MidReal Story

Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption

Scenario:On the picturesque grounds of a prestigious university, where ambition and dreams intertwine, two students from opposite worlds collide. Introducing [Heroine], a dedicated literature major, whose life is a carefully orchestrated symphony of academic achievements and future aspirations. Her orderly existence is disrupted when she meets [Hero], a mysterious and brooding figure, known for his troubled past and a reputation that whispers of danger and intrigue. Destiny throws them together when [Heroine] is assigned to tutor [Hero], pulling her into his unpredictable world. Their first encounters are explosive, with [Hero]'s defiant nature clashing against [Heroine]'s disciplined approach. Yet, beneath the surface tension, an undeniable attraction simmers, growing stronger with each stolen glance, whispered secret, and moment of shared vulnerability. As [Heroine] peels back the layers of [Hero]'s complex persona, she discovers a sharp mind, a poetic heart, and a soul yearning for redemption. Despite her friends' warnings and her family's disapproval, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to him, believing in love's power to heal the deepest wounds. Meanwhile, [Hero] is captivated by [Heroine]'s inner strength, her ability to look beyond his exterior, and her quiet resolve to reach his guarded heart. Their romance blossoms in secrecy, navigating a maze of trust issues, jealousy, and unresolved traumas. When dark secrets from [Hero]'s past surface, [Heroine] faces the harsh reality of loving someone with a history that challenges her deepest values. A shocking betrayal threatens to break them, forcing [Heroine] to choose between her heart's loyalty and her mind's caution. In a pivotal moment, [Hero] makes a heartfelt confession, pushing [Heroine] to her emotional limits. Torn between her feelings and her need for truth, she demands full disclosure. [Hero] unveils a tangled story of love, loss, and redemption, leaving their relationship on the brink of either eternal unity or irreversible destruction. Amidst this turmoil, their love story captivates a dedicated fanbase, known as [Fanbase Nickname], who passionately support "Hessa" (the couple's nickname). As [Heroine] wrestles with her decisions and the potential for forgiveness, the story unfolds a journey of resilience, self-discovery, and the transformative power of love, showing that hope can emerge even from the darkest places.
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On the picturesque grounds of a prestigious university, where ambition and dreams intertwine, two students from opposite worlds collide. Introducing [Heroine], a dedicated literature major, whose life is a carefully orchestrated symphony of academic achievements and future aspirations. Her orderly existence is disrupted when she meets [Hero], a mysterious and brooding figure, known for his troubled past and a reputation that whispers of danger and intrigue. Destiny throws them together when [Heroine] is assigned to tutor [Hero], pulling her into his unpredictable world. Their first encounters are explosive, with [Hero]'s defiant nature clashing against [Heroine]'s disciplined approach. Yet, beneath the surface tension, an undeniable attraction simmers, growing stronger with each stolen glance, whispered secret, and moment of shared vulnerability. As [Heroine] peels back the layers of [Hero]'s complex persona, she discovers a sharp mind, a poetic heart, and a soul yearning for redemption. Despite her friends' warnings and her family's disapproval, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to him, believing in love's power to heal the deepest wounds. Meanwhile, [Hero] is captivated by [Heroine]'s inner strength, her ability to look beyond his exterior, and her quiet resolve to reach his guarded heart. Their romance blossoms in secrecy, navigating a maze of trust issues, jealousy, and unresolved traumas. When dark secrets from [Hero]'s past surface, [Heroine] faces the harsh reality of loving someone with a history that challenges her deepest values. A shocking betrayal threatens to break them, forcing [Heroine] to choose between her heart's loyalty and her mind's caution. In a pivotal moment, [Hero] makes a heartfelt confession, pushing [Heroine] to her emotional limits. Torn between her feelings and her need for truth, she demands full disclosure. [Hero] unveils a tangled story of love, loss, and redemption, leaving their relationship on the brink of either eternal unity or irreversible destruction. Amidst this turmoil, their love story captivates a dedicated fanbase, known as [Fanbase Nickname], who passionately support "Hessa" (the couple's nickname). As [Heroine] wrestles with her decisions and the potential for forgiveness, the story unfolds a journey of resilience, self-discovery, and the transformative power of love, showing that hope can emerge even from the darkest places.
I’m a literature major at Washington Central University, and I take it very seriously.
My life is a symphony of academic achievements and future aspirations, and I play the lead violin.
Every day is structured: I wake up early, I run, and then I study.
I go to classes, and when I get home, I study some more.
I do volunteer work on the weekends, and a group project on Fridays.
This is the way my life is: structured, predictable, and completely ordinary.
