MidReal Story

Turning Back Time for Love

Scenario:If I could turn back the hands of time to save his life, I would. Unbeknownst to me, someone would do that for me. But why?
Create my version of this story
If I could turn back the hands of time to save his life, I would. Unbeknownst to me, someone would do that for me. But why?
I stared at the pocket watch in my hand.
It was an old thing, with a brass case and a chain that had turned black with age.
Turning Back Time for Love
The face was yellowed, the hands frozen at two minutes past three.
I’d found it in my husband’s things after he died.
I’d never seen it before, and I had no idea where he’d gotten it.
But I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it.
It was one of the few things I had left of him.
I ran my fingers over the smooth metal, feeling the weight of it in my palm.
It was heavier than I would have expected, and I wondered what was inside.
A spring, I supposed, and gears, all working together to keep time.
I flipped it open, revealing the face inside.
It was just as yellowed as the outside, but the numbers were clear and easy to read.
The hands were still frozen at two minutes past three.
I sat alone in my dimly lit living room, clutching the pocket watch tighter.
Tears streamed down my face as memories of the accident that took Thomas away flooded my mind.
Turning Back Time for Love
The clock on the wall struck three, its chime echoing through the empty house.
Suddenly, the watch in my hand started ticking.
I gasped, watching in disbelief as the hands spun backward.
“What the—” I muttered, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.
The ticking grew louder, almost deafening in the silence of the room.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
Just then, a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.
I hesitated for a moment, then stood up and walked to the door.
Turning Back Time for Love
My hand trembled as I reached for the doorknob.
I opened it slowly, revealing a woman standing on my doorstep.
She had an intense gaze that seemed to pierce right through me.
Her red wavy hair was shoulder length, and she wore a long coat that flapped in the wind.
"Emily Carter," she declared with an unsettling confidence, as if my identity was a well-known fact to her.
Turning Back Time for Love
“Yes,” I replied cautiously. “Who are you?”
“My name is Sarah,” she said. “I can help you save Thomas.”
Turning Back Time for Love
My breath caught in my throat.
“How do you know about Thomas?” I demanded.
"I possess knowledge beyond your understanding," Sarah murmured enigmatically, "including the secrets that’ll bring him back to you."
Turning Back Time for Love
My mind raced with questions and doubts.
Could this woman really help me?
And at what cost?
“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
"The path ahead is fraught with peril," Sarah cautioned, her eyes gleaming with a mix of warning and promise, "but if you have the courage to embrace the unknown, I can lead you through it."
Desperation clawed at me.
The mere thought of a future without Thomas sent a shiver down my spine, an abyss of despair threatening to swallow me whole once more. Would I dare entertain the thought that there could ever be a way to reverse what already happened? I’d be crazy to.But maybe I already crazy enough to try anything.
“What do I have to do?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Sarah extended her hand toward me.
Turning Back Time for Love
“Take my hand,” she said. “And trust me.”
I hesitated for a moment, then reached out and took her hand.
The moment our fingers touched, an electric surge coursed through me, as if the very essence of time itself was flowing between us.
The world around us began to blur and fade.
“Hold on tight,” Sarah instructed.
Turning Back Time for Love
The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth.
I could hear birds chirping somewhere above us, but everything else was eerily silent.
Sarah let go of my hand, and I staggered slightly, disoriented.
"Where are we?" I asked, my voice shaky.
"We're close," Sarah replied, scanning the surroundings. "We have limited time."
Turning Back Time for Love
My heart raced as I clutched the pocket watch tighter.
The ticking had stopped again, and the hands were frozen at two minutes past three.
I nodded at Sarah, determined to see this through.
"Let's go," she said, urgency in her voice.
We moved quickly through the trees, our footsteps crunching on the fallen leaves and twigs.
The forest seemed to close in around us, but I kept my focus on Sarah's back as she led the way.
After what felt like an eternity, we emerged onto a narrow road.
Turning Back Time for Love
My breath caught in my throat as I recognized the scene.
This was where Thomas's accident had happened.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw his car approaching the intersection.
"There he is," I whispered, my voice breaking.
Turning Back Time for Love
Sarah grabbed my arm, stopping me from rushing forward.
"Hold on," she hissed, her grip tightening on my arm. "We can't just charge in; we need to think this through."
