MidReal Story

Whispers of Destiny

Scenario:The Discovery - Revised Summary and Detailed Writing Plan:Lin Xuan, a dedicated yet underappreciated historian, discovers an enigmatic ancient scroll in the university library's rare collection. This scroll, adorned with mysterious symbols and an unknown script, captivates him due to its resemblance to artifacts from the Tang Dynasty. As Lin Xuan delves deeper into translating and understanding the scroll, strange occurrences start to manifest—unexplained whispers, visions of an ancient land, and a compelling sense of destiny that seems to pull him towards a greater purpose.Library Scene: Open with Lin Xuan in the university library, surrounded by ancient texts and artifacts. Paint a vivid picture of the dimly lit, quiet corridors filled with the scent of old paper and wood.Character Background: Provide insights into Lin Xuan’s academic life, his struggles with gaining recognition in the academic community, and his deep passion for forgotten histories. Discovery of the Scroll:Detailed Description: Describe the scroll in greater detail—its aged parchment, intricate symbols similar to Tang Dynasty artifacts, and the unusual script that defies translation with conventional tools.Initial Fascination: Show Lin Xuan’s fascination as he examines the scroll, feeling an inexplicable connection and an overwhelming desire to unlock its secrets. Research Begins:Investigative Process: Depict Lin Xuan using various academic resources, digital imaging, and translation software to decipher the scroll. Introduce a senior librarian who shows skepticism about Lin Xuan’s theories but provides access to restricted texts that could aid his research.Mysterious Phenomena: As Lin Xuan gets closer to making a breakthrough, describe subtle, unexplained phenomena—whispers in an unknown language, a cool breeze in a closed room, fleeting visions of a distant, ancient landscape.Deepening Mystery:Growing Obsession: Illustrate Lin Xuan’s growing obsession with the scroll, affecting his sleep and social interactions. His days and nights begin to blur together as his thoughts are consumed by the scroll.Cultural Insights: Integrate snippets of historical context about the Tang Dynasty and its connections to mystical legends, hinting at the scroll’s possible origins and importance.Climactic Revelation:Breakthrough: Culminate with a breakthrough in translation that reveals a reference to a "Gateway to the Illuminated Land," suggesting the scroll’s use as a key to another time or realm.Decision Point: End the chapter with Lin Xuan deciding to dedicate himself fully to unlocking the scroll’s secrets, despite warnings from concerned colleagues about his health and mental state.Chapter Ending:Foreshadowing: Leave hints of Lin Xuan’s dreams becoming more vivid and historically accurate, depicting scenes from what he believes to be the Kingdom of Women, setting up his eventual journey through time.Emotional Conflict: Close with a personal reflection from Lin Xuan on his loneliness and the irony of finding more companionship in dead relics and whispers of the past than in his present life.This revised chapter sets a strong foundation for Lin Xuan's character and his journey, deepening the reader's engagement with his personal stakes and the mysterious allure of the ancient scroll. The addition of specific cultural and historical details enriches the authenticity and intrigue of the story right from the start.
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The Discovery - Revised Summary and Detailed Writing Plan:Lin Xuan, a dedicated yet underappreciated historian, discovers an enigmatic ancient scroll in the university library's rare collection. This scroll, adorned with mysterious symbols and an unknown script, captivates him due to its resemblance to artifacts from the Tang Dynasty. As Lin Xuan delves deeper into translating and understanding the scroll, strange occurrences start to manifest—unexplained whispers, visions of an ancient land, and a compelling sense of destiny that seems to pull him towards a greater purpose.Library Scene: Open with Lin Xuan in the university library, surrounded by ancient texts and artifacts. Paint a vivid picture of the dimly lit, quiet corridors filled with the scent of old paper and wood.Character Background: Provide insights into Lin Xuan’s academic life, his struggles with gaining recognition in the academic community, and his deep passion for forgotten histories. Discovery of the Scroll:Detailed Description: Describe the scroll in greater detail—its aged parchment, intricate symbols similar to Tang Dynasty artifacts, and the unusual script that defies translation with conventional tools.Initial Fascination: Show Lin Xuan’s fascination as he examines the scroll, feeling an inexplicable connection and an overwhelming desire to unlock its secrets. Research Begins:Investigative Process: Depict Lin Xuan using various academic resources, digital imaging, and translation software to decipher the scroll. Introduce a senior librarian who shows skepticism about Lin Xuan’s theories but provides access to restricted texts that could aid his research.Mysterious Phenomena: As Lin Xuan gets closer to making a breakthrough, describe subtle, unexplained phenomena—whispers in an unknown language, a cool breeze in a closed room, fleeting visions of a distant, ancient landscape.Deepening Mystery:Growing Obsession: Illustrate Lin Xuan’s growing obsession with the scroll, affecting his sleep and social interactions. His days and nights begin to blur together as his thoughts are consumed by the scroll.Cultural Insights: Integrate snippets of historical context about the Tang Dynasty and its connections to mystical legends, hinting at the scroll’s possible origins and importance.Climactic Revelation:Breakthrough: Culminate with a breakthrough in translation that reveals a reference to a "Gateway to the Illuminated Land," suggesting the scroll’s use as a key to another time or realm.Decision Point: End the chapter with Lin Xuan deciding to dedicate himself fully to unlocking the scroll’s secrets, despite warnings from concerned colleagues about his health and mental state.Chapter Ending:Foreshadowing: Leave hints of Lin Xuan’s dreams becoming more vivid and historically accurate, depicting scenes from what he believes to be the Kingdom of Women, setting up his eventual journey through time.Emotional Conflict: Close with a personal reflection from Lin Xuan on his loneliness and the irony of finding more companionship in dead relics and whispers of the past than in his present life.This revised chapter sets a strong foundation for Lin Xuan's character and his journey, deepening the reader's engagement with his personal stakes and the mysterious allure of the ancient scroll. The addition of specific cultural and historical details enriches the authenticity and intrigue of the story right from the start.
Lin Xuan, a historian at the University of Chengdu, stood amidst the ancient texts and artifacts that filled the rare collection room.
The library was a sanctuary of knowledge, its towering bookshelves and dimly lit corridors holding the secrets of China’s past.
As he gazed upon the scrolls and relics that adorned the shelves, a sense of awe and reverence washed over him.
Each item told a story, a piece of history preserved through the ages.
Despite the vastness of the collection, Lin Xuan couldn’t help but feel a pang of underappreciation in his heart.
His work, dedicated to uncovering and preserving the forgotten histories of ancient China, often went unnoticed by his peers.
The lives and stories of those who had come before were his passion, yet in the eyes of many in the academic community, his efforts seemed futile.
But in that moment, surrounded by the rich tapestry of China’s past, Lin Xuan was reminded of why he had chosen this path.
The university library was quiet except for the faint rustling of book pages as Lin Xuan browsed through a few books he checked out for the weekend.
With eyes glued to the pages, he made his way through the maze of towering bookshelves and dimly lit corridors until he reached the rare collection room.
He had always been drawn to this place.
The room was filled with ancient texts, scrolls, artifacts and other treasures that dated back thousands of years.
Each item was unique and told its own story.
Most historians would have killed to get their hands on these items for research purposes.
Lin Xuan was no exception.
The only problem was that it was nearly impossible to get permission to take anything out of this room or even to study them in here for that matter.
He couldn’t bring himself to blame the librarians though.
These pieces were irreplaceable and extremely fragile after all.
The rare collection room was like a sanctuary for historians like him who dedicated their lives to preserving history and educating future generations.
He had always loved coming here.
It reminded him why he had chosen to become a historian in the first place.
He wanted to give China’s forgotten past another chance.
China had always been a country with a rich history, but so much of it had been lost over the years.
It was his dream to find and piece together the parts that were still missing.
Lin Xuan stood in the middle of the room with his eyes scanning the shelves that were filled with various ancient texts, scrolls, relics, statues, and more.
He couldn’t help but feel like this room was underappreciated.
There were so many rare items in this collection, but it was rare for anyone to even come in here to look at them.
Most historians didn’t even know half the things that were stored in this room.
They were too caught up with their own research or their own fame.
Lin Xuan couldn’t blame them, but it still felt like such a shame.
Whispers of Destiny
After a few minutes, Lin Xuan’s eyes fell on an ancient scroll that was lying on one of the shelves.
It looked fairly ordinary compared to some of the other things in the collection, but there was something about it that made it stand out.
It seemed almost…suspicious?
