MidReal Story

Unexpected Reflections

Scenario:man wakes up as a beautiful woman
Create my version of this story
man wakes up as a beautiful woman
Chapter 1
I woke up as a woman.
I didn’t know how it happened, but I was sure that I was a man when I went to bed last night.
I looked at my body and saw that I had long blonde hair and green eyes.
I was confused and scared.
What happened to me?
Was it a dream?
But it felt so real.
I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.
When I saw myself in the mirror, I was stunned.
The person in the mirror was not me!
It was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and green eyes.
She looked like she was in her twenties, while I was already in my forties.
I touched my face and realized that it wasn’t a dream; it was real!
How could this happen?
What should I do now?
Sarah Jennings
I answered my phone groggily.
"Hey, are you okay?"
It was Sarah, one of my best friends and co-workers at the local bookstore where I manage the day shift.
"I… I don’t know," I stammered out.
"Can you come over? We need to talk."
"Sure. Is everything okay?"
"I don’t know how to explain it over the phone," I said, trying not to cry.
"Just come over."
I hung up before Sarah could ask any more questions.
Emily Hartley
Unexpected Reflections
"Are you sure you’re okay?"
Sarah asked again when she got to my apartment a half hour later.
She looked worried, but that quickly turned to shock as soon as she saw me.
"Oh my God, what the hell happened to you?"
"I… don’t know," I said, still trying not to cry.
My hands were shaking even worse now than they had been before she knocked on the door, and it took all my concentration just to keep from collapsing in a sobbing heap on the floor.
"I woke up like this."
"Yeah, no shit," she said, walking over and gently taking hold of my face with both hands so she could turn it from side-to-side.
"You’re fucking gorgeous!"
Unexpected Reflections
The situation was so unbelievable that I couldn’t even bring myself to smile at the compliment.
I just kept shaking my head in disbelief, not even sure how long I’d been sitting there before Sarah finally snapped her fingers in front of my face, which brought me out of my stupor with a start.
"Hey, come on," she said, pulling me to my feet and wrapping an arm around my shoulders to give me a hug.
"It can’t be all that bad. We’ll get through this together."
She kissed the top of my head, then started leading me down the hall toward the living room and kitchen area.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
Unexpected Reflections
I found myself in an inexplicable situation as I woke up one morning to discover that I had transformed into a woman overnight, despite being a man when I went to bed.
My reflection in the mirror confirmed this drastic change, showing a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair and striking green eyes.
This new body of mine appeared significantly younger than my actual age of forty, and the sight left me utterly confused and disoriented.
Unable to comprehend what had happened or why, I was overwhelmed by disbelief and panic.
Questions raced through my mind—had someone slipped something into my drink? Had I suffered a stroke or a brain injury causing hallucinations?
The possibilities seemed endless yet none offered a satisfactory explanation for the reality before me.
Unexpected Reflections
As I struggled internally, trying to make sense of this impossible transformation, my phone rang suddenly, breaking the eerie silence of the room.
It was Sarah Jennings, my friend and co-worker at the local bookstore where I managed the day shift.
Unexpected Reflections
Her call interrupted my chaotic thoughts, leaving me even more uncertain about how to navigate this unexpected turn of events.
I said into the phone while continuing to stare at my reflection in stunned silence as she started walking over to me with a look of concern on her face.
Unexpected Reflections
"Em! Everything okay?"
I hesitated for just a moment before answering.
How was I supposed to explain what I was seeing?
Would she believe me if I told her?
There was no way she could understand if I couldn’t even understand it myself!
Instead, I decided to go with the only thing that made any sense at all.
"Sarah… Can you come over?" "Everything okay? You sound weird."
Sarah’s voice held a note of concern that pulled me from my thoughts and back into reality.
"No… Well… Yes… No…"
I sighed in frustration as I tried to explain the unexplainable without sounding like I’d lost every last one of my marbles.
"I don’t know. Just… Can you come over?" "Sure. Everything okay?"
She didn’t press matters further so I didn’t bother trying to explain again.
I just wanted someone else here with me so they could see if this was really happening or if I was losing my mind completely .
"Yeah," I said with a sigh as relief flooded through me at Sarah’s agreement.
"I’ll be there in half an hour."
Unexpected Reflections
"Okay. See you then."
I hung up the phone and set it down on the counter, walking over to my living room and started pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what to do with myself until Sarah got here when the doorbell rang less than five minutes later and I rushed to answer it.
I yanked the door open and smiled at my friend, but she wasn’t smiling back as she stood there with her mouth hanging open in shock and surprise, staring at me in disbelief while she tried to make sense of what was standing in front of her.
Which only made this whole situation even more real as the thought crossed my mind that maybe this was something that actually had happened and not just some strange hallucination brought on by a brain injury or a stroke!
"Are you going to let me in or not?"
Unexpected Reflections
"Uh… Yeah!"
I said with a nervous laugh as I stepped back to open the door wider so Sarah could pass through, walking over to the couch and sitting down before turning back toward me with a look that was a mixture of shock and disbelief as she stared at me in silence for what felt like an eternity before finally speaking again.
"What… What happened to you?"
I said with a frustrated sigh as I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch next to Sarah, who reached out to touch my face gently with her fingertips as if she were afraid this was all just some kind of dream and if she touched me it would all disappear into thin air.
"This is impossible," she murmured as she continued staring at me, still trying to make sense of what was standing right in front of her eyes even though she knew it couldn’t be real.
I mean, how often does someone suddenly wake up one day as a woman instead of a man?
It wasn’t exactly possible but here we were so obviously it was possible!
"I know!"
Unexpected Reflections
Chapter 2
I tried to remain calm and composed, but I couldn't stop my voice from trembling.
Sarah Jennings and Mark Collins looked at me with disbelief in their eyes, and I knew they wouldn't believe what I was going to tell them.
I didn't even understand how it all happened.
All I knew was that I had turned into a woman overnight.
"It sounds crazy, but it's the truth," I explained as Sarah listened carefully while drying her tears with her handkerchief.
Mark just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, looking skeptical and suspicious as always.
"I know you're not going to believe me, but it's the truth. You're my friends and I need your help. If you don't want to help me, please let me go. I don't want anyone else involved in this."
I hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to explain everything that had happened overnight without sounding like a liar or insane.
"Okay," Sarah said softly as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair gently as she continued comforting me.
Unexpected Reflections
"I believe you. I don't know how or why this happened to you but I believe you. And don't worry… You're beautiful."
I smiled weakly at her reassurance and hugged her back tightly as Mark just stood there looking awkward and uncomfortable.
Mark was always suspicious of everything and everyone, which was why I wasn't surprised when he didn't seem to believe what I was telling him.
He would probably need to see some kind of proof before he would believe anything I told him.
Looking up at him with tears in my eyes, I tried to plead with him silently without saying a word.
Unexpected Reflections
"Please… You have to believe me," I whispered hoarsely as Mark stared at me for a moment longer before nodding slowly and stepping aside so he could let us both into the apartment.
"Come on. If you say this is true, then let's go see this amazing new body of yours," Mark said with a nervous laugh, trying to make light of the situation as he followed us into the apartment and down the hallway to my bedroom where the full-length mirror stood next to the dresser.
I took a deep breath and walked over to the mirror, staring at my reflection as Sarah gasped loudly and her eyes brimmed with tears once again while Mark just swore under his breath.
"What did you do?!" "Nothing! It's impossible!"
"I know!"
Sarah exclaimed as she rushed forward and placed her hands on my shoulders gently, shaking me slightly as she continued staring at my reflection in shock and disbelief.
"You're beautiful!" "What am I going to do?"
Unexpected Reflections
"I don't know! But I swear on my life that I didn't do this to myself!"
I exclaimed, feeling frustrated once again as I tried to explain the situation to them.
"Either one of you is playing some kind of sick joke on me or someone or something else caused me to change into this body. And I have no idea how or why it happened!"
"Let's just show Mark and get out of here before he has a heart attack," Sarah whispered softly with a worried look as she tugged on my arm slightly.
Mark was still staring at my reflection without saying anything, looking like he was in shock as well.
Nodding slowly, I finally turned away from the mirror and walked back over to them before leading them out of the bedroom again.
After passing through the living room, we were all back in the kitchen where we had first met up earlier, each of us remaining silent for several minutes until Sarah eventually spoke up first.
"So… Do you have any ideas on what we should do next?"
Unexpected Reflections
Before I could answer, another knock on the door interrupted us and made me jump with surprise.
Mark reached over and grabbed a knife from the cutting board before heading down the hallway and out of my sight while Sarah just stood there with a worried look on her face.
Looking at her, I could tell that she was just as confused and scared about the situation as I was.
But now wasn't the time for me to freak out again.
I had already done that earlier when I first discovered my new body in the mirror, which was why neither of them seemed surprised by my reaction when they arrived at my apartment.
So instead of panicking again, I took a deep breath and turned away from Sarah so I could walk back down the hallway and see who was at the front door.
To be honest, it didn't take much convincing on their part to get me to show them what happened.
Unexpected Reflections
I really wanted them to believe me and help me figure out what was going on, but I wasn't sure how they would react after seeing me in this new form.
The thought of their reactions made me anxious, but I felt like it was necessary in order for them to understand that I was telling the truth.
Walking back down the hallway with a worried look on my face, I eventually made it to the front door before reaching for the handle and turning it slowly so I could open it without knowing who or what was waiting for me on the other side.
As soon as the door swung open, however, Mark rushed inside with wide eyes while holding the knife up in front of him protectively as he scanned every inch of the apartment carefully until he finally reached my bedroom door.
Unexpected Reflections
As Mark and I nodded in agreement, all three of us went back down the hallway so we could open my front door together and see if it was still jammed shut from before.
At this point, we were all hoping that it would open easily so we wouldn't have to worry about it getting stuck again, which would only make things more complicated than they already were.
But when we finally reached the front door and tried to turn the handle, nothing happened.
It was like I was trying to open a door that was nailed shut even though it wasn't.
"There's no way! I swear it opened easily for me earlier!" "Well, it's not opening now. So do something about it!"
I yelled angrily at him while glaring into his eyes with an annoyed expression on my face.
"Fine. Don't get your panties in a twist."
Mark replied before walking over to stand next to me so he could push me out of the way.
When he did, he placed one hand on my shoulder and used his other hand to try and pull the door open so he could walk outside, but it didn't budge an inch when he tried to move it.
Unexpected Reflections
"What the hell?! It's not working! This is bullshit!"
Mark cursed angrily as he continued to pull on the door.
After a few more tries, he eventually gave up and stepped away from me before walking over to try opening the door himself, but it still wouldn't budge when he put his hand on it.
"This has to be some sick joke. The landlord probably did something to prevent us from leaving."
Mark suggested while glaring at me with an annoyed expression, looking as if he was ready to punch me in the face.
"N-no way! He would never do that! He's always been kind and caring towards us ever since we moved in here together last year!"
"I don't know… He doesn't seem like a trustworthy guy." "I think it might have something to do with our physical changes."
Sarah interrupted our argument, drawing our attention towards her instead of each other.
"If you think about it, it makes sense. Our hands are completely different than they were before, which means we don’t have enough strength to grip things as tightly as we used to."
Unexpected Reflections
"Hmm… That might be the case. She does have a point."
I thought to myself, realizing that she was right about what she said.
If my hands really were smaller and weaker than they were before, it would make sense why it was so hard for me to open the front door even though I did it easily earlier.
It also explained why Mark wasn't able to do it since his hands weren't strong enough either.