I watched in agony as Thomas's car drew closer to the intersection.
Every fiber of my being wanted to scream and wave my arms to get his attention, but I knew Sarah was right.
We had to be smart about this.
"What's the plan?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
"We need to create a distraction," Sarah said. "Something that will make him stop before he reaches the intersection."
I looked around frantically for anything that could help.
My eyes landed on a large branch lying by the side of the road.
Turning Back Time for Love
I ran over and picked it up, feeling its weight in my hands.
"This should do it," I said, holding it up for Sarah to see.
She nodded. "Good. Now we just need to time it right."
Thomas's car was getting closer and closer.
I could see him through the windshield, his face calm and unaware of what was about to happen.
My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for the right moment.
"Now!" Sarah shouted.
I hurled the branch onto the road with all my strength.
It landed directly in front of Thomas's car with a loud thud.
He slammed on the brakes, his tires screeching against the asphalt.
For a moment, everything seemed to freeze.
Then Thomas's car came to a halt just inches from the intersection.
I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.
"We did it," I whispered, tears streaming down my face.
But before I could move towards him, a loud horn blared from behind me.
Turning Back Time for Love
Panic surged through me as I realized the danger wasn't over.He’d seen me and whether it was instinct or fear, rushed to my side and swept me into his arms and out of harms way.I could feel him taking in the scent of my hair as he pressed a kiss atop my head.
His warmth was real, his heartbeat steady against mine.
I pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, still filled with confusion but also a glimmer of recognition.
"Emily, we need to move!" Sarah screamed, her grip tightening on Emily's arm as she yanked her towards the dense cover of the trees.
I felt Thomas’s reluctance of letting go of me and watched him as he eyed Sarah up and down with a look of scrutiny. “And you are?” His voice sharp with authority.“ level 4 Sarah, sir.” Sarah rattled off quickly. “Situation?” He asked while scanning around us.“Level 3 of 9 on the critical shift and climbing. We must keep moving.”“Received. Details later. Split imminent. Protect her with everything you got.” Thoma’s directed before looking back at me.“I promise to find you,” he said, his voice filled with urgency, “but for now, you must go.”
The world around me twisted violently, and suddenly, a shadowy figure materialized right in front of Thomas.“Time traveler,” Sarah answered as the thought crossed my mind.
The other time traveler lunged at Thomas, but Sarah, with lightning reflexes, intercepted the attack mid-air, locking them in a fierce struggle that sent shockwaves through the forest.
The pocket watch in my hand grew hotter, vibrating intensely.
My heart pounded as I watched the chaotic scene unfold.
I wanted to help but felt paralyzed.
"Emily, run!" Sarah shouted, her voice strained as she fought to keep the attacker from overpowering her.
Thomas cast one final, desperate look at me before vanishing in a blinding eruption of light, leaving an echo of his presence that seared into my soul.
“Thomas!” I screamed, the anguish of losing him a second time tearing through me like a jagged blade.
The forest around me seemed to blur as tears filled my eyes.
The cacophony of their struggle echoed behind me, but my eyes remained fixed on the void where Thomas had vanished, the emptiness gnawing at my soul.
The pocket watch in my hand was now almost too hot to hold, its vibrations growing more intense by the second.
"Emily, snap out of it and move!" Sarah's voice pierced through my paralyzing despair like a lifeline, jolting me back to the urgency of the moment.
Turning Back Time for Love
I turned to see her still grappling with the time traveler, her face contorted with effort.
I knew I had to do something.
Summoning every ounce of courage, I ran towards them, clutching the pocket watch tightly.
"Let her go!" I shouted, my voice trembling but determined.
The time traveler glanced at me, his eyes narrowing.
With a savage roar, he hurled Sarah against a tree with a force that made the ground tremble, then turned his predatory gaze towards me.
Before I could utter a word, another menacing silhouette materialized from the forest's shadows, its presence sending a chill down my spine.
My heart sank as I recognized the intent in the their eyes.
In a heartbeat, the figured were upon me, their hands clawing desperately for the watch as I struggled to fend off the assault.
They were here to stop me from interfering.
"No!" I screamed, twisting away from his grasp.
With a feral growl, the figure still there launched itself at me, its movements a blur of lethal intent.