Lin Xuan hesitated for a moment before walking over to pick up the ancient scroll.
He held it carefully, as if it might disintegrate at any second.
It felt very light in his hands, and he could tell that it was made from parchment paper just by touching it.
The edges were slightly yellowed, but other than that, it still looked like it was in fairly good condition considering how old it probably was.
There were some decorations on the scroll as well—little golden flowers and silver leaves—more than likely made from actual gold and silver too.
They reminded him of some of the artifacts from the Tang Dynasty that he’d seen on display in museums before.
There was no way such an ordinary looking scroll would be decorated with real gold and silver though, right?
Lin Xuan frowned slightly as he looked over the scroll once more.
The scripture on the scroll was written in a script that Lin Xuan couldn’t recognize.
It looked like a mix between Chinese, Tibetan, Sanskrit, and something else, but it still wasn’t any language that Lin Xuan knew of.
It was almost as if it was written in a secret code?
Lin Xuan’s heartbeat quickened as he looked over the mysterious text.
He couldn’t shake off the feeling that this scroll was more than it seemed.
The decorations on the scrolls also caught his attention.
It was said that gold and silver decorations were used to protect the contents of the scrolls from being destroyed by evil spirits.
So it was possible that the contents of this scroll were very important—or perhaps dangerous.
Lin Xuan didn’t know why, but his hands were starting to shake slightly as he held the ancient text in his grasp.
It was almost as if the scroll was calling out to him, urging him to come closer.
His fingers moved on their own as they reached into his pocket to retrieve a magnifying glass.
Lin Xuan placed the magnifying glass over the scripture and began to study it more closely.
His eyes widened as his fingers began to tremble more violently now.
The symbols on this scroll were similar to some of the symbols that he’d cataloged during his expeditions before!
He recognized them, but they were still different from the traditional script used in China today.
This was way too exciting!
Lin Xuan couldn’t help himself anymore.
He had to check out this scroll immediately!
He had to find out what secrets it was hiding!
With a sudden burst of energy, Lin Xuan unrolled the scroll with bated breath.
The parchment paper made an odd crackling noise as it unfolded, and Lin Xuan could feel his heart start to pound wildly.
“What’s wrong with me?”
Lin Xuan thought with confusion.
It was just an old piece of parchment paper.
But for some reason, it felt like it was alive in his hands.
The world around him seemed to disappear completely now—swallowed up by darkness.
Whispers of Destiny
But Lin Xuan didn’t care about anything else at this moment.
He needed to know what this ancient text had to say!
His heart beat faster and faster as he read through each row of characters on the ancient text.
At some point, Lin Xuan felt his hairs start to stand up on end.
This was a feeling he knew well—a feeling that he got whenever he made a huge discovery during his expeditions.
Lin Xuan’s heart raced with anticipation as he meticulously compared every character on this ancient text to every single one of his cataloged characters in his file.
He could feel his brain work at top speed now, trying to decipher and translate each character so he could understand what this text had to say.
He felt like he might be on the brink of making a huge discovery right now, and he couldn’t wait to see what it was!
But suddenly, something odd happened.
Lin Xuan’s eyes widened as a strange sensation tickled his ears.
It sounded like a whisper?
Lin Xuan jumped up in shock, nearly dropping the ancient scroll from his hands.
He looked around him frantically, but there was no one there—only rows upon rows of shelves filled with musty books.
Lin Xuan felt his stomach drop suddenly.
Was he starting to go crazy?
Lin Xuan shook his head furiously as he tried to chase these negative thoughts away.
He had been working too hard lately—that was all this was!
He must be hearing things!
Lin Xuan took several deep breaths before sitting back down at his desk again and continuing to study the ancient text in front of him.
But just as he began to focus his attention back onto the ancient text again, he heard it: The whispering voice.
This time it sounded like it called out to him by name—but it wasn’t speaking in Chinese or any other familiar language for that matter!
Lin Xuan felt a sudden chill run down his spine as a cool breeze brushed against his skin.
He looked around frantically as he tried to figure out where it came from.
But all of the windows were still tightly shut!
There was no way that any breeze could have gotten into this room!
Lin Xuan felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead as a sense of unease started to wash over him.
Why did it feel like something strange was going on?
He suddenly heard the whisper again, and this time it sounded almost like it was insistent, as if it were urging him to do something.
Lin Xuan’s heart skipped a beat as he felt his body begin to tremble uncontrollably.
He couldn’t understand what that voice was saying, but for some reason, it felt like it was tugging at his very being.
“Am I going crazy?”
Lin Xuan muttered to himself fearfully as he held his head.
But Lin Xuan didn’t have any time to ponder on this further, because now, something even more bizarre started to happen.
Whispers of Destiny
As Lin Xuan continued to sit there, the ancient text suddenly started to glow a bright golden color!
Lin Xuan’s eyes widened in shock as the room around him began to spin.
He felt as if the ground underneath him had suddenly disappeared as his body started to violently shake.
Lin Xuan fell off his chair and onto the floor with a loud thud as his vision suddenly went black.
The next thing Lin Xuan knew, he found himself standing in a completely different place!
“Where am I?”
Lin Xuan muttered to himself as he looked around in shock.
He found himself standing inside of a dark temple with several burning candles placed around him.
But what caught Lin Xuan’s attention the most wasn’t the candles themselves—it was the ancient scroll sitting right in front of him!
It looked exactly like the one he had been studying earlier—but with one key difference: This ancient scroll looked like it had been worn down over the years!
Its yellow parchment paper had turned brittle and cracked from age, and its ink had faded away over the years.
Lin Xuan felt his heart start to race again as he reached out hesitantly to touch the ancient scroll.
It felt as if it were calling out to him somehow, urging him to decipher its every word!
But Lin Xuan remained hesitant for a moment as he contemplated the origins of this ancient scroll.
Could it be possible that this ancient text was actually a forgery?
After all, there were many fakes that existed in the world of ancient Chinese artifacts—and it wasn’t uncommon for some people to try to make a profit by selling them to unsuspecting buyers!
But Lin Xuan didn’t care about any of that right now.
This ancient text might be a fake—but it still contained information that Lin Xuan had never seen before!
Even if it turned out that this ancient text wasn’t real, Lin Xuan still wanted to find out who made it and why they made it!
As soon as Lin Xuan finished that thought, he reached out and slowly unrolled this ancient text for him to read.
His heart started to race faster and faster as his eyes scanned through each line of characters on this ancient text.
The symbols on this text were unlike any that Lin Xuan had ever seen before, but for some reason, they felt oddly familiar to him.
They reminded Lin Xuan of some of the artifacts that he had found during his last expedition to the Tang Dynasty, but they weren’t exactly the same either.
But Lin Xuan could tell that these characters must have come from this time period!
But if that was true—then how come Lin Xuan had never seen them before?
He had studied hundreds of ancient texts from this time period, but this was the first time that he had ever encountered anything like this!
Lin Xuan’s eyes widened as a surge of excitement gripped him.
“Could this really be it?”
Before Lin Xuan could finish that thought, however, he suddenly heard something strange coming from behind him.
Whispers of Destiny
The sound of dozens of people talking and laughing could be heard from behind Lin Xuan.
It was as if he were suddenly teleported to another world!
Lin Xuan turned around and found himself standing in the middle of a bustling marketplace.
The sun was shining brightly, and there were people everywhere—some were selling different types of goods, while others were buying them from various vendors.
Some of the people that were passing through this marketplace were wearing bright-colored clothes, while others were wearing dark-colored clothes.
But no matter what they were wearing, it was obvious that most of these people were all dressed in attire that belonged to some ancient dynasty.
For some reason, Lin Xuan felt as if he had been transported back in time, and he was currently standing in an ancient marketplace from hundreds of years ago!
As Lin Xuan looked around at all the different people that were passing by, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement.
Could it be possible that this ancient text had some kind of special power that allowed him to see into the past?
That had to be it!
But Lin Xuan didn’t have time to think about that right now, because one of the vendors that were passing by suddenly caught his eye.
This vendor was selling all kinds of different artifacts and antiques, many of which looked like they came from various different time periods in history.
But what caught Lin Xuan’s eye the most was not what this vendor was selling, but rather how he seemed to be beckoning Lin Xuan over with his eyes.
“Hey, what are you looking at?”
“Come take a look!You won’t regret it!”
When Lin Xuan heard this vendor calling out to him, he couldn’t help but feel his heart start to race again.
There was something very strange about this vendor—and Lin Xuan couldn’t put his finger on it.
