MidReal Story

Wild Hearts: Forbidden Love in a Medieval Realm


May 15
Scenario:a orc mets a woman in the woods at first he keep his distance as he things all human are the same time goes by as the get the know each other she fell in love first but he fell harder they come up to a city once they get in he notice how the woman tried to cover up her face from the town people some one ended up bumping into her causing her hood to fall of most of them notice her as the runaway princess. She and the orc get to a tavern. He asks what's going on and she tells her whole story and why she ran away. the next day make a run from some few guard but they get captured she get taken to get old home to a force marriage she tries to get to her boyfriend the orc after a couple of hard tries she manage to free him they were about to leave the castle until her parents trapped them in they gave the orc a decision they either kill him or they kill her. the orc chose them to kill him instead stabbing him in the chest.
Create my version of this story
a orc mets a woman in the woods at first he keep his distance as he things all human are the same time goes by as the get the know each other she fell in love first but he fell harder they come up to a city once they get in he notice how the woman tried to cover up her face from the town people some one ended up bumping into her causing her hood to fall of most of them notice her as the runaway princess. She and the orc get to a tavern. He asks what's going on and she tells her whole story and why she ran away. the next day make a run from some few guard but they get captured she get taken to get old home to a force marriage she tries to get to her boyfriend the orc after a couple of hard tries she manage to free him they were about to leave the castle until her parents trapped them in they gave the orc a decision they either kill him or they kill her. the orc chose them to kill him instead stabbing him in the chest.
I was never supposed to meet the princess.
She was never supposed to run away.
And I was definitely never supposed to fall in love with her.
But sometimes, fate has other plans.
I was hunting in the woods when I heard the scream.
It was a human scream, and it was coming from a human woman.
I should have ignored it.
I should have kept hunting, kept looking for something to kill and bring back to my tribe for dinner.
But I couldn’t ignore it.
I had to find out what was happening, and if she needed help.
So I followed the sound of her voice, and I found her in a clearing, surrounded by three men who were all much bigger than she was.
She had a sword in her hand, but she didn’t look like she knew how to use it very well.
And she was outnumbered and outmatched, and they were closing in on her fast.
I didn’t know why I did what I did next.
I was an orc, and I was a warrior.
I had been born and raised to fight, to kill, and to die for my tribe.
But that didn’t mean I was a monster.
Even if most humans saw me that way.
And even if the things my ancestors had done to them during the Great War were monstrous.
But that was a long time ago.
We were both different people now.
Or so I wanted to believe.
I looked at the woman again, and I saw her fear, and I knew I had to do something to help her.
Because even though she was a human, she was also a princess.
And because even though I had no reason to care about her, I did.
The men turned to me, and one of them laughed.
“Looks like we’ve got another one!”
He raised his own sword, a cruel smile on his face.
“It’s your lucky day, beast.”
I bristled at the word, but I didn’t let it show.
Instead, I shifted my weight back onto my heels, ready to charge at them if they came too close.
The other two men exchanged a look, and then they smiled too, as if they thought they could take me down easily enough.
They were probably right.
Even though I was strong and quick and used to fighting other orcs who were much bigger than me, these men were still bigger than any orc I’d ever seen before—aside from the chieftain himself.
And there were three of them, not just one or two.
I could probably take down one of them before he killed me, though two would be much harder.
And three…
But it didn’t matter.
My life wasn’t important.
Only Elara’s was.
I took another step toward her, but one of the men raised his hand to stop me.
“Don’t come any closer,” he growled.
“You just made the biggest mistake of your life.”
I didn’t know what that meant.
And I didn’t have time to figure it out.
The man charged at me with his sword raised high, and I ducked and dodged and then swiped at him with my own sword.
He fell to the ground in a bloody heap.
And that was when the other two men lunged at me too.
I didn’t know why I did what I did next.
I knew that humans and orcs had been fighting for centuries.
I knew that most humans didn’t believe orcs were people too.
And I knew that even though some orcs had been trying to make peace with them lately.
Most humans would never forgive us for the things we’d done during the Great War.
And most orcs would never forgive them either.
So even if I had no reason to care about Elara…
And even if most people would probably say she was better off without me…
Something inside me still wanted to help her.
Because it was the right thing to do.
And because even though I was an orc…
Wild Hearts: Forbidden Love in a Medieval Realm
So when she lifted her sword and cried out as another man drew closer to her, sweat dripping down his face as he grinned at her, something inside me snapped.
