MidReal Story

Unexpected Love in the City


May 10
Scenario:A women try to fuck me
Create my version of this story
A women try to fuck me
I followed Sarah down the street, my heart pounding with excitement as I thought about what lay ahead of us that night.
I was sitting at the bar, minding my own business, when a woman approached me.
This was the first time I’d ever done anything like this, and I didn’t know what to expect, but I couldn’t wait to find out.When we got to Sarah’s apartment, she led me inside, through the living room, to the bedroom at the back of the house.
She was beautiful, with long brown hair and a killer smile.
She shut the door behind us, then walked over to the bed, kicked off her heels, and lay down on the mattress, spreading her legs wide open for me to see.
She sat down next to me and ordered a drink.
I couldn’t believe how sexy she looked, lying there with her long brown hair fanned out around her head, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her smooth, warm skin.
Then she turned to me and said, “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but notice you sitting here all alone.
I walked over to the bed, my heart pounding with excitement as I looked at Sarah’s beautiful face, then down at the rest of her body, which was even more stunning than I could have imagined when I’d first seen it at the bar a few minutes ago.
I’m so glad you came back with me,” Sarah said, looking up at me with a smile that lit up her face like a Christmas tree.
Would you like some company?”
I looked at her and smiled.
“Don’t mention it,” I said, trying to sound as cool and casual as I could.
“I had a great time.”
“Sure,” I said.
“I’m glad you did,” she said, reaching out to stroke my face with her long, delicate fingers.
“I’d love some company.”
She smiled back at me and then leaned in close.
“Would you like to stay the night?”
I didn’t know what to say.
I could smell her perfume, and it was intoxicating.
My heart was pounding so hard I could barely think straight, but I knew that I didn’t want to leave her house—not yet—and so I nodded my head.
She whispered in my ear, “I want to fuck you.”
Sarah smiled up at me and then she sat up on the bed, looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes as she said, “Good… because I’m not done with you yet.”
I nearly choked on my drink.
“I’m not done with you yet,” Sarah said again, her voice low and sexy as she looked up at me from where she was lying on the bed.
I turned to her and said, “Excuse me?”
She just smiled at me and repeated herself.
Her long brown hair was fanned out around her head like a halo and the look in her eyes was so intense that it made my knees go weak.
“I want to fuck you,” she said again.
The way she was looking at me right now, it was like she was trying to see right through me—right into the very core of my being—and I didn’t know what to do except stand there like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
Unexpected Love in the City
This woman had come on to me so fast, I didn’t know what to do or say.
After all, it was the last Friday night of the summer before I had to go back to school and I was looking for some action.
She just told me that she wasn’t done with me yet—that she wasn’t satisfied—and the idea of that was making my cock throb inside of my pants until I thought that it was going to burst into flames right there in front of her face.
I don’t know what’s come over me since I walked into this bar tonight or why—
And besides, if a girl was willing to make the first move like that, then I wasn’t going to say no.
I looked at her.
But then the woman turned away from me and started to get dressed and I suddenly realized that what had almost come over me wasn’t going to happen after all and it made my chest feel tight with disappointment for some reason that I didn’t understand.
She had been so beautiful—so sexy—and the way she had come onto me right from the start had been so hot that it had almost made my head spin around and around like a top.
“You want to fuck me?”
She was gorgeous—simply gorgeous—and the thought of making love to her had made my cock stand up and take notice right from the start… but there was just something about her… something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on… something that wasn’t quite right…
I said, my voice tinged with surprise.
She leaned in close and whispered in my ear, “Yes, I want to fuck you.”
I took a deep breath and forced myself to sit down on the bar stool beside her and then I looked over at her and said, “So… is that an invitation?”
She smiled at me and said, “Yes… but only if you want it to be.”
I could feel the heat rising up in my cheeks as she spoke.
I don’t know why it was so hard for me to think of something to say to that—I mean, what was so hard about saying either ‘yes’ or ‘no’?—but the woman was so fucking beautiful and the whole thing had happened so fast that it had all left me reeling and unable to think straight for some reason that I couldn’t quite understand…and so instead of saying anything at all, I just looked at her and then I slid my hand up along her thigh until my fingers were resting against the smooth skin of her stomach and then I said…
I was so glad that it was dark in that bar because I’m sure I must have been beet red.
“Would you like a drink?”
The music was loud and I could barely hear myself think, but it didn’t take me long to make up my mind.
a firm but polite voice, even though my cock was throbbing inside of my pants and all that I could think about was getting her back to Sarah’s house as fast as possible so that we could get naked together and do all of the things that she had promised me we were going to do…
I’d never done anything like this before, but I was ready to give it a shot.
And then the woman just looked over at me and nodded her head as she said in a soft voice, “Yes, thank you,” and suddenly she looked as cool and collected as if nothing had happened between us at all…as if nothing had come over either one of us since we first started talking…as if nothing had changed between us since I first walked over to her table and sat down beside her…
I looked at her and smiled.
“Sure,” I said.
As if I hadn’t just tried to put my hand up between her legs and kiss her on the lips…
Unexpected Love in the City
“I’d love to fuck you.”
She smiled back at me and then ordered herself a drink.
And then the woman looked at me and smiled at me, but instead of answering me, she reached out and held onto the front of my shirt and pulled me down towards her until her soft, red lips were almost touching mine, and then she reached up and whispered, “I want to fuck you…do you want to fuck me too?”
She asked what I wanted, but I told her I was fine.
She ordered a rum and coke and then she turned to me again.
