MidReal Story

Whispers of Forever

Scenario:Write the cutest short love story ever
Create my version of this story
Write the cutest short love story ever
The gentle breeze blows through the park, rustling the leaves of the oak tree that’s been standing here for centuries.
Having grown up in this town, I know every nook and cranny of this park.
From the small playground to the large open field where we used to play soccer, and the man-made lake that holds countless fish, I’ve spent more time here than in my own home.
Taking a deep breath, I smile at the faint scent of flowers carried by the wind.
It’s good to be back.
Looking around the deserted park, I can’t help but reminisce the countless memories I’ve shared with Alex here.
I remember when we used to play on this swing set.
We would spend hours arguing about who got to sit on the swing with the red seat and who got to sit on the one with the blue seat.
In the end, we would always find an empty swing and swing side by side.
Our laughter would fill the entire park, echoing through the sky until it disappeared into oblivion.
Time really flies, doesn’t it?
I shake my head and continue walking down the path.
The small playground comes into view, and I can’t help but smile at all the memories it brings back.
Alex and I were inseparable when we were kids.
We were like two peas in a pod.
We shared everything from our lunches to our toys, and we went on countless adventures together.
I remember when we were eight years old, we decided that we wanted to own our very own kingdom, so we ventured into this very park to look for a suitable location.
In the end, we decided that our kingdom was going to be this park, and I was going to be the queen while he was going to be my loyal subject.
As soon as we made our decision, he immediately insisted that he was going to be king instead of me.
After hours of arguing, we decided that we were going to be co-rulers of this kingdom.
But because he was older than me by one month and two days, he held a higher rank than me.
We would spend almost every day in this park, exploring and going on all sorts of adventures.
I remember when we were ten years old, we spent an entire summer climbing trees and chasing butterflies.
It was one of the most memorable summers I’ve ever had.
Even though I fell off a tree and broke my arm, I didn’t regret it one bit because the happiness I felt that day was insurmountable.
Those carefree days are all just memories now.
I shake my head, trying to dispel the sad thoughts from my mind.
Alex and I have both grown up now, and we’re leading our own lives.
I’m sure he’s forgotten all the memories we’ve shared in this place, but I haven’t.
Those were some of the happiest moments of my life, and I will never forget them.
The sun is beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the playground in front of me.
All of a sudden, I feel a pang of sadness in my heart.
Whispers of Forever