MidReal Story

Whispers of Forgotten Isles


May 16
Scenario:I'm pretty sure you at least three"~He looks around nervously. "Are you sure you want to hear something?"
Create my version of this story
I'm pretty sure you at least three"~He looks around nervously. "Are you sure you want to hear something?"
I woke up on an island with no memories.
The first thing I noticed was the sand.
It was soft and warm, and it clung to my skin like a lover’s touch.
I blinked my eyes open and sat up, looking around in confusion.
The ocean was calm, the sky was clear, and the sun was bright.
There were no signs of a storm, but I could feel one coming.
It was in the air, in the way the wind whispered through the trees, in the way the waves lapped at the shore.
I could feel it in my bones, and I knew that when it hit, it would be unlike anything this island had ever seen before.
I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to ward off the chill that had nothing to do with the weather.
Who was I?
Where did I come from?
Why couldn’t I remember anything?
I closed my eyes and tried to focus, but all I could see were flashes of color and light—red and gold and green and blue—and all I could hear were whispers on the wind.
The beach seemed endless, stretching out to my left and right, as far as the eye could see.
Ahead of me, the sand sloped gently into the ocean, creating a perfect crescent of white.
I couldn’t see any buildings or people, but I could hear the sounds of the city in the distance—the honking of car horns, the rumble of buses, the cry of seagulls.
I knew I had to go there, but I didn’t know why.
I couldn’t remember how I’d gotten here or what I was supposed to do now that I was here.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm the rising panic in my chest.
I was on an island, I reminded myself.
It wasn’t like I was going to get lost.
I would figure out where I was supposed to go eventually.
The important thing was to stay calm and not do anything stupid.
I opened my eyes again and got to my feet, brushing the sand off my legs and looking around.
The beach was deserted, except for a few seagulls that were circling overhead.
I was alone.
A chill ran through me, and I wrapped my arms around myself again, trying to ward off the cold.
Why did it feel like someone was watching me?
I glanced around nervously, but there was no one there.
And yet…
I shook my head and started walking down the beach.
It was stupid to get so worked up over nothing.
I’d probably had a bad dream or something.
It wasn’t like I’d been attacked by a ghost or a monster or anything like that.
It was just my imagination running wild.
Everything would be fine as soon as I got off this beach.
But as I walked, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen.
My head throbbed with a dull ache, and my body felt heavy and sluggish, as if I’d just woken up from a really long nap.
My clothes were wet and sandy, but they didn’t look torn or bloodstained, so that was something at least.
Speaking of bloodstains, why did that make me think of blood?
I shook my head again, trying to clear it.
What was wrong with me?
I was fine, I was safe, everything was okay.
But even as I said it, I could feel something dark and heavy looming on the horizon like a storm cloud on the wind.
I looked out at the ocean again and gasped in shock.
The water was so still it was like glass, like it was holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come.
In the distance, I could see dark clouds gathering on the horizon, moving closer by the second.
The air was thick with electricity, and I could feel the hairs on my arms standing on end as I watched in horror.
This wasn’t just any storm that was coming—it was something far more dangerous.
It was a force of nature so powerful it could destroy everything in its path without a second thought—
A sudden gust of wind knocked me off my feet and sent me tumbling to the ground, cutting off my thought before I could finish it.
Whispers of Forgotten Isles
I didn’t even have time to catch my breath before another one hit, throwing me around like a rag doll and slamming me into the sand.
I screamed and curled into a ball, trying to protect myself from the worst of it, but it didn’t do any good.
The wind howled like a banshee as it tore through the trees and sent branches flying through the air like spears.
The waves crashed against the shore with enough force to shake the ground beneath me, and the sky turned dark as night as the storm clouds blotted out the sun.
I could feel the ocean rising around me, closing in on all sides as if to swallow me whole—and then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped.
I opened my eyes and sat up slowly, unsure what to expect when I looked around again.
The storm seemed to have passed, leaving nothing behind but destruction in its wake.
The beach was gone—completely swallowed up by the ocean—and all that was left was a massive crater in its place.
I stared at it in shock, wondering what could have caused something like that to happen so suddenly—and then I felt it again.
It was coming back.
I could feel it, like the first tendrils of a nightmare creeping back into my mind, whispering my name with a voice like smoke.
I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to block out the sound, but it only grew stronger, louder, more insistent.
It was coming back, whatever it was, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
I needed to get off this island.
I pushed myself to my feet and looked around frantically, trying to figure out where to go next.
The city was still there, off in the distance, but without the beach as a guide, I had no idea how to get there.
There were trees all around me—massive, ancient things with branches so thick they blocked out the sun—but no sign of a path or road.
Maybe if I followed the shore, I would find a way back to civilization.
Or at least some answers as to what was going on.
I turned and started walking, but before I’d taken more than a few steps, the wind picked up again, blowing so hard it nearly knocked me off my feet.
I stumbled forward, trying to keep my balance, but the wind only grew stronger, more violent, more insistent.
Whispers rose up from the forest around me, urging me to keep moving, to find shelter, to seek safety from the storm that was coming, and I realized that they were right.
I needed to find somewhere to hide before it was too late.
I started running, moving as fast as my legs would carry me, hoping that if I could get far enough away from the water, the storm wouldn’t be able to reach me.
But with every step I took, the wind seemed to grow stronger, the air colder, the whispers louder, and I knew that I was running out of time.
And that’s when I saw it.
The landscape around me was so beautiful that it almost took my breath away—the trees, the flowers, the mountains, the ocean—but there was something about it that felt wrong.
Something that made me feel like a mouse caught in a tiger’s cage.
Whispers of Forgotten Isles
I felt like i had been someone's long lost prey.. I wandered around on the sand, watching people playing with their children as everything came to fade to black. "Elara?" Someone called out.
I opened my eyes slowly as everything came into focus."Elara?" A tall man asked as he stood over me."Are you okay?" He asked softly as he helped me up.
He had sharp features with dark eyes that seemed to be scanning me carefully."I'm fine." I said quickly as i tried not to look into his eyes."What happened?" He asked as he looked towards the sky."There's a storm coming." I told him as i looked at the clouds slowly rolling towards us.
The island is so beautiful, with its white sand beaches and endless blue skies, that for a moment, I almost forgot about the storm that was coming.
The green of the trees was so vibrant it almost seemed to glow in the sunlight, while the water was so clear you could see all the way to the bottom, even when you were standing on the shore.
I’d always thought of islands like this as places of beauty and wonder, but now…
The beauty felt like a taunt, a cruel joke the island was playing on me before everything went to hell.
I turned away from the beach and started walking through the forest.
The trees were so thick that they blocked out the sun completely, leaving me in shadow as I moved through their twisted branches.
I should have been afraid of getting lost in the dark, but I wasn’t.
For some reason, I knew exactly where I was going.
The forest opened up in front of me, revealing a wide clearing filled with flowers.
It was so beautiful it almost took my breath away—deep red roses growing next to bright yellow daisies growing next to delicate white lilies—but there was something about it that felt wrong.
A hint of danger that made me shiver.
I wanted to walk out into the clearing, to get a better look at all the flowers growing there, but something held me back.
It wasn’t until after the storm had passed that I realized what it was.
I couldn’t see the ocean.
The island was beautiful, with its white sand beaches and endless blue skies, but it was also dangerous.
There were snakes hiding in the grass and sharks swimming in the water, ready to strike at any moment.
And now there was a storm coming.
A real one this time.
I looked up at the sky as another crash of lightning split it open like an overripe melon and shivered as the first drops of rain began to fall.
It was coming soon.
I could feel it.
Whispers of Forgotten Isles