I stood up straighter and charged at them, my massive body acting as a shield as I placed myself between them and Elara.
They stopped in their tracks, their mouths open wide as they stared up at me in shock.
I looked down at them and growled—long and low and deep—menacingly.
At least, that’s what I hoped it sounded like.
It was hard to tell sometimes, especially since I’d always thought of myself as more of a growler than a roarer.
But one of the men flinched back nonetheless.
I shifted my weight onto my heels again, ready to attack if any of them drew closer to me once more.
But none of them did.
They just stood there, staring up at me in strange wonderment as they lowered their swords and daggers slightly too.
I positioned myself so that I could fight all three of them off easily if I needed to as well, but that didn’t seem necessary now either.
All they did instead was continue to stare up at me in shock.
And so that’s what I did too.
Until one of them shook himself out of it and glared up at me again.
“You have no right to interfere with our business,” he spat out.
He didn’t look like the leader of the group to me—not that any of them did—but he sure sounded like it now.
And he acted like it too.
Because he raised his hand to his chest and placed it over his heart before bowing slightly.
“And you have no right to harm us either,” he said coldly.
“We’re not sure who—or what—you are.”
I didn’t know what that meant.
But the man seemed to.
He sneered up at me and clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
Then he raised his sword again too.
“Mark my words,” he growled.
“You’ll regret this.”
He charged at me next, his two friends following closely on his heels.
I charged back at them too.
And when we finally collided in the middle, our swords met with a loud clang!
Then we fell back again before meeting each other a second time.
And a third time after that—
This went on for a while longer than I wanted it to.
It went on for longer than I thought it should’ve too.
But in the end, it didn’t matter much anyway.
Because even though there were three other men against me…
I still managed to kill them all in the end.
Elara stood there in shock the entire time.
She’d been watching me since the very beginning, when she’d first seen me standing there and staring back at her from the shadows as they surrounded her in the clearing.
She hadn’t said anything since then though.
And she didn’t say anything again as she watched me fight off all three men by myself either.
Wild Hearts: Forbidden Love in a Medieval Realm
She finally turned to look at me again.
But she didn’t say anything still.
Especially not after the bald man fell to his knees and crumpled to the ground dead at my feet.
Instead, she just stared up at me with those big brown eyes of hers and blinked a few times as if she couldn’t believe what had just happened.
As if she couldn’t believe what she’d just seen me do either.
Then she opened her mouth and closed it again a few times too without making a sound before finally pulling her gaze away from me to look down at the ground.
And then—and this was when something really strange happened—
She finally took a step forward and placed her hand on my arm.
“Are you okay?”
she asked me then as she looked up into my eyes again and reached out to touch my arm again too before grabbing onto it harder and tightening her grip around my bicep even more so than before.
And so while I wanted to look up at her again instead…
I did look down at her hand on my arm first—
Then I looked up at her next, into those big brown eyes of hers…
…just like I wanted to do before.
But I didn’t say anything then either, just like before, because I was still trying to figure out what was going on with her—and with me—when another voice suddenly spoke up from behind us too:
“And who the hell are you?”
Elara gasped and took a step back then, grabbing onto my arm even more tightly than before as she did while I turned around to face the speaker as well—and saw that there was actually more than one this time too:
There were three of them that is—
Just like there were before too.
And they all looked as shocked as Elara had when they saw me standing there in front of her because they all stopped in their tracks the way the bald man did before slowly raising their weapons and stepping forward again instead:
“And what makes you think you can interfere with our business too?”
“And what makes you think we’re done here?”
Their question made Elara gasp out loud again while I growled in response.
And when I raised my sword in front of me so that it was pointing straight at them…
…they growled back at me too almost immediately after that before raising theirs at me as well:
“Do you have any idea who you’re talking to, beast?”
The bald man snarled at me then—
Just like he had before too—and raised his sword at me again also while his two friends did the same thing in response afterward:
“We’re not going down without a fight!”
They were angry now too.
And so was I when I heard what they said next also because—
I had every intention of killing them all if I had to—
But I didn’t want to kill them if I didn’t have to either!
So I growled at them instead and raised my sword at them again before pointing past them at the dead men on the ground behind them
—and hoped that they’d understand what I meant by that without having to say anything else—
But then—
Just when I thought they did…
…a new voice spoke up from behind us all: