MidReal Story

Unexpected Passion: A Night of Seduction


May 25
Scenario: Taehyung is taking the man he found to the club in his private car to his house. He was infatuated by the guy before him and he was one of his many one night stands. However, the guy before him was something he craved another peice to his collection you may say. The guy who he didn't even know his name (Jeon jungkook) they were both drunk and Taehyung was smoking a cigarette as he waited to arrive home. The guy was already a bit impatient as he placed his soft hands on taehyung's chest as a seductive action. (Write the scene in detail, with a lot of dialogue)
Create my version of this story
Taehyung is taking the man he found to the club in his private car to his house. He was infatuated by the guy before him and he was one of his many one night stands. However, the guy before him was something he craved another peice to his collection you may say. The guy who he didn't even know his name (Jeon jungkook) they were both drunk and Taehyung was smoking a cigarette as he waited to arrive home. The guy was already a bit impatient as he placed his soft hands on taehyung's chest as a seductive action. (Write the scene in detail, with a lot of dialogue)
I was never one to bring strangers home.
I didn’t have to.
They came to me, and I was more than happy to oblige.
But there was something about him that made me want to break my own rule.
He was beautiful, in a way that made my heart ache.
And he was mysterious, in a way that made me want to unravel him, layer by layer, until I found the truth.
I didn’t know what it was about him that drew me in.
Maybe it was the way he moved on the dance floor, his body sinuous and fluid as he danced with a group of friends.
Maybe it was the way he laughed, head thrown back as he let out a loud, carefree sound that made my stomach flip.
Or maybe it was the way he looked at me when our eyes met across the crowded club, his gaze dark and intense as if he could see right through me, see all of my secrets and desires laid bare before him.
Whatever it was, I knew I had to have him.
The club was packed, the music throbbing so loudly that I could feel it in my chest as I sat in the VIP area, sipping on Cristal like it was water and watching the people on the dance floor move.
There were bodies everywhere, pressed together so tightly that it was hard to tell where one person ended and the next began.
It was hot, and sweaty, the air thick with the scent of sex and alcohol and expensive cologne.
I loved it.
I thrived on it.
It was everything I was and everything I wanted to be, all at once.
A celebration of wealth and excess, just like my life.
I’d been coming to this club for years, ever since I was old enough to get past the bouncers at the door, and I’d seen it all.
I’d done it all, too.
I was rich, and I was handsome, and I was charming.
And I was more than happy to use all of those things to my advantage whenever I could.
Which was basically all the time.
I finished my glass of champagne and set it down on the table in front of me, glancing around the room lazily.
The dance floor was crowded as usual, bodies moving together under the dim light of the strobe lights that flashed in time with the music over their heads.
There were people up on stage, too, dancing and gyrating in cages as they tried to catch the attention of the people sitting around me in order to get them to spend more money on bottles and tables.
I shook my head at the sight and waved one of them over, ordering another bottle of champagne without even bothering to look at the price tag before I did.
It didn’t matter how much it cost.
Whatever it was, I could afford it.
I could afford anything I wanted.
And right now, what I wanted was to watch this man move some more.
He was still dancing with his friends, his body moving with a grace that made my stomach clench and my groin stir as he swayed his hips back and forth to the music.
He had a beautiful face, too, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline that made him look like a model or an actor or something.
He was beautiful all over, actually.
And he knew it.
He moved with a confidence that was intoxicating, making my head swim as I watched him.
He was the most perfect man I had ever seen in my life.
And I had to have him.
“Tae?” Jimin asked from where he was sitting next to me in the VIP area.
“Dude, are you even listening?”
I tore my eyes away from the dance floor and turned to look at my best friend and closest confidant.
“I asked you if you were excited about Italy,” he said with an exasperated sigh.
We were leaving in less than a month for our annual summer trip, and I hadn’t even thought about it until just now.
I’d been so focused on work and everything else in my life that I hadn’t had time for anything else.
But I knew that once we got there, I would be able to relax and unwind and forget about all of my responsibilities for a little while.
“There’s going to be so many hot girls there,” he continued, trying to get my attention.
"Unexpected Passion: A Night of Seduction"
I turned my attention back to the dance floor, but it was empty now.
He was gone.
And I didn’t even know his name.
“Yeah, I’m excited,” I said, knowing that it was the answer he was looking for even though I didn’t really mean it.
I started to get up from my seat, but Jimin grabbed my arm before I had a chance to leave.
“Where are you going?”
“To get another drink,” I said, pulling away from him and walking toward the bar without another word.
