MidReal Story

Ultimate Warrior: Cosmic Showdown


May 14
Scenario:Naruto fight with goku to decide who is the stronger
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Naruto fight with goku to decide who is the stronger
Naruto Uzumaki was sitting in his office, doing paperwork.
He was the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village.
He was the strongest ninja in the village and had become the Hokage after a lot of hard work.
He had been through a lot of battles and had fought many enemies.
He had lost many friends and had made many new ones.
He had become a hero to many people and was respected by all.
But he still felt that there was something missing in his life.
He didn’t know what it was, but he felt that there was something more that he could do.
And then one day, he got a message from Goku Son, the strongest warrior in the universe.
Goku Son was a saiyan warrior from the planet Vegeta.
He had come to Earth when he was a baby and had been raised by a kind old man named Gohan.
He had grown up to be a powerful warrior and had saved the Earth from many enemies.
Naruto was sitting in his office, doing paperwork, when he received a message from Goku.
He opened the message and read it.
It said, “Hey Naruto, I just got a message from the Grand Priest.
He says that there is going to be a cosmic tournament to determine the strongest warrior in the universe.
And he wants us to participate in it.
What do you say?
Are you up for it?”
Naruto was surprised.
He had never heard of such a tournament before.
But he was excited to participate in it.
He replied to Goku’s message, “Sure, I’m in.
I’ve always wanted to test my skills against the best warriors in the universe.
This is going to be awesome!”
Goku was happy to hear that Naruto was on board.
He replied, “Great!
I can’t wait to see how strong you’ve become since the last time we fought.
It’s going to be a blast!”
The Grand Priest is an angelic being who serves the Omni-King, the ruler of the multiverse.
He is responsible for organizing the cosmic tournament and inviting warriors from all twelve universes to participate in it.
The tournament will be held on a neutral planet where all the fighters will gather and compete to determine who is the strongest warrior in the universe.
The fighters will face each other in one-on-one battles in a round-robin format until only one remains undefeated.
The winner will be crowned the champion and will be recognized as the strongest warrior in the universe.
The Grand Priest sent a message to all the warriors of all twelve universes, announcing the upcoming tournament and inviting them to participate in it.
He said that this was a rare opportunity for the multiverse to come together and compete in a friendly and peaceful manner.
He also mentioned that the Omni-King had personally requested that Naruto and Goku represent their respective worlds in the tournament.
And that he had agreed to do so.
The Grand Priest’s message marked the beginning of intense preparation for the upcoming tournament, as all fighters and their allies began training diligently for what promised to be the most significant event in the history of the multiverse.
Naruto read the message from the Grand Priest and felt a surge of excitement.
This was going to be an amazing opportunity for him to test his skills against some of the best warriors in the universe.
And he was looking forward to it with great anticipation.
He replied to Goku’s earlier message, “Hey Goku, I just got a message from the Grand Priest.
He says that there is going to be a cosmic tournament to determine who is the strongest warrior in the universe.
And he wants us to participate in it.
I have accepted his invitation and am looking forward to fighting you!”
Goku replied, “That’s great!
I have accepted his invitation as well.
I can’t wait to see how strong you’ve become since the last time we fought.
Ultimate Warrior: Cosmic Showdown
Naruto walked out of his office and went to the village training grounds where he met with Kakashi and Sasuke.
Naruto told them about the cosmic tournament and asked for their help in training for it.
He said, “This is a great opportunity for me to prove my strength and bring honor to our village and Earth.
But I need your help in training for it.
Will you help me?”
Kakashi and Sasuke were happy to help him, so they agreed.
They began training immediately and pushed Naruto to his limits.
They focused on refining his jutsu and physical abilities, making him faster, stronger, and more powerful than ever before.
Naruto trained day and night without rest, determined to prepare himself for this upcoming battle.
He was excited and eager for this opportunity.
He wanted to show everyone that he was a ninja warrior with immense power and skill.
He wanted to bring honor to his village and Earth.
And most of all, he wanted to test his strength against Goku, his best friend and rival.
