MidReal Story

Viral Skies: Sibling Survival


May 14
Scenario:Zombies, siblings getting on plane to return home but plane crashes due to virus outb
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Zombies, siblings getting on plane to return home but plane crashes due to virus outb
I was so excited to see my brother after a long time.
I had missed him so much.
I had been away at college for the past three years, and I was finally going to see him again.
He was only fourteen years old, and I felt like I had missed out on so much of his life.
I couldn’t wait to see how much he had grown and changed since the last time I saw him.
I was also excited to see my parents again, but I was especially excited to see my brother.
We had always been close, and I couldn’t wait to spend some quality time with him.
It was going to be a long flight back home, but I didn’t care.
I was just happy to be going home and seeing my family again.
My brother Jake and I were at the airport waiting for our flight when we heard the announcement that our plane had arrived at the gate.
We both got up from our seats and grabbed our bags, ready to board the plane.
I hadn’t seen my family in three years, and I was anxious to get home.
I was also a little nervous about the flight.
I had never been a big fan of flying, but I just kept telling myself that it was going to be okay.
I was going to see my family soon, and that was all that mattered.
As we boarded the plane and made our way to our seats, I couldn’t help but feel a little emotional.
I was finally going home to see my family.
After three long years, I was finally going to see my parents again, and most importantly, my little brother Jake.
I was so excited to see him again, but I was also a little nervous.
I had been away at college for the past three years, and I didn’t know what to expect when I got back home.
Would he still be the same little boy that I remembered?
Or would he be taller than me, and more grown up?
As we boarded the plane and found our seats, I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.
It had been so long since I had seen my brother, and I didn’t know what to expect.
What if he didn’t remember me?
What if he had changed so much that he wasn’t the same little boy that I remembered?
I pushed these thoughts out of my head as we took off and made our way back home.
I was finally going to see my family again, and that was all that mattered.
As we got closer to our destination, I started to feel more nervous than ever.
I had been away at college for the past three years, and I didn’t know what to expect when I got back home.
Would my parents still be the same?
Would they still treat me like their little girl, or would they treat me like an adult?
These thoughts kept running through my head as we began our descent, and before I knew it, we had landed.
As soon as we landed, I grabbed my bag from the overhead compartment and started making my way off the plane.
I was so excited to see my family again, but as soon as I stepped off the plane and saw them waiting for me at the gate, I felt like crying.
They all looked the same as they did when I left three years ago.
My mom was still beautiful with her long brown hair, and my dad was still handsome with his short black hair.
And most importantly, my little brother Jake was still cute as ever with his short black hair and big brown eyes.
He was almost as tall as me now, and he had grown into a handsome young man.
I couldn’t believe how much he had changed in just three short years.
As soon as he saw me, he ran up to me and gave me a big hug.
I missed you so much!
he said as he squeezed me tight.
I missed you too, little man!
Viral Skies: Sibling Survival
All those hours spent searching for him over the last few years had finally paid off as I made my way through the airport terminal one last time.
And then, there he was—my little brother who wasn't so little anymore.
He'd grown up so much from the last time I'd seen him at the age of fourteen—now seventeen years old—and he'd become a man right before my eyes!
Despite being three years older than him, we were quite similar in build: both of us were medium build with a medium frame and long brown hair—but his was shorter than mine—and his eyes were dark brown while mine were green.
And even though he didn’t have one single freckle on his face or any other part of his body while I probably had hundreds of them on mine, people always told us that we looked alike even though we were different genders with different facial features!
“It’s so good to see you again!”
he said when we finally reunited.
“Yeah,” I said happily as a wave of relief washed over me when I saw his familiar face again.
It felt like it had been forever since we'd last seen each other!
I missed you,” he said.
“I missed you too, buddy,” I replied.
And then, we wrapped our arms around each other in a tight hug, holding each other close for what felt like forever until our parents finally came around to join us.