But if that was true, how were we supposed to leave the apartment if our new bodies made it impossible for us to open doors?
While wondering about this, Sarah reached into her pocket and pulled out her ID card before handing it over to me so I could try opening the front door with it instead of my hands.
"Here. Maybe you can get this thing open with your card. Since you're a girl now, maybe your new body's energy signature will work better on it than mine."
Sarah suggested while holding out her ID card in front of her like a peace offering.
"It's worth a shot. Thanks."
I replied as I took the card from her hand and walked back over to the front door before putting it against the scanner so I could see if it would unlock when I tried swiping it across the screen.
Unexpected Reflections
Chapter 3
Unfortunately, I was unable to open the door again, even with Sarah's card, which only added to my growing frustration as I continued to struggle with this.
"I can't believe this… I'm not even strong enough to open a damn door because of this stupid curse! How am I supposed to go through life like this if I can't even use my own hands?"
I exclaimed angrily while slamming my fists against the front door.
"It's not fair!"
"Maybe you should try using your own card on it instead of mine since you're the one who needs to leave."
Sarah suggested sarcastically as she reached for her ID card, which she had given me earlier.
"Yeah… Good idea… Why don't we just do that and see what happens?!"
I replied sarcastically before throwing her ID card across the room in anger, feeling like I was going to lose my mind if things didn't start going back to normal soon.
"Just give it a shot. Maybe it'll work," Mark said in a calm voice as he put his hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me everything was going to be okay.
"Alright… Fine… But don't expect anything to happen when I try opening it!"
I replied coldly before walking over to the front door again and putting my ID card against the scanner so I could see if it would unlock when I tried swiping it across the screen.
Once again, nothing happened when I tried unlocking the door with my card, which made me wonder if Sarah was right earlier about our new bodies being too weak to open doors or not.
Unexpected Reflections
"See? What did I tell you?"
I asked Mark in an annoyed tone after realizing my card wasn't working either.
"It's not opening because of this stupid curse!"
"I don't know about that… Maybe there's something wrong with the scanner or something?"
Mark suggested as he raised an eyebrow at me, looking unsure of what to think anymore.
Sarah then stepped forward and reached into her pocket before pulling out her ID card again, putting it against the scanner without any hesitation as she swiped it across the screen in one smooth motion.
A few seconds later, we heard a loud beep come from the front door before it slowly opened up for us, allowing us to see outside and look at all of the people walking down the street.
"H-how did you do that? You didn't even have to try!" "Told you so."
Sarah replied smugly as she turned around to face us while crossing her arms over her chest confidently.
"I've been living here for years now. My energy is probably imprinted onto the system by this point, making it easier for me to get through than most other people who live here."
"Oh… That makes sense. Good job!"
I calmly replied before walking out of my apartment and closing the door behind me so we wouldn’t have to hear Mark complaining about what had just happened earlier.
Unexpected Reflections
As we made our way downstairs, I let out a sigh of relief that Sarah's card was able to get us through without any issues.
But at the same time, I couldn’t help but worry about what would happen if we went somewhere else or tried opening another door in town, especially since we would need to go back to work eventually so we could continue making money and paying rent for our apartment.
If this was going to be a common thing, then it would be almost impossible for us to do anything while we were stuck like this!
Once we finally left my apartment building and started walking down the sidewalk, Sarah turned to face me with a serious expression on her face before she spoke up again.
"We'll figure something out… This is probably just a small issue that will fix itself eventually. I mean, it's not like this is something that happens every day," she said while trying to give me hope so I wouldn’t feel as bad anymore.
Unexpected Reflections
"Right," I replied with a single nod as she turned to face the street again while Mark and I followed her, knowing that we were all in this together now whether we liked it or not.
As Sarah led us through the streets of the city, I couldn't help but look around more than usual since I was having a hard time remembering where everything was while in my new form; I was so used to looking for certain landmarks on the way to work that this just felt… wrong.