I’ve been in college for three years now.
I’m two years away from a degree that will open up doors for me in the university’s graduate program.
I’ll be a shoo-in with my grades and my extracurriculars, which are as carefully selected as everything else in my life.
I know what I want out of life, and I’m working hard to get it.
Sometimes I get homesick for my family back in Atlanta, but I deal with it.
The friends I’ve made here help, especially Landon Gibson.
He’s been by my side since the first week I was here.
He’s made it his mission to keep me from being lonely, and he’s very good at it.
I keep him at arm’s length emotionally, but he’s always there when I need him.
I don’t know what I would do without him.
This semester has gotten more complicated than usual because of one thing: Hero.
I’d heard his name before.
He’s a known troublemaker on campus, an athlete with an attitude and a history of being difficult.
He’s not that big—he’s tall, but he has a lean build that doesn’t match his reputation as a brawler.
It’s his presence that gets you.
It’s not just his height or his face or his eyes; it’s a combination of everything.
The way he carries himself makes him seem like he’s bigger than he really is.
That might be why people are afraid of him on some level.
There are stories about his past that make him seem dangerous and unpredictable.
Professor Soto had asked me to tutor him last week.
I didn’t want to refuse him because I need the recommendation for graduate school, but the idea of being alone with Hero makes me uncomfortable.
I don’t like the way he looks at me, and I don’t like the things people say about him on campus.
But I’m a professional, and I can handle myself around someone like him as long as I stay focused on our work and ignore his reputation and his eyes and his mouth and everything else that makes him dangerous and unpredictable.
I’ll get through this semester the way I always do: by sticking to my schedule and avoiding distractions at all costs.
Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption
I can feel him looking at me when I walk into the library.
It’s like I can feel the weight of his gaze on my skin even though I can’t see him.
It’s not hard to figure out where he is; there are only a few people in this section of the library, and he’s the only one who doesn’t fit in with the rest of the students here.
His scowl darkens when I walk toward him, but he doesn’t look away from whatever he’s reading on his phone.
I don’t know why he would; there aren’t any other girls in this library who look like me.
I’m dressed casually in jeans and an oversized sweatshirt that covers my butt, and I don’t have any makeup on or jewelry or anything else that might make me stand out in this crowd of overachievers and perfectionists.
He shouldn’t even know that I exist or that I’m walking toward him right now, but he does anyway.
“Hero,” I say when I’m standing in front of him.
He lifts his gaze to mine.
His eyes are dark and cold even though it’s been months since I’ve seen him do anything to earn his reputation.
I wonder if this is the real him or if the stories about him are exaggerated and made up.
If this is him, then I don’t understand why a professor like Soto would ask me to tutor him.
He doesn’t look like someone who cares about his grades.
He looks like someone who doesn’t care about anything at all.
It must be tough to be a professor and have to deal with a student like him all the time.
“Do I know you?”
He asks it like it’s a challenge.
Like it’s a dare for me to answer.
“No,” I say.
My voice is steady and strong even though there’s a flutter in my chest that wasn’t there before.
He makes me nervous, but I won’t let him see it.
I have nothing to be afraid of when it comes to him.
“I’m here to talk to you about something.”
“What something?”
He closes his phone and sets it facedown on the table in front of him.
I can’t believe Soto is making me do this, not on top of everything else he already asked me to do this semester.
“I’m your new tutor,” I say at last.
He doesn’t say anything at first.
He cocks his head to one side like a bird that didn’t hear the call of its mate.
He’s studying me with a look of intense scrutiny on his face now that he doesn’t have his phone to distract him.
“Your last tutor quit,” he says after a moment.
It sounds like an accusation more than anything else.
“Yes,” I say apologetically.
“It’s been hard to find another one.”
He narrows his eyes at me like he doesn’t believe me.
It almost seems like he doesn’t want to believe me; like he wants me to tell him some other kind of answer instead of the one I’m giving him now.
“What do you want?”
he asks when he realizes that I’m not going to give him any details about the tutoring arrangement Soto has set up between us.
Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption
“I just wanted to introduce myself,” I tell him in what I hope is a conciliatory tone of voice.
“I don’t care about your name,” he says and looks away from me.
What an asshole, I think to myself as I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment and something else that might just be anger.
“Well,” I say as I try to find something more productive to do with this encounter than just standing in front of him feeling like an idiot.
“If you need anything you can get in touch with me through Soto’s office.”
“What kind of grades did you get in high school?”
I guess he knows what this is all about now and is at least interested enough in it to ask me a question about it.
