MidReal Story

When Eyes Meet


Aug 14
Scenario:I am in class, and I am looking at my crush while he is talking in class and he catches me looking at him and at lunch he tries to talk to me
Create my version of this story
I am in class, and I am looking at my crush while he is talking in class and he catches me looking at him and at lunch he tries to talk to me
I was staring at him again.
It was a bad habit, and one that I just couldn’t seem to break.
I’d told myself that I wouldn’t do it anymore, but here I was, doing it again.
And he’d caught me.
His eyes met mine from across the room, and I felt my cheeks flush as I quickly looked away.
I could feel his gaze on me for a few more seconds before he turned his attention back to the teacher.
I wanted to die of embarrassment.
Why did I always do this?
I’d been sitting in the same spot in this stupid classroom for weeks now, and every day, my eyes would drift to the same place.
To him.
He was sitting in the same seat he always did, right in the middle of the room, front and center.
When Eyes Meet
I tried to focus on the lesson, but my mind was a whirlwind of anxiety and self-reproach.
The teacher’s voice droned on, but all I could think about was how Jake had caught me staring.
My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing in my ears.
The clock on the wall seemed to slow down, each tick dragging painfully.
I glanced at it every few seconds, willing it to move faster.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the bell rang.
I grabbed my books and bolted out of the classroom before anyone else had even stood up.
I navigated the crowded hallways, my eyes fixed on the floor.
I couldn’t risk running into Jake.
Not now.
Not after that.
When I reached the cafeteria, I spotted Lucas and Sarah sitting at our usual table by the window.
I took a deep breath and made my way over to them, trying to act normal.
“Hey, Em!” Sarah greeted me with a smile as I sat down.
“Hey,” I replied, forcing a smile of my own.
Lucas looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow.
“You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I’m fine,” I lied. “Just tired.”
Sarah gave me a sympathetic look but didn’t press further.
When Eyes Meet
We started talking about our weekend plans, and for a moment, I almost forgot about the morning’s embarrassment.
But then I saw him.
Jake was walking towards our table, his tray in hand.
My stomach churned with nerves as he got closer.
“Hey, can I sit with you guys?” he asked with that easy smile of his.
Lucas and Sarah exchanged knowing glances.
“Sure,” Lucas said, scooting over to make room.
Jake sat down next to me, and I could feel my heart racing again.
I struggled to find my voice.
“H-hi,” I managed to stammer out.
“Hi,” he replied, his smile widening. “How’s it going?”
“Good,” I said quickly. “You?”
“Pretty good,” he said. “Just trying to survive Mr. Thompson’s class.”
I laughed nervously. “Yeah, same here.”
Sarah jumped in, saving me from further awkwardness.
“So Jake, are you coming to the game on Friday?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he said. “You guys going?”
“Of course!” Lucas said. “Emily’s even thinking about painting her face in school colors.”
I shot Lucas a look that screamed ‘shut up,’ but he just grinned back at me.
When Eyes Meet
“That sounds awesome,” Jake said, turning his attention back to me. “Maybe we can all go together?”
My mind went blank for a second.
Did he just suggest we hang out together?
Outside of school?
“Uh, yeah! That’d be great,” I said, trying to sound casual.
The rest of lunch passed in a blur.
Jake stayed at our table, chatting with Lucas and Sarah while I tried not to make a fool of myself.
Every now and then, he’d glance over at me and smile, sending my heart into overdrive.
When the bell rang again, signaling the end of lunch, Jake stood up and looked at me.
“See you in class?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “See you.”
As he walked away, Sarah leaned over and whispered in my ear.
“He totally likes you.”
“No way,” I whispered back. “He’s just being nice.”
Lucas rolled his eyes. “You’re hopeless.”
We gathered our things and headed to our next class.
Just as we were about to enter the classroom, someone grabbed my arm from behind.
I turned around to see Jake standing there, looking serious.
“Emily,” he said quietly. “Can we talk for a minute?”
My heart skipped a beat as I nodded slowly.
“What’s up?”
He glanced around nervously before leaning in closer.
When Eyes Meet
"I need to tell you something important," he whispered, his eyes searching mine for trust.
My heart pounded in my chest.
I nodded, trying to appear calm.
We stepped away from the bustling cafeteria, finding a quiet corner near the lockers.
"I noticed you've been looking at me," Jake began, his tone gentle but direct.
My face flushed with embarrassment.
"I... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," I stammered.
Jake smiled softly.
"No, it's not that. I just wanted you to know... I like you too."
My breath caught in my throat as I processed his words.
"You do?" I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.