I don’t know why it was so hard for me to think of anything to say to that—it was such a simple question, really, and all that she wanted was a simple answer—but then again, this whole thing had been so unexpected and so sudden that it had made my head spin around and around like a top ever since the moment that she had first opened her mouth and told me what she wanted to happen between us…
And then, before I knew what was happening, the woman had pulled me down to the bar and kissed me on the lips as she whispered “I want to fuck you” into my ear, and then she had looked over at me with those gorgeous green eyes of hers and asked me if that was something that I wanted to do too.
“So,” she said, “do you want to come back to my place?”
I didn’t know what to say.
And so now here we were, sitting in this dimly lit bar with our faces only inches apart and the question still hanging in the air between us…and all that I could think about was how much I wanted to say “yes” to the offer that she had made me…
After all, there were other women out there who were willing to make love to me, yes…but none of them were as sexy or as gorgeous as this woman was, and none of them had ever made an offer like this one to me before either.
This girl had just come on to me so fast that I was still trying to catch my breath.
But the way she looked at me, with those big brown eyes, and the way she moved, so gracefully and confidently, it was like nothing I’d ever seen before.
There was no way that I could say “no” to that.
She was too beautiful.
And the way she’d propositioned me like that—so boldly and so bluntly—well, it had gotten me hotter than hell.
It would have been a crime to turn her down.
I could feel myself starting to get excited, but I didn’t want to get too carried away.
I wanted to be sure that we were on the same page first.
Not a chance.
And yet there was something about this whole thing that made me feel like I was living in some sort of dream or some sort of movie—some crazy adventure where anything was possible and nothing mattered except for the thrill of getting from one place to another as fast as possible—and so instead of doing what any sane man would have done in this situation and jumping at the chance that she had given me, instead of saying “yes” and taking her hand and leading her out the door back to Sarah’s house where we could get naked together and do all of the things that she had promised me we were going to do, all that I could think about was how it didn’t seem real…
“Come back to your place?”
I said, starting to sweat a little bit now, “Are you sure?”
How it seemed too good to be true.
She smiled at me and took a sip of her drink.
How there was no way that this was happening to me.
“I’m sure,” she said.
And so instead of saying something to her—instead of taking her up on the offer that she had made me—I just smiled at her and then shrugged my shoulders and said, “If you’re offering,” as if trying to pretend as if this was no big deal and nothing to get excited about, even though my heart was racing like a rabbit and my cock was throbbing inside of my pants and all that I wanted to do was tear her clothes off and throw her down on the floor so that we could make love right there in front of everyone…
“I live just around the corner.”
She just looked at me for a moment and then she laughed and said, “What are you drinking?”
I looked down at the glass in front of me and then shrugged my shoulders and said, “I think that this is a gin and tonic,” as if trying to pretend as if this was no big deal and nothing to get excited about, when all that I could think about was how much I wanted to tell her to forget about the drink and just take me home with her already…
“It’s just that,” I said, “I don’t even know your name.”
“Are you sure?”
“My name is Sarah,” she said, extending her hand for me to shake.
I took it in mine and shook it firmly.
Unexpected Love in the City
“My name is John.”
Then she leaned in close, her lips brushed against my ear.
As she moved closer to me—not even an inch away from my body as she leaned in close to whisper in my ear—I felt myself moving closer to her as well, until we were only inches away from each other…and then she opened her mouth as she brought her face up next to mine and whispered in my ear, “I’m sure,” before looking up at me with a wicked smile on her face as she asked, “Are you?”
“Now you know my name,” she said.
I could feel the heat coming off of her body as she spoke, and I could smell the perfume that she was wearing as well—a sweet scent, like strawberries or raspberries or something—and then I looked down at her mouth as it moved against my ear…I closed my eyes as she whispered in my ear.
“Are you coming or not?”
“Are you sure?”
I turned to look at her, but she was already getting up off her stool.
I heard her ask again…And then she placed her hand on my chest and began to run it up and down…and then she moved even closer to me until there was almost no space between us at all…and then she whispered in my ear a third time, “Are you sure?”
I opened my eyes as she spoke…I looked down at her face as she stared up at me, and then I looked down at my hand as it moved on its own to rest on top of hers as she ran it up and down my chest…
She looked at me, cocking her head slightly to one side as if to say, well?
And then I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, as I moved my hand to the bottom of her back and pulled her even closer to me, so that our bodies were pressed together, “I’m sure,” before moving my other hand to the bottom of her back and pulling her all the way into me so that our faces were only inches away from each other’s, and then I whispered in her ear, “I’m sure,” as I placed my mouth on top of hers and kissed her deeply, tasting the sweetness of the alcohol that was still on both of our lips…
I knew that I shouldn’t go home with her.
This was all happening so fast that part of me wanted to just get up and get out of there while the getting was good.
She moaned softly as I kissed her…Her face was flushed as she looked up at me with dark eyes as I pulled away from the kiss and breathed heavily as I looked down at her mouth.
I looked down at her mouth…and then I moved my own mouth closer to it as I said, “Yes,” before pressing my lips against hers again and kissing her deeply as I moved my hands down to rest against the small of her back and squeezed her tight body against mine.
After all, Sarah was a complete stranger—I didn’t know anything about her—and going home with her could be dangerous.
She moaned softly against my lips as I kissed her.
Unexpected Love in the City
She opened her mouth slightly as I moved mine against hers.
I could feel the heat coming off of her body as she kissed me, and I could feel the smoothness of her skin as I ran my hands down against the small of her back.
She moaned softly against my lips as I kissed her.
There was no way that I could resist this woman.
She was too beautiful.
She was too sexy.
She was too much for me to turn down.
She was too much for any man to resist.
And so instead of trying to pretend as if this wasn’t happening—if trying to pretend as if this was no big deal—I just gave into it…I just gave into it completely.
Unexpected Love in the City