MidReal Story

Venom's Web of Chaos


May 17
Scenario:spider-man is dead but the venom symbiote takes over his body
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spider-man is dead but the venom symbiote takes over his body
I was dead.
The last thing I remember was being thrown into the air by Carnage, and then everything went black.
I woke up in a morgue, lying on a cold metal table.
I tried to move, but my body wouldn’t respond.
I looked down at myself and saw that I was still wearing my Spider-Man suit, but it was covered in blood.
My blood.
I tried to scream, but no sound came out of my mouth.
I was dead, and there was nothing I could do about it.
Then I felt something moving inside me, something alive.
It started at my feet and worked its way up my body, like a snake slithering through the grass.
It reached my head and wrapped itself around my neck, squeezing the life out of me.
I tried to fight it, but it was too strong.
It forced its way into my mouth and down my throat, filling me up with its blackness.
And then I was gone.
The morgue was cold and dark, the only light coming from a single bulb hanging from the ceiling.
I lay on the metal table, my body broken and battered.
My Spider-Man suit was torn and bloody, the red and blue fabric now a sickly shade of gray.
It had been a gift from Mary Jane, a reminder of the hero I once was.
But that hero was dead now, his life snuffed out by Carnage’s rage.
The city outside was quiet, the people of New York blissfully unaware that their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was no more.
But I remembered everything, every moment of my final battle with Carnage and Venom and all the other monsters that had tried to destroy me over the years.
I remembered the pain and the fear, but most of all, I remembered the feeling of being helpless.
I had always believed that with great power comes great responsibility, and I had done my best to live up to those words.
But in the end, it hadn’t been enough.
I felt a chill run down my spine, and I turned my head to see who—or what—was watching me.
A figure stepped out of the shadows, his eyes fixed on me with an intensity that made my skin crawl.
I gasped, recognizing him instantly.
He was still as muscular as ever, but his skin was pale and his eyes were sunken.
He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, or maybe even weeks.
“No,” he growled.
“Not Eddie.” He took another step toward me, his gaze never leaving mine.
“I am Venom!”
The symbiote—no, it couldn’t be.
I had watched Eddie Brock die with my own eyes.
He couldn’t have survived that fall…could he?
In the blink of an eye, the Venom symbiote lashed out at me, its tendrils wrapping around my throat.
“No,” it hissed.
“I want revenge!”
It squeezed tighter and tighter, cutting off my air supply.
I tried to fight back, but I was too weak.
I was dying…again.
And just when I thought it was all over, something completely unexpected happened.
Eddie let out a bloodcurdling scream and threw himself out of the window, plummeting to his death—or so I thought.
But then I felt it inside me again, that cold, crawling sensation.
The symbiote was still there, but it was different now, somehow changed.
It had lost its mind, and in its desperation to survive, it had latched onto me instead of Eddie.
I tried to fight it off, but I was already too weak from my injuries.
The symbiote slithered into my mouth and down my throat, filling me up with its blackness once more.
This time, it was different.
The symbiote was different, and so was I.
I climbed off the table and stood up, testing out my new body.
It felt different somehow, stronger and faster than before.
Venom's Web of Chaos
And when I opened my mouth, instead of seeing human teeth staring back at me, I saw a row of sharp fangs.
It was then that I realized what had happened—the Venom symbiote had merged with me, transforming me into something new and terrifying: VenomSpider-Man.
The tendrils coiled around the fangs writhed like a snake’s tongue as I licked my lips.
My voice echoed through the morgue, a deep and guttural sound that was more animal than human.
But as I spoke, I could feel something else moving inside me as well—the faintest whisper of a white light weaving its way through the darkness of the symbiote’s black tendrils.
It was alive too, but not in the same way as the symbiote.
It was more like a part of me…a part of Peter Parker that had never truly died.
And then it clicked—I wasn’t just Peter Parker anymore…I was Peter Parker…and VenomSpider-Man!
