MidReal Story

Whiskers of Rebellion

Scenario:A girl who loves animals wants to keep a pretty and her parents don't allow her to but she sneaks in a cat and her father sees it
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A girl who loves animals wants to keep a pretty and her parents don't allow her to but she sneaks in a cat and her father sees it
I’ve wanted to be a vet ever since I was a little girl.
My parents had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, and my answer had been immediate.
I loved animals of all kinds, from dogs to cats to birds.
I loved how each one was unique and how much they depended on humans to take care of them.
Sure, I wanted to be a human doctor as well, but my passion was definitely for animals.
If I could spend every day with them, I would be the happiest person in the world.
So it should come as no surprise that when I found a stray cat walking home from school, my heart immediately melted.
It was a pretty little thing with black fur and bright green eyes.
She meowed softly when I bent down to pet her, and I knew right away that I would do whatever it took to help her.
However, my family wasn’t the animal-loving kind.
The only reason we even had a dog was because he was a guard dog, and my father insisted that we needed one for protection.
My mother didn’t like many animals because she was allergic to most of them, so she would sneeze and cough if she got too close.
My father didn’t like them because he thought they were unclean.
He always said that they made messes and disrupted the order of our household.
While I could see where he was coming from, it didn’t stop me from wanting to bring home every animal I saw.
It wasn’t fair that they were out there all alone with no one to take care of them, so I thought it was my duty to save them all.
This little black cat would be no exception.
Normally, I wouldn’t have been able to keep an animal without my parents’ permission, but I had come up with a plan that would allow me to keep her for at least a little while.
Would it go against the rules?
Absolutely, but sometimes you had to do what you had to do.
I went inside and headed to the kitchen where I quickly found a plate to put some food on for my new friend.
I was careful not to drop anything as I poured the kibble out of its bag and then added some water so it would soften up a bit.
While it soaked, I got out a can of tuna and opened it, setting that aside for later.
By the time I finished getting everything ready, the cat was in the kitchen with me, watching attentively as I worked.
I picked up the plate and set it on the floor then stepped back so she could eat in peace.
She sniffed the food first and only began eating when she decided it was safe.
When she finally started eating, I went back into my room and shut the door so she wouldn’t wander around the house until I knew for sure whether or not my parents were home yet.
If they were, I would have to act like nothing was different because otherwise they would kick her out.
Whiskers of Rebellion