But thankfully, my phone had a built-in map app that showed us where we were and how to get to our destination faster, so I didn’t feel too lost while walking around downtown area on a Saturday afternoon when there were plenty of other people around doing their own things as well.
Unexpected Reflections
The bookstore Sarah mentioned was located downtown, which had a lot of different stores and restaurants in the area, but none of them were as big as the one we were going to right now from what I could tell on the map app.
It took us about an hour before we finally reached our destination, and when I saw it for the first time after turning onto another street, I couldn’t help but stare at the building's exterior with my mouth wide open because… Well, let’s just say that it wasn't what I was expecting at all! "I never knew that there was a place like this downtown before," I said while staring at the tall building in front of us, looking surprised by its size since it seemed much larger than most other bookstores or libraries around here from what I could remember seeing earlier today.
Unexpected Reflections
Sarah then let out a small giggle before turning to face me again.
"I guess you never really paid attention to this part of town before now, huh? Bookstores like this one are pretty common around here. We just don't come down here often because it's so far away from where we live and work."
"Oh… That makes sense. You learn something new every day!"
I replied as my eyes continued to widen the more that I looked at the building in front of us while Sarah reached out and placed her hand on my shoulder in order to give me some support.
"But why is that a good thing?"
Mark then asked me from behind while giving Sarah a confused look; he was probably thinking the same thing about what I had just said earlier considering what was going on right now.
"It means that there are more books inside for us to look through so we can try and figure out how you got transformed into a woman overnight!"
Sarah quickly explained in response before letting out another small giggle again.
Unexpected Reflections
For a moment, I struggled to focus on what was going on around me as we ventured further into the store; I couldn’t help but feel lightheaded for some reason, and everything felt so strange right now.
The cool air blowing against my skin from an overhead vent felt so nice.
I could feel every single puff of air from the air conditioner brushing against me as I walked, tickling me slightly before moving onto another part of my body.
My arms tingled as they brushed up against the books on a nearby shelf.
I shuddered slightly, feeling all of those tiny bumps that had formed on my skin from doing that.
The sensation made me want to pull away from it, but I did my best to ignore it for now and continued walking with my friends while trying to focus on something else instead.
"Wow! There are a lot of people here today," I then said as I looked around and saw how crowded it was inside with all of these strangers walking past us while talking about different things, which made me feel nervous since we were in such a big place like this one after what happened earlier.
"I wonder if any of them have experienced the same thing that you have before?"
Unexpected Reflections
I don’t know. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens," Sarah said in response before looking around for a moment as if she was searching for something.
"I think that the 'O' section is over this way. Let’s go check it out!"
We all started walking towards the back of the store when we suddenly heard a group of girls giggling from behind us.
I couldn’t help but turn around and give them a dirty look since they were obviously laughing at me, which made me feel even more nervous than I already was because of everything that had been going on up until this point; why would they be doing that to me?
As soon as they noticed that I had caught them, they all turned away from me and continued walking past us while still laughing about something, but only after giving Mark an intense stare as if they were undressing him with their eyes or something like that which made him blush slightly before quickly looking away from them.
While looking around, I also noticed that Mark was doing his best to keep his eyes off of me, but he was failing miserably because every time he looked in another direction, they always seemed to end up back on me again shortly afterward for some reason.
Unexpected Reflections
We then reached the 'O' section, and I found it difficult to concentrate on where I was stepping or even what Sarah was saying right now.
The texture of the floor underneath me felt so weird, and I could feel every single thing that my feet were touching as I walked across it.
My legs felt so strange too because they were moving in an odd way that I wasn't used to seeing them move before, almost as if they were swaying back and forth from side to side while walking which made me feel like I was going to fall over at any moment because of it.
It also didn’t help that my shoes felt so tight on my feet for some reason despite the fact that they were exactly the same size as the ones that I had been wearing earlier this morning when we left my apartment; maybe I just needed to get used to them or something like that?
Walking feels so weird… Why is that?
Chapter 4
Unexpected Reflections