The watch's heat seared into my palm, but I refused to let go.I broke out of the grasp of one, and they disappeared just as fast as they’d appeared.I tried to make my escape and made a run for it.
Sarah sprang to her feet with astonishing speed and tackled the time traveler from behind, yanking him away from me with a strength I never knew she possessed.
Turning Back Time for Love
"Run, Emily!" she shouted. "Get out of here!"
Turning Back Time for Love
I hesitated for a moment, torn between fleeing and helping Sarah.
A fierce struggle ensued as Sarah grappled with the attacker.Thomas reappeared between the battle Sarah was in and me.
But the look in her eyes told me she could handle herself.
I screamed for Thomas to run, but he stood frozen, caught in a paralyzing conflict between the urge to rush to Sarah's aid and his duty to shield me from harm.He motioned with his head for me to go ahead.
With a final, desperate glance at the chaotic struggle behind me, I plunged deeper into the forest, where the trees seemed to twist and shimmer as though reality itself was unraveling.
Branches scratched at my face and arms as I pushed through the underbrush.
My breath came in ragged gasps, and my heart felt like it would burst from my chest.
The pocket watch in my hand erupted with a blinding luminescence, accompanied by a shrill, otherworldly resonance that sliced through the pandemonium like a knife.
Turning Back Time for Love
Time twisted and contorted around us, bending the fabric of reality until it felt like we were trapped in a fever dream.
But I couldn't stop. Not now.
Turning Back Time for Love
I took cover behind a large tree to catch my breath. My sides burned and my legs felt weak.I saw that Thomas was not too far off from me, but was constantly hindered by figures—other time travelers—that kept appearing and engaging him in a fight. “Just run, Thomas!” I screamed, hoping he’d hear me and that none of them would locate me just the same.The pocket watch's vibrations grew even more intense, almost painful.
I didn’t know how much longer I could stay undiscovered since I’d screamed, and thought to give myself some more distance.That didn’t go too well.I stumbled over a root and fell to my knees, clutching the watch to my chest.
"Emily, you’re the one that needs to go!” Thomas shouted over the noise, his eyes fixed with determination.And as if the watch was activated by his voice, a vibrant light encompassed me and everything around me.
Turning Back Time for Love
Snatching the last figure into a bear-hold, he mouthed to me that he loved me and pulled them both backward as if he’d be landing in water and disappeared."Thomas," I whispered through my tears.
The abrupt shift left me disoriented, my mind struggling to grasp the sudden disappearance of Thomas from my sight.Moreover, we were no longer in the forest.
"Sarah, what’s happening?" I asked, my voice trembling.
She winced, clutching her side where she had been injured during the struggle.
"Emily," she gasped, her voice barely a whisper, "This is your childhood library. The watch brought us here for a purpose. We must uncover it."
In an instant, Sarah was yanked backward by a shadowy figure that materialized beside us, their bodies clashing in a fierce, controlled struggle as she fought to break free.
My eyes darted around, overwhelmed by a bittersweet flood of childhood memories intermingled with the disorienting reality of our predicament.
"Emily, hold on to that watch!" she yelled, her voice strained.
The air was thick with the musty aroma of aged parchment and the faint, comforting scent of polished mahogany, evoking a sense of nostalgia that clashed with the urgency of our mission.
In a swift, brutal motion, the attacker wrenched the pocket watch from my grasp, his eyes gleaming with triumph as he hurled it to the ground, shattering it into a thousand glittering fragments.
I screamed in frustration as the pieces scattered across the forest floor.
The attacker vanished as quickly as he had appeared, taking the broken pieces with him.
The weight of losing the watch—and perhaps Thomas—crushed my spirit like a vice, leaving me paralyzed with despair.
"Emily!" Sarah called out, limping towards me.
She was injured but determined.
Turning Back Time for Love
"We need to stay calm." She spoke with a comforting tone. “We need to look around. There must be something here that’s of use, otherwise that watch wouldn’t have brought us here.“I suppose it wouldn’t. But what could possibly be in my childhood library?” “Books?” Sarah answered unimpressed. “Maps? Drawings? It could be anything, really. But more importantly, it’s be something that only you can use.”“Only I can use, huh.” I walked through the emptiness of the library, allowing my fingers to trail the dust covered shelves that houses countless books. I walked to the desk that the librarian sat, and even the table where I personally sat a time or two.Nothing stood out to me, so I was ready to give up and leave.
