MidReal Story

Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma

Scenario:Emily hasn't seen Eric since he moved away when their were kids. Talking to him again, started to bring those familiar feelings back to Emily, but she had to mask those feelings because Eric was in a relationship. Emily, convinced that Eric only saw her as a friend, started to get closer to Mark, Eric's best friend. Unbeknownst to Emily, Eric watched her and Mark get closer from afar, feelings jealous.
Create my version of this story
Emily hasn't seen Eric since he moved away when their were kids. Talking to him again, started to bring those familiar feelings back to Emily, but she had to mask those feelings because Eric was in a relationship. Emily, convinced that Eric only saw her as a friend, started to get closer to Mark, Eric's best friend. Unbeknownst to Emily, Eric watched her and Mark get closer from afar, feelings jealous.
Chapter 1
I’ve been in love with Eric Collins since the day I met him.
He was six, and I was five.
His family had just moved into the house next door to mine, and my mom had sent me over to welcome them to the neighborhood.
I’d been shy and nervous, but Eric had smiled at me, his green eyes sparkling with mischief, and he’d taken my hand in his.
From that moment on, we were best friends.
We did everything together—rode our bikes around the block, played hide-and-seek in his backyard, and built forts out of blankets and pillows in his living room.
When we got older, we went to the same schools and hung out with the same group of friends.
It was a hot summer afternoon, and my mom had sent me over to welcome the new neighbors.
When I’d gotten there, I’d found a little boy with sandy brown hair, bright green eyes, and a charming smile sitting on the front porch steps.
He’d been wearing a pair of red shorts and a white T-shirt that was dotted with grass stains.
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
I remember thinking he was the most beautiful boy I’d ever seen.
And when he’d smiled at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners as if he were laughing—though he hadn’t said anything funny—I’d felt like someone had punched me in the stomach.
From that moment on, I’d been head-over-heels in love with him.
We’d grown up together and shared everything with each other.
There were no secrets between us; we told each other everything about our lives—and our feelings for others.
Eric protected me from bullies, offered me support through every crisis—and there were many—and always let me know how much he cared about me.
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
During that time, I had fallen deeply in love with him.
The problem was he’d never seen me as anything more than his best friend.
It had been a hard pill to swallow when I’d realized it.
But over time, I came to accept the fact that we’d never be more than friends.
I’d dated other boys during high school and even had one or two serious relationships along the way.
But none of those guys compared to Eric; they’d never managed to steal my heart like he had.
No matter how hard I tried—and believe me, I tried—I could never get past my feelings for him.
I knew he didn’t love me back and wasn’t interested in me romantically .
Even so, I couldn’t help it; I was still in love with him.
Eric was tall and muscular with broad shoulders and short brown hair that curled when it got too long.
His eyes were still the same bright green color they’d been all those years ago when I’d first met him.
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
The summer day I met Eric Collins is etched into my mind forever.
I was five years old, and my mom had sent me next door to welcome our new neighbors.
At first, I’d been too shy to go up to their front door.
But even then—even at such a young age—I knew there was something special waiting for me on the other side.
So I took a deep breath and stepped forward until I was standing in front of their house with butterflies dancing in my stomach.
As soon as I knocked on their front door—and I do mean the second my knuckles hit the wood—a little boy who looked to be about a year older than me appeared out of nowhere.
He was sitting on the porch steps with his knees pulled up to his chest while he played with his shoelaces.
When he saw me, he smiled and stood up.
"Hi," I said quietly as I stared up at him through long blond bangs.
"My name’s Emily. We’re neighbors."
He grinned down at me, revealing two rows of perfectly straight teeth—and just like that, my heart skipped a beat.
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
"I’m Eric," he said as he held out his hand.
"We just moved in."
He had dark brown hair that curled around the back of his neck and bright green eyes that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
We’d spent the entire day together after that—running around the yard and playing tag until it got dark and our parents called us inside.
After that, we were inseparable; we did everything together.
As kids, we’d shared secrets, built forts out of blankets and pillows in his living room, played hide-and-seek in his backyard—and even gotten into trouble together.
And as teenagers, we’d done more of the same.
