MidReal Story

Transformed: A New Body's Journey

Scenario:Man wakes up as a woman
Create my version of this story
Man wakes up as a woman
Chapter 1
I woke up as a woman.
It was the first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes, and it was also the most shocking.
I had no idea how this happened, but I knew that it was real.
I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, but the pain told me that this was reality.
I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, staring at my reflection in the mirror.
My hair was short and brown, and my face was petite with big brown eyes.
But now, everything had changed.
I was a girl.
And not just any girl - I was a very specific girl.
I yell across the street to her best friend, still not quite believing what I’m seeing before me.
It’s me in the mirror looking back at me with my short brown hair and petite features… but it’s also not me at all.
This is impossible!
How did this happen?
How am I going to fix it?
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
"Jamie! What are you doing here?"
Sarah calls back to me, her voice bringing me back to reality.
She’s wearing athletic shorts and a t-shirt, looking like she’s about to go out for a run.
My heart rate increases as I realize that this isn’t just some crazy dream or nightmare… it’s real!
And if I’m a girl now, that means that Sarah is
Michael’s sister!
I quickly cross the street and jog up the sidewalk toward her house so that we can talk face-to-face.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
"What’s wrong? Why are you yelling?"
She asks when she sees me, sounding confused.
I open my mouth to respond, but stop when I hear my voice.
It sounds different - higher than before - another reminder of how much things have changed for me in the past few minutes.
"Look at me," I say instead, crossing my arms over my chest as I stand on her front lawn facing her.
"What do you see?"
"You’re Jamie," she says slowly, looking puzzled.
But after a moment of staring at my new appearance, her eyes widen with shock and realization.
"What happened? How did this happen? Did Michael do something to you?"
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
I had always taken pride in my appearance as a man.
I knew that I wasn't the most handsome guy in the world or anything, but I liked how I looked and felt comfortable in my own skin.
But that morning something was off.
The moment I opened my eyes and got up from bed I felt out of place.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
The instant I looked at the clock beside my bed and saw that it was already 9:30 am, I knew that something was wrong.
I never slept in that late and didn't even know how that had happened.
My body felt different somehow - lighter and softer than before - but it wasn't until I reached for my glasses on the bedside table that I realized what was going on.
My eyesight had been perfect yesterday.
But now everything was blurry without them... which meant that something had definitely changed overnight.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
Without wasting a second more I rushed to the bathroom, quickly switching on the light and looking at myself in the mirror.
Then it became very clear that I wasn't myself anymore.
There was a woman staring back at me from behind the glass, with short brown hair and petite features I didn't recognize.
The shock of seeing her there left me speechless for a moment as I tried to come to terms with what was happening.
After blinking a few times and taking several deep breaths, I finally found my voice again and managed to speak aloud for the first time since waking up.
"I'm not Jamie anymore," I say quietly to my reflection with a frown on my face.
"I don't know who I am now... but Jamie Collins is gone."
Then after staring at her for another moment and trying to estimate how old she might be based on her appearance - early twenties if she had to guess - I realized what this meant: she isn't just gone... she'd been replaced by a young woman!
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
When I saw Sarah finally appear outside her house my heart was filled with relief.
Just the sight of my best friend was enough to make me feel better and forget about everything that had happened so far.
For a few seconds, I stopped panicking and worrying about how much trouble I might be in right now and focused solely on her instead.
It took me a little while longer to collect myself and find the courage I needed to call out after her from across the street.
But when I finally did and heard the sound of my own voice coming out higher-pitched than before - gentle and feminine rather than deep and masculine - it made me freeze up again immediately.
My whole body tensed at the realization of just how much things had changed overnight.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
"Sarah! Wait!"
I called out for her once more as she turned around to face me and then quickly started walking towards her.
"I need to talk to you!"
My voice was still strange and unfamiliar, but I did my best to sound as normal as possible under the circumstances.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
"What do you mean, you need to talk to me?"
Sarah asked with a frown as she finally stopped only a few feet away from me.
"What's going on? Why are you outside my house like this?"
Then when she got a better look at me and realized what I looked like, she gasped and took a step back in shock.
"Oh my God... Jamie? Is that really you?"
