MidReal Story

Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey


Jun 2
Scenario:I found a stranded kitten
Create my version of this story
I found a stranded kitten
I was running late for work when I found the kitten.
My bus had been delayed, and I’d been forced to walk the last few blocks to my office in order to get there on time.
It was a beautiful day, so I didn’t mind the extra exercise.
In fact, I was enjoying it.
The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the air smelled like spring.
Everything was perfect until I heard a faint mewing coming from an alleyway I was passing by.
I stopped in my tracks and listened carefully.
Sure enough, there it was again—a tiny cry that sounded like it belonged to a very young kitten.
Chapter 1
I was running late for work when I found the kitten.
My bus had been delayed, and I’d been forced to walk the last few blocks to my office in order to get there on time.
It was a beautiful day, so I didn’t mind the extra exercise.
In fact, I was enjoying it.
The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the air smelled like spring.
Everything was perfect until I heard a faint mewing coming from an alleyway I was passing by.
I stopped in my tracks and listened carefully.
Sure enough, there it was again—a tiny cry that sounded like it belonged to a very young kitten.
Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey
I hesitated for only a moment before turning down the alley and following the sound to its source.
It didn’t take long for me to find what—or rather who—I was looking for.
Nestled in the crook of an old metal dumpster was a tiny, gray kitten with big, sad eyes and a dirty coat of matted fur.
She was trying to climb out of the trash but didn’t seem to be having much luck.
She’d gotten herself all tangled up, and with her small size and weak limbs, she didn’t have enough strength to free herself.
I knelt down beside her and reached out a hand.
She turned her head to look at me and let out another faint meow as if begging for help.
I didn’t waste any time.
Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey
Picking her up, I cradled her in my arms and started walking back the way I’d come.
She curled up against me and let out a contented purr as if she knew she was safe now.
Upon reaching the end of the alley, I glanced back to see if anyone was watching me but didn’t see anyone, so I picked up my pace and continued on my way to work.
I was already late, so what would it matter if I was a few minutes later than usual?
And besides, what kind of person would just leave a helpless kitten like that without stopping to help?
Certainly not me!
As I walked, I tried to figure out what to do with my new furry little friend.
Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey
My bus had been delayed, and I’d been forced to walk the last few blocks to my office in order to get there on time.
It was a beautiful day, so I didn’t mind the extra exercise.
In fact, I was enjoying it.
Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey
The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the air smelled like spring.
Everything was perfect until I heard a faint mewing coming from an alleyway I was passing by.
I stopped in my tracks and listened carefully.
Sure enough, there it was again—a tiny cry that sounded like it belonged to a very young kitten.
I hesitated for only a moment before turning down the alley and following the sound to its source.
It didn’t take long for me to find what—or rather who—I was looking for.
Nestled in the crook of an old metal dumpster was a tiny, gray kitten with big, sad eyes and a dirty coat of matted fur.
She was trying to climb out of the trash but didn’t seem to be having much luck.
Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey
She’d gotten herself all tangled up, and with her small size and weak limbs, she didn’t have enough strength to free herself.
I knelt down beside her and reached out a hand.
She turned her head to look at me and let out another faint meow as if begging for help.
I didn’t waste any time.
Picking her up, I cradled her in my arms and started walking back the way I’d come.
She curled up against me and let out a contented purr as if she knew she was safe now.
Upon reaching the end of the alley, I glanced back to see if anyone was watching me but didn’t see anyone, so I picked up my pace and continued on my way to work.
I was already late, so what would it matter if I was a few minutes later than usual?
And besides, what kind of person would just leave a helpless kitten like that without stopping to help?
Certainly not me!
Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey
Chapter 2
I thought it would be a simple enough plan at the time.
Little did I know how much that one decision would change my life.
I finished my commute to work without any further incidents and spent the next few hours carrying out my daily duties as usual.
The kitten—now named Luna—was curled up on my desk beside me as I worked.
I’d brought her a small bag of cat food along with me to keep her fed throughout the day.
She made quick work of it and tore a hole in the bag, spilling the contents all over my car’s backseat.
She proceeded to play with the kibble and push it around with her paws for the rest of the drive to work.
I couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable she looked.
I pulled into my driveway and parked at the side of my building.
I picked up Luna and got out of the car before heading inside.
Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey
I’ll admit I wasn’t completely prepared for her arrival.
I didn’t have a litter box or any food dishes.
I also didn’t have a cat bed or any toys for her to play with.
I wasn’t sure what to do.
Pacing back and forth in my living room, I realized I would have to make a trip to the pet store to buy everything she would need.
I quickly got online and did a little research on what kind of supplies I would need before work.
Being short on time but unable to wait until after work to get her what she needed—I knew I’d be stuck at the shelter for the rest of the day if I did—I decided to pick up a few things on my lunch break.
I made a list of everything I’d need and left it on my kitchen table before heading back out to my car.
Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey
Her eyes drooped sleepily and she curled up on my couch and fell fast asleep.
I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous as I watched her.
I wished I could curl up on the couch and take a nap instead of going to work.
As I got ready for work, I kept thinking about Luna all curled up on my couch and hoping she was okay.
I knew she would be fine—I couldn’t have asked for a better companion than Luna—but it would be hard for me to focus on anything else until I knew she was safe and comfortable in my apartment.
I spent the rest of the day at work thinking about Luna and worrying about how she would be doing without me there to take care of her.
All of my usual tasks at the shelter seemed trivial compared to making sure Luna was comfortable at home.
The workday couldn’t end soon enough for me.
As soon as it was over, I left the shelter and drove to the nearest pet store to buy all of the supplies I needed for Luna’s care.
Whiskers of Change: A Feline Journey