He just knew that he had to go over there and take a look at what this vendor had for sale.
So Lin Xuan walked over to where this vendor was standing and took a closer look at all the different artifacts that he had for sale.
He was surprised to find that many of the artifacts that this vendor was selling seemed very old—as if they had been around for hundreds of years or more!
And the best part was that many of these artifacts had the same symbols on them as that ancient text that Lin Xuan had just found earlier!
Lin Xuan’s eyes widened as his heart started to race faster and faster.
This was it!
These symbols really were from some ancient civilization that had long since been forgotten by history!
Lin Xuan was so excited that he was practically shaking with excitement and anticipation as he tried to take a closer look at all the different symbols that were on these artifacts.
But before he could do that, however, something strange happened—
Lin Xuan suddenly found himself back in the library again, standing in front of the ancient scroll with one of the librarians standing right next to him with a puzzled expression on her face.
Lin Xuan quickly composed himself as he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.
Whispers of Destiny
He had no idea what just happened back there—or why he was suddenly back in the library again—but he knew that he couldn’t let this opportunity slip away.
“Thank you…Senior Librarian Zhang.It seems like I got a bit too carried away there…”
“It’s alright,” the senior librarian replied with a smile as she patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder in reassurance.
“But…what exactly were you looking at just now?”
When Lin Xuan heard this question, he couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed about what had just happened earlier.
He knew that it must have seemed very strange for him to have suddenly zoned out in front of that ancient scroll like that—but the truth was that he had just made an amazing discovery!
And now he was more determined than ever to find out what these symbols meant!
So without wasting any more time, Lin Xuan quickly excused himself as he went back to his study room to focus all of his attention on translating this ancient text before him.
The ancient text that Lin Xuan had just discovered was not written in English—or even in Chinese for that matter—so it wasn’t exactly easy for him to translate everything by himself.
But that didn’t mean that it was impossible either!
Lin Xuan was a historian, after all—and historians were trained to do things like this!
So after taking another deep breath and composing himself once again, Lin Xuan took out a piece of blank paper and started to write down all the different symbols that were on this ancient scroll before him, one by one, using his magnifying glass to take a closer look at each symbol so that he wouldn’t miss anything.
At first, the symbols on this ancient scroll seemed rather simple and straightforward to Lin Xuan as he wrote them down on the piece of paper in front of him in order to translate them one by one, taking great care to make sure that he didn’t miss anything or make any mistakes in the process.
But as time went on, Lin Xuan quickly realized that these symbols were not as simple as they seemed at first glance.
In fact, many of them seemed to be much more complex than they appeared to be on the surface!
And that was when Lin Xuan’s heart started to race even faster with excitement once again.
This was it!
Lin Xuan had finally found something that even other scholars before him had failed to discover for themselves!
And now it was up to him to use all of his knowledge and academic skills in order to translate all these ancient symbols into something that he could actually understand!
Lin Xuan was so excited about this new discovery that he couldn’t help but smile with joy as he continued to write down all these different symbols on his piece of paper so that he could translate them later on when he had more time to focus all of his attention on it without any other distractions getting in his way.
Whispers of Destiny
But before long, Lin Xuan’s smile slowly started to fade away into a deep frown of confusion and concern instead.
Because after he had written down all the different symbols from the entire first row of the scroll, he soon realized that they didn’t seem to make any sense at all!
Instead of forming complete words or sentences that he could actually understand, these symbols just seemed like a random jumble of lines and shapes that weren’t able to convey any real meaning to him.
Lin Xuan couldn’t believe what he was seeing with his own eyes when he first discovered that this was happening.
He even wondered if maybe he had made a mistake somewhere along the line and mistranslated a few of the symbols without even realizing it, which was why the first row of the scroll didn’t seem to make any sense at all.
So he decided to take a closer look at each of the individual characters that he had written down so far in order to see if he could figure out where exactly he had gone wrong.
The more he looked at them, though, the more confused he became because he still couldn’t find anything wrong with any of them.
Even so, they still didn’t seem to make any sense when he tried to read them as a whole.
And it wasn’t just the first row of characters that was like this.
The more Lin Xuan looked at all the different characters that he had written down on his piece of paper, the more he realized that all of them seemed to be like this!
None of them seemed to be able to form any kind of coherent words or sentences that he could actually read.
It was as if they were all just individual characters that had been randomly thrown together on a piece of paper to form some kind of gibberish language, rather than being parts of a complete sentence that was meant to be read by someone.
This discovery only confused Lin Xuan even more and left him wondering if maybe this ancient scroll that he had just found was actually a fake or a forgery of some kind instead.
After all, it would have been possible for someone to create such a forgery using real ancient materials and techniques, especially if they were skilled enough to do so!
Lin Xuan’s heart slowly started to sink with disappointment when he thought about this possibility.
He had been so excited about this new discovery when he first found it!
He had even told some of his colleagues about it and shown it to them in order to get their opinions on it before he started translating it by himself in order to see what it said.
But now it seemed like he had been wrong all along and that this ancient scroll was actually a fake instead.
This made Lin Xuan feel rather embarrassed for having jumped to such a hasty conclusion without having done any further research on the matter first in order to verify its authenticity.
But at the same time, he also felt rather frustrated because he hated being wrong like this, especially when he had been so confident in his own abilities as a historian to be able to discover something like this on his own for the very first time.
Lin Xuan knew that he had to do something in order to figure out what was going on here before he could make any more assumptions about what he had discovered.
And that was when he suddenly thought of something else that he could try doing instead.
He decided to take a closer look at the ancient scroll itself in order to see if there was anything else that he could find on it which might help him figure out what was going on here.
As Lin Xuan picked up the ancient scroll and held it in his hands once again to take a closer look at it, however, he suddenly noticed something very strange happening to it that he hadn’t seen before.
Whispers of Destiny
The ancient scroll was actually starting to glow!
At first, it was just a very faint glow that was barely visible to him at all.
But as Lin Xuan continued to hold onto the scroll, he saw that its glow was actually starting to get brighter and brighter until it eventually reached its maximum brightness level after a short while.
It was as if this ancient scroll had a mind of its own and was somehow reacting to his presence or touch in some way!
But Lin Xuan didn’t know why or how this could be happening at all.
In fact, he was completely baffled by what he was seeing right now and didn’t know how to react to it at all.
The only thing that he could think of doing in this situation was to continue observing the scroll closely while trying not to do anything else so as not to accidentally damage or destroy it in any way by doing so.
After a short while, however, Lin Xuan suddenly remembered something else that he had wanted to try doing with this ancient scroll when he had originally discovered it earlier today!
He had wanted to expose it to ultraviolet light in order to see if there were any hidden messages on it which could only be seen by doing so.
This would allow him to verify the authenticity of the ancient scroll and see if it really was a genuine historical artifact like he had originally thought or just a fake instead which someone had created in order to deceive him into believing that it was real.
So Lin Xuan immediately went over to the other side of his desk where he had set up his ultraviolet light source and turned it on in order to expose the ancient scroll to it while at the same time wearing his protective goggles in order to avoid damaging his eyes from the strong UV rays that were being emitted from it!
As Lin Xuan held the ancient scroll under the ultraviolet light source for a few seconds, he expected that its glow would probably go away just like it had done earlier when he had first discovered it for the very first time today and that nothing else would happen afterward except that he would only be able to see the hidden messages on it which he had been looking for.
But much to his surprise, Lin Xuan realized that the ancient scroll did not seem to have any kind of reaction at all when he exposed it to ultraviolet light!
In fact, it didn’t seem to be affected by the UV light at all, even when he tried exposing it to the very strongest sources that he had available in his lab in order to maximize their effects on it!
Lin Xuan didn’t know why this was happening or what could be causing it to not react to the UV light in this way, especially when it had clearly emitted some kind of otherworldly glow before while he was holding onto it with his hands earlier this morning!
But he also knew that there wasn’t anything else that he could do about it right now except to try and find some other way to examine this ancient scroll more closely instead in order to see if there were any hidden messages on it which he might have missed before!
Whispers of Destiny
And so Lin Xuan decided to take a few high-resolution images of the ancient scroll using his digital camera and then transfer them to his computer so that he could examine them more closely while at the same time using his image processing software in order to enhance them and make any kind of hidden messages more visible.
The ancient scroll was not very large and long enough that Lin Xuan could only take a few images of it at a time in order to cover all of its surfaces and so he decided to start with the first few images that he had taken earlier and then examine them one by one to see if he could find any hidden messages on them!