He was my best friend and my protector—my brother from another mother.
I loved him with all my heart but never had the courage to tell him how I felt because I knew he didn’t feel the same way about me.
At least not romantically.
I could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice whenever he talked about other girls.
In fact, it wasn’t until I was older—a teenager—that I even realized what those feelings for him really meant.
I don’t remember how old I was exactly when it happened; all I knew at the time was that one day I’d woken up and realized that what I felt for him went beyond friendship.
A lot of things changed after that—most notably the fact that my body started changing right along with my feelings for Eric—but one thing remained the same: He still saw me as his little sister’s best friend rather than a potential girlfriend.
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
I’d had a crush on Eric ever since we were kids, but I knew he didn’t feel the same way about me.
In fact, I think I was about fifteen when I finally realized that what I felt for him went way beyond friendship—because there was no way in hell he would ever look at me the way I looked at him!
But rather than mope around and sulk all summer long, I decided to have fun and make the most of it by spending as much time with him as possible before school started again in the fall.
So there I was, standing next to him at the pool, trying not to draw too much attention to myself while taking off my clothes and getting ready to jump into the water.
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
I slipped on my bikini top first before pulling down my shorts, then kicked them out of the way and started towards the pool when something caught my eye.
Looking down, I saw that one of the strings on my top had somehow gotten twisted and come loose—leaving me partially exposed with one side of it hanging off my shoulder!
"Oh shit!"
I hissed under my breath as I tried to fix it without drawing too much attention to myself.
Unfortunately, that didn’t exactly go according to plan because within seconds, I was surrounded by a group of boys and girls who all seemed more than eager to help me out—whether I wanted them to or not!
"Hey, need some help?"
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
One of the boys—Eric’s friend Josh—asked me with a flirty grin.
"N-no, it’s okay," I stammered, trying to cover myself up with one arm while using the other hand to fix it.
"Here, let me help you,"
Chris said as he reached out and pulled the string over my shoulder.
And before I could stop him, he leaned in and tried to kiss me!
I was so shocked that I jerked back and almost fell over—which only made things worse by drawing even more attention to myself.
When I looked up, I saw Eric watching me from across the pool—with an amused look on his face—as some girl swam towards him and started flirting with him right in front of me!
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
Chapter 2
Luckily, no one did, so I quickly went inside and locked the door behind me before dropping down on the bench with a heavy sigh.
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I struggled not to lose it right then and there—because I knew it was only a matter of time before someone else came along and made things even worse for me.
But then something unexpected happened: the door suddenly opened again, and when I looked up, I saw Eric standing there staring at me with an odd expression on his face.
"Wh-what are you doing here?"
I asked him in surprise.
"Don’t worry," he said as he walked over and sat down next to me on the bench.
"I’m going."
"What? No!"
I cried out as I grabbed his arm.
"I don’t want you to go. Please stay. Just…please don’t look at me while you’re here."
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
"Just relax," he said with a reassuring smile as he got up and walked over to the door.
"I’ll stand guard out here so no one comes in, okay?"
It took me a moment to process what he’d just said, but when I did, I couldn’t help but wonder why he was being so nice to me—especially when everyone else was laughing at me right now!
But then again, that was just the kind of guy Eric was: kind-hearted and protective of those he cared about.
After a few minutes, I finally managed to calm down enough to stop crying; and once I did, I got up and walked over to the sink to splash some water on my face before grabbing a paper towel to dry myself off.
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
I looked up and saw Eric standing there with a concerned look on his face.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I’m fine," I said with a small smile.
"But thanks for asking."
"No problem," he said as he reached out and took my hand in his before leading me towards the door.
"Now come on—let’s go out there and show them who’s boss."
Once we were outside, Eric went over to Chris and whispered something in his ear that made him look at me with an apologetic expression on his face.
Then after he was done talking to him, Eric went over to Josh and said something else before coming back over to where Mark—who had been watching us the entire time—was waiting for us.
‘What did you say to them?"
I asked him as we walked back over to our spot by the pool.
"I told them not to mess with you anymore," he said with a shrug of his shoulders.
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma
Unspoken Hearts: A Love Triangle's Dilemma