MidReal Story

Undercover Bonds: The Enemy Within

Scenario:I'm a spy to get information from the other team but ended up seeing the enemy team as a family
Create my version of this story
I'm a spy to get information from the other team but ended up seeing the enemy team as a family
Chapter 1
I was a spy.
An infiltrator.
A woman on a mission to destroy the enemy from within.
And I was failing miserably.
The man sitting across from me was my target, and he had no idea who I really was.
He thought I was his friend, his teammate, his family.
He thought I belonged here with him and the rest of the team.
But I didn’t belong here at all.
I’d lied to get in, and now that I was in, I was lying to stay alive.
Not yet.
Not until I found what they were looking for.
Not until I took Marcus Teller down for good.
Teller’s gaze bored into mine, dark and dangerous.
He thought he knew me, thought he could see right through me.
He had no idea who—or what—I really was.
No one did.
And in this world where secrets meant life or death, it had been easy to keep up the façade of being someone else entirely.
Someone none of them would ever suspect…
Undercover Bonds: The Enemy Within
I knew what he was thinking.
I could see the cogs turning in his head, his brain working at a mile a minute as he tried to figure out how best to beat our enemy.
Only, he didn’t know that his enemy was sitting right across from him—posing as one of his most trusted friends and teammates.
Or that I’d been sent here on a secret mission to destroy everything he’d worked so hard to build over the course of the last several years.
Teller’s team meant everything to him—he’d do whatever it took to protect them from harm or danger…
Undercover Bonds: The Enemy Within
Even if that danger came in the form of a woman he’d once trusted with everything.
A woman who’d stolen not only his secrets, but also his heart…
But it was all an act—a lie so intricately woven together that even I sometimes had trouble keeping track of which side of myself was real and which one wasn’t anymore.
Every day was a struggle; a battle between doing my job and protecting those who saw me as their friend and teammate—a sister caught up in this dangerous world where trust was rare and betrayal could get you killed…
Marcus’s voice cut through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present.
The sound of my name coming from his lips alone was enough to send shivers down my spine—one part pleasure; two parts guilt.
What am I doing?
How did I get here?
Undercover Bonds: The Enemy Within
Marcus nodded his understanding, and I got up quickly before I did something stupid like kiss him or tell him the truth.
"Thanks for everything," he said as I made my way toward the bar.
His words were like a punch in the gut and I nearly stumbled over my own two feet.
If only you knew what I was really here for…if only you knew how much I’ve betrayed you already.
But he didn’t know…he couldn’t know.
No one could know… "You’re welcome. You know I’ve got your back."
I could barely get the words out past the lump that had formed in my throat.
It was all I could do not to break down and cry right then and there.
"I know," Marcus said with a smile.
"And I’ve got yours."
Undercover Bonds: The Enemy Within
His words cut through me like a knife, and I was sure he could see right through me.
His gaze was intense as it bore into mine, dark and mysterious.
"What’s wrong?"
I shook my head.
"Nothing. It’s nothing. I’m just…"
"Just what?"
He prompted when I didn’t finish the sentence.
"I’m just happy," I said after swallowing several times to try and dislodge the lump that was stuck in my throat.
Happy that we won; happy that Marcus was still alive…and happy that this mission was almost over and done with.
And yet there was something holding me back—something preventing me from telling him the truth.
It didn’t make sense; none of this made sense…
"You’re lying," Marcus said quietly, his eyes searching mine for any sign of what I was hiding.
It took everything within me not to squirm under his intense gaze—or worse yet, blurt out the truth about who I really was and why I was really here.
Damn these men and their ability to see right through me!
Undercover Bonds: The Enemy Within
"It’s the alcohol," I said, my voice shaking.
"That’s all."
Marcus shook his head.
"Stop lying to me, Jamie. You’ve been lying to me since the day we met. What’s really going on?"
I froze at his words.
How did he know I was lying?
How could he possibly know what I was thinking?
"Nothing is going on," I lied.
"There’s just…a lot on my mind. That’s all."
"You can tell me anything, you know that right?"
His warm hand covered mine and once again, I was powerless against the pull of this man—the intense chemistry; the instant attraction; my inability to resist him.
But it wasn’t just that…It was everything: the way he made me laugh; the way he made me feel; the instant connection we’d formed despite our many differences and all the reasons why we should never be together.
My body seemed to come alive at his touch, a thousand tingles spreading throughout my body like wildfire as I fought not to squirm in my seat—or worse yet, lean in closer and kiss him senseless.
Undercover Bonds: The Enemy Within
But that was a lie.
The biggest lie of all.
Not only was I lying to him right now, but I’d been lying to him for the past year—and every day leading up to this moment.
And yet he sat across from me with a look of love and devotion in his eyes, as if we were meant to be together forever.
As if he could see right through me and nothing else mattered.
If only that were true…
But it wasn’t possible; not with everything that was at stake.
I had a job to do—a mission to complete—and Marcus Teller was my target.
I kept up the charade, forcing a smile as we clinked our glasses together and took another drink.
He was talking about something—his birthday plans for the evening—but I’d stopped listening after he’d thanked me for my friendship and loyalty.
The words echoed in my head, stirring emotions within me that I had no business feeling.
This mission had taken its toll on me over the past year, but hearing Marcus say those words out loud—that he considered me a friend despite everything; that he trusted me with his life—was almost more than I could bear.
Undercover Bonds: The Enemy Within
I was a spy—a trained killer—and I’d been sent here to gather intelligence on Marcus and his team; to betray everything they stood for and destroy them from the inside out.
And even though I’d known this day would come, it didn’t make things any easier.
Not when we’d grown so close over the past year, forming a bond that went far beyond friendship and into something deeper, more meaningful…something I couldn’t possibly allow myself to feel.
Because it wasn’t real—not when everything about us was a lie.
That’s what I kept telling myself, anyway.
But with Marcus sitting across from me, looking at me like he saw right through me, my resolve began to crumble.
Maybe it was because today was his birthday, and I knew what I’d been sent here to do.