MidReal Story

Toy Maker's Enchantment


May 2
Scenario:Children story of a young boy named Alex who found an ancient book of his grandparents who can bring toys to life
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Children story of a young boy named Alex who found an ancient book of his grandparents who can bring toys to life
I was born in a sleepy little village, in a small town where nothing much ever happened.
But I’m not saying that as a complaint; on the contrary I love it here.
My name is Alex Johnson and I’m a boy who loves to go on adventures.
I am twelve years old, but I have the heart of an explorer and the spirit of a knight.
So you can imagine how lucky I felt when I discovered my grandparents’ attic.
The same grandparents who were known throughout the town for making the most amazing toys.
Yes, my grandparents were renowned toy makers and their toys were unique, magical and made children all over the world extremely happy.
And even though they were long retired, they still had a few of their old toys stored away up in that dusty little attic.
I was too old to play with toys, but I still liked to go up there sometimes and look at them, touch them and remember.
Some of them were toys that once belonged to my mother when she was a little girl.
And some of them were toys that I used to play with when I was young.
They were all stored away in an old chest, which sat in the corner of the attic.
That chest was where I kept my most treasured toys; my knights, my dragons and my wizards.
Even though I didn’t play with them anymore, they still held a special place in my heart.
Thinking about all this made me smile as I walked over to the chest and opened it up.
The first thing I saw when I pulled back the lid was an old stuffed teddy bear.
It had black button eyes and hidden beneath its fluffy brown fur, you could feel the hard lump of an earthenware heart.
It belonged to my mother when she was a child.
She loved that bear so much, so when she had me, she gave it to me.
And now it was mine.
I pushed the bear aside and rummaged around among the other toys, which sat in their own little compartments in the chest.
There was a knight with shiny silver armor and a sword, a dragon with green scales and yellow eyes, and a wizard wearing a long purple robe and holding a staff.
I smiled at each one as I picked them up one by one and placed them on my lap.
Toy Maker's Enchantment
As I pushed aside a few more toys, I found a small wooden chest hidden away at the bottom of the chest.
I pulled it out and held it in my hands.
It was a small weathered chest, made of oak and covered in ancient carvings.
It was locked tight and I could feel something inside it as I shook it.
My hands trembled as I inspected the lock and then I remembered something.
On the mantelpiece in my grandparents’ home was an old brass key.
I grabbed it off the mantelpiece and ran back into the attic.
I inserted it into the lock and turned it.
With a rusty click, the lock fell open and I lifted up the lid of the chest.
Inside that chest was an assortment of exotic trinkets.
A golden pendant with a purple crystal hanging from it, a silver ring with a red gemstone set into it and an emerald necklace.
There was also a diamond tiara and a string of pearls.
I picked them up one by one and held them in my hands.
They were heavier than they looked and they shone brightly in the light.
I then noticed amongst them a small wooden dragon with emerald eyes.
The dragon looked as if it wanted to come to life right there in my hand.
I turned it over and saw the name written on the base of the wooden sculpture.
The name whispered into my mind and then disappeared before I could grab onto it.
I placed the dragon carefully aside and noticed something at the end of the chest.
A small velvet cushion with a golden key sitting on top of it.
It had intricate carvings on it and it looked important.
My instincts told me that this was a very special key indeed but for what, I did not know.
Just then I heard a creaking noise and I turned around to see where the sound came from.
There was a dusty bookshelf in the corner of the room and a book just fell out of the shelf and landed on the floor.
I walked over to it and picked it up off the floor.
It was old and looked as if it had never been read before.
It felt as if someone had just left it there and forgotten all about it.
The cover of the book was made from a rich dark leather and it had a dragon embossed on it, holding a sword in its hand.
The book was heavy and as I held it in my hands, I felt as if there was something inside me that was trying to come out.
I shivered for a moment and then opened up the book.
As I did so, I noticed that there were no words inside it but instead pictures of dragons and knights fighting them.
The colors leaped off the page and filled me with excitement.
Just as I was about to turn the page and continue with the story, something happened.
The dragon on the front of the book started moving its wings and its eyes were glowing red hot!
I dropped the book in shock but then reached down and picked it up again with trembling hands.
When I looked at it again, there was nothing special about it at all.
Maybe I just imagined it?
Toy Maker's Enchantment
I placed the book on the floor and stared at the cover for a moment before deciding to open up the book again.
But something inside me told me to put the book down and leave it well enough alone but my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to open up the book anyway.
As soon as I opened it up again, a warm energy surged through me and suddenly the book started to glow before my very eyes!
The words on the page were moving around as if they were alive and they were something that had been written in a language that I could not recognize at all!
But somehow I knew that these words were meant for me to read them.
I reached out my hand to touch the words on the page but just as I did so the words disappeared into the page and the glowing light vanished!
It was gone just like that!
I stared at the book for a moment before picking it up again and opening up the front page to see what else was inside of it.
The pages were blank but as soon as I started to turn them over I noticed that words started to appear on the page!
It was like magic!
It was like magic flowing through my veins!
The attic became warm again and the chill that ran down my spine earlier was gone now.
It was replaced with a warm feeling of happiness running through me.
The words on the page were familiar to me now although I did not recognize them before when they were written in a script that I could not understand.
But now everything inside of me told me that these stories were meant for me to see and read them!
As soon as I turned over another page, something strange happened in the attic.
