MidReal Story

Whispers of the Forgotten: A Psychic's Revelation

Scenario:My name is Chen Feng. I am a psychic. I can talk to the dead. One of my childhood friends is Shen Tu. She is a criminal policeman. At present, she is working as an intern criminal police in a county in the northeast. Her father is the director of the provincial public security department. On this day, she came across a strange case, and there was no progress for more than a month. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed my phone.
Create my version of this story
My name is Chen Feng. I am a psychic. I can talk to the dead. One of my childhood friends is Shen Tu. She is a criminal policeman. At present, she is working as an intern criminal police in a county in the northeast. Her father is the director of the provincial public security department. On this day, she came across a strange case, and there was no progress for more than a month. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed my phone.
I had been a criminal police intern for over a year, but I had never encountered anything as baffling as this case.
In the past month, I had been running around and working like a dog, but it hadn't gotten me anywhere.
I was at a loss for what to do next.
The woman had been in a coma for over ten years.
One day, she woke up and gave birth to a baby girl out of the blue.
It was a miracle in itself, but the baby girl was kidnapped from the hospital shortly after she was born.
The case was complicated enough.
But the real problem was that the woman who was previously in a vegetative state had miraculously woken up, only to lose her newborn daughter shortly after.
As far as we knew, she was conscious and could speak now, but she couldn't remember what had happened during the time she was in a coma.
All of this made the investigation even more difficult.
The resources of the public security system were vast and wide, and my father was the director of the provincial public security department, so he was very supportive of me.
But after all this time, we still couldn't get any clues or leads from the case.
I couldn’t help feeling frustrated and anxious about it.
As I sat at my desk, flipping through the case files again, I heard a knock on the door.
I looked up and saw that it was Director Shen who had arrived.
“Director Shen.” I quickly got up from my chair and greeted him.
He walked into the room with his hands behind his back.
He looked at me and asked, “What do you think?”
My father knew me well.
He knew how good I was at solving problems, so he often sought my opinions on cases like this one.
In fact, I had already given him all my ideas about this case before he came here today.
But since then, I hadn’t made any progress or breakthroughs on my end.
I shook my head and said helplessly, “I can’t think of any new ideas.”
Director Shen frowned slightly when he heard this.
He walked to my desk and sat down on the chair across from me.
He said in a deep voice, “It’s been over a month with no progress at all.
The woman woke up, and gave birth to a baby girl, but the baby girl was kidnapped on the day she was born, which means that it’s very likely that she died in the hands of the kidnapper.”
I furrowed my brows deeply when I heard him say this.
I knew what he meant by that, but I still found it hard to believe it myself, as the case had happened in front of our eyes not long ago.
Director Shen’s voice suddenly turned cold as he said, “This matter is getting more and more complicated, and it’s already far beyond what we can handle in the county public security bureau, so I asked my superior for help.”
I asked him curiously, “Is there any news from them?”
Director Shen replied, “They will send someone over to look into the case later, but I’m afraid we won’t be able to find the baby girl anymore, given that it’s been almost two months since she went missing.”
Whispers of the Forgotten: A Psychic's Revelation
I bit my lip tightly, feeling very uncomfortable hearing him say this.
The case of the comatose woman waking up and giving birth, only to have her baby girl kidnapped, had become a sensation in the county as soon as it happened.
However, there had been no trace of the baby girl or the kidnapper at all during these two months, even with the combined efforts of everyone in the public security system, let alone catching him red-handed.
Director Shen sighed deeply when he saw my dejected look on my face.
He looked at me gently and then said in a softer voice, “You’ve worked hard, Tu’er.I know you’ve done your best, but some things are just not meant to be.” He paused for a moment before he continued, “The public security system will continue to investigate the matter, but you can go home first and take a break.”
I shook my head firmly when I heard him say this.
I said with a serious expression on my face, “Director Shen, I still have a lot of work to deal with here, so please don’t worry about me.I’ll be fine.”
Director Shen frowned when he saw that I was still so stubborn about this matter.
He said in a serious tone, “Don’t you think it’s about time you let it go?”
His words and the look on his face made me feel very uncomfortable, and my eyes suddenly turned red as if they had been stained with blood as I spoke with tears in my eyes, “But Director Shen, it’s not just about me.I can’t possibly let it go just like that.”
When Director Shen saw me like this, he was stunned for a moment before he suddenly realized something and said in a low voice, “You’ve thought of something?”
“Yes.” I nodded firmly at him and said confidently, “Even if we don’t have any new ideas, there’s still someone who might be able to think of something.”
As soon as Director Shen heard this, his eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope when he realized what I was thinking.
He was silent for a moment before he nodded slightly at me and said, “Alright, I’ll wait for your news.”
When Director Shen left, I closed the door behind him and sat back down at my desk again with a complicated expression on my face as I looked at my phone on one side of my desk.
A few seconds later, I picked up the phone and dialed Chen Feng’s number.
Chen Feng was my childhood friend and had been able to see ghosts since she was a child.
She was very famous on the Internet for being able to communicate with ghosts and tell fortunes in her free time.
She rarely went out from home, but she was always online on her phone all day long.
Whispers of the Forgotten: A Psychic's Revelation
Because Chen Feng was my friend and she was also good at reading people’s hearts, she was able to tell that I was in a bad mood just by looking at my WeChat messages for the past few days.
I didn’t know what else to do at this point in time other than call her for help!
After dialing her number, I waited for a few seconds before she picked up with an indifferent tone and said lazily, “What is it?”
I hesitated for a moment before I decided to get straight to the point and say, “Chen Feng, can you come over here now?”
Chen Feng was stunned for a moment before she asked while frowning slightly in confusion, “What are you talking about?”
I took a deep breath and said in a serious tone, “It’s a police matter.Because she rarely went outside and interacted with other people apart from me as well as her family members at home and only occasionally came into contact with people who needed help online, she didn’t like police matters at all!
She had once told me that she would absolutely never take part in any investigations carried out by the police!
However, now that she was willing to help me investigate this case without any hesitation after I had told her that it was related to the police, it meant that she was willing to help me at all costs!
Even if it meant digging out the graves for me!
And by doing this, she could not only be considered as helping me out but also as repaying my kindness!
When Chen Feng heard what I said, there was an inexplicable silence before she replied in a gentle voice after a few seconds, “Okay, where are you?”
I didn’t expect that Chen Feng would agree so easily and nodded slightly in excitement.
I quickly told her my address before hanging up the phone immediately!
After hanging up the phone with me, Chen Feng hesitated for a moment before putting down her phone as well as the book in her hand that she was reading at home.
She thought about it for a moment before she went upstairs into her room.
She entered the room and locked the door before taking out a red string from the drawer of her desk.
Then, she sat down on the chair before starting to tie the red string around her wrist tightly.
Chen Feng’s heart was in a state of confusion as she closed her eyes before suddenly coming over with a daze.
I listened to the dull sound of the phone hanging up before falling into a state of silence as well.
Just as Chen Feng thought that I wouldn’t call her again, there was suddenly a “Ding Dong” sound from the doorbell.
She was stunned for a moment before standing up quickly with a complicated expression on her face as she took out the red string on her wrist while muttering, “Please be okay, please be okay…”
When Chen Feng opened the door, she saw me standing in front of it.
With a face full of concern, she said, “Shen Tu, what happened?”
I quickly turned around to see if there was anyone else around me.
Whispers of the Forgotten: A Psychic's Revelation