But then, something caught my eye—a book with the title, “For Such a Time as This,” its spine adorned with my name in shimmering gold letters that seemed to pulse with a life of their own.
"Sarah, over here!" I called out, reaching for the book.
She hurried over, wincing with each step.
As I pulled the book down, a crumpled letter tumbled out, its ink smudged and hurriedly written by Thomas, pleading, "If you ever find this, I beg you—do not use what lies within, no matter the cost."
I felt a mix of anger and despair wash over me.
Inside was a hidden compartment containing another pocket watch.
This one was unlike the first—its faint, ghostly glow seemed to whisper secrets from another realm that spoke directly to me.If it meant I could have more time with Thomas, I’d decided to ignore the plea of his letter. The resolve I felt pulsed through me, just as the watch began to pulse with my decision.
Sarah’s eyes widened as she saw it.
Sarah reached me and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"That’s it," she said urgently.
I clutched the glowing pocket watch tightly, my hands trembling.
Sarah leaned against a desk, catching her breath.
"Have you ever seen this watch before?" Sarah's voice was barely audible, yet it carried the weight of a thousand unspoken truths.
I looked at her, my eyes widening with recognition.
"Strangely enough, yes," I replied, my voice tinged with confusion. "It's like a memory just out of reach, hauntingly familiar yet elusive."
Sarah nodded, her expression serious.
"In another timeline, this watch was yours," she revealed, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the revelation.
"And I don’t think I’m the first one to attempt to help you in this timeline. Someone must have left this after failing to fix the instability."
A surge of determination mixed with fear coursed through me.
"We must locate the origin of this temporal disturbance," I declared, my voice resolute despite the tremor in my hands.“Are you sure it isn’t us that’s causing this by saving Thomas?”
Sarah nodded solemnly, and suddenly a blinding light enveloped us, transporting us back to the forest in an instant.
The glowing pocket watch in my hand seemed to pull me forward, its light growing brighter with each passing second.
I stumbled, feeling dizzy and disoriented, and suddenly found myself back on the narrow road.
"We must identify the precise origin and moment of this temporal anomaly, all while staying true to our mission."
I glanced around the forest, taking in the towering trees and the thick underbrush.
Thomas stood before me, alive and confused.
"Emily?" he said, his voice filled with bewilderment.
The air was cool and damp, filled with the scent of pine and earth.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I rushed towards him.
"Thomas!" I cried out, reaching for him.
But a sharp pain in my side stopped me in my tracks.
Turning Back Time for Love
I turned to see Sarah struggling with the attacker, who now wielded a knife.
As we planned our next move, I noticed something strange.
"Run, Thomas!" I screamed, my voice breaking with desperation.
The forest around us began to shift and change.
He hesitated, recognizing my voice but unsure of what was happening.
The trees seemed to blur and warp, their shapes becoming distorted.
"Sarah," I said urgently. "Something's happening."
"Emily?" he called out again, taking a step towards me.
The attacker broke free from Sarah's grasp and lunged at me with the knife raised high.
She looked around, her eyes narrowing.
"Another time traveler must be nearby," she said. "We need to be ready for anything."
"No!" I shouted, trying to move out of the way.
Thomas grabbed a nearby branch from the ground and held it up defensively.
Tension rose between us as we prepared for another confrontation.
"We need to get you both out of here now," Thomas commanded, his voice a mix of urgency and protectiveness, prompting me to grip the glowing pocket watch tighter and nod in resolute agreement.
The attacker spat something in a different language, moving forward as his threatening tone reverberated through the forest like a sinister chant.
With a speed that defied human limits, he materialized before me, bypassing Thomas as if he were a mere shadow, and with a malevolent grin, he slashed the knife towards my throat.
I barely managed to dodge the blade, feeling it slice through the air just inches from my skin.
Sarah quickly scanned the area and spotted an abandoned cabin nearby.
"This way!" she urged, her voice filled with urgency.
With a swift, powerful swing, Thomas brought the branch crashing down on the attacker's arm, the impact forcing him to release his grip on the knife with a pained cry.
