MidReal Story

Time's Key: Song Dynasty Chronicles

Scenario:A man (occupation: IT industry programmer) living in a certain city in modern China accidentally entered a cave and discovered a Go board while traveling with his wife (occupation: teacher). Through clever application of programming algorithm knowledge, , the man successfully solved the chess game and discovered the token hidden in the stone platform of the chess board. After returning home, the man had strange dreams, as if the token was calling him. Through the newly developed AI image recognition function, the man successfully unlocked the graphic and text code on the token. It turned out that the token was the key to a space-time shuttle. After much thought and preparation, the man returned to the cave with the token. According to the secret order on the token, the time shuttle was started and returned to the Song Dynasty in ancient China. A very interesting story happened to the man in the ancient Song Dynasty.
Create my version of this story
A man (occupation: IT industry programmer) living in a certain city in modern China accidentally entered a cave and discovered a Go board while traveling with his wife (occupation: teacher). Through clever application of programming algorithm knowledge, , the man successfully solved the chess game and discovered the token hidden in the stone platform of the chess board. After returning home, the man had strange dreams, as if the token was calling him. Through the newly developed AI image recognition function, the man successfully unlocked the graphic and text code on the token. It turned out that the token was the key to a space-time shuttle. After much thought and preparation, the man returned to the cave with the token. According to the secret order on the token, the time shuttle was started and returned to the Song Dynasty in ancient China. A very interesting story happened to the man in the ancient Song Dynasty.
A heavy rainstorm had forced them into a mysterious cave during their holiday trip.
While they were inside, Michael found a Go board in the cave, with some stones placed on it.
He picked up a hidden token and tried to solve the riddle on it using his programming skills.
The riddle was about the Song Dynasty, so the couple decided to ask their tour guide, Mr.
Li, for more information about the place.
The guide warned them not to enter the cave because of the dangerous conditions inside and some legends, but Michael insisted on going in after seeing a bright light inside and hearing a noise.
He thought it was worth the risk, even though he knew that the guide was right about the dangers.
Sarah tried to dissuade him, but Michael insisted on exploring the cave with or without the guide’s help, as he didn’t want to miss out on the adventure part of their trip.
Michael stood up and took his wife’s hand, “Come on, let’s go in and have a look!We are already here anyway!”
Sarah was still worried, “But Mr.Li said it is dangerous.”
Michael smiled at her, “Come on, we are not kids anymore.There’s nothing to be afraid of!”
Sarah couldn’t manage to finish her sentence because of her husband’s puppy eyes.
I really can’t say no to you!
But if anything happens later, don’t blame me for not listening to him!
“OK, but we should find Mr.Li to go with us!”
Sarah agreed with some conditions.
“We can ask him, but he might not come.”
Michael said as he walked outside.
Li suggested that they ask him to go with them first because they were at an unfamiliar place.
He didn’t want anything bad to happen to them.
“OK, let me check with him first!”
Michael walked out of the cave and went straight to where Li was.
The two talked for a while before Michael returned to the cave with a flashlight in his hand.
“Mr.Li said that this cave is very dangerous and we shouldn’t come in.He also said that he would wait outside for us.”
Michael explained himself when he saw his wife staring at him confusedly.
“Then what are we still waiting for?Let’s go inside!”
Michael said excitedly as he grabbed Sarah’s hand and pulled her along with him into the cave.
“Alright, alright, let’s go together…”
Sarah said helplessly after being pulled by her husband so suddenly.
The two walked deeper into the cave with a flashlight in their hands.
The light from outside was getting dimmer and dimmer as they went deeper into the cave.
In the end, they had to keep walking holding each other’s hands just in case one of them fell down by accident.
Suddenly, Sarah stopped walking and tugged at Michael.
“What’s wrong?”
Michael looked back at Sarah in confusion when she suddenly stopped moving.
Time's Key: Song Dynasty Chronicles
Sarah pointed to a distant corner and asked, “Doesn’t that corner look like there is something?”
Michael looked where she pointed and saw there was a pile of objects that looked like stones at the corner of the wall, but he couldn’t see them clearly with the flashlight not shining directly on them.
He hugged his wife, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid, I will go and check it out now.”
“What if there is something dangerous there?”
Sarah was still worried about Michael going to check it out even after being hugged by him, but she knew that Michael couldn’t put his curiosity aside once he saw something interesting.