“Hey, little man!”
I said to him, ruffling his hair playfully.
“You look so different!”
“I’ve grown up,” he replied.
“You sure have!”
I replied.
Jake had grown about six or seven inches taller than me over the last few years, and I was surprised by how much he’d grown in such a short amount of time.
But what surprised me even more was how mature he’d become.
He was no longer the little boy that I remembered, but instead, he was now a young man.
And even though I'd always known that he would grow up eventually, I wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly or for him to change so much in such a short amount of time!
As we made our way through the airport terminal, we talked about all of the things that we'd done since we'd last seen each other.
I told him all about college, and how much fun I'd had while I was away.
I also told him about all of my friends and how much I'd missed him.
He told me all about high school, and how much fun it had been for him over the last few years.
He also told me about all of his friends, and all of the things that they'd done together.
And even though it made me sad to think that I had missed out on so many things while I was away, I was happy to hear that he had made so many good memories with his friends.
And most importantly, I was happy to hear that he had made so many good friends over the last few years!
After we were finished talking, we made our way to the baggage claim area where we met up with our parents.
From there, we drove back home where we spent the rest of the day catching up and spending time with each other.
Even though it had been a long time since we'd seen each other, it felt like no time had passed at all when we were finally reunited.
Viral Skies: Sibling Survival
And even though we were both different people than we were before, we still shared a special bond that couldn't be broken.
Viral Skies: Sibling Survival
I knew that this day would come eventually, but I wasn't prepared for just how hard it would be to say goodbye to my little brother.
We stood in a secluded spot near the entrance of the airport, hugging each other tightly as we did our best to avoid being noticed by anyone else.
I didn’t want to let him go, but I knew that it was something that I had to do.
I just wished that I didn't have to say goodbye quite yet.
“I'll see you soon,” Jake said to me, trying to sound encouraging.
“I know,” I replied, trying not to let my voice waver.
Even though I knew that this day would come eventually, it didn't make it any easier on me.
After all, Jake was my little brother, and even after everything that happened between us over the last few years, I still loved him more than anything else in this world.
“You'll be home before you know it.”
I didn't respond right away.
Instead, I just held onto him even tighter as tears welled up in my eyes.
I wasn't sure what else to say at this point, but thankfully, Jake knew what to do.
He reached up to wipe away my tears, and then, taking my hand in his, he gently squeezed it as if to reassure me that everything was going to be okay.
“I promise I'll come back soon, okay?”
he said to me, looking at me with that same hopeful expression that he always wore when he was trying to cheer me up.
“I know you will,” I replied.
“Thank you for everything.”
He flashed me another smile.
“Of course,” he said.
“I'm just happy I could help.” And then, we stood there in silence for a moment, just staring at each other as we did our best to process everything that had happened over the last few weeks.
Not long after that, Jake finally broke away from me and started to walk back towards our parents, who were standing nearby with their bags in hand, waiting for us to join them.
“Don’t forget to call me as soon as you land!”
he said to me.
“I don't want to worry about you.”
I nodded in response.
“I won't,” I replied.
And with that, he walked away, disappearing into the crowd of people who were walking in and out of the airport terminal.
I watched him go, waiting until I couldn't see him anymore before finally turning around and walking in the opposite direction.
Even though it felt like my heart was breaking into a million pieces, I did my best not to cry.
I knew that Jake would be worried about me if he knew that I was sad and that was the last thing that I wanted.
Instead, I just took a deep breath and did my best to push my emotions aside.
Once I was finished, I made my way back towards the gate where my parents were standing and waiting for me.
Jake was right.
I would be home before I knew it.
And even though I was sad to leave him behind, I knew that we would be together again soon.
And when we were finally reunited for good, we would have all of the time in the world to make up for lost time.
After finding my gate and boarding my flight, I made my way down to my seat where I sat down and buckled myself in while waiting for everyone else on board.
Viral Skies: Sibling Survival