MidReal Story

Whispers of Honor

Scenario:I am a knight and I met a cute. We fall in love but I have to continue fighting.
Create my version of this story
I am a knight and I met a cute. We fall in love but I have to continue fighting.
I first met her in a secluded forest.
The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over the trees.
I had been traveling for days, on a quest to prove my honor and worth as a knight.
I had no idea that my journey would lead me to her.
She was sitting by a stream, her feet dangling in the water.
Her hair was silver and flowed down her back like a waterfall.
Her eyes were green and gentle, and they sparkled in the fading light.
She looked up at me as I approached, and I was struck by her beauty.
I had never seen anyone like her before, and I knew that I never would again.
“May I sit with you?”
I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
She nodded, and I sat down beside her on the bank of the stream.
We sat in silence for a few moments, listening to the sound of the water rushing over the rocks.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, and I knew that I had to know more about her.
“Elara Morningsong,” she said quietly, her voice like a melody.
“It’s nice to meet you, Elara Morningsong,” I said, and I meant it.
A sense of calm had washed over me since I had found her, and I felt as if I could sit there forever.
I didn’t want to move, but I knew that I would have to.
I had a quest to complete, after all.
“Where are you going?”
she asked, looking at me with those gentle green eyes.
“I am on a quest,” I said, standing up.
“I must continue on my way.”
She nodded, and I bowed to her before turning to leave.
I had only taken a few steps when I heard her voice.
“Sir Aldric,” she said, and I turned to look at her.
She was standing now, and the fading light caught on her silver hair, making it shine like a thousand stars.
“Be careful,” she said, and then she was gone.
I stood there for a moment, wondering if I had imagined her, but then I saw her walking away in the distance.
The sun was high in the sky when I found myself back by the stream where I had first met Elara Morningsong.
I had thought of her often in the days that had passed since we had parted ways, and I had hoped that our paths would cross again someday.
It was a silly thing to hope for, but I couldn’t help it.
She had awoken something in me that I hadn’t even known was sleeping, and now that it was awake, it demanded my attention.
The sound of the stream brought me out of my thoughts, and I turned to see her there, sitting by the water with her feet in the stream.
She looked just as beautiful as she had before—if not more so—and my breath caught in my throat at the sight of her.
She looked up at me and smiled, and my heart leaped in my chest.
“I must be dreaming,” I said as I approached her cautiously.
She laughed at that, a musical sound that made my heart soar even higher.
“Do I look like a dream to you, Sir Aldric?”
she asked, standing up to face me.
If I hadn’t already been in love with her, I would have fallen in love with her at that moment, when she stood up in all of her beauty and grace.
I felt as if I were being pulled towards her, as if I were a ship being drawn to the shore by some unseen force, and my heart began to pound in my chest as I took a step closer to her.
“You are real,” I said, taking another step towards her.
“I am real,” she said, taking a step towards me as well.
“Elara Morningsong,” I said, reaching out to take her hands in mine.
The moment my fingers touched hers, a bolt of electricity shot through me, and I knew that I would never be the same again.
“I have thought of you every day since we met.”
“And I of you,” she said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Whispers of Honor
I was surprised by how difficult it was to look away from Elara Morningsong once I finally managed to tear my gaze from hers, something deep within me longing to keep our eyes locked for eternity.
My heart felt as though it were about to beat out of my chest, a strange sensation that I had never experienced before when looking at another person—especially not a woman.
I realized then that I had been staring at her for far too long, but even when I tried to look away, I found myself unable to do so.
It was as if some invisible force had taken hold of my gaze and refused to let it go, drawing it back to hers time and time again until I could no longer resist the pull.
As if sensing my internal struggle, Elara Morningsong reached over and picked up my waterskin from where it lay beside me on the bank of the stream.
“Would you like some water?”
she asked, holding it out to me with a smile that made my heart ache with longing.
It was such a simple thing, this offer of water, but it somehow made my feelings for her even stronger, and I struggled to maintain my composure as I took the waterskin from her delicate hand and drank deeply from it, hoping that the cool liquid would help to quench the fire that was burning inside of me.
“Thank you,” I said when I finally finished, trying to keep my voice steady so that she wouldn’t notice how much she affected me—or how much I wanted to take her in my arms and never let her go again.
“I have never seen you here before,” she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and looking up at me with those gentle green eyes that seemed to see straight into my soul, “but I come here often.When did you first find this place?”
Aye,” she said with a smile that made my heart ache even more, “I can see why.It is beautiful here, so far away from the village with all of its noise and commotion.”
I knew then that Elara Morningsong was the one who had been making this place so special for me, even when she wasn’t here, and I was grateful that she had finally revealed herself to me so that I could thank her for all of the peace and beauty that she had brought into my life—just by being herself.
“I am sorry,” I said, realizing that I was staring at her again and that I had not said anything since she spoke, “I did not mean to be rude.”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” she said with a smile that melted my heart, “Sir Aldric.”
“My name is Aldric,” I corrected her when I finally found my voice again, “just Aldric.”