Sarah quickly moved in, kicking the knife away and grabbing the attacker's other arm.Thomas knocked him out cold, and both he and Sarah tied him with some sort of glowing rope that was in the attacker’s pocket.
Afterward, we rushed towards the cabin, my legs trembling but determined to keep moving.
I stumbled over a root, nearly falling, but Thomas caught me just in time.
"Keep going," he said, his grip firm on my arm.
We reached the cabin and hurried inside, slamming the door behind us.
I clutched the glowing pocket watch tightly, feeling its heat sear into my palm once more.
"We need to get out of here," I said urgently, looking around for any sign of more danger.
Thomas and Sarah worked quickly to barricade the door with whatever they could find—an old table, some chairs, and a heavy wooden beam.
My hands trembled as I examined the pocket watch, its glow pulsating in rhythm with my racing heart.
Sarah nodded, her face pale but determined.
"We need to figure out how to use this," I said, my voice shaking with both fear and determination.
Thomas looked at me with concern but didn’t move an inch. “We’ll find another way besides using that.” He spoke as a matter of fact.
Thomas stood guard by the window, his eyes darting nervously as he scanned the surroundings for any sign of danger.“Are you alright?” He asked without looking at me.
I nodded briskly, my mind racing. "I'll manage. We need to keep moving; staying here too long is a death sentence."
Sarah joined me at the small wooden table in the center of the room, her face pale but focused.
"Alright…” she began.
I leaned in closer, desperate for any information that could help us save Thomas and stabilize the timeline.
Turning Back Time for Love
Thomas and I shared a moment of quiet amidst the chaos, our eyes locking in a way that spoke volumes.
He reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from my face.
"…The watch is a key," Sarah explained. "It can open portals to different points in time. But it needs to be activated correctly—"“—It’s more than that.” Thomas interrupted. “In order for stability to be restored, there are consequences. Consequences that I don’t want my wife to ever have to face unless she has absolutely no other choice.”
Turning Back Time for Love
I pled with my eyes as the tears threatened to fall, “and this is why we must use it now, Tom.”“Emily.” His eyes were full of confusion, but he didn’t press me any further. "How do we activate it?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
I nodded, swallowing hard.
Sarah pointed to the intricate engravings on the back of the watch. "These symbols are coordinates. We need to align them precisely to target a specific moment."
The designs looked just like the burns on my feet, and the tears that had been threatening to fall had begun to so so uninhibited.Sarah sat stunned.“What’s wrong?” Sarah’s concern filled the room. "It's just... today marks two years since Tom saved my life," I confessed, my voice trembling.
Thomas glanced back at us from his post by the window. "I’ve done all this to save my wife two years ago, just for her to end up here now. Seems we’re going in circles.”
“Circles?” Sarah asked.
"I remember that day vividly," I continued. "You pulled me from that burning car wreck without a second thought for your own safety."“I was selfish.” He spoke in a self defeating tone. “I didn’t want to lose you, so I traveled back in time and prevented your demise so that I wouldn’t have to live without you. Especially knowing that it wasn’t your time yet.”
His eyes brimmed with a torrent of unspoken sorrow as he began to speak.
I felt like the ground had been pulled out from under me. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
"I mean that it wasn’t your natural time to go yet," he said, his voice breaking slightly. "Someone caused a paradox that inadvertently caused your timeline to cease before it should have. So, me traveling back in time had no ill-effect because you were meant to be alive.”
He took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto mine. "Time travel isn't without its costs. Every jump takes something from you. When I saved you, it took years off my life."
My heart shattered at his words. "How many years?" I asked, dreading the answer.
"What?” I answered in disbelief.
He took a step back, his eyes narrowing with the weight of countless untold stories and sacrifices.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the depth of his sacrifice. "Thomas, I... I didn't know."
"The years I lost are a mystery, but the moment I intervened to save you, I sacrificed my future and relinquished my role as a time traveler."
He reached out and took my hand in his. "You weren't supposed to know. But now that we're here, we need to figure out why they’re after you.
Sarah, who had been listening quietly, stepped forward. She didn’t dare tell Thomas that they were here because they altered his timeline by saving him. Instead, she fixed her eyes on Emily. "Tampering with time again is incredibly risky. We could make things worse."
