MidReal Story

Unexpected Glamour


May 16
Scenario:The golden girls meet trixie and katya
Create my version of this story
The golden girls meet trixie and katya

Blanche Devereaux

the flirtatious one, friends with Dorothy, Rose, and Sophia, curvaceous with flowing hair, seductive and vivacious


Sophia Petrillo

the wise elder of the group, mother to Dorothy and friend to Blanche and Rose, short and feisty with a cane, sharptongued and humorous


Trixie Mattel

the modern addition to the group through a showbiz connection with Katya

The Golden Girls Meet Trixie and Katya
It was a beautiful day in Miami, Florida, and the Golden Girls were sitting around the kitchen table eating cheesecake.
Dorothy Zbornak, the tall one with sharp features, was the first to speak.
“Girls,” she said, “I have some exciting news.”
Blanche Devereaux, the curvaceous one with flowing hair, put down her fork.
“Is it about me?”
Dorothy rolled her eyes.
“It’s not about you, Blanche.”
Rose Nylund, the petite one with a perpetual smile, looked up from her cheesecake.
“Then what is it about?”
“It’s about us,” Dorothy said.
“We’ve been invited to a special event in Los Angeles.”
Sophia Petrillo, who was sitting at the head of the table with her cane, raised an eyebrow.
“What kind of special event?”
Dorothy smiled.
“A drag show!”
Blanche gasped and clutched her chest.
“A what?”
Rose tilted her head to the side.
Dorothy sighed.
“Blanche, Rose, do you two really not know what a drag show is?”
Blanche and Rose looked at each other and shook their heads.
“I don’t know what it is either,” Sophia said.
“Enlighten us, Dorothy.”
A drag show is a performance where people dress up in clothes that don’t match their gender,” Dorothy explained.
“It’s been around for a long time, but it’s more popular now than ever before.”
Rose’s eyes widened.
“That sounds like so much fun!”
Blanche leaned forward and raised an eyebrow.
“Who invited us to this drag show, Dorothy?”
Dorothy hesitated for a moment before answering.
“Michael did,” she said.
Michael is Dorothy’s son.
He lives in Los Angeles with his husband, David, and their two children, Lucas and Lily.
Dorothy moved to Miami after her husband, Stan, passed away, but she still talks to Michael on the phone every day.
She hasn’t seen him in a few months, so she was excited when he called to invite her to the drag show.
Blanche leaned forward even more and put her hand on Dorothy’s arm.
“What’s wrong?”
she asked gently.
Dorothy shook her head.
“It’s just that…”
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“Michael is really into the drag scene these days.”
Blanche gasped and clutched her chest again.
“What does that mean?”
“He performs in drag,” Dorothy said.
Sophia raised an eyebrow.
“What’s his stage name?”
Dorothy hesitated for a moment before answering.
“It’s Trixie Mattel,” she said.
Rose’s eyes widened even more.
“That sounds like so much fun!”
she said excitedly.
“I’ve always wanted to meet a real-life drag queen!”
Sophia nodded in agreement.
“So have I.”
Dorothy shifted uncomfortably in her chair and looked down at her plate of cheesecake.
She picked up her fork and took a bite before continuing.
“Michael has been performing in drag for a few years now,” she said.
“It was hard for me to accept at first, but I’m okay with it now.”
Blanche took another bite of cheesecake and smiled.
“That’s good to hear, Dorothy.”
Dorothy nodded and continued speaking.
“I don’t know if I should go to the drag show, though.”
“Why not?”
Sophia asked.
Dorothy sighed and put down her fork.
“It’s just that Michael and I haven’t been getting along very well lately,” she said.
“He’s always busy with work and the kids, so we don’t have much time to talk.”
Blanche leaned forward again and put her hand on Dorothy’s arm.
“You should go to the drag show, Dorothy,” she said.
“It’ll give you a chance to spend time with your son and see him perform.”
Sophia nodded in agreement.
“It might be just what you need to heal your relationship with Michael.”
Rose smiled and clapped her hands together.
“I think you should go too, Dorothy!”
she said.
Unexpected Glamour
She was hesitant to bring them along because she didn’t want them to get in the way of her spending time with Michael.
But after thinking about it for a few seconds, she decided that it might be good for all of them to get out of Miami for a few days.
“Maybe we should all go to the drag show in Los Angeles,” she said.
Blanche gasped and clutched her chest once again.
“I’ve always wanted to go to California!”
She looked around the kitchen table at the other girls.
