MidReal Story

Wilderness Encounter: Unraveling the Forest's Mystery


May 6
Scenario:Two men decide to go live self-sufficiently in the great North American forests, but a strange creature eats their plantation and destroys their habitat.
Create my version of this story
Two men decide to go live self-sufficiently in the great North American forests, but a strange creature eats their plantation and destroys their habitat.
Mark and I were on the ultimate bro trip.
We were best friends, and we had been planning this trip for a really long time.
We wanted to live off the grid, surviving in the great North American forests as we built a cabin and planted crops.
As a botanist, Mark knew the best place to go.
He also knew what kind of plants we’d be able to grow since he was an expert at it.
I was a survival expert, so I knew how to hunt and fish, as well as what would be dangerous to eat out in the wild.
We had planned this for a long time and saved up money to make it happen.
Plus, we had purchased everything that we needed, so we’d be able to survive with the bare necessities.
We wouldn’t have to worry about getting supplies or anything like that.
I had always been an outdoorsy guy, but recently I had grown to hate the confines of modern society.
It always felt like I was a rat in a cage, unable to ever escape my troubles.
Now I was going to have that opportunity and I couldn’t wait.
Mark and I had talked about this for years.
We both wanted to leave everything behind and start fresh out in the wilderness.
We had talked about it for so long that I didn’t really think it was going to happen.
But now we were finally doing it.
I was so excited that it was happening.
Mark had planned everything down to the last detail.
I hadn’t even known where we were going until he told me that morning.
And when he did, it made perfect sense.
The place he’d chosen was perfect for what we wanted to do.
It had lots of resources and wasn’t too far from civilization, but far enough away where we wouldn’t be bothered by anyone or anything.
It also wasn’t polluted like some other places in North America were.
I wasn’t sure if it was the best place for us, but Mark was pretty convinced that it would work out really well.
Mark and I had been planning this for months, almost right after he’d told me that this was what he wanted to do.
We had spent countless hours talking about where we might go and what we might do once we got there.
At first it was just a dream, something we both knew would never come true.
But as time went on, it became more real and more possible until it finally happened.
We were finally on our way to start a new life together and I couldn’t wait for it to begin.
Wilderness Encounter: Unraveling the Forest's Mystery
The past two weeks were a blur of activity.
Mark and I were constantly doing something, whether it was packing up our things to bring with us or studying everything we could about where we were going.
I was in charge of doing most of the packing, while Mark was in charge of figuring out what we would need.
He was a botanist, so he would know exactly what we needed to bring.
He made sure that we wouldn’t be lacking for anything.
Everything was in perfect order.
I had even made a list of all the things we would need to buy while we were there.
I didn’t want to forget anything, especially since we were going to be there for a long time.
Mark gave me a list of all the things we would need to survive, including food, medical supplies, tools, and other essentials.
He also told me which plants would be good to eat and which ones wouldn’t.
I couldn’t believe how much he knew about the natural world, but I was excited to learn more about it when we finally got there.
Mark was always surprising me with his expertise.
That was one of the best things about having him as a best friend.
I was almost packed now, but there were still a few things I hadn’t bought yet.
Some of them could wait until we actually got there, but others would need to come with us.
I felt anxious thinking about the trip because it was going to be such a big change from what we were used to.
But at the same time, I couldn’t wait for the adventure to begin.
This is what we had always wanted, so this is what we were going to get.
As Mark told me once, life was too short for regrets, so we might as well go all in.
So far, my life hadn’t really been all that exciting.
I had grown up in a small town in North Dakota where everyone knew everyone else.
I hadn’t really liked living there because it was boring, but I didn’t know how much more exciting my life could get until Mark told me he wanted to do this.
As soon as he did, my mind raced with possibilities and my heart raced with excitement.
This was exactly what I wanted to do.
I had always wanted to leave everything behind me and have an adventure.
Unfortunately, I never really got the opportunity to do so because I was always stuck in the same place, doing the same thing every day.
But now Mark was giving me the chance to break free from those chains, and I wasn’t going to pass it up for anything else in the world!
I couldn’t believe it was happening, but it was!
I was finally going on an adventure and I couldn’t wait to see what happened next!
I was sitting on my bed, looking at the calendar on my wall, when my mind began to wander to the past few weeks’ events.
It seemed like everything had happened so quickly, but I knew it would take a while to get to our destination, so I was making sure I wouldn’t forget anything before we left.
In two days, Mark and I were going to get on a plane and fly to our new home.
Then our real adventure would begin!
I was so excited for it to start, but at the same time, I was a little bit nervous.
Wilderness Encounter: Unraveling the Forest's Mystery
I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I knew it would probably be very different from what I was used to in New York City.
Everything about the city was so big, grandiose even, but not really in a good way.
The tall skyscrapers reached for the sky, blocking out the sun and casting dark shadows over everything below them.
The people walked quickly down the sidewalks, their eyes glued to their phones or looking straight ahead, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone else, let alone smile at them or say hello to them.
The city was so loud too, with cars honking their horns constantly and people shouting or talking loudly on their phones or to each other, trying to be heard above all of the noise around them.
It was always so chaotic no matter where you went, and there were always people everywhere doing everything imaginable, which was both good and bad at the same time depending on how you looked at it.
But since everyone was so busy, I never really felt like I belonged there.
I had moved there five years ago after I graduated from college, hoping that it would be a place where I could finally make something of myself, somewhere I could finally be happy and find a purpose for my life.
The first few months were exciting because it was all so new and different from what I was used to, but that excitement didn’t last long.
After a while, it just became my new normal, and I found myself wondering if this was really where I was meant to be after all.
I had gotten a job as a bartender at a popular nightclub not too long after I moved there, and that had been somewhat exciting when I first started.
There were always new people coming in and out all of the time and there were always interesting things happening, but that got old pretty quickly.
Even though I liked my job, I didn’t really like my boss and some of my coworkers who were always trying to cheat me out of my tips or talk badly about me behind my back.
It wasn’t enough for me to quit, but it was enough for me to feel like an outcast, like I didn’t really belong there.
And even though I had made some friends while I was there, I still felt like I was missing something and that something was very important.
I just didn’t know what it was at the time.
Now I did though.
Now I knew that something was Mark, and he was everything I needed and more!
He made me feel like I belonged with him, like he was my family.
He made me feel happier than I had ever been before, so much so that I hadn’t really thought about how unhappy I was with my life until he came around and showed me how much better it could be.
Wilderness Encounter: Unraveling the Forest's Mystery