.From that day on, Xiao Ming became not only a little sage in his village but also frequently used his wisdom and courage to help the villagers solve problems and protect the home he loved. The Tree of Wisdom became a beautiful legend in the village.
I lived in a remote village.
Our village was nestled in a valley, surrounded by towering mountains and lush forests.
It was a beautiful place, with fresh air and clear skies.
The people who lived in our village were known for their wisdom and simple way of life.
I was part of this community.
I was a smart little boy, but I was also very curious.
Some people said that I was a child who had grown up ahead of his time, while others joked that I would have been a great treasure hunter when I grew up.
There was no school in our village, but I still learned a lot from the village sages and the village elders.
I had read all the books in the village library many times over.
I was like a sponge that absorbed everything around me.
However, I always felt that I was not getting enough food for thought from our small village.
It was as if I were a hungry ghost who had to swallow the whole world to satisfy my hunger.
Our village was surrounded by mountains on all sides.
There were only two ways to get into the village: through the narrow mountain pass or by crossing the raging river.
The river that flowed through the village was crystal-clear, but it would become extremely turbulent when it rained.
That day, I sat alone by the riverbank and looked at the water in silence.
The sky was clear and blue.
The sun shone down on my face, but I felt as if there were thousands of heavy stones weighing down on my heart.
I don’t know why, but I felt as if I would never be able to leave this place for my entire life.
It was not that I did not like this place or that I hated the people here, but it just felt too small for me.
It felt as if this place could not contain me anymore.
But at the moment, my greatest wish was to explore the other side of the river and see what lay beyond the mountains.
As long as I could cross this river, I would be able to leave this place!
I stood up and looked around.
There were no boats by the riverbank, so how could I cross the river?
Just as I was feeling anxious, a boat slowly drove over from the other side of the river.
The boatman walked over with a smile and asked, “Do you want to cross the river?”
I nodded my head firmly.
After saying that, he led me onto his boat and started to row across the river.
The good weather had brought many visitors from other towns and villages to our village these days.
That person must have come from another town or village!
My heart was filled with boundless excitement as we crossed the river.
When we finally reached the other side of the river, I ran down from the boat without looking back at all and ran towards the distant mountains like a gust of wind!
At this moment, I felt as if I had been released from my shackles and could finally spread my wings and fly!
Wisdom's Trials
I had long noticed that I loved to sit by the river and look at it in a daze.
I don’t know why, but whenever I stood by the river, I would be filled with a kind of inexplicable emotion.
I had always been very curious.
The village sages and elders who taught me to read and write had weathered faces, kind smiles, and were very knowledgeable.
They could tell that I was eager to learn, so they often gathered around and told me about ancient wisdom, as well as various legends and stories from other places.
Sometimes, when they had nothing to do, they would gather in groups and discuss some historical events or political affairs.
When they saw me sitting in a daze by the side, they would happily invite me over to listen to their conversations.
I would sit quietly beside them and listen to them as if I were an adult.
Sometimes, when I heard some names or terms that I didn’t understand, I would raise my hand in embarrassment and ask them curiously.
The sages and elders would be very happy to answer me, and they would patiently explain everything to me in great detail.
Every time I listened to their explanation, I felt as though I had opened a new door in my mind.
The sages and elders’ teachings were my most cherished treasure.
I would listen to them attentively and engrave their words into my mind, and after I went back, I would read them carefully.
Sometimes, while I was reading, I would unknowingly fall asleep.
The next morning, when I woke up and saw that there was a blanket on my body, I knew that it must have been Grandpa Zhi who covered me with it.
This was also something that I had gotten used to.
I loved this place and these people very much!
Old Man Zhang told me a very interesting legend one day.
He told me that deep in the dense forest, there was a sacred tree called the “Tree of Wisdom”.
The tree bore fruits that were known as “Wisdom Fruits”.
The Wisdom Fruits contained all the knowledge of Heaven and Earth, as well as information from all ages.
When people ate them, they could gain profound insights from them and gain some understanding and knowledge that they could not have imagined before.
The Wisdom Tree was alive and possessed spiritual intelligence.
It could move on its own, and it hid itself deep in the forest.
The place where it finally stopped was called “the land of wisdom that no one has ever set foot on.”
According to legend, only those who had been enlightened by it could find it, and only those who had been chosen by it could get close to it and eat its fruits.
No one knew where it was or what it looked like.
It was said that there were people who had been searching for it for their whole lives but still couldn’t find it!
The story of the Tree of Wisdom piqued my interest, and I was deeply attracted to it.
To me, knowledge was like a flame that burned in my heart, driving me to yearn for more and more knowledge every day.
I yearned to taste these Wisdom Fruits personally!
I don’t know why, but I felt as if this Tree of Wisdom was calling out to me!
Although I didn’t know where it was, I believed that one day, I would be able to find it and eat its fruits!
Wisdom's Trials
I decided to set out on a journey to look for the Tree of Wisdom!
The next day, I went to explore on my own again.
After walking into the dense forest, I went deeper into it than ever before!
The sun shone through the thick canopy and illuminated a large area in front of me with a bright light.
I saw a meadow full of flowers about 50 meters away from me.
It was so beautiful!
This is strange!
Why have I never seen this place before?
I don’t know why, but I felt as if there was something unusual about this place, so I walked over to take a look carefully.
As I got closer, I realized that there was an ancient tree growing in the center of the meadow!
The tree looked exceptionally strange!
Its trunk looked as if it were made up of countless intertwined ropes!
Its branches were also twisted together into various weird shapes!
It looked very old, but at the same time, it looked very beautiful!
There were all kinds of colorful fruits hanging on the branches of this tree.
They were red, purple, yellow, blue…
They looked like gems under the sun!
The fruits were emitting a faint fragrance that filled the air with a wonderful aroma.
The whole place was filled with a sweet fragrance, but it was not too strong, and it made me feel very comfortable.
I looked at the beautiful fruits on the tree and my eyes lit up!
Without even realizing it, my mouth started watering!
I really want to eat them!
That day, I hadn’t eaten anything at all!
Just as I was about to walk forward, my footsteps suddenly stopped.
At that moment, Old Man Zhang’s voice suddenly rang out in my mind.
“There are many things deep in the forest that are not as simple as they seem on the surface!”
“Remember, you must never touch anything carelessly, or you will die!”
Suddenly, the joy on my face disappeared.
Instead, a little fear appeared in my heart!
Because of what Old Man Zhang said, the scene where the tree killed the greedy person that he described appeared in my mind.
It’s too dangerous!
I have to be careful!
This is a very strange tree!
Is it the Tree of Wisdom?
What is it doing here?
This is not “the land of wisdom that no one has ever set foot on.”
Then, is it “the land of wisdom that no one has ever set foot on”?
Is this the Tree of Wisdom?
Although I hesitated, I still couldn’t control my curiosity.
The desire to eat these fruits overcame my fear and reason.
After thinking for a while, I decided to go back to the village first and ask Grandpa Zhi about it.
Wisdom's Trials