MidReal Story

Timeless Reawakening: A Journey to Yesterday


May 22
Scenario:Suddenly i'm back to my 18-year-old
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Suddenly i'm back to my 18-year-old
I woke up in my old bedroom.
The one I’d had when I was eighteen.
The one with the pink walls and the posters of boy bands.
I was in my old bed, under my old duvet, and I was wearing my old pyjamas.
I was also back in my old body.
The body I’d had when I was eighteen.
I sat up and looked down at myself, and sure enough, there they were: my small boobs, my flat stomach, and my smooth thighs.
My short blonde hair was still the same too, and as I reached up to touch it, I felt a rush of nostalgia so strong it made me dizzy.
What the hell was going on?
How had I ended up back here?
And why did I look like this?
I hadn’t been eighteen for over ten years.
I’d grown up since then; I’d changed.
My body had changed, and so had my hair, but now it was all different again.
It was like someone had hit the rewind button on my life and sent me back to the beginning.
But why?
And how?
It took me a minute to shake off the dizziness and start thinking clearly.
I looked around the room, hoping for some clue as to what was going on, but of course there was nothing there except for the same old junk I’d had back then.
There was my desk with my laptop on it, and there was the bookshelf with all my old books.
There were posters on the wall of boy bands I hadn’t thought about in years.
The whole place looked exactly as I remembered it, and it was so familiar that I even started to feel a little bit nostalgic.
Maybe that’s why I was back here.
Maybe I was supposed to be back here.
But then I remembered what had happened the night before, and the panic came rushing back.
I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and hit the home button, and when I saw the time staring back at me from the screen, I thought I might faint.
It was almost four o’clock in the afternoon, and when I saw the date I realised that it was two weeks since my twenty-ninth birthday.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.
I’d gone to bed in my own flat, in my own body, with my own life, but now everything was different.
And it wasn’t just me; it was everything else too.
The posters on the wall were different, my hair was different, and even my memories seemed different somehow.
I felt like I was being pulled in two different directions at once, and as my heart started to race in panic, I knew that if I didn’t get a grip on myself soon, then things were going to get a whole lot worse.
I took a deep breath and tried to think about what I knew for sure.
I had been twenty-nine years old when I went to bed last night, but now I seemed to have gone back ten years and ended up in my eighteen-year-old body instead.
I didn’t know how or why this had happened, but there was no point in panicking about it until I had all the facts.
But then what did I know?
Well, I knew that something had gone wrong last night.
I’d gone to bed after a party – my party – with Tom and Sarah in their flat, and something strange had happened.
I hadn’t known what at the time, but now it seemed like maybe this was it.
Something had pulled me back in time and put me back in my eighteen-year-old body.
It sounded ridiculous, even to me, but I couldn’t think of any other explanation.
But if something had gone wrong last night, then where were Tom and Sarah?
And if they weren’t here with me, then where were they?
What had happened to them?
"Timeless Reawakening: A Journey to Yesterday"
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the rising panic threatening to overwhelm me.
I had to calm down.
I needed to think.
I needed to be sure about what was going on before I could decide what to do next.
I needed to check if everything else was the same.
First and foremost, was this just a physical change, or was there more to it than that?
Throwing off the duvet, I examined my body, looking for any other changes, and this time, the sight of my small boobs made me smile.
I was definitely back in my eighteen-year-old body, and although part of me was horrified by that thought, another part of me couldn’t help but be excited.
I looked down at myself and wondered how different it would feel, being so young again, and as I ran my hands over the smooth skin of my thighs, I felt a strange thrill of excitement.
It wasn’t just that I was younger; it was that my whole life was younger.
Everything that had happened since then was still ahead of me.
Anything could happen now.
But then something caught my eye, and the smile fell from my face.
I looked down at the inside of my left thigh, and there was nothing there – no scar at all.
It was gone completely.
I felt a wave of nausea wash over me as I looked at my other leg and saw that the scar on the right one was gone too.
"Timeless Reawakening: A Journey to Yesterday"
This wasn’t just a physical transformation.
It was something more than that.
I bit down hard on my lip to keep from crying and forced myself to get out of bed.
My legs felt weak and unsteady beneath me as I stood up, and as I looked down at them, they seemed longer than usual too, but they held my weight well enough as I stumbled over to the full-length mirror by the wardrobe.
Taking another deep breath, I forced myself to look at my reflection and face up to reality.
The girl staring back at me looked like she was eighteen years old, with her short blonde hair and her clear blue eyes.
Her face was round and smooth, with features that had lost the sharpness of age, while her small boobs sat high on her chest, capped by small pink nipples.
She looked like a child, and yet she was me.
I reached out to touch the mirror, almost expecting my younger self to reach out to me as well, but of course, she didn’t.
This wasn’t a magic mirror, or a portal to a different world.
It was just a piece of glass.
And yet it was undeniably real.
I was undeniably real.
I was really here, in my eighteen-year-old body, looking at myself like this, but even now, it still didn’t feel real.
It felt like a dream, or a nightmare.
It felt like something that shouldn’t be happening, but something that definitely was.
I tried to remember last night, to think about what had happened then, but everything seemed to be a blur.
I remembered getting changed for bed in Tom and Sarah’s flat, but then everything else after that was all mixed up.
I thought they’d been there with me, but maybe they hadn’t.
"Timeless Reawakening: A Journey to Yesterday"
Sliding out of bed, hoping I wouldn’t see the scar on my knee that had long since gone away, I stood up and examined my body further in the full-length mirror mounted on the back of my bedroom door.
I looked okay, I guessed, for an eighteen-year-old, but I was definitely out of practice when it came to looking at myself like this.
It had been years since I’d seen myself naked, let alone eighteen-year-old me, and it was really weird if I was honest.
Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my racing heart so that I could think logically about everything, but it was difficult because there were so many questions spinning around inside my head, and I didn’t have all the answers yet – in fact, I didn’t have any of them.
The last thing that I remembered was getting ready for bed in Tom and Sarah’s flat, but there was no way that could have been last night, because they didn’t move in there until after my twenty-first birthday – after we’d finished university.
Moving slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements for fear of setting something off or flashing myself back into the future, I walked over to where I used to keep my phone on the desk by the window, hoping that it would still be there so that I could find out what was going on.
Luckily, it was still there, just like it should be, as were all the other things on my desk – my books, my music collection, my makeup bag.
Everything was exactly where it should have been, except for me, because I was in my eighteen-year-old body, but even more troubling than that, I was in my teenage bedroom, and I had absolutely no idea how or why I was here.
Picking up my phone, I switched it on and waited for it to come back to life, but when it did, I saw that it was a completely different model – an old retro one from the early 2000s, not the smartphone I had last seen in 2018.
It even had a screensaver and a much more simple interface than I was used to, and I felt like it was just adding to the strangeness of this situation somehow.
But I didn’t have time to worry about that right now; I needed to know if it was still working, if it was still connected to the outside world, and if Tom was still on the other end of the line, like he had been last night, before everything changed.
Turning the phone on, I took a deep breath and dialed the number that I knew by heart, even though I hadn’t called it for years – even though I hadn’t needed to call it for years – and then I waited as the phone rang on the other end of the line, pounding in my chest like a drum, hoping against hope that he would answer and that he would be there for me, just like he always had been before.
It rang some more, but he didn’t answer straight away; he must have been busy with something else at first or maybe he just didn’t recognize the number at all and was trying to decide whether or not to answer it at all.
But then something changed, and he picked up the phone and answered, and I heard his voice crackling through my own earpiece, filling me with relief as soon as I heard it.
"Timeless Reawakening: A Journey to Yesterday"