MidReal Story

Underestimated Valor

Scenario:The other secret agents in commander Kabir's team finally realize that Aakrith is useful in their team even though he is a 19 year old teen. They finally start talking to him, realizing their mistake and apologize the boy
Create my version of this story
The other secret agents in commander Kabir's team finally realize that Aakrith is useful in their team even though he is a 19 year old teen. They finally start talking to him, realizing their mistake and apologize the boy
I was the youngest in the team, and I knew it.
I was also the most underestimated.
But I didn’t mind.
It gave me an edge.
A secret agent’s job is to blend in, to be invisible, to be forgettable.
And I was all of that.
I was short and lean with sharp features that made me look even younger than my twenty-two years.
I had a baby face that made people underestimate me, and I used it to my advantage.
My team leader, Commander Kabir, had been my mentor since I’d joined the agency three years ago.
He’d seen potential in me when no one else had, and he’d trained me personally.
He’d taught me everything he knew about being a secret agent, and I’d soaked it all up like a sponge.
I’d been top of my class at the academy, but that hadn’t meant much when I’d been assigned to this team.
I’d known that they wouldn’t be happy that I was on this mission, but I was determined to prove them wrong.
I had to prove them wrong.
I was sick of being underestimated.
I knew that it was going to be hard, but I was ready for the challenge.
I’d faced down some of the best agents in the agency during my training, and I’d come out on top every single time.
I was good at my job, even if no one else seemed to think so.
It was a difficult team to be a part of.
They were all older than me, and they were all more experienced than me.
And it didn’t help that I had a baby face that made me look even younger than I was.
I did my best to blend in, to prove that I belonged there, but it wasn’t easy.
Maybe it would have been easier if I was taller, if I had a more commanding presence.
But I didn’t, and so I had to work twice as hard to earn their respect.
I’d never been one to back down from a challenge, though.
I’d been determined to prove myself from the very first day that I’d joined the agency, and that determination burned inside me every time I looked at Kabir.
He was tall with a commanding presence and a sharp jawline that made him look even more intimidating than he already was.
He was smart and strategic, and he never made a move without carefully considering all of his options first.
He was one of the best agents in the agency, and he was my mentor.
That meant that I had big shoes to fill, but I was determined to follow in his footsteps, no matter what it took.
He trained us hard, harder than anyone else in the agency, and he expected nothing less than the best from us at all times.
I’d been his favorite trainee at the academy, but that hadn’t meant much when I’d joined this team.
They didn’t want to work with someone who was all theory and no action.
Which was why I’d spent the last three years learning how to be an agent in the field.
How to make tough decisions and follow through on them.
How to fight and win.
How to make sure that whatever happened, my team survived, no matter what the cost.
It hadn’t been easy, but it had been worth it.
Kabir had taught me how to be an agent, and now it was time for me to show him what I could do.
Commander Sahil looked me up and down with a frown.
“You’re too small,” he said bluntly as he continued to stare at me.
I met his gaze head-on without flinching, knowing that any sign of weakness would be the end of me before I’d even begun.
“I know,” I replied calmly as I waited for him to continue.
“You’re also too young,” he continued as he glanced down at my file once more.
“Are you sure that you’re ready for this?”
I nodded confidently, knowing that there was no way I could ever go back now.
Underestimated Valor
I’d made up my mind, and there was no turning back now.
“I’m sure,” I told him as I met his gaze head-on without flinching.
He stared at me for another moment before he finally nodded.
“Fine,” he said shortly as he turned to face the team waiting behind him.
“You’ll be taking this one,” he told Kabir as he handed over the file.
The rest of my team stared at me with expressions that ranged from disbelief to outright anger.
One of them, Agent Rishabh, stepped forward with a frown on his face as he met my gaze head-on.
He was taller than me, with a muscular build and a rugged appearance that made him look even more intimidating than he already was.
He was staring at me with an expression that told me everything that I needed to know about what he thought of me.
“What are you doing here?”
he demanded with a frown as he glared at me.
“We don’t need some kid slowing us down on this mission.”
“I know what I’m doing,” I told him calmly as I met his gaze head-on without flinching.
He snorted derisively as his frown deepened even further.
“No, you don’t,” he said flatly as he continued to glare at me.