I wiped away my tears and looked at her with determination. "I don't care about the risks. We have to find a way."
Sarah sighed, glancing at Thomas before turning back to me. "There's an ancient artifact rumored to restore lost years. It's called the Chronos Amulet."
“Lost years?” Thomas asked as he exchanged looks between them.Revelation filed his eyes. Stepping forward, he pointed his finger at Sarah’s face.
"Why were the correctors activated?" he demanded.
"What has Emily changed?"
Sarah hesitated, glancing at me before speaking.
Turning Back Time for Love
"It's hidden in a temple deep within the mountains," Sarah explained. "But getting there won't be easy. The path is treacherous, and the temple is guarded by traps and puzzles designed to keep intruders out."
"Emily's actions disrupted a critical event in the timeline," she explained.“What action?” He asked exasperated.“Where can we find it?” I hurriedly tried to change the subject.
"The correctors are sent to prevent such disruptions."With a wave of her hand and the glow of a watch on her wrist, a map appeared before me.I stood up to get a closer look at it and was amazed at how familiar it appeared to me.
Turning Back Time for Love
I felt a lump form in my throat.“We can get there by using your watch, but there’s a risk of not only us not being brought there, but us being lost in time.” Sarah explained.“She’s not experienced.” Thomas interjected.“It’s the surest answer, even if it’s the slimmest chance we’ve got.”
“I don’t think it’s slim at all. I think I’m meant to do this.” I looked back at Thomas, “for such a time as this.”And before anyone could bellow an answer, a light shrouded us all and we were in an entirely different area.A forest more dense than the one we’d been in, with a cave in clear view.“Assuming it’s in there, stay close.” Thomas commanded. “And one of you will be telling me what Emily altered. I deserve to know.”“Yes.” I said as I swallowed as he took my hand and moved towards the entrance of the cave. Sarah was directly behind us.My heart raced as we approached a hidden cave, its entrance partially obscured by overgrown vines and moss.
"What did I alter?" I asked, my voice trembling.
Sarah took a deep breath.
"Saving Thomas created a paradox," she said.
We pushed aside the vines and stepped into the cave.
"It threatened the fabric of time itself."
The air inside was cool and damp, filled with the scent of earth and stone.
Thomas's face paled as he processed her words.
Our footsteps echoed softly as we ventured deeper into the darkness.
"So, by cheating death, I've thrown the balance of time into disarray; and this is the answer you’ve come to decide that will restore what’s been disrupted?" he murmured, his voice trembling with guilt and confusion.“Theoretically.” Sarah answered.“Well, theoretically, I forfeit my time to save my wife. Saving me would require the forfeiture of hers. No way I’ll stand for that.” Thomas spat.“And I won’t stand for losing you either!” I cried out.“And neither of you will have to if we find the relic!” Sarah shouted. “Theoretically.” Thomas responded with a tinge of annoyance and sarcasm.
A faint glow emanated from further ahead, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
"We need to find the Chronos Amulet," Sarah replied urgently.
"It can stabilize the timeline."
"There," Sarah said, pointing towards the source of the light.
We moved cautiously, our eyes adjusting to the dim illumination.
I looked at Thomas, my heart aching with the weight of our situation.
"We have to do this," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
As we rounded a corner, we found ourselves in a small chamber.
Thomas's eyes, heavy with the weight of impending sacrifice, softened as he gently caressed my cheek, silently conveying his unwavering love amidst the turmoil within.
In the center of the room stood an ancient pedestal, and atop it rested an artifact glowing faintly with a soft blue light.
With each step, my pulse quickened, the air growing heavier as I neared the artifact, its glow intensifying with every breath I took.
"Then let's go."
We moved quickly through the forest, our footsteps crunching on the fallen leaves and twigs.
The artifact was intricately designed, covered in symbols that seemed to pulse with energy.
The air was thick with tension, and every sound seemed amplified in the silence.
Turning Back Time for Love
As we approached a clearing, Sarah held up her hand to signal us to stop.
"This must be it," I whispered, reaching out to touch it.
"We're likely to face more correctors," she warned.
As soon as my fingers made contact with the artifact, a surge of energy coursed through me.
"Stay alert."