He had always been like this since they were young, no matter how many times she had tried to stop him, he would still do things his way.
She could only compromise with him right now, “Alright, but you have to be quick!
Don’t go too far!”
After getting his wife’s approval, Michael kissed her gently on her forehead, “Don’t worry, I will be back soon.”
Michael took another look at his worried wife before walking towards the corner where the pile of objects was located with his flashlight on one hand.
In less than a minute, Michael arrived at the corner and found that those objects weren’t stones at all, but rather an underground pond with some water plants floating on it.
There were some faint light shining around it, which made it possible for them to see what was around them clearly enough without turning on their flashlights.
Michael was surprised by what he had found and looked back at Sarah with an excited look on his face, “Sarah, come here!You need to take a look at this!”
“What is it?”
Sarah asked curiously when she saw her husband waving at her from a distance away with an excited look on his face.
Sarah walked over to where Michael was with her flashlight on one hand.
As soon as she arrived by his side, she saw what had made him so excited just now.
A beautiful underground pond appeared right in front of her as soon as she arrived here with a few water plants floating on it, which was illuminated by some phosphorescent moss that was faintly shining around it on the wall.
“Wow, it’s so beautiful…”
Sarah said in amazement when she saw this scene, which was one of the most beautiful scenes that she had ever seen in her life.
Time's Key: Song Dynasty Chronicles
“It seems that my decision to enter here was not wrong at all…”
“Of course…”
Michael said happily, “We have found such a beautiful place just by walking around this cave a little bit!Who knows what other surprises that we haven’t found yet are waiting for us here…”
“Alright, let’s go take a look at those water plants first…”
Michael said to Sarah before walking towards that underground pond with her.
Although Sarah was still worried about Michael’s safety, she also didn’t want to leave this place immediately after seeing how beautiful it was either, so she could only nod reluctantly before following him closely behind…
A moment later, both of them arrived at the center of that underground pond after stepping on some stepping stones that were arranged on top of the pond, and they took a closer look at those water plants that were floating on it one by one while discussing them with each other in a low voice…
Michael turned off his flashlight after they finished discussing those water plants, and he hugged Sarah tightly in his arms, “Sarah, I’m really glad that I have you with me…”
Sarah could feel his warm breath blowing on her ear when she heard what he said, which made her cheeks turn redder.
Sarah hesitated for a moment before saying to him, “Me too…”
Sarah said softly as she leaned on his chest before hugging him tightly back…
After a few more minutes, both of them finally stopped hugging each other, and they began to walk outside the cave while holding hands with each other.
However, they soon realized that they couldn’t see the entrance at all after walking for a few minutes, and they could only walk around the cave randomly with their flashlights on while trying to find the way out again.
It wasn’t long before they finally found the path that led them to the entrance, but Michael suddenly realized that he had left Mr.
Li’s flashlight by the underground pond just now.
“I’ll go find the flashlight first, and you can go outside first…”
Michael said to Sarah before walking towards the underground pond with his flashlight on one hand.
Sarah nodded before sitting down on a rock nearby and waiting for him there.
Michael finally found that flashlight after searching for it for a few minutes, but when he arrived at the entrance again after he left the underground pond, he suddenly realized that Mr.
Li wasn’t there anymore…
Michael thought about this for a while before he suddenly remembered that Mr.
Li was probably meditating outside the cave just now, so he decided not to disturb him as he turned off his flashlight and walked outside with his phone’s flashlight on instead…
It wasn’t long before Michael finally found the path that led him outside, but he soon realized that he couldn’t see anything at all in front of him…
He couldn’t help but feel a little confused after seeing this scene, “Wasn’t this the path that led me outside?Why can’t I see anything at all after walking for so long?”
Time's Key: Song Dynasty Chronicles
Michael looked around subconsciously after saying this to himself, and he found out that he was actually at another huge stone gate right now!
“Did I take the wrong path?”
Michael couldn’t help but frown after thinking about this for a while.
He could only go inside again after saying this to himself if he wanted to find Sarah first before he thought about this matter any further…
It took him a few minutes to finally find Sarah on that rock after he walked inside the cave for a while.
Sarah was already asleep when he arrived there as she leaned her head against her hand and slept deeply…
Michael couldn’t help but laugh when he saw this before taking a photo of Sarah secretly with his phone.
However, it was at this moment that Sarah suddenly woke up and stared at him as she asked, “What are you doing?”
“I’m taking photos of you secretly!”