"Yes! It's me!"
I exclaimed, nodding vigorously as I spoke to her.
"Can't you see that it's me?! What's wrong with you?!"
But despite how many times Sarah repeated the same question over and over again - "Is that really you?" - and how hard I tried to convince her of the truth, she just kept staring at me like she couldn't believe what she was seeing.
The whole situation felt so strange and surreal to both of us that all we could do was stand there for a little while longer with our mouths hanging open, trying to process what had happened to me overnight.
"You're not going to wake up soon, are you?" said Sarah after several long minutes had passed.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
Chapter 2
I followed my best friend into her house, still trying to process the things we had discussed only a few seconds earlier.
As soon as we reached the kitchen, I sat down on one of the barstools, while Sarah went over to the counter and started preparing some tea for us both.
I was grateful for her presence and support since I wasn't sure how well I would be able to handle all of this on my own right now, but at the same time, I couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed by everything that had happened so far and wondering if any of this was even real or if it was all just some kind of strange nightmare instead.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
After several long minutes had passed, Sarah finally came back over to me carrying two cups of tea in her hands.
She set one down on the counter in front of me and then took a seat across from me at the other end of the bar before taking a long sip out of her own cup and letting out a deep breath as she stared right at me for several seconds with an intense look on her face.
"So," she began, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen between us only a few minutes earlier. "How did this happen? How did you end up like this?"
I could sense a mix of concern and curiosity in her voice as she spoke those words, both of which were perfectly understandable under the circumstances, but I still didn't know what to say or how to explain any of this to her without sounding completely crazy or delusional - even though everything that had happened so far really did sound too absurd to be true.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
"I honestly have no idea," I replied, shaking my head as I spoke to her and then taking a long sip out of my cup and letting the warm liquid soothe my parched throat for a little while longer.
"All I know is that everything was perfectly normal last night when you dropped me off at home after our movie night and that when I woke up this morning..."I trailed off for a moment, not really wanting to remember or talk about what had happened next but knowing that it was something Sarah needed to hear if we were going to figure this out together"when I woke up this morning, everything was different."
Sarah nodded in response as she listened to me carefully, taking another sip out of her cup before setting it back down on the counter and speaking again.
"Do you remember anything strange happening last night? Anything that might be able to explain what's going on right now?"
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
I said, pausing for a moment as the memory came flooding back into my mind and then rushing to explain all the details once they had resurfaced.
"When you were walking me home last night, we passed by this street performer who was dressed up as some sort of wizard or something like that. Well, right after he saw us coming down the road together, he stopped playing his guitar and looked right at me - not you but me - and gave me this funny little smile before saying something about how I'd be waking up as someone new the next day. Honestly though, that all sounded way too ridiculous at the time for me to take it seriously so I completely forgot about it until now."
Sarah murmured softly in response as she listened to me recount everything that had happened between the two of us last night and then took another long sip out of her cup again as she thought about what I had said for several long seconds before speaking again.
"Well, do you remember anything else happening after that? Did you see anyone watching you while you were sleeping? Or did anything strange happen at all?" "Nope," I replied with a single shake of my head as I tried to think back on everything that had happened earlier but found myself drawing a complete blank instead.
"As far as I can remember, everything seemed perfectly normal after you left last night until..."
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
"As far as you can remember, anyway," Sarah quickly interjected before I could finish my sentence and then let out a heavy sigh as she heard the words coming out of her mouth.
I could tell that she was starting to feel a little worried by the way she had suddenly cut me off like that, but I didn't take it personally or think anything of it since I would've likely done the same exact thing if our situations had been reversed at that moment instead.
"What? What is it?"
I asked her curiously, furrowing my brow as I spoke to her and wondering what exactly had caused her to react so strongly all of a sudden.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
"Nothing," she quickly replied, shaking her head before taking another quick sip out of her cup and letting out another heavy sigh in the process.
"I just realized how ironic all of this is right now is all."
"What do you mean?"
I asked her, raising an eyebrow curiously as I listened to what she had to say next and wondering what exactly she meant by those words earlier.
"Well, considering how difficult it's been for you to find someone special so far and how we were just talking about using that dating app in order to meet new people last night"
She trailed off for a moment, letting out a little chuckle under her breath before giving me an apologetic look and speaking again.