Whispers of Honor
“Aldric,” she repeated in a soft voice that seemed to have the power to make my heart ache even more than it already did and to make my body tingle in ways that it never had before, “my name is Elara Morningsong.”
Something subtle and beautiful seemed to happen to Elara’s expression as soon as she had spoken those words—words that were so simple but that seemed to hold so much meaning for her—and it made my heart ache even more than it already did, and this time it was not just because of how much I wanted to be with this beautiful woman who had somehow managed to take over my entire soul in a matter of minutes.
“It is a beautiful name,” I said when the silence between us had grown almost too heavy to bear and when I realized that Elara was waiting for me to speak again and that she had no idea that my family had chosen that name for one of their sons as a way to mock the beauty and the light that the land where they were raised was known for having even though they had never actually seen that land for themselves, “I have never heard anything like it before.”
She smiled at my words, and once again I found myself drowning in those gentle green eyes and in the light of that smile that seemed to have the power to make all of my old wounds disappear—even if only for a moment—and that seemed to have the power to light up my entire soul in ways that I had never felt before.
Whispers of Honor
When Elara broke the silence of the forest surrounding us by letting out a soft and delicate sound that I realized was laughter, my heart stopped and my entire being seemed to be overwhelmed by the most beautiful and intense sensation of happiness that I had ever felt in my life.
“I am sorry,” she said as soon as she noticed the look of surprise and of awe that I could not hide from my face and that I knew mirrored the way my entire body was feeling at that moment, “I do not mean to laugh at you.”
“It is fine,” I replied once I realized that my reaction must have made it sound as if I had somehow taken offense to her laughter or as if I had not liked the beautiful sound of it when the exact opposite was true.
In fact, I had no idea how it was even possible for me to dislike something about Elara when every single thing about this woman seemed so perfect and so incredibly beautiful and when every single thing about this woman somehow felt like it had been created only for me and by using pieces of my own soul.
“Good,” Elara replied as she smiled at me with those gentle green eyes and with that light that I knew would never stop warming up my old wounds and lighting up my entire being even when we were no longer together and even when there would be nothing left of me but the memory of this woman who seemed to have been created only for me and by using pieces of my own soul.
“I am glad that you do not mind,” she continued after a moment, “I find myself laughing all of the time, and I do not think that I will be able to stop doing it any time soon.”
“It is just…there is so much beauty in this world,” Elara said after a moment of silence between us that seemed to last forever and that seemed to be filled by an intense warmth and by an exhilarating sensation of happiness, “and there is so much beauty in everything and in everyone who has been created by our Creator.”
Elara’s words did not make any sense to me, and yet they still filled my heart with an incredible amount of warmth and my entire being with an exhilarating sensation of happiness and of longing even though I did not know what it was that I could possibly be longing for at that moment and what it was that I could possibly be missing in my life.
Whispers of Honor
Elara generally touched my breast. We embrace each other and kiss deeply. This is the most fantastic moment in my life.
“There is so much beauty in everything and in everyone who has been created by our Creator,” Elara repeated as she looked at me with those gentle green eyes of hers once more and as she blushed at the sound of her own words, “and there is so much beauty in people like you and like me who were created with a purpose and with a destiny of their own.”
“I just…I do not know,” Elara said after a moment of silence between us, “I just feel like laughing all of the time and for no reason at all.”
“You are happy,” I replied as I looked down at my hands and as I struggled to put my feelings into words because my mind and my heart were filled with a million different thoughts and emotions.
“Yes,” Elara said softly as she smiled at me with those gentle green eyes of hers once more and as she moved closer to me, “I am happy.”
“That is all that matters,” Elara continued as she raised one of her hands and as she cupped my face with it gently and as she leaned forward until her face was inches away from mine.
“I am happy because it feels like you understand me,” Elara said after a moment of hesitation and as she looked deeply into my eyes, “and because it feels like you truly care about me.”
“I do understand you,” I said softly as I looked at her with those deep blue eyes of mine that seemed to have the power of looking right through her and as I grabbed both of her hands gently and as I held them in mine even though I knew that it was wrong for me to do it.
Elara’s hands were both soft and warm. And they were both delicate and small. And they fit perfectly into mine. And they fit perfectly against my chest.
And Elara’s hands felt right against my chest.
“And you are right,” Elara said softly as she moved even closer to me and as she rested her forehead against mine, “I am happy because it feels like you truly care about me.”
She paused for a moment.
And then she added:
“I have been alone for so long.”
I have been alone for so long.
And for the first time since we had met and for the first time since we had started talking to each other and for the first time since she had touched me for the very first time, tears filled Elara’s eyes and rolled down her cheeks and onto my chest.
And for the first time since we had met and for the first time since we had started talking to each other and for the first time since she had touched me for the very first time, Elara broke down in tears.
And for the first time since we had met and for the first time since we had started talking to each other and for the first time since she had touched me for the very first time, Elara buried her face against my chest.
And for the first time since we had met and for the first time since we had started talking to each other and for the first time since she had touched me for the very first time, Elara wrapped her arms around my body.
And then she hugged me.
And then she cried on my chest.
Whispers of Honor