Lin Xuan quickly loaded the images into his image processing software and then began enhancing them one by one, carefully examining each one of them using a magnifying glass to make sure that there weren’t any hidden messages on them before moving on to the next one.
It didn’t take long for Lin Xuan to realize that the first few images did not seem to have any kind of hidden messages on them and that they only contained more of the same script which he had translated earlier before but didn’t seem to make much sense in and of themselves when they were taken out of context like this.
So Lin Xuan quickly moved on to the next image and then began examining it more closely, carefully zooming into it using his image processing software so that he could see every single detail of it as clearly as possible!
As Lin Xuan examined this new image more closely, he quickly realized that it too did not seem to have any kind of hidden message on it and only contained more of the script which he had translated earlier before but didn’t seem to make much sense either when it was taken out of context like this.
And so he decided to move on to the next image instead and then began examining it more closely, carefully zooming into it using his image processing software so that he could see every single detail of it as clearly as possible in order to make sure that he didn’t miss anything at all.
But much to Lin Xuan’s surprise, he quickly realized that this new image did seem to have some kind of hidden message on it after all and that it didn’t just contain more of the same script which he had translated earlier before but something else entirely instead.
At first, Lin Xuan didn’t realize what this hidden message could be or why it was hidden in this particular place and way since it didn’t seem to make any sense at all and only contained a few words which seemed to be completely random and unconnected to anything else around them either.
It simply said: “Light in the darkness.”
But as Lin Xuan looked at these words more closely, he suddenly realized what they meant and why they were hidden in this particular place and way since they didn’t seem to be completely random and unconnected to anything else around them either but actually contained some kind of hidden clue or meaning within them instead!
At first, Lin Xuan couldn’t believe what he was seeing right now or why this phrase would be hidden on an ancient scroll like this one but he also knew that there must be some kind of reason for it which he didn’t understand yet or how it worked either.
Whispers of Destiny
And so Lin Xuan continued to examine this new image more closely, carefully zooming into it using his image processing software so that he could see every single detail of it as clearly as possible in order to make sure that he didn’t miss anything at all.
And as Lin Xuan examined this new image even more closely, however, he quickly realized that this phrase seemed to be a lot more complicated than he had thought initially and actually contained several layers of hidden meaning within it as well.
At first, Lin Xuan couldn’t believe what he was seeing right now or how it could be possible for someone to hide so many different layers of meaning on an ancient scroll like this one but also knew that there must be some kind of logical reason for it which he didn’t understand yet or how it worked either.And so Lin Xuan continued to examine this new image even more closely, carefully zooming into it using his image processing software so that he could see every single detail of it as clearly as possible in order to make sure that he didn’t miss anything at all.
But as Lin Xuan examined this new image even more closely than before, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something else hidden on it as well since the letters seemed to be slightly different from the ones around them and also had some kind of strange pattern or arrangement which he had never seen before either.
At first, Lin Xuan couldn’t believe what he was seeing right now or how it could be possible for someone to hide so many different layers of meaning on an ancient scroll like this one but also knew that there must be some kind of logical reason for it which he didn’t understand yet or how it worked either.
And so Lin Xuan continued to examine this new image even more closely than before, carefully zooming into it using his image processing software as much as possible and also increasing the resolution so that he could see every single detail of it as clearly as possible too.
But much to Lin Xuan’s surprise, however, the letters just seemed to get smaller and smaller as he zoomed into them further until they were barely visible at all anymore except for a few random dots which were floating around in the air like this instead.
So then Lin Xuan tried to zoom out a little bit again but only ended up making them completely disappear instead since the details were already too small for him to see anymore except for a few random patterns which were floating around in the air like this too.
At first, Lin Xuan thought that this must be some kind of mistake or glitch with the software which he was using right now but then realized that there were probably other ways for him to do this too which he hadn’t thought about before.
But when Lin Xuan tried to do that, he quickly realized that the results were exactly the same as before and that there was no other way for him to do this either unless he used some kind of modern technology such as digital imaging or ultraviolet light instead!
At first, Lin Xuan couldn’t believe what he was seeing right now or why the software which he was using right now seemed to be completely useless for him but then also knew that there must be some kind of logical explanation for it which he didn’t know yet or how it worked either.
And so Lin Xuan decided to try something else instead and see if he could change the resolution of the images which he was using right now by adjusting the contrast and brightness levels a little bit too.
But when Lin Xuan did that, however, he quickly realized that the results were exactly the same as before and that there was no other way for him to do this either unless he used some kind of modern technology such as digital imaging or ultraviolet light instead!
Whispers of Destiny
At first, Lin Xuan couldn’t believe what he was seeing right now but also knew that there was no other way for him to do this unless he used some kind of modern technology such as digital imaging or ultraviolet light instead!
And after thinking about it carefully, Lin Xuan also realized that if he did that, he would probably be able to see the hidden message which was written on the scroll much more easily than before too but also knew that he wouldn’t be able to confirm this unless he actually tried it first and saw what would happen next as well.
And so after going through all of these different possibilities in his mind, Lin Xuan decided that he would try using ultraviolet light and digital imaging to see if he could find anything new instead and also knew that if he did that, he would probably be able to see the hidden message which was written on the scroll much more easily than before too but also knew that he wouldn’t be able to confirm this unless he actually tried it first too.
But much to Lin Xuan’s disappointment, however, after trying all of these different methods and also going through all of the images which were stored in his database too, he quickly realized that there was nothing hidden on this scroll at all!
Instead, it was just a random collection of letters and words which had been written on it by someone who was completely illiterate and also probably didn’t care about it either since they had no idea what they were doing when they wrote them down on it at all!
At first, Lin Xuan couldn’t believe what he was seeing right now or how it could be possible for someone to hide so many different layers of meaning on an ancient scroll like this one but then also knew that there was no other way for him to do this unless he used some kind of modern technology such as digital imaging or ultraviolet light instead!
After thinking about it carefully, Lin Xuan also realized that if he did that, he would probably be able to see the hidden message which was written on the scroll much more easily than before too but also knew that he wouldn’t be able to confirm this unless he actually tried it first as well.
But when Lin Xuan tried to do that, however, he quickly realized that the results were exactly the same as before and that there was no other way for him to do this either unless he used some kind of modern technology such as digital imaging or ultraviolet light as well!
In fact, after going through all of these different possibilities in his mind right now, Lin Xuan also realized that if he wanted to find out what this hidden message was, then he would have no choice but to use them instead!
Unfortunately, though, even after trying all of these different methods and also going through all of the images which were stored in his database too, Lin Xuan still couldn’t find anything at all either!
Whispers of Destiny
Which meant that he clearly had no other choice but to start all over again from the beginning right now too!
After doing all of that, however, the only thing which he could do right now was to try and start from the beginning again by reading the text which was written on the scroll right now too!
But when he did that, however, he also quickly realized that there was nothing more hidden on it at all and that he had already gone through all of the images which were stored in his database right now too!
So after doing all of that, the only thing which he could do right now was to try and start from the beginning again by reading the text which was written on it right now as well!
Which meant that he would have no other choice but to do that unless he wanted to end up wasting even more time than before right now as well!
The only thing which he could do right now, therefore, was to start from the beginning again by reading the text which was written on the scroll right now too!
So after doing all of that, the only thing which he could do right now was to try and start from the beginning again by reading the text which was written on it right now too!
But when he did that, however, he also quickly realized that there was nothing more hidden on it right now too!
Which meant that he clearly had no other choice but to start from the beginning again right now too!
So after doing all of that, the only thing which he could do right now was to keep trying until he found something which he hadn’t seen before either!
Which meant that he clearly had no other choice but to keep trying until he found something which he hadn’t seen before either!
So after trying all of these different methods and also going through all of the images which were stored in his database too, Lin Xuan also knew that there was really no point in continuing with this project anymore since there was nothing else for him to find out either!
So after trying all of these different methods and also going through all of the images which were stored in his database too, Lin Xuan knew that there was really no point in continuing with this project anymore since there was nothing else for him to find out either!
But even though he knew this right now, Lin Xuan still couldn’t bring himself to admit defeat yet since he had already spent so much time on this project already and also didn’t want to give up either!
So after thinking about it carefully for a moment, the only thing which he could do right now was to keep trying until he found something which he hadn’t seen before either!
This is why Lin Xuan kept working on this project for months as well without stopping for even a single second during this time!
Since he knew that if he kept going like this for long enough, then eventually something new might come up soon enough too!