Sarah: “The camera has a sound when you take photos of me!”
Michael: “…”
Michael scratched his head awkwardly when he heard what she said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t notice that…”
“I’ll forgive you if you give me a goodnight kiss!”
Sarah: “…”
“Alright then…”
Michael said helplessly after seeing how she was being unreasonable.
The two of them finally left the underground pond after taking a few more photos and having a good time with each other, and they soon realized that they had already stayed inside the cave for a very long time already when they looked at their watches…
“Time flies so fast…”
Sarah said softly after seeing this.
Michael nodded before hugging her tightly in his arms once again, “Let’s continue exploring this place then…”
Michael said to her after saying this to her…
He took out his flashlight to take a closer look at what was ahead of him while holding Sarah’s hand…
The path became wider and wider as they walked forward, and they soon found a very huge cavern with a very high ceiling after walking for a while…
Sarah said in awe after seeing this place.
The interior of the cavern was very bright as well when they heard what she said because the moonlight shone through some crevices above and entered it.
They could see some stalactites and stalagmites in there as well after looking around.
It wasn’t long before they found an even larger cavern after walking into it from there.
There was a stone platform in the center of the cavern, which was about three feet high from the ground, and it had an ancient Go board engraved on it as well…
Both Michael and Sarah were very surprised after seeing this, “Wasn’t there supposed to be only stalactites and stalagmites inside a cave?How come there is even a stone platform in the center of it right now?”
“It seems like there really are some ancient artifacts or structures hidden inside this cave…”
Michael said in shock after thinking about this for a while…
Sarah stood up and looked at it in detail after hearing what he said, and she also felt very surprised after seeing it as well, “This is really unbelievable…”
Both of them walked towards the stone platform at the same time after saying this, and they saw a faint light shining on top of it when they arrived there.
A beam of light was shining through some crevices above and illuminating the stone platform right now…
“I wonder if there is something hidden inside those crevices or not…”
Sarah said softly after seeing the beam of light.
Time's Key: Song Dynasty Chronicles
Michael nodded after hearing what she said, and he then got ready to take his flashlight out to take a closer look at it as well, but he suddenly found something more interesting than that while looking around…
The Go board was actually very big as well, and it could be considered as the biggest Go board that Michael had ever seen in his entire life right now.
There were nine lines in each direction on a standard Go board, and it would have 361 intersections if his calculations were correct!
However, the Go board in front of him right now had ten lines in each direction instead, which means that it actually had 381 intersections!
He was very curious about why the Go board in front of him right now had an extra line, so he quickly walked towards the stone platform to take a closer look at it after thinking about this for a while.
He then realized that all the pieces on top of it were bigger than usual as well after walking closer to it.
This means that the entire Go board was bigger than usual because all the pieces on top of it were bigger!
This is so interesting!”
Michael mumbled to himself after looking around, and his eyes suddenly widened because he found something very weird as well.
He realized that there was a word carved on the top-left side of the Go board right now.
This is so interesting!”
Michael said to her after seeing this, and he pointed at the word carved on top of the Go board as well, “It seems like there is a word carved on top of it right now.”
Sarah walked over to him and took a closer look at the word after hearing what he said, “It seems like this is a ‘Jie’ character…”
Both of them were very surprised after seeing this, so they quickly took their phones out to take some photos of it…
They then heard a ‘Dong Dong Dong’ sound coming from outside while they were taking photos of this word!
The two of them quickly picked up their phones and ran out after hearing this, but they found Mr.
Li looking down at them with a stern expression on his face as soon as they walked out of the cave!
“Mrs.Chen, how could you possibly bring your husband into the cave without telling me about this?”
I was worried that something would happen to you, so I went inside to look for you two!”
Li said in a stern tone after seeing this.
The two of them quickly apologized to him after hearing what he said, “We’re very sorry about what we did earlier, Mr.Li…”
This is all my fault…”
I didn’t listen to what you said earlier…”
Mr.Li felt much better after hearing what they said, so he took them back to their hotel after saying this…
“You actually know how to play Go as well?”
Sarah asked him softly after seeing how focused he was on playing with his phone again after they had dinner.
She quickly walked over to him while saying this because she was very interested in this game right now.
Go is known as Weiqi in China, and it has been around for more than 4000 years already.
It is actually very similar to chess if you take a look at it from its appearance, but it has a much richer history than chess!
Time's Key: Song Dynasty Chronicles