A torrent of fragmented visions overwhelmed me—scenes that felt both intimately familiar and utterly foreign, as if I were living someone else's life alongside my own.
I saw glimpses of another life, another timeline where Sarah was our daughter.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the truth.
"Sarah," I said, turning to face her. "You're... you're my daughter from another timeline."
I clutched the glowing pocket watch tightly, feeling its heat sear into my palm.
Her eyes widened in shock, but then a look of solemn acceptance settled over her face. "Yes, Emily. It's true."
Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the bushes nearby.
We all turned towards it, our hearts pounding in unison.
I felt a mix of emotions—shock, confusion, but also a deep sense of connection.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, my voice trembling.
A figure emerged from the shadows—a corrector, its eyes glowing with an eerie light.
"I wanted to," Sarah replied softly. "But I didn't know how you'd react. And we had more pressing matters to deal with."
It moved towards us with deliberate steps, its gaze fixed on me.
"Emily, get behind me," Thomas said firmly, stepping in front of me.
I took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "This changes everything." I thought.
Sarah readied herself for another fight, her expression fierce and determined.
Thomas's car was getting closer, and I could see his face through the windshield—calm and unaware of the danger.
The air was thick with tension, and every second felt like an eternity.
I glanced around, searching for Sarah, but she was nowhere to be seen.
I had to act now.
"Thomas!" I screamed, but my voice was lost in the roar of an approaching car from the opposite direction.
My heart raced as I made my decision.
I couldn't let him die again.
With a surge of adrenaline, I sprinted into the intersection.
The world seemed to slow down as I reached Thomas's car.
He saw me at the last moment, his eyes widening in shock.
"Emily, what are you doing?" I saw his mouth say while he was slamming on the brakes.
Turning Back Time for Love
But it was too late.
I closed my eyes and wished him love as the car that was meant to hit him, hit me instead.
The impact was immediate and brutal.
The other car slammed into me with a force that sent me flying through the air.
Pain exploded through my body as I hit the ground, skidding across the asphalt.
Everything hurt, but amidst the agony, a strange sense of peace washed over me.
Thomas was safe.
I lay there, gasping for breath, my vision blurring.
Through the haze of pain, I saw Thomas scrambling out of his car and running towards me.
"Emily! No!" he cried, his voice breaking with anguish.
As my vision faded, I caught sight of Sarah standing at a distance.
Tears streamed down her face as she watched helplessly.
Turning Back Time for Love
My last thought was of Thomas's smile—the one that had always made everything better.
Darkness closed in around me.
The scene shifted abruptly.
Thomas knelt beside me, cradling my broken body in his arms.
His face was a mask of grief and disbelief.
I felt a wave of peace wash over me.
He looked down at the pocket watch clutched in my hand, its glow fading along with my life.
"Emily," he whispered, tears streaming down his face. "Why did you do this?"
The thought of saving Thomas and Sarah filled me with a sense of purpose.
He gently pried the watch from my fingers and held it close to his heart.
I took a deep breath and placed my hand on the artifact once more.
Realization dawned on him as he understood what I had done.
The cave filled with light, blindingly bright.
Flashes of my life with Thomas and Sarah played before my eyes.
He stood up, clutching the pocket watch tightly.
I saw our wedding day, the moment we found out we were expecting, and the countless small moments that made up our life together.
Tears streamed down my face as I felt their love enveloping me.
The light began to fade, and I found myself back at the moment of the accident.
Thomas's car was approaching the intersection, just as it had before.
Turning Back Time for Love
Turning Back Time for Love
But this time, I knew what to do.
My body felt heavy, and pain radiated from every inch of me.
I struggled to sit up, my body weak and aching. "What is it?"
I blinked, trying to clear my vision, and saw the white ceiling tiles above me.
The reality of our second chance was sinking in.
I felt a mix of relief and lingering pain from my injuries.
Thomas, still shaken, held me as if he might lose me again at any moment.
"I promise I'll never leave your side again," he whispered into my hair, his voice trembling.
I looked up at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. "I know," I replied softly, squeezing his hand.
A faint ticking sound caught our attention.
We both turned to see the pocket watch on the table, its hands moving forward now.
I felt warmth spread through my body, soothing the pain and mending my injuries.