And even though Lin Xuan knew that this might not necessarily happen at all if he continued working like this for much longer than before, he still continued because it had already become his habit by now too!
In fact, after going through all of these different things right now, Lin Xuan also realized that even though all of his colleagues had started ignoring him completely since then and also thought that he was just wasting his time on a project like this one instead of working on something useful instead, he still kept going like this since it had already become a part of his life by now as well!
Whispers of Destiny
Because even though he had realized that there were really no new things which he could find out about this project previously either, he still continued because he had become so obsessed with it by now!
In fact, even after working on this project for months now, Lin Xuan still couldn’t find anything even after all this time either!
And as he thought about this, he also knew that he really had no other choice but to give up now since he had already spent too much time on this project without getting anything new either.
Yet even though he knew this too, it still wasn’t easy for Lin Xuan either since he had already spent so much time on this project by now that it had really become a part of his life by now too.
He had really become so obsessed with it over time that it really felt as though he had known it for years by now too.
And in fact, the only thing which had changed about him since then was the way which he looked too.
Since even though he had been really young and healthy back then too, it wasn’t the same for him now.
Since his hair had become quite grey over time as well because he hadn’t been taking care of himself properly during this time either.
His hair which had once been completely black before had now become almost completely grey with just a few lines of black hair left behind which proved that he wasn’t actually old yet.
But he still looked quite old because of it anyway too!
And because of this reason only, even though Lin Xuan knew that he really should give up on this project because it wasn’t giving him anything back for the effort which he was putting into it, he still couldn’t bring himself to actually quit either.
Because it really felt as though all of the years which he had spent working on this project had been wasted otherwise if he gave up now instead.
And as he thought about this, Lin Xuan also knew that he would have given up long ago if it wasn’t for the fact that he had already spent so many years working on this project now too.
Since even though all of his colleagues thought that he had given up on this project long ago since they hadn’t seen him working on it in years now either, they were wrong because he had been working on it all along still.
And as Lin Xuan thought about all of these things, he also knew that he would have given up long ago as well if it wasn’t for the fact that he knew that he was running out of time right now too!
Because even though he didn’t want to admit it, he knew that he might not have a lot of time left either to do it either.
Which meant that he needed to hurry up and find out what it meant right now too!
But even after thinking about all of these different things right now, Lin Xuan still couldn’t find a solution for any of them either!
And because of this reason only, he really had no other choice but to keep going like he was right now as well.
Even though he knew that it might not be useful anymore, he still didn’t want to give up either!
This is why Lin Xuan kept working like he did for days and also for months without stopping either.
And because of all of these different things which he did right now, it wasn’t surprising at all that people started talking about him as well.
All of his colleagues thought that he wasn’t coming back anymore and students were starting to ask as well where he was.
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But the truth of the matter is that Lin Xuan really couldn’t care less about any of those different things which people were talking about him either.
He didn’t care about people at all anymore because all he cared about right now was finding out the meaning behind the scroll which he had found in the library so many years ago.
And because of all of these different things which Lin Xuan thought about right now, it wasn’t surprising at all that people thought that he had already lost his mind.
After all, Lin Xuan never left the rare collection room anymore and so people didn’t even see him anymore either.
And because of that reason only, people really did believe more and more that Lin Xuan had gone crazy because of everything which he could find in that room as well.
But even though people thought that Lin Xuan had actually lost his mind, the truth is that Lin Xuan never actually stopped working so hard in the first place too.
Lin Xuan just worked even harder than ever before too!
Lin Xuan never actually stopped working on the translation of the scroll which he found in the library so many years ago, he just continued working on it all of the time without stopping either.
And because of all of those different things which he did right now, Lin Xuan really didn’t have time for anything else at all either.
Which is why Lin Xuan also didn’t have time to eat or sleep either because he was too busy working on the translation of the scroll instead.
Because of all of those different things which he did right now, Lin Xuan also stopped taking care of himself as well and he even stopped taking care of his appearance as well.
Lin Xuan looked like a mess right now as well, his hair was longer than ever and it was also grey instead of black as well.
And the same thing could be said for his beard as well which was also longer and also greyer than ever before as well.
Lin Xuan looked like a mess overall and he knew it as well but he really didn’t care about it either because he didn’t even think about what other people thought about him anyway either!
But despite all of those different things which Lin Xuan did right now, he still kept doing them anyway because he didn’t know what else to do about them anyway either!
Lin Xuan continued working like this for days and for months without checking anything else at all either!
Lin Xuan also didn’t eat or sleep either for a long time either but he drank a lot of coffee to keep going instead!
And even though he knew that drinking so much coffee wasn’t good for him, he still didn’t stop because he knew that he needed to keep himself awake somehow instead!
Which is why Lin Xuan continued drinking coffee to keep himself awake and so that he could keep going even though he didn’t know how long he would be able to keep going like this at all!
Whispers of Destiny
Lin Xuan was also worried about whether his colleagues were watching him as well and what they would think about what Lin Xuan did anyway either.
Lin Xuan always knew that his colleagues were jealous of him and they would probably try to do something to get rid of him as well too!
Which is why he was sure that his colleagues were spying on him right now so that they could find out what he was doing here as well!
And Lin Xuan was sure that his colleagues were also spying on him to see what he had found here as well which was why they were doing everything they could to stop him from finding anything at all!
Because Lin Xuan knew that his colleagues were probably trying to stop him from finding something so important and interesting here as well, he wanted to find something even more important here as well!
Lin Xuan didn’t know how they could stop him from finding something important here but they would probably find some way to do it anyway either!
Because Lin Xuan knew that his colleagues were probably jealous of him and they were always going to try to stop him from doing anything important no matter what he did at all either!
Lin Xuan didn’t know what they would do to stop him from finding anything important here but he was sure that they would find some way to do it anyway!
But then he realized that he was being paranoid because nobody was watching him right now since it was almost midnight and he was the only one who was supposed to be here as well!
So Lin Xuan continued working on the translation of the scroll even though he couldn’t understand some of the words which were written on it!
However, Lin Xuan didn’t care about what he didn’t understand and he only cared about what he did know which was what he focused on instead!
And as Lin Xuan focused on what he translated just now, he realized that there were also some new sections which he didn’t even see before as well!
One of those sections which he didn’t see before seemed to say that there was a certain period of Chinese history which was unreal instead of real!
That part of the scroll which Lin Xuan translated just now seemed to say that the Tang dynasty wasn’t real and that it only existed in books and in people’s imagination instead!
However, Lin Xuan didn’t understand how that part of the scroll could say that the Tang dynasty wasn’t real because everyone knew that the Tang dynasty actually existed for many years and that there were many records of it as well too!
In fact, many people believed that the Tang dynasty was a very powerful and prosperous dynasty which ruled over many parts of Asia after the fall of the Han dynasty and before the rise of the Ming dynasty as well too!
And because of that, Lin Xuan didn’t understand how anyone could say that the Tang dynasty wasn’t real because it was!
But then something strange happened when Lin Xuan thought about how strange that part of the scroll seemed to be and how nobody actually said anything like it at all either.
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When Lin Xuan looked down at the scroll again, he realized that the part which said that the Tang dynasty wasn’t real had disappeared from the scroll and he didn’t even know what to think about that!
However, Lin Xuan didn’t care about the missing part of the scroll because he was more interested in the other parts which he already translated instead!
And so Lin Xuan kept working on the ancient scroll while he also tried to figure out what was important about each part that he translated just now!
It was difficult for Lin Xuan to figure out what was important about each part which he translated just now but he thought that it was worth it to try to figure out if there were any patterns in the writing on the scroll instead!
And soon enough, Lin Xuan thought that he found something which was very interesting because there was a certain word which seemed to repeat itself over and over again in every part which he translated just now!
Lin Xuan thought that it was very strange for that word to be repeated so many times on the scroll because he didn’t even know what that word meant yet!
So Lin Xuan began to wonder if that word was actually a name of a certain person or place or thing instead!
But then Lin Xuan heard a strange noise coming from outside the room and he knew that there was someone else who was watching him right now too!
Lin Xuan hoped that whoever it was, they would go away and leave him alone so that he could continue translating the scroll again instead!
But when Lin Xuan looked towards the door, he saw a strange old man with a long white beard who was dressed in traditional scholar’s robes and who was also looking at him as well too!
The old man smiled and he said, “Please come with me, young man.I have something very important which I want to show you!”
Lin Xuan didn’t understand what the old man meant when he said that but he also didn’t want anyone else to see or hear them as well too!
