MidReal Story

Whispers of the Abyss


May 13
Scenario:Someone yelling at the voices in there head and killing themselves by jumping off a building
Create my version of this story
Someone yelling at the voices in there head and killing themselves by jumping off a building
I can hear them.
They’re getting louder.
I can’t take it anymore.
I have to do something.
I have to make them stop.
The only way I can do that is to go up there.
I know what I have to do.
I have to go up there and make them stop.
The voices in my head are getting louder, more insistent, and I can’t take it anymore.
I’ve tried everything, but nothing works.
No matter how hard I try, they won’t go away.
They’re always there, whispering in my ear, telling me what a horrible person I am, how I don’t deserve to live, how the world would be better off without me in it.
I know they’re not real, that they’re just a figment of my imagination, but that doesn’t make them any less terrifying.
They haunt me day and night, never giving me a moment’s peace, never allowing me to escape their cruel taunts and jeers.
They’re always there, driving me to the edge of madness, and I can’t take it anymore.
I don’t know what else to do.
I don’t know how much more of this I can take.
Desperation claws at my chest, making it hard to draw breath.
I can feel the tears stinging my eyes, but I can’t let them fall.
I have to be strong, no matter how hard it is.
I have to find a way to make them stop.
The only way I can do that is to go up there and end it once and for all.
I have to do it, or else they’ll never stop.
I’ll never be free.
My hands are clammy with sweat as I inch closer and closer to the edge of the roof.
It’s a long way down, but I know I can make it.
I just have to gather the courage to jump.
The voices are screaming now, a cacophony of sound that’s threatening to drive me out of my mind.
I can feel them pushing me closer and closer to the edge, urging me to take that final step into oblivion.
The pain will stop then, the relentless torment that has been my constant companion for as long as I can remember.
It will all be over, and I’ll finally be free.
But even as part of me is screaming at me to jump, another part is holding me back.
It’s clinging to that last glimmer of hope, that tiny spark of light that refuses to be extinguished no matter how hard I try to smother it.
Maybe there’s another way, maybe there’s something else I can do.
But the voices are getting louder now, drowning out any hope that may have been left.
They’re laughing at me now, taunting me with their cruel words, telling me that there’s no hope for me, that I’m better off dead.
I cover my ears with my hands and scream as loud as I can, hoping to drown them out with the sound of my own voice.
The wind whips around me, pulling at my clothes and tugging at my hair like a ghostly hand trying to drag me over the edge.
But it’s not the wind that’s chilling me to the bone.
It’s the voices, their cold whispers seeping into my bones and making them ache with a pain that goes far deeper than mere flesh and blood.
I’m losing control now, slipping farther and farther away from the edge of reason until it’s nothing more than a dim memory in the back of my mind.
I’m caught between two worlds now, neither of which has any place for me.
On one side there is oblivion, and on the other there is nothing at all.
I don’t know which is worse; they’re both equally terrifying in their own ways.
But maybe there’s another way.
Maybe I don’t have to choose between light and dark.
Whispers of the Abyss
The wind is whipping around me, tugging at my clothes and trying to pull me over the edge.
My balance is precarious, and I’m terrified that I might fall.
The voices in my head are still screaming at me, but they’re getting farther away now.
They don’t want me to fall.
They want me to jump, and if I don’t, they’ll make me do it anyway.
But maybe there’s another way.
Maybe I don’t have to choose between life and death.
There has to be another way.
There has to.
The wind is howling now, and I can feel it tugging at my clothes and trying to push me over the edge.
But it’s not the wind that’s scaring me.
It’s the voices, their laughter echoing in my ears and filling me with a terror so deep and cold that it threatens to freeze my soul.
For a moment, I think I might lose my nerve and fall, but then I remember what I have to do.
I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath, trying to block out the voices and focus on what I need to do.
There has to be another way.
There has to be.
The wind is howling now, and I can feel it pushing me closer and closer to the edge.
But it’s not the wind that’s scaring me.
It’s the voices, their laughter echoing in my ears and making my blood run cold.
They’re telling me what a coward I am, how I don’t have the guts to do what needs to be done, and part of me knows they’re right.
Part of me wants nothing more than to turn around and walk away, but I know I can’t.
Not when there’s so much at stake.
Not when so many people are counting on me.
But then again, maybe there’s another way.
Maybe I don’t have to choose between life and death.
Maybe there’s a third option after all.
The wind is howling now, and I think I might fall, but I can’t let myself forget what I need to do.
The wind is howling now, and I can feel it tugging at my clothes and trying to pull me over the edge, but I ignore it and focus on what I have to do instead.
The voices are getting louder now, and I can feel them pushing me closer and closer to the edge until I’m standing on the very brink of oblivion, teetering on the edge of the abyss with nothing but darkness stretching out before me.
For a moment, I think I might fall, but then I remember what I have to do, and something inside of me goes still and cold and dead.
Whispers of the Abyss
They’re laughing now, chortling to themselves like the senseless fools they are, as if they’ve already won and there’s no point in even trying anymore.
But I’ll show them.
I’ll show them all.
It’s not like I have anything left to lose anyway, so why shouldn’t I?
But if I don’t do something soon, I’m going to lose my nerve, and then they’ll never let me forget it.
They’ll never stop laughing at me, and I’ll never have another moment’s peace as long as I live… if you can even call this living anymore…
No, there’s only one thing left for me to do, and if they think they can stop me, they have another thing coming.
The wind is howling now, but I don’t care, because it’s not the wind that’s scaring me anymore.
It’s the voices, and no matter what I do or how hard I try, they just won’t shut up.
“Jump,” they hiss.
“Do it now before you lose your nerve.”
I lift one foot off the ground like I’m testing the water, and the wind screams louder than ever as I step forward into nothingness…
“Emily,” someone calls, their voice a faint echo of something long forgotten.
“Please don’t do this.”
I lift my head and peer through a haze of tears, but all I can see is an outline of someone standing upon the barren landscape of the rooftop across from me.
He’s tall with broad shoulders and dark hair that falls into his eyes, and even from this distance, he looks concerned, as if he knows what I’m about to do and he’s trying to stop me from doing it.
But his eyes are kind too, and when he sees me looking at him, they soften even more as if he’s searching for something.
As if there’s something about the way I’m standing or the way I’m looking back at him that’s caught his attention somehow.
He calls my name again with a note of panic in his voice this time, but the wind must be louder than I thought because I can’t make out the rest of what he’s trying to say.
“Don’t let him distract you,” the voices hiss.
“Jump before it’s too late.”
But for once, I’m not listening to them.
For once, I’m ignoring their cruel taunts and focusing all my attention on the man across from me instead.
For once, maybe there’s a chance that everything will turn out for the best after all.
Whispers of the Abyss