He knew that Goku was a powerful warrior and that he would be a tough opponent.
But Naruto was confident in his abilities and believed that he could defeat Goku in battle.
As Naruto trained for his upcoming battle, Goku also increased his training intensity.
He was eager for the tournament to begin so that he could fight Naruto and test his strength against him.
He knew that Naruto was a powerful warrior, but he believed in his own strength and was confident that he could defeat him in battle.
Goku had always been a saiyan warrior who loved fighting strong opponents.
And he saw Naruto as one of the strongest opponents he had ever faced.
So he was excited about this opportunity and was looking forward to their upcoming battle.
Goku trained with Vegeta and Whis, pushing himself to unlock even greater power than before.
He engaged in fierce battles with Vegeta, testing his strength and skill against him.
And he meditated deeply with Whis, focusing on increasing his concentration and control over his power.
As they trained together, Whis watched their progress closely and gave them guidance on how they could improve their abilities.
Goku’s determination and focus were unwavering as he continued to train and prepare for the upcoming tournament.
He couldn’t wait to see Naruto and fight him in battle.
He was confident that he would be able to defeat Naruto and prove himself as the strongest warrior in the universe.
And he was excited about the prospect of facing other powerful opponents in the tournament.
As Goku and Naruto prepared for the upcoming battles and trained hard to unlock their hidden potential, they also spent time with their allies and friends.
They enjoyed each other’s company and relaxed as they waited for the tournament to begin.
They laughed and joked around as they shared stories of their past battles.
And they enjoyed delicious food and drinks as they celebrated their upcoming battles and victories.
They were all happy to be together again and to have the chance to fight alongside each other in a cosmic tournament that would determine who is the strongest warrior in the universe.
Ultimate Warrior: Cosmic Showdown
As I entered Sage Mode I weaved signs to practice my Rasengan jutsu.
It was time to take my training to the next level.
I had been training hard with Sasuke Uchiha and Kakashi Hatake in preparation for the cosmic tournament that would take place soon.
Sasuke Uchiha had been watching my training closely and giving me guidance on how I could improve my skills.
He had also been sparring with me to help me increase my combat skills.
Kakashi Hatake had been observing my progress and giving me advice on how I could become a better ninja warrior.
He had also been teaching me new jutsu that I could use in battle against my enemies.
In particular he had been teaching me how to perfect my Sage Mode and master Six Paths Senjutsu.
I was determined to work hard and do my best so that I would be able to fight against Goku Son in an epic battle that would determine who is the strongest warrior in the universe.
I weaved signs again and created a Rasengan ball that glowed brightly in my hand.
It looked like a miniature sun as energy swirled around it.
I concentrated as hard as I could and focused on shaping my chakra perfectly.
I could feel my body absorbing natural energy around me as I entered Sage Mode and prepared to release the Rasengan at my target.
I launched the Rasengan at a rock in front of me and watched as it exploded into a million pieces, leaving nothing but dust in its place.
I smiled to myself and nodded in satisfaction at my progress.
It was going better than I had expected, and I was making great strides in perfecting my skills and mastering my abilities.
I also trained hard to improve my Six Paths Senjutsu, which was a very powerful form of senjutsu that allowed me to gain incredible physical strength and speed.
I practiced using all six paths of Pain and weaved signs to use all six bodies at once, which was very difficult to do because each body had its own unique abilities and powers that I had to control and direct.
It was challenging to coordinate all six bodies at once and use their powers effectively in battle, but I was determined to do it no matter what.
I weaved signs again and created a series of chakra rods that flew into the air and rained down on a group of enemy ninja warriors who were attacking me from all sides, impaling them and defeating them without me having to lift a finger or move an inch from where I stood.
I nodded to myself with satisfaction at how quickly and easily I had defeated them using my Six Paths Senjutsu power, which was much stronger than anything they could have ever done to defeat me or even come close to doing any damage, no matter how hard they tried, because I was far too powerful for them to stand a chance against me, no matter how many of them there were or how strong they were in comparison to me.
Ultimate Warrior: Cosmic Showdown