MidReal Story

Unexpected Love at the Grocery Store


Jan 12
Scenario:Luchando con las compras, Cory se cae y se lesiona el tobillo. Su vecino Chang viene a ayudar y se ofrece a llevar las bolsas. Aunque a Cory secretamente le gusta Chang, inicialmente se niega. Sin embargo, Chang insiste y también ofrece llevar a Cory por las escaleras. A pesar de la negativa de Cory, Chang lo levanta y lo lleva.
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Luchando con las compras, Cory se cae y se lesiona el tobillo. Su vecino Chang viene a ayudar y se ofrece a llevar las bolsas. Aunque a Cory secretamente le gusta Chang, inicialmente se niega. Sin embargo, Chang insiste y también ofrece llevar a Cory por las escaleras. A pesar de la negativa de Cory, Chang lo levanta y lo lleva.
"Here, let me take those."
Oh, no!
I already had my hands full—literally.
Though I appreciated the offer, I didn’t want to be any more of a burden than I already was.
Besides, I was perfectly fine.
Or at least I was until I tripped over my own stupid feet and twisted my ankle.
Now I was hobbling along, trying not to drop any of the six or seven bags I’d stuffed my arms with.
"Thanks for the offer!"
I told the tall, dark-haired guy who’d stopped in his tracks to help me.
"I’ve got it."
I smiled, but his returned smile made my knees weak.
I nearly dropped all my bags.
That would have been a real pain in the butt.
Unexpected Love at the Grocery Store