"Yeah," he said, his eyes locking onto mine. "I’ve liked you for a while now."
The world seemed to blur around us, the sounds of students chattering and lockers slamming fading into the background.
I felt a strange mix of relief and excitement bubbling up inside me.
"I thought... I thought you didn’t even notice me," I admitted.
Jake chuckled softly.
"How could I not notice you? You're amazing, Emily."
His words sent a warm rush through me, and I couldn’t help but smile.
When Eyes Meet
"So, what now?" I asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events.
"Well," Jake said, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I was hoping we could hang out sometime. Maybe go to that game together on Friday?"
"Like a date?" The words slipped out before I could stop them.
Jake’s smile widened.
"Yeah, like a date."
I nodded eagerly.
"I’d love that."
"Great," he said, looking genuinely happy. "It's a date then."
Just then, the bell rang again, signaling the start of our next class.
"We should get going," Jake said reluctantly.
"Yeah," I agreed, though part of me wished we could stay in this moment forever.
We walked back towards our classroom together, side by side.
As we reached the door, Jake turned to me one last time.
"I'll see you later?"
"Definitely," I replied with a grin.
He gave me one final smile before heading inside.
I stood there for a moment, feeling like I was floating on air.
When I finally entered the classroom, Lucas and Sarah were already seated.
Lucas raised an eyebrow as I took my seat next to him.
"So? What did he want?"
I glanced over at Jake, who was already looking at me with a small smile on his face.
"He asked me out," I said quietly.
When Eyes Meet
Sarah's eyes widened in excitement.
"Oh my God! That's amazing!"
Lucas smirked.
"Told you he liked you."
I couldn’t help but laugh at their reactions.
For once, things were looking up.
The rest of the day passed in a blur of anticipation and nervous excitement.
Every time I saw Jake in the hallway or caught him glancing my way in class, my heart skipped a beat.
By the time the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I felt like I was walking on clouds.
As I gathered my things and headed towards the exit, I spotted Jake waiting by the doors.
He waved when he saw me and walked over.
"Hey," I replied with a smile.
"So," he said, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Do you want to walk home together?"
"I’d like that," I said.
We started walking down the sidewalk together, chatting about everything and nothing at all.
The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over everything.
Just as we reached the corner where we usually went our separate ways, Jake stopped and turned to face me.
"Yeah?" I asked, looking up at him expectantly.
When Eyes Meet
The sun was setting, casting long shadows and painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.
Jake reached for my hand, and I felt a surge of warmth spread through me.
His touch was gentle but firm, and it made me feel safe.
"So, what's your favorite movie?" he asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
I thought for a moment.
"Probably 'The Princess Bride.' It's a classic."
Jake grinned.
"Good choice. I love that one too. 'Inconceivable!'"
I laughed at his impression.
"What about you?"
He looked thoughtful.
"I'd have to say 'The Shawshank Redemption.' It's just... powerful."
I nodded in agreement.
"That's a great one."
We continued talking about movies, sharing our favorite scenes and quotes.
It was easy, natural, like we'd been friends forever.
When Eyes Meet
As we approached my house, the conversation shifted to music.
"So, any favorite bands?" Jake asked.
"Oh, definitely The Lumineers," I said without hesitation.
"I love their lyrics and the acoustic vibe."
Jake's eyes lit up.
"No way! They're one of my favorites too."
We exchanged more bands and songs we loved, finding common ground with each mention.
When we finally reached my doorstep, Jake hesitated for a moment.
The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers from my mom's garden.
He looked at me, his eyes soft and searching.
"Emily," he began, his voice almost a whisper.
"Yeah?" I replied, feeling my heart race even faster.
Before I could process what was happening, Jake leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips.
It was gentle and sweet, sending a jolt of joy and surprise through me.
When Eyes Meet
My mind went blank; all I could focus on was the sensation of his lips on mine.
When we pulled away, both of us were smiling shyly.
"See you tomorrow," Jake said, his voice gentle but filled with promise.
I nodded, unable to speak as words seemed to escape me.
I watched him walk away until he disappeared around the corner.
My heart fluttered in my chest as I turned and entered my house.
Inside, I dropped my bag by the door and immediately pulled out my phone.
I texted Lucas and Sarah: "You won't believe what just happened!"
Their responses came almost instantly.
Sarah: "OMG! Tell me everything!"
Lucas: "Finally! Details now!"
I couldn't help but grin wider as I typed out the story of our walk home and the kiss at my doorstep.
Their excited messages made me feel even happier.
As I sat on the couch, reliving every moment in my mind, I heard a knock on the door.
When Eyes Meet