He’s still not looking at me, but when he talks he turns back towards me so we’re almost looking at each other now.
“Straight A’s,” I say because it’s the truth and there’s no reason to lie about it if he’s going to find out anyway.
If we’re going to be working together then he’ll see all of my grades eventually because he’ll have access to all of them in all of my classes.
“Straight A’s?”
His eyes narrow as if he doesn’t believe me, but then his expression changes again and for a moment I think I see something in his eyes that could be something like wonder or maybe even admiration.
“Good for you,” he says at last, but there’s something in his voice that makes it sound like he doesn’t mean it at all and that he’s just saying it to be polite even though he doesn’t care about anything at all.
I don’t let his tone bother me because I don’t have anything to prove to him, not when it comes to my grades or anything else.
“And what kind of grades did you get in high school?”
I ask as I give his phone one last look and tell myself that I really need to think about getting one before I go off to graduate school next year so I can keep up with email and everything else important instead of just depending on my laptop and the computer labs that are spread out all over campus.
“Straight A’s,” he says without hesitating at all and I believe him because even though he’s an asshole he doesn’t look like someone who would lie about something like that.
“So why do you need a tutor if you had straight A’s in high school?”
I ask him because I can’t help it.
I don’t know why I’m still talking to him when I’ve already told him everything he needs to know and am about to walk away from him.
“Are you in the honors program?”
he asks me before I can go.
“Yes,” I tell him and then hesitate as I wonder if this is what Soto meant when he said that tutoring Hero was going to be different than tutoring any of my other students.
I hand him my class schedule and tell him when and where we’re supposed to meet even though I know that he already has all of that information.
I’m about to walk away and leave him in peace when he says, “You’re taking extra classes in addition to everything else?”
“I have to take twenty-one credit hours every semester to stay on track.”
“You don’t have friends?”
he asks me and I know that he’s just trying to provoke me into giving him some kind of answer.
Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption
“Of course I have friends,” I tell him even though it’s not true at all because Landon is more than just a friend and is really the only person I have in my life who cares about me at all.
A moment later I wonder how he knew that I was lying and figure it must be written all over my face somehow even though it seems stupid that he could tell or would care at all if it were true.
I’m about to walk away from him once and for all when I hear someone else walking down the hall.
I turn around to see who it is and am surprised when it turns out to be someone from Landon’s fraternity who comes in here all the time looking for him and really should have no business being here at all.
“Is this your room?”
he asks me as soon as he sees me standing in the doorway with Hero and I shake my head because it’s really not any of his business at all even though it does seem strange that Hero would come here without asking me first or even letting me know that he was coming at all.
“I’m sorry,” he says as we stand there looking at each other without saying anything at all.
“Are you lost?”
he asks after a moment as his eyes move away from mine and go to Hero as well.
“No,” Hero says before I can answer because he’s been paying attention to everything that’s been going on around us even though it doesn’t seem like it at all because of how much time he spends looking at his phone, his computer or just staring off into space.
“Then what are you doing here?”
the guy who isn’t supposed to be here at all asks as he looks at Hero like he thinks that he must be up to something suspicious and might even be a threat to me in some way even though it doesn’t seem like it at all to me because I’m not afraid of him no matter what anyone else says or thinks about him and so far nothing that he’s done or said has made me feel any different about him at all.
“Hi,” Hero says as he holds out his hand to shake the guy’s hand even though it seems like a strange thing to do when they’re both guys who don’t know each other at all and aren’t even being introduced to each other by anyone else so they might never see each other again after this moment anyway.
“I’m Hero,” he says as his expression changes again and for a moment I think that this is what Soto was talking about when he said that working with him would be difficult for me because this part of him seems so charming that it’s almost hard to believe that it could really be a problem at all.
“Yeah, I know,” the guy who isn’t supposed to be here at all says as they shake hands even though this doesn’t seem to bother Hero at all because he doesn’t let go of the guy’s hand as soon as they’re done shaking hands but instead holds onto it for a moment longer as if to make some kind of point about not caring about anything at all, including what anyone else thinks about him or anything else in general.
“Can you excuse us, please?”
I ask the guy who should have already left by now anyway, but is still standing here staring at us without saying anything at all.
Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption
“It’s your room, Tessa,” he says as he looks at me again and I feel myself starting to blush even more than I already was because of how embarrassed I feel about everything that’s been happening so far that I didn’t plan on happening at all.
“Is that okay with you?”
I ask Hero after the other guy finally leaves and shuts the door behind him so that we’re alone at last.