With a roar of triumph, I burst through the morgue doors and into the night.
The sky was clear, and a full moon shone overhead, casting an eerie silver glow over the city.
I took a deep breath, and I could smell it in the air—the stench of death and decay that clung to me like an old friend.
But I wasn’t here to mourn my own death.
I was here to celebrate my rebirth!
I launched myself into the air and swung from building to building, my spiderlike agility amplified by the symbiote’s newfound strength.
I could feel it pulsing inside me, hungry for action and desperate to be unleashed.
And I was more than happy to oblige.
I landed on a rooftop, and as I looked down at the city below, I realized that everything was different now.
The people of New York used to look to me for hope and protection, but not anymore.
Now they would learn to fear me…the new Spider-Man!
With a feral grin, I leapt off the rooftop and into the night, leaving behind a trail of destruction in my wake.
I swung through the city, faster and more powerful than I had ever been before.
The symbiote’s tendrils whipped around me like a cloak, and I could feel its hunger growing by the second.
It wanted to burn everything in its path, to destroy everything it touched—and I was more than happy to oblige.
I landed on a street corner in the heart of Manhattan and let out a deafening roar that echoed through the city and sent people running for their lives.
I saw a group of police officers approaching, their guns drawn and their faces filled with fear.
But they were no match for me.
I leapt into the air and landed in front of them, blocking their path.
They opened fire, but the bullets bounced harmlessly off my chest, like raindrops against a windshield.
I reached out with my hand and grabbed one of the officers by his throat, lifting him off his feet and holding him at eye level.
He struggled against my grip, but he was powerless to escape.
I could feel his fear radiating off him in waves, and it only made me stronger.
“Who are you?”
Venom's Web of Chaos
I tossed him aside like a rag doll and turned my attention to his colleagues, who were now even more terrified than before.
“I’m Spider-Man,” I said, and I could barely contain my excitement.
“But you can call me…”
My voice trailed off as I looked down at my hand and saw the telltale black veins snaking their way up my arm.
I shook my head, trying to clear it, but it was no use.
The symbiote’s hunger was consuming me, and I didn’t know how much longer I could hold it back.
As if sensing my distress, it began to pulse even more violently, and I realized that it was almost time, almost.
With a groan, I fell to my knees and clutched my head in my hands, trying desperately to hold on to what little control I had left.
But it was no use.
My body began to convulse violently, and I knew that I was lost.
But even as the world went black, one thought echoed through my mind…
What did you do?
I awoke to darkness.
My body felt heavy, and my head was pounding.
I sat up, and I could feel something sticky on my hands…blood?
I looked around, and I realized that I was still in the morgue.
But everything was different now.
The room was in shambles, and there were deep gouges in the walls and ceiling.
It was a testament to the destruction that I had unknowingly unleashed upon my rebirth.
Upon myself.
I stood up slowly, and I could feel the symbiote writhing beneath my skin, hungry for more.
But I fought back, using every ounce of willpower that I had left to hold it at bay.
I couldn’t let it take control again, not when there were still people out there who needed my help.
People like Mary Jane and Harry…
Their names sent a jolt of pain through me, and I stumbled slightly before regaining my balance.
I had to focus.
I couldn’t give in to the symbiote’s bloodlust, not when there was still a part of me left—a small sliver of who I used to be, buried deep within my mind.
The symbiote was powerful, but I was determined to fight back against its influence and reclaim what little control I had left.
I took a deep breath and steadied myself before launching into the air and swinging out of the morgue.
The city was quiet now, and I could see that most of the lights had gone out in the wake of our destruction.
No one knew what had happened here tonight…no one except me and the symbiote that now lived inside me.
I swung through the city with a single purpose—to make things right and put an end to those who would harm me and those I loved, Harry and Mary Jane.
And I knew exactly where I had to go.
The Kingpin’s tower loomed in the distance like a dark shadow against the night sky.
Venom's Web of Chaos