MidReal Story

Whispers of Midnight

Create my version of this story
Emily is working on her writing project at the café.
After a moment, a man comes in and joins her in her booth.
I take a deep breath, trying to ignore my pounding heart, and prepare to get up when he raises his eyes to mine.
And I can’t.
One look into those deep brown eyes, and I’m frozen to my spot.
His eyes are clear today.
Yesterday they were bloodshot, like he’d been crying for days.
But today, they’re clear.
And they’re so sad.
I can see it in his gaze, the pain that consumes him, and I can’t look away.
“Hi.” His voice is deeper than I expected, husky from disuse.
It’s been a long time since anyone talked to me.
“Can I sit?”
I blink and nod.
“Of course,” I whisper.
He slides into the booth across from me and sets his guitar case on the floor.
He’s wearing a dark green T-shirt, faded jeans, and black Converse sneakers.
His hair is covered by a black baseball cap pulled low over his forehead.
“What’s your name?” he asks, his voice soft now.
I have nothing to hide anymore.
Nothing worth protecting at least.
Maybe it’s time to be Emily again.
“I’m Emily,” I tell him, watching him closely for any reaction.
He glances down at my laptop and smiles.
“Emily,” he repeats softly.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
He reaches across the table and takes my hand in his, surprising me yet again by how warm it feels against my cold skin.
“What are you working on?”
he asks, still holding my hand like it’s nothing at all.
His fingers are long and slender around mine, and they make me feel something I can’t name…
“I’m a writer,” I tell him with a shrug.
His brows pull together in confusion for a second before he nods as if something has suddenly clicked in place for him.
“That’s cool,” he says finally.
“What do you write?”
“I write romance novels.”
He runs his thumb over the back of my hand absentmindedly as he studies me.
“Are you in any of them?”
he asks with a grin, and I start to laugh before I realize he’s serious.
He stops laughing too, and I can see the panic on his face as he takes in my reaction, but I can’t help it anymore.