“Who’s with me?”
“I am!”
Rose said excitedly.
“I’ll start packing your bags right away, Dorothy!”
Dorothy shook her head.
“I’ll pack my own bags, Rose,” she said.
Blanche put down her fork and leaned forward.
“Dorothy, when is the drag show?”
Sophia raised an eyebrow and stared at Dorothy for a moment before answering.
“I have to check my calendar,” she said.
Blanche gasped again and clutched her chest for the fifth time in five minutes.
“I don’t have anything going on next weekend!”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“And I’m sure I can find something to do in Los Angeles if I look hard enough!”
Rose nodded in agreement.
“I’m free next weekend too!”
Dorothy smiled at her friends.
“I’m glad you’re all excited about going to Los Angeles with me,” she said.
Sophia shook her head.
“I’m not so sure about this trip, Dorothy.”
“Why not?”
Dorothy asked.
Sophia raised an eyebrow.
“Because I’m not sure if I can keep up with you young girls anymore!”
Blanche gasped and clutched her chest again.
“We’re not that young!”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“But we are still hot!”
Rose put down her fork and looked at Dorothy.
“Where are we going to stay in Los Angeles?”
she asked.
“I’ll take care of it,” Dorothy said.
“Let me know when you book the flight,” Blanche said.
“I need to pack my best dresses!”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“And my most revealing underwear!”
Rose smiled at Dorothy.
“Can I sit next to you on the plane, Dorothy?”
Dorothy nodded in agreement.
“I’ll make the flight reservations right now,” she said.
“But first I need to buy four tickets to the drag show.”
She looked at Blanche, Rose, and Sophia and smiled.
Unexpected Glamour
Sophia smiled and patted Dorothy’s hand.
“I guess I’ll go with you girls after all,” she said.
“As long as you don’t leave me stranded in Los Angeles.”
“I promise I won’t leave you alone in Los Angeles,” Dorothy said.
“I’ll find someone to take care of you while we’re gone.”
She looked at Sophia for a moment before continuing.
“And I won’t leave you with anyone crazy either.”
Sophia smiled and nodded.
“That’s good to know.”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“Although I do wonder who will want to take care of an old lady like me.”
“I’m sure I can find someone to take care of you while we’re gone,” Dorothy said.
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“And I’m sure it will be someone very nice.”
Sophia smiled and patted Dorothy’s hand.
“I’m sure it will be too,” she said.
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“And I’m sure it will be someone who isn’t too busy to take care of me as well.”
Dorothy smiled and nodded.
“I’m sure it will be someone who isn’t too busy to take care of you as well.”
She looked at Sophia for a moment before continuing.
“And I promise I won’t leave you with anyone crazy either.”
Sophia smiled and patted Dorothy’s hand.
“I’m sure you won’t either.”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“And just so we’re clear, Dorothy… we are talking about someone sane and not someone who lives in a nursing home as well.”
Dorothy smiled and nodded.
“I’m sure we are talking about someone sane and not someone who lives in a nursing home as well.”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“And I’ll make sure whoever takes care of you is reliable and has plenty of energy to keep up with you too.”
Sophia smiled and nodded.
“Make sure he’s young and handsome as well!”
Dorothy raised an eyebrow and smiled.
“If that’s what you want, I’ll make sure he’s young and handsome too!”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“But just so we’re clear, the most important thing is that he takes good care of you while we’re gone… right?
“And he has plenty of money as well!”
Dorothy raised an eyebrow and smiled.
“If that’s what you want, I’ll make sure he has plenty of money too!”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“But just so we’re clear, the most important thing is that he takes good care of you while we’re gone… right?
Sophia smiled and nodded.
“I’m glad we have that settled then.”
Dorothy hugged her mother and smiled.
“I love you very much, Ma,” she said.
“And I don’t want anything bad to happen to you while we’re gone.”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
“And I don’t want any bad men to take advantage of you either.”
Sophia hugged her daughter back and smiled.
“I love you too, Dorothy,” she said.
“And I don’t want anything bad to happen to me while we’re gone either.”
She paused for a moment before continuing.
Unexpected Glamour