"I'm sorry. I know this is probably really hard on you right now so you probably don't want to hear me making jokes like that at your expense. But still"
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
I knew Sarah was only trying to cheer me up, but her last comment had only served to make things even worse for me instead.
After all, she was right about one thing though.
This wasn't just some silly little spell that could be simply reversed at the snap of a finger like in those fairy tale movies I used to love watching when I was younger.
No, this was something much more serious than that, and it was definitely going to take a lot more time and effort in order for us to figure out how to set everything back to normal again.
"Look on the bright side," Sarah said after a short pause, letting out a long sigh in the process as she heard her own words coming out of her mouth.
"At least you won't have any trouble finding a match on there now."
"Oh, hahaha," I sarcastically replied with an eye roll before giving her another playful shove on the arm and laughing with her for a moment before we both went silent again.
"I'm sorry. That was mean," she said a few seconds later, letting out another heavy sigh as she spoke.
"I shouldn't have said that."
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
"It's alright," I quickly replied, shaking my head and doing my best to smile at her despite the way I was feeling on the inside.
"I know you're only trying to help."
"Is it though?"
She asked with a little frown as she heard me say that before letting out a heavy sigh and taking another quick sip of her drink.
"I mean, is there anything I can do to help right now?"
"Not unless you can change me back into who I used to be," I quickly replied with a weak smile before letting out a heavy sigh and giving her an apologetic look.
"But since that's not something that we can do right now, then no. There really isn't anything you can do at the moment."
She trailed off for a moment before giving me another apologetic look and speaking again.
"I'm sorry. This is all so surreal to me right now that I guess I'm just having a hard time wrapping my mind around all of it."
"You and me both," I said with a heavy sigh before letting my gaze fall down onto the floor below for a moment and staring blankly down at it while we both fell silent again.
As much as I didn't want to admit it, Sarah was right about one thing though: this wasn't going to be something that could be easily undone or fixed by any means necessary like in those movies I used to love watching when I was younger.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
"Hey, just remember that I'm only a phone call away if you need anything, okay?"
Sarah said a few minutes later, putting her cup down on the table next to the couch and giving me another sympathetic look as she spoke.
"But what about your plans this weekend?"
"What about them?"
She asked, staring curiously back at me while raising an eyebrow as she listened to what I had to say next.
"Are you still going to go through with them even though this happened?" "Of course," Sarah replied without missing a beat, shaking her head as she heard my question and letting out another heavy sigh in the process.
"I'll probably even have more fun than usual since we won't have to worry about you bothering us all weekend long."
Chapter 3
"Yeah, it's me," Michael replied in the same voice he always used, giving his brother a confusing look while raising an eyebrow at him in response.
"Why wouldn't it be?"
The next morning I found myself in a little bit of a predicament when I woke up and realized that my clothes were still out in my car and my brother was sleeping on the couch where they were located.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
Not wanting to wake Michael up so that I could get them, I quickly threw the blanket off of me and began making my way towards the door as quietly as possible so that he wouldn't wake up from all of the noise that I was making.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
I tiptoed across the carpeted hallway and peeked around the corner into the living room, making sure that he was still sleeping on there before heading towards the front door.
As soon as I got there I slowly reached for the doorknob and opened it just a crack so that it wouldn't make any noise, wincing slightly as it let out a loud creaking sound anyway.
I quickly froze in place and listened for any sounds coming from the living room, letting out a relieved sigh when everything stayed silent as I glanced over at Michael and saw him still lying there asleep.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey
I quickly closed the door and stared at it for a moment before letting out another heavy sigh, hoping that he wouldn't wake up this time as I reached for the doorknob again and opened it just a crack.
Once again, everything stayed silent for a few seconds before I slowly opened it all of the way and slipped outside without making any noise.
I let out another relieved sigh once I was finally out on the doorstep and glanced back over at my brother again to see if he was still sleeping on there.
Once again he didn't move or make any sounds so after staring at him for a little bit longer to make sure he really was asleep this time, I quickly turned around and headed towards my car which was parked along the street right out front of our house.
Transformed: A New Body's Journey