The toys that were lying still next to me suddenly started to move!
They opened their eyes and looked up at me but they were not wooden anymore!
They were living toys!
The dragon figurine that I picked up earlier got up from where I placed it next to the chest and flew into the air to perch on top of it with its wings outstretched.
It was looking at me with its emerald eyes blazing!
Just then the chest that the dragon was perched on opened up and out came a knight errant toy, brandishing a wooden sword!
It stood next to me and saluted me in respect.
I looked around the room and saw that all of the other toys in the attic were starting to wake up as well and were getting up from where they were lying still.
They looked as if they have been asleep for hundreds of years and were just waking up from their deep slumber.
The attic was no longer a place where old toys lived but instead was a place where the magic of my grandparents’ creations thrived!
All thanks to this book which was in my hands!
As soon as the last page of the book turned, the pages glowed once more and then disappeared into the book as well.
It was gone!
Toy Maker's Enchantment
I stared down at the book and then back at the living toys which were looking up at me in awe.
I stared at them and smiled before saying, “Hello, are you guys all right?”
The dragon hopped down from the chest it was perched on and replied, “Yes, we are all right.
We are just coming to our senses now.
Being asleep for nearly 1000 years can make one feel groggy when they have just woken up.”
Then the wooden knight saluted me again and replied, “Greetings, sire, we are here to serve you!”
I was about to say something back to them when suddenly the attic door opened and Emily and William stood there, looking down at us in surprise.
“What’s going on?”
Emily asked, looking at the living toys with her mouth agape.
Then she looked back at me and asked, “What is that book?”
I blinked and then looked back down at the book in my hands before standing up and walking over to show her what I found.
It was a very old book, most likely written by my grandparents when they were young, but the cover seemed to tell a different story.
It was made out of a deep maroon leather and a dragon made out of sapphire was emboldened on the front cover.
Its eyes were made out of ruby but they were glowing like the emerald ones on the wooden dragon figurine earlier.
I showed it to Emily, who was looking at it in awe, and then I flipped over to the first page and opened it up so that she could see what was inside of it.
The pages were made out of yellow parchment and I noticed that the words were written in a language that I did not recognize.
It was a script that I have never seen before but for some reason, I could understand the words now even though I had never once heard them being spoken in real life before!
The pages were also filled with illustrations as well, drawn with ink that must have been written by hand since there were no smudging marks at all.
Each illustration told a story, with pictures and words flowing together to create something magical!
I turned over to the next page and continued reading the book but Emily was no longer looking at me now.
She was looking at the toys and watching them as they moved and talked all around her!
They were picking up their fallen comrades and helping them up as well before dusting themselves off like little soldiers that were getting ready for war!
I looked back at the book and noticed that there were only a few pages left in it now and as soon as I turned over another page, something strange started to happen in the attic again!
A gust of wind suddenly blew in from outside and I quickly closed my eyes and covered my face!
Then there was a bright flash of light and when I opened my eyes again I saw that all of the pages in the book were turning over by themselves as if they were being blown by a powerful wind!
Toy Maker's Enchantment
I watched in awe as one of the illustration started to move, like a scene from a movie that had come to life!
It was an illustration of a knight in shining armor, with his face covered by a closed visor, holding onto a sword with his right hand while the other hand was gripping onto a shield adorned with strange markings on it.
He was walking slowly towards me, like he was moving in slow motion but there was no sound coming from him even though he was wearing a full suit of armor and I could have sworn that they were supposed to be very heavy and noisy as well, producing clanking sounds each time he took a step forward.
The only thing I could hear was his footsteps echoing around the room as he moved towards me with his sword raised up high.
His eyes were hidden behind the closed visor so I could not tell what he was thinking or feeling but for some strange reason, I felt like he was looking at me as he walked towards me!
He continued to walk until he reached the edge of the illustration, where his hand rested on one of the battlements, like he was trying to brace himself up after running so hard to get to where he was right now.
I half-expected him to step out from the book and into the attic so I could see him clearly but it did not happen!
He continued to look at me, like he was waiting for me to do something but I did not know what it was and so I just stood there, watching him helplessly instead.
Then I heard a loud screeching sound and saw that there were two dragons circling around the castle towers in the background, with one of them having their mouth wide open and ready to spew out bright red flames at any moment now!
They had jagged teeth and long sharp claws, with scales that seemed to be glistening under the sun!
One of them had a red color while the other one was more goldenish in color, but their wings were both a dark shade of black!
The flames that were about to be spewed out from one of them was also a bright red color, like molten lava, and it was clear that they were going to be as hot as the sun itself!
The castle was huge and majestic with towers that were taller than any building that I have ever seen before in all my life!
There were also lots of battlements and arrowslits all around the castle walls, to protect the people inside from any kind of harm that might befall them!
It was a sight to behold and seemed to be standing tall and proud, against the threat that the dragons were posing to it at that very moment!
The knight’s eyes never left me and I could see that he was taking a deep breath now, like he was getting ready to jump out from the illustration and into the real world!
I held my breath, waiting to see what would happen next, as he raised his sword up high in the air with his left hand and then pointed at one of the dragons with his right hand!
He had made his decision now and I could see that he was going to leap out from the book and into that world where he would fight against all odds to protect the people inside!
Then he suddenly jumped off from the battlements and landed on top of one of the castle towers with a loud thud!