MidReal Story

Unforeseen Heir: A Mafia Leader's Dilemma


May 14
Scenario:James Jaxon, the fret mafia leader has just found out from his personal doctor, that his innocent fling Sarah was carrying his child
Create my version of this story
James Jaxon, the fret mafia leader has just found out from his personal doctor, that his innocent fling Sarah was carrying his child
I was sitting in my office, going through the files of the people who were on my hit list.
I was a mafia leader, and I had to kill people to keep my power and control over the city.
I was a ruthless killer, and I had no mercy for anyone.
I was known as the ‘fret’ mafia leader, and everyone in the city was scared of me.
I had killed so many people that I had lost count of it.
I was a cold-blooded killer, and I had no emotions or feelings for anyone.
I was not afraid of anyone, and I did not care about anything.
My life was all about power and control, and I would do anything to keep it that way.
I heard a knock on the door, and I looked up to see who it was.
It was my personal doctor, Dr.
He came inside with a file in his hand, and he sat down on the chair in front of me.
He said as he handed me the file.
I looked at the name on that file, and it was ‘Sarah,’ the woman I used to love.
It was a name that I had not heard in a long time, and it brought back all the memories of the past.
It was a name that I had never wanted to hear again, but now, I was seeing it in front of me.
I did not know what she was doing on my table, and I looked at Dr.
He was looking at me with a serious expression on his face, and I knew that he was not here for the regular checkup.
I said as I looked at him.
“Is there something you want to tell me?”
He asked, ignoring my question.
“No.” I said.
“Then tell me why you are looking at her file.” He said.
“It’s none of your business, and you don’t have to worry about it.” I said in a cold voice.
He said as he tried to take the file from my hand.
I said as I stopped him.
He did not say anything, and he waited for me to look through her file.
I opened the file to see what was inside it.
There was a report inside it, and I started reading it.
It was about her pregnancy, and I knew why he brought this file to me.
It was because she was pregnant with my child, and he wanted me to know about it.
I closed the file after reading it, and I looked at Dr.
“Why are you showing me this?”
I asked as I put the file on the table.
“I think you should know about this.” He said as he looked at me.
“I don’t care about it.” I said as I got up from my chair.
“Are you sure?”
He asked as he stood up too.
“Yes, I am sure.” I said as I looked at him.
He did not say anything, and he took her file from the table before he left my office.
I sat back on my chair, and I looked at the files on my table.
I knew that he was right about this; she was carrying my child, but I did not care about it.
Because of my work, I had killed so many people, and I had no time for anything else.
I did not want anyone to be around me, and that was the reason I left her alone that day.
After that day, I never saw her again, but now, she was in front of me again after all these years.
I had not heard about this name in a long time, and when I heard it today, all the memories of the past came back to me.
I did not want to remember anything about the past because all of that was dead now.
I hated myself for being in love with her once, but now there was no other way than to face it again.
Dr Landon’s POV
I walked out of his office and I closed the door behind me before I started walking down the corridor to leave that place.
I checked my watch to see the timing; there were still two more hours before my shift ends.
"Unforeseen Heir: A Mafia Leader's Dilemma"
When he called me, I knew that something was wrong, which is why I came here as soon as possible.
He was sitting in his chair like always, and he had that annoying expression on his face.
He was looking out of the window, and his eyes were focused on something outside.
It was like he could see inside people, and that expression scared the hell out of everyone.
The only time his eyes softened was when he was around his daughter, and he would do anything for that little girl.
He reminded me of someone who used to be like him once, but now, she was long gone.
He called me here because he wanted to talk about something, and I knew what that thing was.
He would have never shown that file if he did not want to talk about it.
It has been years since that day, and I never thought that we would talk about her again.
She has never been out of my mind even once, and she would always be there.
When he called me, he mentioned her name, and for some reason, that name got a reaction out of him.
It has been a long time since he felt something like that which is why I came here as fast as possible.
He kept that file for a long time before he opened it, and he was surprised to see the news in that file.
His expression changed when he saw that name in the file, and now he wanted to talk about it.
It has been years since she left him alone, and now she is back in his life again.
There has always been something different between them, and they would always have a connection.
She has always been different from other women who used to come in front of him because she could get a reaction out of him even without trying.
He has always been indifferent towards everyone else, but things were different when she used to come in front of him.
It has been years since she left him alone, but that does not mean that he has forgotten everything.
He might say that he does not care about her or anything else related to her, but deep down somewhere, he still cares about everything related to her.
He might not admit it or show it, but his actions would prove everything.
He would never show it in front of anyone, but he has never been able to control his actions when it comes to her.
He might say that he does not care about her or anything related to her, but he has never been able to hide it from me.
He might be able to hide it from others, but he would never be able to hide it from me.
I knocked on his door before I entered his office again.
He looked up at me as I closed the door behind me, and I walked towards him before I sat down on my chair.
I said as I looked at him.
“Do you know why I am showing you this file?”
He asked as he looked at me.
“Because you want me to know about this woman.” I said as I looked at him.
“She is pregnant with your child.”
He said as he looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Unforeseen Heir: A Mafia Leader's Dilemma"
“So what do you want me to do?”
His expression changed into a surprised one when he heard my question.
It took him some time before he answered my question after he collected himself once again.
“I want you to bring her here.”
He said as he looked at me.“Do you want me to bring her here?”
I asked as I looked at him.
“Why would you want me to do that?”
“I want you to bring her here so I can take care of her during her pregnancy.”
He said as he looked at me.
“Does anyone else know about this?”
“Not yet except for those who are supposed to know about it.”
He said as he looked at me.
“Do you think she would agree?”
“I don’t know if she would agree or not, but I can make sure that she comes here.”
He said as he looked at me.
“I will talk with her first before I do anything else.” He said as he looked at me.
I nodded my head in response before I got up from my seat and walked towards the door of his office.
It has been years since I heard that name, and I did not think that I would hear her name again anytime soon, but it seems like fate has other plans for us.
As I walked towards my office, I took out my phone from my pocket so I could make another call before I entered my office once again.
My mind went blank for a while as I tried to process everything he just told me.
My usual composure faltered for a bit, and I did not even realize it until now since I am actually listening to what Dr.Landon is telling me.
I usually do not pay any attention to what he is saying since I do not usually care about it.
I used to be indifferent towards almost anything until she came into my life.
It has been years since she left me alone, but it seems like she is not done with me yet.
I have always been surprised by everything related to her, but this news surprised me the most.
I have been a lot of things in my life, but I have never been a father before.
Did I even hear him right?
I tried to process everything that he just told me while my mind went blank for a while.
I am still struggling to process everything that he told me since I did not expect to hear something like that from him.
My shock is probably evident from my face right now since I do not even try to hide it from him.
He has always been perceptive towards everything related to me since he knows almost everything about me.
"Unforeseen Heir: A Mafia Leader's Dilemma"