I reached out and picked it up, feeling its familiar weight in my palm.
"It's ticking," I said with a smile, showing it to Thomas. "Our time together is precious."
Thomas stirred beside me, his eyes fluttering wide open in sudden disbelief.
"Emily?" he murmured, confusion evident in his voice.
Turning Back Time for Love
"I'm here," I replied, squeezing his hand tightly.
We both sat up, looking around in bewilderment.
He nodded, his eyes filled with emotion. "Let's cherish every moment and rebuild our lives."
The hospital had vanished, replaced by the familiar surroundings of our living room.
We sat there for a while, just holding each other and listening to the steady ticking of the watch.
The sun was setting outside, casting a warm golden glow through the window.
"How...?" Thomas began, but his words trailed off as he took in our home.
The ticking of the pocket watch had stopped, its hands frozen at two minutes past three once more.
It felt like a new beginning.
"Thomas gestured towards the window, his voice soft with awe. 'The sunset paints the sky with hope.'"
From the shadows of the room, Sarah emerged, her face a mixture of relief and determination.
Turning to face the window, a wave of optimism surged through me. "It truly is a sight to behold," I affirmed.
We stood up and walked to the window, watching as the sun dipped below the horizon.
Turning Back Time for Love
She watched us for a moment before speaking. "You're safe now," she said softly.
The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, a promise of better days ahead.
"Sarah," I began, but she held up a hand to stop me.
"We've been granted another chance at life," Thomas murmured, his voice filled with a quiet resolve. "Let's seize it with everything we've got."
I leaned against him, feeling his warmth and strength. "We will," I promised.
"My mission isn't over," she said firmly. "The paradox here is mended, but there are other timelines that need fixing."
Thomas and I exchanged glances, still trying to process everything that had happened.
Turning Back Time for Love
"Thank you," I said finally, my voice choked with emotion.
As we stood there, I felt a renewed sense of purpose.
Sarah nodded, her eyes softening for a moment. "Take care of each other," she said before turning away.
We had been through so much, but we were still here—together.
A portal shimmered into existence behind her, its edges crackling with energy.
I walked over to one of our empty keepsakes that Thomas had bought me two years ago.It was a hollowed book with my name written in gold in the spine. I took the watch and put it in and smiled at Thomas.“Why don’t you go change. I’d like to take you to dinner.” He spoke ever so sweet.I wouldn’t dare say no, so I left to change while Thomas hummed a tune of happiness.When Emily was out of sight, Thomas ripped paper out of a notebook and scribbled something on it.After he finished writing, he stuffed it inside of the hollowed book and placed it on their bookshelf. I saw Thomas standing in front of the bookshelf and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.“What’re you doing?” I purred.“Hoping.” He smiled back at me.
Sarah stepped towards it, pausing only to give us one last look. "Mom. Dad. I'll see you again," she promised before disappearing into the portal.
Thomas and I held each other tightly, grateful for this second chance.
Suddenly, there was a loud crash from outside.
We both turned towards the door, our hearts racing.
"Stay here," Thomas said urgently.
Turning Back Time for Love
We looked around our home, taking in the familiar sights and sounds that we had feared we would never see again.
He grabbed a nearby lamp as an improvised weapon and moved towards the door.
"I can't believe we're really here," Thomas whispered, his voice filled with awe.
I followed closely behind him, not wanting to be separated again.
As he opened the door cautiously, we were met with an unexpected sight—a figure standing in the shadows.
"Neither can I," I replied, resting my head against his chest.
"Who are you?" Thomas demanded, raising the lamp defensively.
As the portal closed behind Sarah, the room seemed to settle into a peaceful stillness.
The figure stepped forward into the light.
The ordeal was over—for now—but Sarah's journey continued elsewhere.
It was Sarah.
Thomas kissed the top of my head gently. "We're going to be okay," he said with conviction.
I nodded against him, feeling a sense of hope and determination rise within me.
Her face was bruised and bloodied, her clothes torn.
"Help me," she gasped before collapsing at our feet.I looked at Thomas.“For all we know, our lives were saved for such a time as this.” Thomas said.I nodded in agreement. Cupping her in his arm, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the watch that began this whole ordeal and looked me in the eyes.“It’s time.”
Turning Back Time for Love