MidReal Story

Trapped With My Crush


4d ago
Scenario:My crush and I were trapped in a closet during a school lockdown. The lockdown lasted four hours. We had to wait there for the whole duration.
Create my version of this story
My crush and I were trapped in a closet during a school lockdown. The lockdown lasted four hours. We had to wait there for the whole duration.
I was staring at him.
I couldn’t stop.
He had his eyes shut, so I got to stare at him without being weird.
Or at least, without being too weird.
It wasn’t every day you got to look at the guy you’d had a crush on for the last year and a half.
He was right in front of you, only a foot away, trapped in this closet with you during a school lockdown.
It wasn’t every day you got to be trapped with your crush in a closet, period.
Let alone one that was basically a box with no windows.
The initial panic had worn off and now I was just aware of how close we were.
The closet was empty, not even a desk or chair, and barely big enough for the two of us.
His knee was brushing mine.
I could smell his cologne.
Something woody and spicy.
I didn’t know the name but it smelled nice, manly, expensive.
He had a light shadow of stubble along his jaw.
Trapped With My Crush