MidReal Story

Whispers in the Corner Office

Scenario:I found out about my boss
Create my version of this story
I found out about my boss
"Emily, you’re still here?"
I look up from my computer to see Jake standing in the doorway of my office.
"Yeah, I’m just finishing up a few things."
"It’s almost eight o’clock. You know you don’t have to work late every night, right?"
he says with a grin.
"I know, but I like to get a head start on the next day. Plus, it’s quiet and I can actually concentrate."
He chuckles and shakes his head.
"You’re such a nerd."
I stick my tongue out at him as he walks over to my desk.
"I’m going to grab some dinner. Want to come with me?"
he asks.
"No thanks. I brought something from home."
He looks down at the container of salad sitting on my desk and grimaces.
"That looks disgusting. You need to eat real food, Emily."
"I’ll eat real food when I find a man who can cook," I say with a wink.
"I didn’t realize you’d lowered your standards so much," he teases.
Before I can come up with a clever comeback, he’s already gone, waving as he heads out the door.
I finish up a few more things and then head out an hour later, feeling pretty good about the day.
I walk down the hall, turning off all the lights as I go, and then grab my purse and coat from the break room before heading out of the office.
The minute I get in my car and pull out of the parking lot, though, I’m hit with a sense of unease.
I try to shake it off as I make my way home, but something is definitely nagging at me.
When I get home, I change into my PJs and make myself some tea to help me relax before bed.
I’m still trying to figure out what’s been bothering me when I remember the phone call.
I’d completely forgotten about it until now, but it’s still bothering me for some reason.
It was late last night when I heard Sarah on the phone with someone, her voice sharp and cold as she barked orders at whoever was on the other end of the line.
Whispers in the Corner Office
I was alone in the office, and Sarah’s voice had carried through the open door of her office and down the hall to where I was working.
I hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but I’d been so stunned by what I was hearing that I couldn’t help myself.
She’d said something about needing something done urgently and discreetly, and then her tone had changed, becoming almost menacing as she spoke about financial matters and tax implications.
It was so unlike her—she was always so composed, so in control—that I couldn’t help but be surprised.
And now I can’t stop thinking about it.
What was she talking about?
Who was she talking to?
And why did it sound like she was threatening someone?
Maybe I’m just reading too much into it.
Maybe it was nothing at all.
Whispers in the Corner Office
But if that was the case, then why have things seemed off for the past few weeks?
Sarah hasn’t been herself lately.
She’s been more irritable and short-tempered than usual, snapping at us for no reason and shutting herself in her office for hours at a time.
Her assistant mentioned the other day that Sarah had been canceling appointments without explanation, which is completely out of character for her.
And then there are the little things that don’t quite add up, like the way her eyes dart around the room when she thinks no one is looking, or the fact that I’ve heard her on the phone with someone more than once, speaking in hushed tones and looking over her shoulder like she’s afraid someone will overhear.
It’s all very strange, and it’s starting to make me wonder if there’s something going on here that I don’t know about.
Maybe it’s just stress.
After all, running a successful technology firm like Brighter Tomorrow is no small feat, and the pressure must be enormous.
Whispers in the Corner Office
I look up from my computer to see Jake standing in the doorway of my office.
"Yeah, I’m just finishing up a few things."
"It’s almost eight o’clock. You know you don’t have to work late every night, right?"
he says with a grin.
"I know, but I like to get a head start on the next day. Plus, it’s quiet and I can actually concentrate."
He chuckles and shakes his head.
"You’re such a nerd."
I stick my tongue out at him as he walks over to my desk.
"I’m going to grab some dinner. Want to come with me?"
he asks.
"No thanks. I brought something from home."
He looks down at the container of salad sitting on my desk and grimaces.
"That looks disgusting. You need to eat real food, Emily."
"I’ll eat real food when I find a man who can cook," I say with a wink.
He laughs and shakes his head.
"I didn’t realize you’d lowered your standards so much," he teases.