“You’ve got no idea what you’re getting yourself into.
You’ve never done anything like this before, have you?”
he demanded as his eyes narrowed even further.
I hesitated for a moment before I nodded.
He snorted derisively and rolled his eyes.
“Of course you haven’t,” he muttered to himself.
He turned back to face me with another scowl on his face.
“Look, this isn’t going to be easy,” he told me bluntly as he continued to glare at me.
“We’re going up against the best, and you don’t have the experience we need,” he said flatly.
“You’re going to be nothing but dead weight out there, and you’re going to get us all killed.”
My heart sank into my stomach at the thought of that happening.
It was the last thing that I wanted, but there was no way that he would believe that now.
And it wasn’t like we had time to worry about my feelings, anyway.
We had a mission to complete, and lives were depending on us.
“I’m not going to get you killed,” I told him firmly as I met his gaze head-on without flinching.
He stared at me for another moment before he finally shook his head.
“We’ll see about that,” he muttered before he turned and walked away.
I watched him go with a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
He was right, and he knew it.
I’d never done anything like this before, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
But I didn’t have any other choice now.
We were on our way, and there was no turning back.
“So what made you want to be an agent?”
Agent Rishabh asked as he sat down beside me in the break room later that day.
He’d been the one who’d been assigned to show me around the new facility, and I’d known that it wasn’t going to be easy from the moment that I’d met him.
He was the toughest agent in the team, and he was also the most dismissive of me.
He’d been the one who’d criticized me the most when we’d been training together, and I knew that it wasn’t likely to change now.
“Why does it matter?”
I asked as I turned to face him with a frown.
“I just wanted to know,” he said with a shrug as he continued to stare at me.
“I thought that maybe you had some special reason for it or something.”
“No,” I replied shortly before I turned away and stared down at my hands.
Underestimated Valor
It was the same answer that I always gave people when they asked me that question, and it was also the one that I least liked giving them.
I’d never had any other choice than to be an agent.
It was in my blood, and it was the only thing that I’d ever known.
But that wasn’t something that most people ever understood.
“What do you mean?”
he asked with a raised eyebrow as he continued to watch me.
“I already told you,” I said as I turned back to face him once more.
“There’s no special reason why I wanted to become an agent,” I added before I stood up and walked away.
I knew that he didn’t understand what I’d meant by that, but I also knew that it didn’t matter.
It wasn’t like we were ever going to see each other again after today, anyway.
And it also wasn’t like he was ever going to be able to change the way that he thought about me.
That much was obvious from the way that he continued to stare at me with an expression of confusion on his face.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur as we continued to get ready for our mission.
I stayed in our temporary base and worked with the rest of the team as we got ready for our mission.
As I worked, I couldn’t help but feel like a kid in a candy store.
I’d never seen so many amazing gadgets before, and I hadn’t even known that most of them existed until a few hours ago.
I’d known that we would be using some of them during our mission, but I hadn’t known that we would be using most of them.
I was so excited about it that I could hardly stand it, and all I wanted to do was start.
But I forced myself to keep my head down and finish what I was working on before I allowed myself to start thinking about that.
The device that I was working on was a small gadget that was supposed to help us disable the security system once we got inside the bunker.
The instructions that Commander Sahil had given us were incredibly intricate, and it wasn’t easy for someone who hadn’t been doing this for as long as the rest of the team.
But that was what made it so exciting, too.
I loved being able to do something that was so difficult, and it was even better because it was something that was so important.
I had no idea how we ever would have been able to complete our mission without it, and that made me happy.
My heart pounded in my chest as I stared down at the blueprints in front of me with a look of intense concentration on my face.
The instructions were complicated, and it wasn’t easy for someone who was as inexperienced as I was.
But the device that I was working on was also very small, and that made it even more difficult.
I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but I also knew that it was something that I had to get right.
And it was also something that I had no doubt that I would be able to get right.
None of the others could have done it, and that gave me confidence in myself.
Underestimated Valor
The last thing that I did before placing the finishing touches on the device was to make sure that everything was exact.
I made sure that every piece was in the exact right place before I fastened them down with a small screwdriver.
And then, after making sure that everything was perfectly aligned, I took one last look at the blueprints before following the final steps on them.
Creating the gadget had been difficult, but it had also been a lot of fun.
