manipulative, and ambitious. Marcus presents himself as a savior figure but hides his true intentions behind a charming facade. He exploits Lena's vulnerability for personal gain while pretending to protect her interests. His actions create tension within the group as he vies for control over their escape plans.
anxious, and hopeful. Lena is initially hesitant to trust others due to past betrayals but eventually warms up to Ava's kindness. Her vulnerability makes her susceptible to manipulation by others seeking power within the group dynamics. Despite this, she remains committed to escaping the facility and finding freedom.
intelligent, and protective. Ethan initially appears hostile but soon reveals his concern for safety and survival. He forms an alliance with Ava and helps her navigate the facility's dangers. His analytical mind aids their quest for escape, as he deciphers clues and identifies potential threats. His loyalty to Ava grows as they face challenges together.