Before I can come up with a clever comeback, he’s already gone, waving as he heads out the door.
I finish up a few more things and then head out an hour later, feeling pretty good about the day.
I walk down the hall, turning off all the lights as I go, and then grab my purse and coat from the break room before heading out of the office.
The minute I get in my car and pull out of the parking lot, though, I’m hit with a sense of unease.
Whispers in the Corner Office
I try to shake it off as I make my way home, but something is definitely nagging at me.
When I get home, I change into my PJs and make myself some tea to help me relax before bed.
I’m still trying to figure out what’s been bothering me when I remember the phone call.
I’d completely forgotten about it until now, but it’s still bothering me for some reason.
It was late last night when I heard Sarah on the phone with someone, her voice sharp and cold as she barked orders at whoever was on the other end of the line.
I was alone in the office, and Sarah’s voice had carried through the open door of her office and down the hall to where I was working.
I hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but I’d been so stunned by what I was hearing that I couldn’t help myself.
She’d said something about needing something done urgently and discreetly, and then her tone had changed, becoming almost menacing as she spoke about financial matters and tax implications.
Whispers in the Corner Office
It was so unlike her—she was always so composed, so in control—that I couldn’t help but be surprised.
And now I can’t stop thinking about it.
What was she talking about?
Who was she talking to?
And why did it sound like she was threatening someone?
Maybe I’m just reading too much into it.
Maybe it was nothing at all.
But if that was the case, then why have things seemed off for the past few weeks?
Sarah hasn’t been herself lately.
She’s been more irritable and short-tempered than usual, snapping at us for no reason and shutting herself in her office for hours at a time.
Whispers in the Corner Office
I’m so lost in thought that I don’t immediately realize that Jake has come into my office until he speaks, making me jump.
"Hey, Jake," I say, trying to cover up my surprise.
"Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in."
He gives me a knowing look that makes my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"Deep thoughts?"
he asks, winking at me.
"Nothing too deep," I say, shaking my head and turning back to my computer screen.
"Just work stuff."
He leans back in his chair and hooks his hands behind his head, looking for all the world like he doesn’t have a care in the world, even though I know he’s just as busy as I am.
"Work stuff, huh?" he says, grinning at me.
"Sounds exciting. You should let me in on the secret."
He waggles his eyebrows at me, but I just roll my eyes at him.
"Don’t flatter yourself, Thompson," I say.
"I’m not that easy."
He laughs and sits up straight, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and giving me a serious look.
"I never said you were easy, Em," he says, his voice low and husky.
"But you know you can always tell me what’s on your mind, right?
Whispers in the Corner Office
Continue. "I know that, Jake," I tell him, my voice softening a little as I look up at him.
"You’re a good friend, and if there was something going on, you’d be the first person I’d tell. But there’s nothing to tell. I was just thinking."
He studies me for a moment longer, as if he can see right through me, but then he shrugs and sits back in his chair, giving me a playful grin.
"Whatever you say, Em," he says, raising his hands in surrender.
"But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me."
"I’ll keep that in mind," I say, trying not to smile at his antics.
"So what are you up to right now?"
he asks, glancing down at my computer screen.
"Just finishing up a few things before I head home," I tell him, turning back to my computer and pretending to be busy so he won’t see how much his presence affects me.
As much as I hate to admit it, he’s probably the closest thing to a best friend that I have right now, and I don’t want to ruin our friendship by being stupid and falling for him.
He’s made it pretty clear that he’s interested in me, but he also knows that I’m not interested in mixing business with pleasure.
Not again, anyway.
Whispers in the Corner Office
Not again, anyway.
The last time I let my guard down and got involved with a coworker, it had ended in disaster, and I’d sworn that I’d never make that mistake again.
Ever since then, I’ve been extra careful to keep my personal and professional lives separate, and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon, no matter how much I may be tempted by Jake’s rugged good looks and charming personality.
I have a feeling that he’s not going to give up that easily, though.