And so Lin Xuan quickly went towards the door and he closed it behind him so that they could talk without being disturbed as well too!
The old man smiled at Lin Xuan when he saw him close the door behind him and he said, “It is good to see that you are a very cautious person.I was worried that you would not be able to keep this meeting a secret as well too!”
Lin Xuan didn’t understand what the old man meant because he didn’t know why he was supposed to keep their meeting a secret as well too!
And so Lin Xuan said, “I don’t even know who you are or how you could possibly know me either!How do I even know if I can trust you or not?”
When the old man heard what Lin Xuan said, he smiled again and he said, “That is a very interesting question, young man!And I think that I will show you the answer to your question right now!”
Then the old man began to walk away but he also beckoned towards Lin Xuan as well too!
However, when the old man walked away, he also seemed to disappear from sight as well too!
Lin Xuan didn’t understand how the old man could disappear from sight so easily because he was standing right there just now!
And so Lin Xuan walked towards where the old man had gone to so that he could find out what had happened to him as well too.
However, when he walked around the corner, he saw the old man standing right there in front of him again.
And so Lin Xuan said, “I don’t understand how you can do that!Are you really a human being or are you just a figment of my imagination instead?”
When the old man heard what Lin Xuan said, he smiled again and he said, “Some people think that I am just a figment of their imagination but I can assure you that I am not!”
But then the old man also gave Lin Xuan a wry smile as well too.
And so Lin Xuan asked him, “Who are you then?”
And then the old man pointed towards the scroll which was still on the table nearby him and he asked, “So are you the historian who has been deciphering this scroll then?”
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Lin Xuan didn’t know how the old man knew about the scroll but he also nodded his head again as well too.
And then the old man asked him, “So have you finished translating all of the text on this scroll yet?”
When Lin Xuan heard what the old man had asked him, he also shook his head again too.
Then the old man said, “In that case, would you mind if I took a look at it instead?I have been looking for this scroll for a very long time now but I have not been able to find it until now!”
Lin Xuan didn’t know why the old man wanted to look at the scroll but he also nodded his head as well.
And then Lin Xuan picked up the scroll from the table and he gave it to the old man as well.
The old man took the scroll from Lin Xuan and he began to unroll it again too.
And then he began to read the text on the scroll as well.
But when he read the text on the scroll, his eyes suddenly lit up as well!
And then he said, “So this is the text which you have been working on all this time then?”
When Lin Xuan heard what the old man said, he also nodded his head again as well.
And then the old man seemed to lose interest in Lin Xuan after that because he turned away from him and he began to read the text on the scroll again instead.
The old man read very quickly though and before Lin Xuan knew what was happening, he had finished reading the entire scroll as well.
Then the old man said, “Very interesting!This is a very important document!So have you translated all of this text or not?”
Lin Xuan didn’t know how to answer the question which the old man had asked him though because he had only managed to translate a small part of it so far.
However, Lin Xuan also wanted to show off how good he was at translating ancient texts to the old man as well too!
And so Lin Xuan picked up the translation which he had made so far from the desk nearby him and he gave it to the old man as well!
The old man took the translation from Lin Xuan and he began to read it as well.
But when he read it, he only smiled again before he also turned back to look at Lin Xuan once more!
Then the old man said, “This seems to be a fragment from one of the longer scrolls which has been written by someone living in the Tang Dynasty era of Chinese history!But don’t worry!
I won’t criticize you for making a mistake with your translation of this text since even I find it very difficult to translate these ancient texts properly!
Whispers of Destiny
When Lin Xuan heard what the old man said, he only narrowed his eyes as well before he said, “Did you just say that my translation was incomplete?”
The old man smiled again as well before he said, “Yes, that’s right!This translation of yours is incomplete as well!I could tell that as soon as I saw it too!”
When Lin Xuan heard what the old man said, he only narrowed his eyes even more as well too.
And then he said, “So what you are saying is that there is more text on this scroll which I haven’t translated yet?”
The old man only nodded his head after that and he said, “Yes, that’s right!There are many more important things written on this scroll which you have not translated yet!I am sure of it!”
When Lin Xuan heard what the old man said, he only narrowed his eyes even more again because the old man’s eyes seemed to be glittering with excitement as well.
But Lin Xuan couldn’t understand why the old man wanted him to translate the text on the scroll so much either?
After all, the title of the scroll had clearly been written on the outside of it as well!
So the title of the scroll was called “Gateway To The Illuminated Land” or something like that at least too!
So how could there be anything else which was written on the scroll either?
Lin Xuan couldn’t understand it at all!
But then the old man spoke to him again and he said, “Take a look at this text over here though!”
When Lin Xuan heard what the old man said, he looked at the text on the scroll which the old man was pointing at as well.
The text seemed to have been written in a language which was very different from regular Chinese though since its characters were very complex too!
But there were other things which were written beside that text too!
The other text had been written in Mandarin Chinese instead though so Lin Xuan only read those words instead.
It turned out that they were instructions which had been written for the person who was supposed to be translating the text on the scroll too!
So the instructions told him where to look for the missing text as well!
And then Lin Xuan turned back to look at the old man after that.
And then he said, “You are really very knowledgeable when it comes to ancient texts aren’t you?”
The old man only smiled again after that and he said, “Don’t you think that I am the one who is the most qualified person to look at this text here?”
Lin Xuan didn’t know what the old man meant by saying that though.
But he also decided not to ask him any more questions after this either because he didn’t know who the old man was or how he had managed to get into the library during the night too.
But then the old man said, “It’s too bad!You still haven’t realized that a mountain is not just a mountain yet!When Lin Xuan heard what the old man said, he only narrowed his eyes once more as well.
But then the old man only sighed as well as he looked down at the text on the scroll once more.
And then he said, “Not all paths are meant to be walked by people either!Some destinies are not supposed to be fulfilled either!That is just the way of the world!”
When Lin Xuan heard what the old man said, he only stared at him with his mouth hanging open as well.
“What do you mean by saying all of those things?”
The old man only shook his head after he heard Lin Xuan say those words too!
He didn’t say anything else after that either!
Instead, he only stared at the text on the ancient scroll for a while longer until he finally disappeared from thin air once more.
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Lin Xuan only stared at where the old man had been for a moment before he finally turned around so that he could look at what was on the table behind him too.
There were still many different texts which had been scattered all around him too.
The lantern in front of him was still burning brightly too.
But there wasn’t anybody who was standing behind him any longer either.
So what had just happened?
Lin Xuan only stared blankly at everything around him for a moment as he tried to process it all too.
He wasn’t sure if all of it had just been something which he had imagined or not either.
But his heart was also racing right now too!
He wasn’t sure if he should be feeling scared or excited right now either!
There had seemed to be something which had been calling out to him just now too!
Something which had been calling out to his soul too!
Lin Xuan only stared at the table in front of him for a moment longer before he finally gathered up all of the different texts which had been scattered around him just now.
And then he left the library in a hurry after that.
Was there something which had happened in the library during the night last night as well?
When Lin Xuan arrived in the library the next day, he saw a tall and thin woman who was standing near the entrance to the library and glaring around her with her eyes wide open.
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She looked like she was trying to find something or someone.
And then Lin Xuan called out to her from behind as he said, “Senior Librarian Zhang!What are you doing here?”
Zhang Wei only turned around when she heard Lin Xuan say those words as well.
She was a very beautiful woman but she always had a very cold and aloof expression on her face too.
She was also a very mysterious woman since nobody knew much about her background either.
But she was a very good librarian and she was very knowledgeable when it came to ancient texts as well!
So she was the person who was in charge of managing all of the different ancient texts in the university right now too!
And she always seemed to know everything that was going on in the library at all times too!
But she had a bad temper too!
Since she would often scold him whenever she saw him with his hair all messy and his clothes all wrinkled up too!
So Lin Xuan had learned to be very careful whenever he was around her now!
But Zhang Wei only sighed when she turned around and saw Lin Xuan standing behind her too.
And then she said, “I should have known that it was you!Nobody else would dare to sneak into the university library during the night like that!”
She also paused for a moment before she added, “But were you really able to finish your work so quickly like that?What a savage!”
Whispers of Destiny
And Lin Xuan only laughed embarrassingly when he heard Senior Librarian Zhang say those words too.
It looked like Senior Librarian Zhang had been able to catch him after all!
But it was a good thing that he had been able to finish his work just now though!
Since he had just finished copying down all of the different phrases from the ancient scroll just now!