I couldn’t imagine doing anything else, and I was grateful that Commander Kabir had seen potential in me when he’d first met me all those years ago.
He’d been the one who had taught me everything that he knew about being an agent, and he’d been my mentor ever since then.
He’d taken me under his wing when no one else would, and he’d done what he could to make sure that I was always prepared for whatever came my way when no one else would.
And because of him, I was one of the best agents around, even if no one else thought so.
No one else might have thought that I would be able to do it, but he did.
And that was what mattered more than anything else in the world.
It was the reason why I had joined the agency in the first place, and it was also the reason why I had continued on even when I’d felt like giving up more times than I could count.
And it was also the reason why I hadn’t given up, and why I wasn’t going to give up now, either, no matter what happened next.
Because I was an agent, and because I would do whatever it took to complete my mission, and to make sure that it was successful in every way possible in order to keep the rest of the world safe from harm.
I looked around the room at the rest of the team members before I stood up and walked over to where they were standing.
They were all watching me with expressions of surprise on their faces, and I couldn’t help but grin when I saw them.
I knew that they hadn’t thought that I would be able to do it, but I’d also known that they were wrong.
And I also knew that they wouldn’t be underestimating me again after this, either.
We had trained together for years, and they were all very good at what they did.
But I also knew that none of them would have been able to do this any better than I had, either.
And I also knew that no one else would be able to do it any better than I had, either.
And that was what mattered most in the end, anyway.
Because it was something that no one else could do, and it was something that no one else would be able to do, either.
And it was also something that no one else would be able to do even if they tried for the rest of their lives before they managed to get everything perfect like I had.
The device was perfect, and there wasn’t another thing in the world that could have made it any better.
Underestimated Valor
I grabbed the device from the table where I had set it down before I walked over to where Commander Kabir was standing, too, and I handed it to him before I spoke, “It’s ready, sir.”
He took the device from me before he nodded, “Excellent work, son,” he said before he walked over to where the rest of the team members were standing, too, and I quickly followed him over there as well as I waited for him to give us our final orders before we headed out and completed our mission.
I knew that this mission was different than any other mission we’d done before, and I also knew that it was going to be harder, too, because it was a lot more dangerous, and a lot riskier, too, for all of us involved, including for the client who had hired us to do it in the first place.
But I wasn’t worried, and I wasn’t scared, either, because I knew what I was doing, and I also knew what it was going to take in order for me to get it done, too.
I waited while Commander Kabir talked with the rest of the team members for a few more minutes before he dismissed us for a final check of all of our equipment before we headed out to complete our mission once and for all.
I knew what I needed to do in order for me to make sure everything went smoothly, too, and I quickly walked over to where it was sitting on a table waiting for me and picked it up while the others filed out of the room around me as they went to get ready for what was coming next, too.
I waited until the room was empty except for me before I sat down at the table and got everything set up so it would work exactly like it was supposed to when we used it later on, too.
I took my time making sure everything was perfect, because I knew it had to be perfect in order for everything to go exactly like it needed to go during the mission.
And I wasn’t going to let anything go wrong because of something stupid like not being prepared enough for it, either, especially when I had plenty of time to make sure that everything was perfect before we left.
I can do this, I thought to myself as I made all of the final adjustments on it before I set it down on the table in front of me again and picked it up one final time so I could make sure everything was perfect one final time before I stepped outside of the room where we had all been waiting around in together a few minutes later.
I looked around at the rest of the team members waiting outside of the room for me before Commander Kabir walked over to me and took it from me, “You did an excellent job on this, Aakrith,” he said before he smiled at me, “I’m proud of you, you know.”
I stood up straighter at his words, too, as I smiled back at him, “Thank you, sir,” I said before I turned and walked away from him without saying anything else.
I couldn’t say anything else, either, because nothing else needed to be said.
We were done talking about it now, and it was time for all of us to do our jobs so we could finish our mission once and for all.
I walked over to where the rest of the team members were waiting around in front of the door that would lead us inside of the bunker before I got everything set up like it needed to be set up in order for us all to get inside like we needed to.
The very last thing that we had left to do before everything would be finished, though, too.
I can do this, I thought as I stood outside of the door waiting for it open up before we headed inside.
Underestimated Valor