empathetic, and supportive. Lena helps facilitate the initial interactions between Aria and Jace by translating their languages. She becomes a confidante for both Aria and Jace as they navigate their complex relationship across different worlds.
passionate, and conflicted. Jace falls in love with Aria but struggles with the consequences of their relationship as she begins to age rapidly due to her exposure to time. Despite his deep feelings for her, he leaves Aria when she becomes old and frail, unable to cope with the pain of watching her decline.
where there is no concept of time or aging. She is curious, resilient, and introspective. Aria meets people from Earth and learns about time, emotions, and love. She falls deeply in love with a man named Jace but struggles with the concept of aging and eventually dying. Aria's journey is marked by her desire to understand human experiences and her heartbreak over Jace's departure.