“Can I come in?”
he asks me like he hasn’t already come in without asking me first and so far nothing that he’s done or said has made me feel like he should be allowed to do that at all because I don’t know who he is and can’t trust him yet even though I don’t feel like I have any reason not to trust him if he says that I should.
“Yeah,” I tell him even though I don’t really want to let him in because of how much trouble he’s already causing me so far that I wasn’t expecting at all and don’t know how much more trouble he might cause me when I least expect him to show up in my room without asking me at all like he did just now.
“I’m sorry,” Hero says even though I haven’t said anything to him yet because I was too surprised to say anything at all and still don’t know what to say to him now because I never expected anything like this at all and didn’t know what else he might do next after coming in my room without asking me first.
“It’s okay,” I tell him once I finally remember how to speak again since he’s making me feel like I’ve lost my ability to talk at all for some reason that I don’t know why yet.
“I’m sorry,” he says again as he looks at me and waits for me to say something else that I still don’t know what else to say even after all the time that it takes for me to think of something else that might be worth saying back to him after everything that’s already happened and still might happen.
“I’m Tessa,” I tell him as soon as I remember that I haven’t told him my name yet either and don’t know why he hasn’t asked me what my name is yet either after everything else that’s already happened between us.
“My name is Tessa,” I tell him again even after he doesn’t say anything back to me yet but instead stands there looking at me and smirking as if he thinks that there’s something funny about me even though there isn’t anything funny about anything that’s happened so far.
His smirk makes me look around the room for some reason that I don’t know yet until I see the empty pizza box on my bed with my messy sheets still on the floor from when I was sleeping on them last night with my book under my pillow and my pillow on the floor by the door where I left it before going to sleep alone for the last time before today when I wasn’t alone anymore for some reason that I still don’t know yet but should probably clean up soon before he sees any of it happening because of how embarrassing it seems now for some reason that I can’t explain yet while he’s still looking at me as if there’s something else wrong with me too.
“So, what was your name again?”
I ask him as soon as I finish cleaning up the pizza box and everything else that was on my bed until it’s all back the way I left it this morning before he came over here and saw everything that was on my bed and still thinks there’s something wrong with me even though there isn’t anything wrong with me except for how embarrassed I feel right now about it happening but still can’t help feeling even more embarrassed by how messy everything else seems now too for some reason while I’m still looking around the room until I see my reflection in the mirror and see how much of a mess I look like right now after everything that happened this morning with the other guy who wouldn’t leave no matter how many times I told him to go away.
“Yeah,” he says as he walks over and stands beside me while putting his hands on my desk and leaning against it as he looks at me in the mirror too until we’re both looking at each other the same way even though he seems like he doesn’t care about anything at all and never will no matter what happens next between us.
Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption
Suddenly, he slowly advanced toward me, causing me to retreat step by step until my back was against the edge of the bed. Then, with a sudden "pop," he forcefully pushed me down onto the mattress. I stared at him in terror, my breaths coming in rapid gasps. His hands gently yet insistently lifted my blouse away from my body.
“Hero,” I say as soon as I realize that I haven’t heard him tell me his name yet either and still haven’t heard him say anything else back to me after all this time since he came in my room without asking me first.
“I’m sorry Tessa,” he says now again as he looks at me and smiles again as if there isn’t anything wrong with him either after everything that happened so far between us.
I’m sorry Tessa,” he says again now as he looks at me again in the same way until I feel like screaming at him now since all he ever says is how sorry he is instead of saying anything else after everything else that happened so far and nothing else I know about him except for his name that he finally told me just now after coming in my room without asking me first.
“So, what do you want?”
I ask him once I finish cleaning up the rest of my room too since he still hasn’t asked me anything else about myself or why he’s here now instead of somewhere else where he might need to be for some reason that I still don’t know why yet.
“I’m here for the tutoring,” he says as he looks around the room until he sees that there isn’t anything here for him to do except for whatever I tell him to do next and nothing that he can do instead of that either if he doesn’t want to do anything for some reason that I don’t know why yet but still don’t want to ask him again since he never says anything except how sorry he is without saying anything else about himself or me.
“Okay then,” I tell him as I sit down on my bed and look at him while I wait for him to say something else back to me since he still hasn’t said anything to me except how sorry he is and why he’s here without asking me first even though I don’t know why it matters to me if he wants to be here too even if he could be somewhere else instead of here doing something else without me after all the other things that happened so far between us already.
“What do you want to study today?”
Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption
“It doesn’t matter to me what we study today,” he tells me before falling silent again while continuing to stare at me while I stare back at him until I look down at the book in my hand that I brought down with me from the mountain so that I could read it and learn all of its words for myself instead of listening to somebody else tell them to me instead of learning them myself even though it takes a long time that way and I don’t have enough time anymore to read all of the other books too that I need to read before I leave this place forever someday soon but still not soon enough after everything that happened here so far without anybody else knowing about it yet except for me and him and whoever else tells them about it eventually when they find out what happened instead of not knowing about it at all if they never find out what happened here with us until it doesn’t matter anymore because we’re already somewhere else too.
“So are you going to teach me anything today or not?”
“If you want me to teach you something then I can, but only if you want me to teach you something first before you can learn it yourself,” I tell him while I try not to sound too desperate or angry even though I am even though he probably doesn’t care what I say back to him anyway when he says nothing at all to me before finally saying something back himself again after never saying anything except for how sorry he is while staring at me until I looked down at the book instead of staring back at him like an idiot while waiting for him to actually say something meaningful instead of nothing at all like always even though it’s still better than hearing his voice talk about everything else except what I actually want him to talk about while he says nothing at all about himself instead like he should just let me study in peace first before making me feel like a stupid child again by asking me what it is that I want from him.
Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption
Do you have a crush on me, or something?
“Of course, I don’t have a crush on you, I tell him while I try not to sound too desperate or angry even though I am while I look up from the book instead of staring down like an idiot while waiting for him to actually say something meaningful instead of nothing at all like always even though it’s still better than hearing his voice talk about everything else except what I actually want him to talk about while he says nothing at all about himself instead like he should just let me study in peace first before making me feel like a stupid child again by asking me what it is that I want from him.
He just looks at me and smirks.
I hate that smirk so much.
It makes him look even more like a jerk than usual, even though it’s still better than staring at his stupid face never moving or anything that makes him look more like some kind of statue than a human being even though it’s still better than seeing how much more perfect he is compared to me.
Even though it still doesn’t matter because I am not and never will be interested in having any kind of relationship with him anyway.
Just tell me what you want me to do, and I will do it, I tell him so I can finally get some kind of answer from him instead of waiting here like an idiot for him to tell me something meaningful even though he probably won’t anyway.
I have better things to do anyway since it’s the weekend and all and I shouldn’t have to waste my time with this when I could be spending it with my friends instead of being here with this jerk who doesn’t care about anything except for himself.
He looks surprised when I say that while he sits there and stares back at me without saying anything until finally looking down at the book again before saying something back to me after that.
Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption
Well, the first thing I need you to do is stop calling me a jerk, he tells me when he looks back up again, and I can see he doesn’t look quite as happy as he did before when he says it.
That doesn’t seem too difficult, I say since it’s not like I actually think he’s a jerk or anything anyway, but I’m not going to say that because I know what he’s going to say when I do anyway, and I don’t want to hear it right now since I know I won’t be able to stop myself from saying something back when he does.
What else do you need me to do?
I’m supposed to help you study, right?
What do you need me to study with you?
It’s in the email, he says as he pulls out his phone and starts looking through it again, but I still haven’t seen anything like that yet since this is the first time I’ve ever even heard of anything like this happening before.
I guess I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing in the meantime since I don’t know what else there is for me to do anyway.
He doesn’t say anything else after that, so I keep going through everything and unpacking it while he keeps looking through his phone.
It doesn’t take long before I’m done with everything since it’s not like he has very much in the first place, but then I see something else sitting inside one of his bags in the corner, and I pull it out so I can look at it better before setting it on the bed next to the rest of his things when I see it’s a book.
It’s a collection of poetry by one of my favorite authors, and I remember how much I loved reading this when I first found it in the library, so I can understand why anyone would want a copy for themselves even though most people wouldn’t think something like this is worth reading in the first place.
There are notes written in the margins with some of the passages highlighted in different colors, and there are even a few pages turned down in some places as well which tells me he must read it a lot if he has done things like that with it before.
You like reading this?
I ask him when he sees me looking at it and looks over at me instead while I put it back down on the bed next to the other things before looking over at me as well.
You’ve read it before?
he asks me back after only a moment of silence, and it surprises me when he does since I would have never thought he would be interested in this kind of thing considering all of the other things I know about him.
I nod my head in response since I don’t feel like saying anything more than I have to right now anyway, but then he speaks up again after I do while he looks back down at the book on the bed as well.
Well, I guess you could say that I like reading it too, he tells me almost like he doesn’t want to say it at all if he doesn’t have to, but then he looks up and smirks at me again when he does as if he’s only joking around more than anything else anyway.
Whispers of Love: A Tale of Redemption