MidReal Story

Whispers in the Abandoned Asylum


May 28
Create my version of this story
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
Alex asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
I turned to face him and Mark, who were both staring at me with wide eyes.
The three of us stood in front of the abandoned asylum, its dark windows watching us like the eyes of a predator.
I shivered as a cold wind blew through my hair, sending goosebumps down my arms.
The building was massive, with four stories and a large chapel in the back.
It had been closed for years after numerous reports of unexplained deaths and mysterious occurrences.
"Of course it's a good idea."
Mark said with a grin.
"What kind of horror movie would this be if we didn't at least check it out?"
Alex scoffed.
"Horror movie clichés aside, I still don't see why we're here."
I shrugged, trying to shake off the feeling that something was watching us from the shadows.
"We're here because we want to be."
I admitted.
Mark and Alex exchanged a look, but didn't say anything.
They knew that wasn't the whole truth.
We were here because of me.
Because I had a feeling that my family's dark past was somehow connected to this very asylum.
A feeling that I hadn't shared with anyone until now.
As we made our way towards the building, I could feel something tugging at me from the inside, like an old friend reaching out to me after years of being apart.
It wasn't physical, but it was real.
I could feel it in my bones.
Of course, Mark and Alex would never understand that.
To them, it was just nerves and an overactive imagination.
But I had always been more sensitive to these things than most people.
Whispers in the Abandoned Asylum
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as we approached the entrance, a large set of double doors with the words "Ravenswood Asylum" written in faded letters above them.
A chill ran down my spine as we passed through an open gate and onto the overgrown path that led to the front steps.
Whispers in the Abandoned Asylum
The others followed close behind, their footsteps echoing in the empty courtyard.
Alex and Mark had been my best friends for as long as I could remember, and I knew that they would never admit it, but they were just as curious about this place as I was.
I stopped at the bottom of the steps and turned to face them, a smile on my face.
"Are you guys ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be." "Mark said with a grin.
"Bring on the ghosts and goblins!" "You do realize that this is a mental hospital, right?"
Alex said, rolling his eyes.
Whispers in the Abandoned Asylum
Alex asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
I turned to face him and Mark, who were both staring at me with wide eyes.
The three of us stood in front of the abandoned asylum, its dark windows watching us like the eyes of a predator.
I shivered as a cold wind blew through my hair, sending goosebumps down my arms.
The building was massive, with four stories and a large chapel in the back.
It had been closed for years after numerous reports of unexplained deaths and mysterious occurrences.
Some said it was haunted by the spirits of the patients who died there, while others claimed it was cursed by an ancient evil that had been unleashed when the asylum was built on top of an old Indian burial ground.
"Of course it's a good idea."
Mark said with a grin.
"What kind of horror movie would this be if we didn't at least check it out?"
Alex scoffed.
"Horror movie clichés aside, I still don't see why we're here."
I shrugged, trying to shake off the feeling that something was watching us from the shadows.
"We're here because we want to be."
I admitted.
Mark and Alex exchanged a look, but didn't say anything.
They knew that wasn't the whole truth.
We were here because of me.
Because I had a feeling that my family's dark past was somehow connected to this very asylum.
Whispers in the Abandoned Asylum
A feeling that I hadn't shared with anyone until now.
As we made our way towards the building, I could feel something tugging at me from the inside, like an old friend reaching out to me after years of being apart.
It wasn't physical, but it was real.
I could feel it in my bones.
Of course, Mark and Alex would never understand that.
To them, it was just nerves and an overactive imagination.
Whispers in the Abandoned Asylum
But I had always been more sensitive to these things than most people.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as we approached the entrance, a large set of double doors with the words "Ravenswood Asylum" written in faded letters above them.
A chill ran down my spine as we passed through an open gate and onto the overgrown path that led to the front steps.
The others followed close behind, their footsteps echoing in the empty courtyard.
Alex and Mark had been my best friends for as long as I could remember, and I knew that they would never admit it, but they were just as curious about this place as I was.
I stopped at the bottom of the steps and turned to face them, a smile on my face.
"Are you guys ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."
Mark said with a grin.
"Bring on the ghosts and goblins!"
"You do realize that this is a mental hospital, right?"
Whispers in the Abandoned Asylum
The air was still, and a thick layer of dust covered everything in sight.
Cobwebs hung from the high ceiling, which stretched up into darkness above us.
The only light came from a few small windows on either side of the hallway, their glass panes covered in grime and dirt.
I took a deep breath and caught a whiff of something musty, like old books left in a damp basement for years on end.
I looked over my shoulder at Alex and Mark and nodded, motioning for them to follow me inside.
As we moved further into the asylum, our footsteps echoed through the silent halls, bouncing off the peeling wallpaper and cracked tile floor.
Whispers in the Abandoned Asylum
If it weren't for the thick layer of dust covering everything in sight, I might have believed that we were in any other building in town, rather than an abandoned asylum that had been left empty for decades.
I led the group further down the hallway, my heart pounding in my chest.
Excitement mixed with apprehension and I could feel a million different emotions swirling around inside of me.
The corridor stretched out ahead of us, with closed doors on either side.
I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay behind those doors… what horrors had taken place inside the rooms of this old building.
The walls were lined with peeling wallpaper, faded paint, and rusty handrails that ran along both sides of the corridor.
As we moved further down the hallway, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched.
Even though I knew that we were alone in the building, I couldn't help but feel like there were eyes on us at all times.
I could hear the creaking of old wood and metal as we walked, but other than that, it was silent.
The heavy air in the asylum seemed to vibrate with unseen energy, like the building itself was alive and breathing.