And then he left the library through a backdoor which led out into a small courtyard after that.
There were rows of bookshelves in the courtyard outside of the library and there were many different ancient scrolls which had been kept there too.
And Lin Xuan turned around when he heard a soft laugh coming from behind him as well.
A tall and thin woman who was wearing black-rimmed glasses and white gloves was walking towards him from inside of one of those bookshelves right now.
Whispers of Destiny
She was very beautiful but she always had a cold expression on her face as well!
She was also very knowledgeable when it came to ancient texts as well!
So she was also one of his mentors in the university now too!
And she was also responsible for managing all of those different rare ancient scrolls in the university too!
She was Senior Librarian Zhang!
Zhang Wei only nodded her head slowly after she looked at him for a moment again before she said, “What are you doing here in the restricted section of the library as well?Do you have permission to be here right now?”
Lin Xuan only shook his head when he heard Zhang Wei say those words as well.
And then he looked at her with a smile on his face as he answered her question by saying, “I’m doing research on the Kingdom of Women right now!and I was hoping to be able to find some ancient texts about them inside of this library too!”
There was nobody who would be able to find any ancient texts about the Kingdom of Women inside of this library since nobody had ever been able to find any evidence to prove that they had ever existed before as well!
And all of his colleagues in the university would often laugh at him as well whenever they heard him talk about it!
And Zhang Wei only laughed out loud when she heard Lin Xuan say those words as well!
She also shook her head slowly before she said, “You should go ahead and finish your work first before you try to sneak around like this again!Also, try not to let anyone catch you while you’re in here either!”
She also started to walk away after she said that to him!
And she also turned around for a moment before she left as well!
She also said, “You should make sure to return your borrowed scroll to me on time as well!”
She was still very mysterious and aloof like that!
But she could also be very playful at times too!
She was really a very interesting person too!
Lin Xuan only shook his head again when he saw Senior Librarian Zhang leave like that.
He knew that she would be able to help him if he told her everything which had happened to him just now.
But he had a hunch that it would probably not be a very good idea for him to tell anyone else about it though!
And he did not want to get anyone else involved in this matter either!
He also waited for a moment before he left himself as well.
It seemed like there were many other people who were looking for this ancient scroll too!
So he decided to go back to his office in case they came looking for him next!
He wasn’t sure if he should be feeling scared or excited right now either!
Lin Xuan only walked back to his office slowly as he thought about everything which had happened today.
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The library was really a very large place which had many different things inside of it as well!
And there were many different sounds which could be heard coming from it as well!
And he also felt like he could hear the sound of some woman crying inside of it as well!
It seemed like it was coming from a place which was not too far from where he was either!
Lin Xuan only tried to walk away from it quickly after he heard it though!
He didn’t want to get involved with it right now since he had so much work to do at this moment!
His head was still feeling really heavy right now since he hadn’t been able to sleep properly for the last few days either!
And it was also filled with many different thoughts at this moment as well!
Lin Xuan only shook his head slowly before he tried to walk even faster than before because of this!
“Bang!” There was suddenly a very loud noise which could be heard in front of him all of a sudden!
“Eh!” Lin Xuan only raised his head after he heard the noise and saw that two of his students were standing in front of him at this moment.
They were both standing straight up with their hands behind their backs at this moment.
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And they were looking at him with fear and admiration in their eyes at this moment too!
“Eh!” Lin Xuan only shook his head slowly when he saw them standing before him like this right now.
And he asked them, “What are you two doing here at this hour?”
“We just came back from our lessons in school, Professor!” Student Lin said with his head down.
“It’s also time for us to come back already anyway!” Student Chen also said at this moment.
Lin Xuan only nodded his head when he heard Lin and Chen say those words.
He then said, “You two should go back and rest for the night first since we’ll have another lesson tomorrow morning!”
And Student Lin and Student Chen only nodded their heads once before they went back home as well.
Lin Xuan only shook his head after they left.
There were so many people who were looking up to him at the moment!
But there were also so many things which he still had to do on his own too!
He suddenly started to feel very overwhelmed by everything which was happening at this moment as well!
He had no idea how long it would take for him to finish translating the whole scroll either.
But he had a hunch that it would probably take a few more days for him to do it at least!
Lin Xuan only walked into his office slowly after this.
He then closed the door behind him and started to work on the ancient scroll once more.
He had been doing nothing but translating it for the last few days already right now!
But there were still so much more for him to do at this moment too!
The ancient scroll was still filled with many different symbols and scripts which he had never seen before as well.
But there was always something which looked familiar to him every time he opened the scroll too!
Whispers of Destiny
Lin Xuan did not know how long he had been working on the ancient scroll for.
He only raised his head when he heard a knock on his office door.
He then saw that Senior Librarian Zhang Wei had poked her head into the room as soon as he did this as well.
And she asked him, “Xuan Xuan, why are you still working on the ancient scroll at this hour?”
“I just happened to find some free time, that’s all!”
“I also think that I’m getting somewhere with the ancient scroll too!”
Lin Xuan said to Senior Librarian Zhang Wei then.
She only shook her head after she heard his answer.
She then walked into the room and looked at the ancient scroll which Lin Xuan was holding in his hands right now too.
And she asked him, “Xuan Xuan, have you been eating and sleeping well lately?”
“Eh!” Lin Xuan only nodded his head when he heard her ask him this question.
And he said, “I have, Sister Zhang Wei!”
“You may be able to fool other people, but you can’t fool me!”
“Look at yourself in the mirror and you’ll know what I mean exactly!”
“You’re not even thirty years old yet, but you look like you’re about forty years old already!”
“Your hair has even started to gray too!”
“And your skin is so pale as well!”
“You look like you’re about to die from exhaustion any moment now!”
“I’m not trying to scare you, Xuan Xuan!”
“But you should really take better care of yourself!”
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei said to Lin Xuan then.
And she looked at him with worry in her eyes at this moment as well.
Lin Xuan only looked at Senior Librarian Zhang Wei with embarrassment when he heard her say those words right now.
He then said, “Don’t worry, Sister Zhang Wei!”
“I’ll be taking care of myself from now on!”
“I also think that I can finish translating the ancient scroll soon anyway!”
“Haha…” Senior Librarian Zhang Wei only shook her head when she heard Lin Xuan say those words.
She then said, “You’re lying, aren’t you?”
“You’re actually just trying to find an excuse for yourself so that you can work some more on the ancient scroll, aren’t you?”
Lin Xuan only looked at Senior Librarian Zhang Wei with surprise when he heard her say that right now.
He then said, “How did you know?”
“Haha…” Senior Librarian Zhang Wei could only shake her head after she heard Lin Xuan say that right now.
She then sighed and said, “I know you too well, Xuan Xuan!”
“You’re just afraid that you won’t be able to finish translating the ancient scroll soon enough too!”
“And you’re also afraid that someone else might steal your research from you as well!”
“But you should know better than anyone else that this is not good for yourself, don’t you?”
“It’s not good for your health at all!”
Lin Xuan could only look at Senior Librarian Zhang Wei with surprise.
She sounded very stern and angry when she scolded him earlier.
But she had actually started to sound very gentle instead right now too.
It was almost as if she knew exactly what he was feeling at this moment as well!
Lin Xuan could only look at her with surprise too.
But he could also see a lot of kindness in her eyes at this moment as well.
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei really seemed to care a lot about him actually.
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He then said to her, “I’m sorry, Sister Zhang Wei!”
“I was just trying to scare you a little bit actually!”
“I’ve actually been feeling very tired recently too!”
“But I can’t afford to take a break at this moment either!”
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei could only look at Lin Xuan with surprise when she heard him say that.
She then said, “What do you mean by that?”
“Have you not been sleeping well recently too?”
“Aren’t you tired of translating the ancient scroll either?”
“And why can’t you afford to take a break either?”
“Do you not have the time to take a break because you’re too busy at this moment?”
Lin Xuan could only shake his head when he heard Senior Librarian Zhang Wei say those words right now.
He then said to her, “I don’t think I have enough money to take a break at this moment actually!”
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei could only look at Lin Xuan with surprise when she heard him say that right now.
She then asked, “Don’t tell me that you’ve spent all of your money on food and drinks again!”
“I don’t know how to cook as well anyway!”
Lin Xuan chuckled before he said that to Senior Librarian Zhang Wei right now.
He had actually been spending most of his money on food and drinks recently too!
But it was mostly because he didn’t know how to cook anything at all too!