I knew that Jimin was worried about me, but he didn’t have anything to be worried about.
I was fine.
I always was.
I took a seat at the bar and motioned for the bartender to come over so I could order another bottle of champagne and something stronger this time, too.
I needed something to take the edge off.
Because the truth was, I wasn’t fine at all.
I was hard as a rock just thinking about him, my cock straining against the front of my pants like a living thing as I picture bending him over and fucking him into next week right there on the dance floor for everyone to see.
I’d never wanted anyone like I wanted him before.
“Taehyung, what are you—”
Jimin cut himself off when he saw me standing up from my seat at the bar, my drink in hand as I made my way back toward the VIP area.
He was watching me with a strange look on his face, like he was trying to figure something out and couldn’t.
I ignored him and sat back down in my seat, taking a sip of my drink before setting it down on the table in front of me.
“Who are you looking for?”
he asked, trying not to sound too interested.
I knew he would have trouble keeping this information in, and I was right.
“Dark hair, dark eyes, and he looks like he was carved by angels,” I replied, tipping my head toward the dance floor where I could see my mystery man dancing with a new group of friends.
Jimin followed my gaze and let out a low whistle when he saw him.
“He’s hot,” he admitted, taking another sip of his own drink.
“You should go talk to him before someone else does.”
I shook my head.
“I don’t need you to tell me what to do, Jimin,” I replied, annoyed that he was even suggesting such a thing.
He just laughed.
“I know you don’t, but I also know how much you want him,” he said.
“And I can see how much it’s hurting you that he’s dancing with other people right now.”
I turned to look at him, my eyes hard as I tried to figure out what he was talking about.
But before I could say anything, he pointed toward the dance floor and I saw who he was dancing with now.
There were three of them, one girl and two guys, and they were all beautiful in their own right.
They were all tall and fit and handsome, with perfect features and flawless skin.
They were everything I wasn’t.
And yet, I didn’t want them at all.
I only wanted him.
He was still dancing, laughing as he swayed his hips back and forth to the music with his friends.
He looked happy, and carefree, and not like a person who had a care in the world.
But I could tell by the way his eyes kept flickering toward me as he danced that he was thinking about me just as much as I was thinking about him.
"Unexpected Passion: A Night of Seduction"
But even though it was still technically party time, for some reason I felt like I was just waiting for something to happen.
I was waiting for something to change or for something to happen, but I didn’t know what it was or what it would be.
I just knew that something wasn’t right.
And it wouldn’t be until I figured out what it was.
Jimin must have noticed something was up, because he turned to look at me with a worried expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
he asked, raising his voice over the music.
“Nothing,” I said, lying through my teeth.
“Are you okay?”
he asked, putting a hand on my arm to get my attention.
“You seem kind of… I don’t know, off?”
“I’m fine,” I said, pulling away from him and standing up from my seat at the bar.
“You know what I need?”
He looked at me blankly and shook his head no.
“Dance break!”
I shouted, grabbing Jimin’s hand and dragging him toward the dance floor with me, trying to shake off this horrible feeling that something wasn’t right by dancing it away.
The music was loud and fast, with a steady beat and a catchy hook that seemed to have everyone on the dance floor moving to the rhythm, their hands in the air as they jumped up and down and sang along with the lyrics.
The flashing lights were bright and blinding, but I didn’t care, because it was like I was in my own world with nothing else around me but my best friend and a bunch of strangers who were all here for the same reason I was: to have a good time and forget about everything else.
But even though I was surrounded by people who were all having fun, and even though I was doing my best to keep up appearances and enjoy myself, I couldn’t shake off this feeling that something was wrong.
It had been there ever since I’d first laid eyes on him, and it had only gotten worse since then.
It was like I was being pulled toward him, like there was something inside me that had latched on to him and wouldn’t let go, no matter how hard I tried to resist it.
I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn’t even realize we’d stopped dancing until I heard Jimin laughing and saw him waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention.
he said, snapping his fingers.
“Are you still with me?”
I blinked and shook my head, trying to clear it of all those thoughts, but they wouldn’t go away, no matter how hard I tried.
“I’m here,” I said, forcing a smile.
“Just got a little… distracted.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” he said, looking from me to the dance floor and back again.
“Who are you looking for?”
“No one,” I replied.
“I just need a drink.”
“Come on,” he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me toward the bar.
“I’ll buy you one.”
I followed him to the bar, but I kept looking back over my shoulder to see if he was watching me.
He was, and when he saw me looking, he smiled and raised his drink to me before taking a long sip.
"Unexpected Passion: A Night of Seduction"