And he would rather spend his money on food and drinks than cooking his own food and making himself sick actually as well…
But he was also very tired of eating the same food over and over again as well!
Lin Xuan only chuckled before he said that to Senior Librarian Zhang Wei then.
He then said, “I was just trying to joke around with you, Sister Zhang Wei!”
“The truth is I don’t have enough money to take a break because I’m afraid that I might fail my research too!”
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei could only look at Lin Xuan when she heard him say that right now.
She then said, “You’re really afraid of failing your research, aren’t you?”
“But you should also be aware of the fact that it’s not good to work too hard on your research either!”
“It’s definitely more important for you to take care of your health first!”
“And this library is always open for you whenever you want to come here to do some reading too!”
Lin Xuan could only look at Senior Librarian Zhang Wei when he heard her say those words right now.
He then said, “I’m sorry, Sister Zhang Wei!”
“I’ll take care of my health from now on!”
Lin Xuan then looked at Senior Librarian Zhang Wei with embarrassment when he said that.
But he could also see that she really cared a lot about him too.
She had been his mentor since day one after all.
And she had also been the one who had always been helping him out whenever he needed some help too.
Lin Xuan could only nod his head before he said that to Senior Librarian Zhang Wei right now.
He then left the library without saying anything else too.
But he could also see that it was already very late when he left the library as well.
He then decided to go back home and rest for the night too.
And he also knew that he really needed some rest as well.
Whispers of Destiny
Lin Xuan could see that it was already three o’clock in the morning as soon as he checked his watch while he was still inside the research room.
He had been working on his research for almost half of the night already…
He could see that his vision was getting blurry when he looked at the manuscript that was placed on top of the table right in front of him.
Lin Xuan also knew that it was definitely time for him to take a break too.
He yawned as soon as he thought about it as well.
Lin Xuan could feel his eyes getting heavier when he thought about going back home and resting for the night.
But he also knew that it was definitely time for him to leave the research room as well.
Lin Xuan stood up from his chair as soon as he made up his mind about it too.
He then took his bag before he opened the door and left the room right after that as well.
Lin Xuan could feel his body getting heavier as soon as he stepped out of the room as well.
He yawned before he walked towards the stairs that were located right in front of him as well…
But Lin Xuan suddenly felt very dizzy as soon as he looked down at the flight of stairs that were located right in front of him right now…
He could feel his head spinning around too!
Lin Xuan could feel his body getting heavier as well when that happened to him too.
He then placed his hand on top of one of the tables that were located right beside him too!
Lin Xuan could only try to stabilize his body by doing that as well…
But he could see that there was someone standing in front of him when Lin Xuan raised his head and looked ahead too!
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei was standing in front of him while she was looking at him as well!
She could see that Lin Xuan was looking very exhausted!
But she was also very worried about him as well!
She then took out a small wooden box from her bag before she walked towards him…
“Please don’t worry about me, Sister Zhang Wei!”
Lin Xuan could only say that to Senior Librarian when he saw her walking towards him right now.
He then asked, “What is it?”
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei didn’t say anything else when she opened the small wooden box that she had taken out earlier…
She then took out two small red pills from inside the box before she placed them in front of Lin Xuan…
“Please eat these pills for me!”
“It’s a traditional Chinese medicine that can help you recover from exhaustion very quickly!”
Lin Xuan was actually quite surprised when Senior Librarian Zhang Wei said that to him right now…
He didn’t realize that she was also carrying some Chinese medicine in her bag too…
But it was also true that Lin Xuan had never tried them before either…
He could only take the small wooden box from her hands before he looked at her, “Thank you so much, Sister Zhang Wei!”
Lin Xuan could see that there was no one else in the library at all when he looked around himself…
But it was also true that there were still some students who were studying inside some of the study rooms in the library too…
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei then said to Lin Xuan, “Please eat them right away after you go back home!”
“And please go back home immediately after you eat them…”
“You should also get some rest after you go back home as well…”
Whispers of Destiny
Lin Xuan could only nod his head when Senior Librarian told him to do all those things…
There was no way for him to argue back with her…
This was because Lin Xuan was looking very exhausted when Senior Librarian Zhang Wei looked at him…
His hair was also turning gray right now too…
He could only force himself to smile when she said that to him…
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei then nodded her head when she saw Lin Xuan forcing a smile on his face…
She then said, “You should try to take good care of yourself…”
“It’s not a good thing for you to be looking like this…”
“But I’m alright, Sister Zhang Wei!”
“There’s no need for you to worry about me!”
Lin Xuan could only say that to her when she heard what she said…
But it was also true that Lin Xuan was not feeling alright at all when she said those things…
He could only look very exhausted and tired right now…
But there was nothing that Lin Xuan could do about it either…
He really wanted to tell Senior Librarian not to worry about him too…
But at the same time, Lin Xuan also knew that it was impossible for him to do that as well…
But it was also true that Lin Xuan didn’t want to stop translating the scroll either…
He had found something very important in the scroll just now…
And it was also true that there were still many things that Lin Xuan didn’t understand about it yet either…
The most important thing was that there were still some mysteries hidden inside the scroll too…
He couldn’t possibly leave it like this!
But at the same time, Lin Xuan also knew that there was no way for him to argue with Senior Librarian Zhang Wei either!
That was why he could only nod his head when she told him to eat those pills and get back home immediately after this!
But what should I do about this scroll?
It’s still inside this library too?
I don’t think I can bear to leave it like this!”
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei then asked him, “What is it?”
Lin Xuan then took a deep breath when he heard what Senior Librarian Zhang Wei said to him, “It’s nothing at all!”
“I will eat those pills and get back home immediately after this!”
“I will also get some rest too!”
“Please don’t worry about me!”
Lin Xuan could only say those things when he heard what Senior Librarian Zhang Wei said to him!
He then nodded his head towards her before he walked out of the library!
Senior Librarian Zhang Wei was looking at Lin Xuan when he walked out of the library just now too!
There was a very complicated expression on her face when she looked at Lin Xuan as well!
She knew exactly what Lin Xuan was thinking right now!
It was very obvious that he didn’t want to leave the scroll alone in here too!
He would also feel very anxious if he left it like this too!
She had seen people like him many times too…
Those scholars were trying their best to pursue knowledge by any means necessary as well!
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But they would also be in a lot of trouble if they stayed like this for too long too!
That was why Senior Librarian Zhang Wei couldn’t help but feel a little bit worried about Lin Xuan as well!
She had spent a lot of time with Lin Xuan in the past when they were still studying together in the same university too!
In fact, it was also because of something very important that happened in the past, which had brought both of them back together once again after such a long time too!
It was something very important and valuable either too!
And it was also something very dangerous and terrifying too!
That was why Senior Librarian Zhang Wei couldn’t help but feel worried about Lin Xuan when she saw him like this just now too!
“You are still as brilliant and responsible as ever, Lin Xuan!”
“But you are also still as stubborn and foolish as ever too!”
“You have already found something like this, haven’t you?”
“Even though it was a little bit incomplete, you still couldn’t bear to leave it like this either!”
“Your brilliance might be the best thing that I have ever seen but the same thing could also be said about your stubbornness too!”
“Those things haven’t changed at all since the last time we have met each other!”
“Even though I am very happy that I finally have the chance to see you once again, I am also very worried about your health too…”
“When are you going to stop being so obsessed with things like this, Lin Xuan?”
“You need to remember that your physical health is very important too…”
“You can’t just keep on doing things like this either!”
Lin Xuan felt very touched when he heard what Senior Librarian Zhang Wei said to him too!
He knew exactly what kind of relationship he had with Zhang Wei before too!
They were friends who had spent a lot of time together when they were still studying together before too!
They were also part of the same group as well…
They were very young back then too…
And they were both very brilliant too…
That was why their supervisor had chosen them as part of his group too…
And that was why the two of them would spend a lot of time together as well…
Lin Xuan had chosen a direction which was completely different than Zhang Wei’s, even though they had started at the exact same time back then!
She had been worried about his health even back then too…
But he would always tell her that he would be fine…
He would always tell her that he would find a way to take care of himself as well…
But at the end, all of those words would end up being nothing but lies too…
Because he didn’t do any of those things at all either…
He didn’t know why he had been doing things like this either…
He didn’t know why he would rather tell a lie than tell the truth either…
Perhaps it was because he was still so young back then after all…
Or perhaps it was because he just couldn’t bear to face the reality at all…
It was the same thing as well…
Whispers of Destiny